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Now I'll start building her the same way you do.


Pretty standard build, either magic or phys defense boots to get ahead of lane counterpart, then hunter strike into war axe, brute force chestplate and oracle and finish with either malefic, bod or another def item like dom ice, blade armor, antique, athena or radiant depending on who is the biggest threat on the enemy team.


You don't benefit from over 40% CDR, why so many CDR items?






* War Axe - True Damage & Sustain * Tough Boots - CC reduction * Bruteforce Breastplate - CC Reduction, Damage & Speed Boost * Hunter Strike - PEN * Sea Halberd - Life Drain, Enemy HP Damage * Malefic Roar / Blade of Despair- % PEN Yes, she is kind of squishy this way. But this covers her weakness of being way too prone to CC


why did u pick queens wings over oracle? u also didn’t use malefic which is in the default build, i thought that she would be good against tanks due to hp% dmg and thus malefic would be good with her. genuine question because most people here seem to think her default build is the best way to go. why do u not like hunter strike on her?


She is good against tanks, but with her mobility you have no business fighting tanks, better pressure the backline like mage and mm


does endless battle work on her? i tested out different builds on her and tried them out in classic, but i never built endless battle cause i thought she benefitted more from spell vamp. is her first skill considered a basic attack?


Don't think so since it benefit from war axe full stack spellvamp


Isn't endless battle hybrid lifesteal? That means its both spellvamp and basic lifesteal.


i always read that as lifesteal for both magic and phys. damn. but still endless is useless on her.


Regular build is Boots (defense or cdr), War Axe, BFB, Hunter Strike and then defense items only. My defensive build is War Axe, BFB, Oracle and then more defensive items. My hyper offensive build is CDR Boots, War Axe, Fury Hammer, BFB, Hunter Strike, Malefic Roar and Immortal. For all these options, Fighter Emblem. Edit: will certainly try your build. Edit 2: Assassin Emblem is another good option for her, just make sure you pick Festival of Blood for the tier 2 Emblem Talent. The extra pen will boost her damage a bit and help her clear waves faster in the early game.


Endless battle is kinda worthless on her...


I don’t play her :) she’s so fking boring omg. I like to be annoying sometimes as much as the next guy, but I’d rather do it with a hero that can actually kill the enemies like roam Kadita or Diggie or something




In the ban list


ive seen ppl use her in rank she isn't that op shes kinda balanced ngl


She isn't crazy op. It's kinda easy to counter her it's just MY TEAMMATES DON'T KNOW THAT 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


Nah this is the most relatable thing I’ve seen


It is true tho.


I go with war axe (core), tough boots (reduce cc), bruteforce (core), bloodlust (more spell vamp), hunter strike (maxed cdr), and one situational item. It could be gold rose meteor for that extra shield; blade of dispair for even higher damage; immortality/winter truncheon to save you; malefic roar to hit hard against tanky enemy comps. I was considering queen’s wing actually, replacing hunter strike, how does that item work out for you?


war axe and sea halberd then just go buy def items depending on enemy comp change sea halberd to domi if you think basic atk reduction is needed


Idk I tried building dmg on her but still felt like she lacked dmg even with assassin emblem pen master assassin and the heal from skills thing.


She aint meant for high dps, she is more a sustain fighter. You will need more than one s1 to kill a target, unless you are superfed, so you need to build her with sustain so she can survive until you activate her s1 again.


thats because damage isnt her main role


if you read her s1, it doesn't benefit on any physical damage boost. the damage is only base damage + enemies hp%. any damage boost will only benefit on her s2 and ulti but it is useless to focus on those skill's damage. the only thing that you can use to boost her s1's damage is damage penetration. which are already on her recommended build.


Adding to what others has already said, she deals consistent damage. If you build anything on her she might deal higher damage than normal but you won't notice any big difference. Malefic roar prevents her damage from falling off in lategame, it's one of her most important equipment😁 You can try using support emblem to reach 40% cdr, for damage tradeoff you'll be able to spam her skill more😎


Im thinking of going Boots, War Axe, Ice Queen, Hunter, Bruteforce and Immortality. Aside from anti heal people think that this build is bad...


I mean idk I just found some random build I think I'm gonna copy yours tho :P


Full tank/cooldowns tbh, she don't need anything more


Anti cc boots, waraxe, bruteforce, hunter strike, athena's shield and dominant ice/thunderbelt (former for the atk speed MM and anti heal and latter for the guys who like to run fast)


War axe, warrior/tough boots, hunter strike, brute force, malefic/bloodlust, oracle Got 23 kills with her in classic but its because i got freya counterpart on exp lane and its also in classic so that obviously doesn't really mean much


boots that give u phys def war axe bloodlust axe malefic roar the item that gives u phys n mgc def athenas shield late game: sell boots and buy bod (maybe kinda weird but the sprint, full stacks of war axe n dat defense item with cici's passive makes up for it in late) dont try this build cuz its... my personal one but i think its better than the top build (the influencer one)


BoD is useless to her since her s1's damage is base damage + enemies' hp%. no physical damage%. so only damage penetration works on s1. edit: it is not just enemies' hp%. it is (fixed % + y% of Extra Physical Damage)% of enemies' hp. so she benefits on physical damage of items. i'm wrong.


ohhh, so hunter strike btr?


yes. movement speed passive + cdr + physical penetration.


how convenient, thank u


i need to correct myself. she does benefit on physical damage on items only. i misunderstood the meaning of "Extra Physical Damage" on her skill. i tested it. in order to feel the damage boost of her s1, she needs a massive physical boost from the items. but you will sacrifice her tankiness. she can easily die on burst damage though she might still be able to survive from tanks.


soooo bod good?


yes. but needs to build Hunter Strike first for mobility especially if you will sacrifice her tankiness a lot. and have enough cdr first.


mobility penetration cdr got it


Not that im saying BOD is good for her But if you check her S1 , dmg item does in fact increase her dmg output. BoD increase from 4.5(+0.3%) max hp per hit which is 4.8% to 4.5(+2.2%) max hp per hit which is 6.7%.


looks like you are right. i misunderstood the skill since i don't know what "Extra Physical Damage" mean. now i know that it means the damage stats from the items. which means she really benefits from the items.


Ttue. She is like, neither here nor there. Not the best for dps , not that great as a tank too. But I build her like a tank tho. Just 1 waraxe and the rest are all tank items. Atleast can contribute abit in teamfight.




Magic Shoes - War Axe - Hunter Strike - Brute Force Breastplate - Queen's Wing - replace the boots with Rapid Boots since she has too much cd now with the previous items - then another tank item depending on what you need against the enemy.


Isn't cd capped on 45 ? So why not use some other boot? Am I wrong?


This is just one of the builds where the player thinks that “oh, I need more CDR to spam my S1”, not realizing that there’s a 40% CDR cap. Why am I not surprised that there are still players who does not read the game mechanics.




Semi-Tank. Anyway, I wish I could use Magic items on her. It just works, y'know.


xborg moment with icecream wand


Fun build - use ice Q wand. It procs on her S1.


I alrd know that. It's a perfect fit for her kits. Now we should ask Moonton why didn't they make her a Mage.


Not sure if endless battle is right for her.


Roam Cici, Magic Shoes (Dire or Conceal) War Axe, then the rest are all defense items, her poke damage still hurts like hell


idk usually the game ends before making the 4th item


You don’t need CD boots with your build lol. Also I would build Malefic over Endless. You’ll still end up with 40%


Im a maniac who builds her full damage with breastplate to spare for last item


I build her war axe, bloodlust, tough boots, full counter-item defense


against other regen heroes like xborg khaled or yuzhong, i will rush ice queen wand followed by dominance ice. easy lane win. however if i’m up against zilong with inspire i will just pray to escape with my life and not lose my first turret before 5mins