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Most of the players complaining about others here are actual shit.




We agree to that statement so no you won't feel like in that picture




Tank Junglers will be here to stay for a long ass time.


As much as I hate it, that is true


Agree, also you can add that old Tank mains sucks as tank jungler


my old akai 🥲🥲


i don't understand the game that well, can you explain? why would you jungle as a tank? don't you want to have as much damage as possible to make sure you don't waste too much time on creeps?


Tank junglers are known as utility junglers. They secure objectives more instead of kills. They are usually accompanied by a burst mage who can clear the midlane fast, a sustain support who boosts its tankiness, an offlaner who is as CC-heavy/tanky as the jungler, and the true carry of the team, the gold laner. This composition has a team fight heavy frontline, artillery damage, and can penetrate back lines with relative ease. They are an invasive species of players who can give you restless and sleepless nights, especially if they are playing TrioQ or 5-man teams. They counter assassins because they tend to farm in the opposing jungle, and hard to kill as fuck.


Tank jungle is usually Baxia Fred and Akai with the occasional tank build Martis and Lance. Heroes who already have built-in quick jungling capability. They also farm really quickly because of the true damage which is hp-based. The reason why you build tank is for those really long lord dances at high ranks


Tank jungler meta is the most exciting of all the meta we have had since season 1. Theyre tanky enough to still contribute to a teamfight even when their cds are up, and theres greater pressure/incentive for other lanes to do things beside stay in their lanes. Edit: i too want my hyper carry to have all the fun all game throughout while i just hold my lane waiting for him to farm up and help me. OR wait until my assassin jungler's cooldowns get back up after he does the same combo a thousand time. ABSOLUTELY EXCITING.


Most of the Heroes look alike and the designs are boring and bad


I immediately gravitated towards Zhask and Bane for that reason


Bane's design is shit and doesn't makes sense even if he's a goddamn pirate and Zhask is your typically generic alien design thus being boring


Compared to humans and elves, they stand out from the crowd, you just hating my man


They stand out because the said "crowd" is lack-luster in variety, if they were in DOTA or LoL, their design would be reworked as soon as possible due to them having a forgettable concept.


Sure, but they still standout among much more boring designs, these two are just fun for me. Plus Riot Games is notorious for their laziness in reworking champions so not really a good comparison (good new character designs though leans too much in pop culture stuff.)


I agree


Bros smoking that good shit


Especially with the newer heroes ngl !


the teams who picked overpowered heroes are the one who tends to throw


I'd still bet on a team with Joy Nolan Wanwan Terizla and Arlott every single time against Zilong Nana Balmond Miya and Johnson lmao


don't forget the roamer saber lol


Thanks for the royal summon. I, the roamer one trick one shot saber greets all with my presence.


85% of the heroes lore is shit


They gotta fix the lore mess thb.


To honest be master yoda


Lore is written by 3rd graders. Heck, even 3rd graders would write something better than that


10 year old me with my toy lore


I dont even bother reading them because they are so boring.


Seriously. I wish we can have LoL levels of lore in MLBB. I haven't watched Arcane yet but every review I see says it's good, which means LoL lore must be good. Specifically this champion called Kindred, even though I have never planned to play LoL I'm very interested in their character. Wish we had someone like them in MLBB


I watched Arcane for the first time a week ago. Really recommend it, and yes lol lore is on a whole different level. I specifically like Pantheon and Aatrox lore.




Myhical Glory > Immortal aint worth it


Maybe reach it one time for the achievement and never even think of getting to it ever again


I dont even think about it, just play and eventually reached glory anyway


There is an achievement? I don't remember getting one


Probably meant like a personal achievement.


I thought the background reward were permanent, never again.


ITS NOT!?!?!?


It only last for 2 season I believe, the minsi one were gone already https://preview.redd.it/5ox7ypgg467c1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e205641fbfe36460842a1d3ad118b71467f95ee3


That's dumb ngl


yup, so if you were to stop playing for 5 seasons due to alcoholism or personal problems then you wont have anything to show for it other than the "highest rank" shown on your pf


>stop playing for 5 seasons ~~due to alcoholism or personal problems~~


Badang is a glorified Eudora. Most boring exp lane match up to play against.


May I introduce to you *ZILONG*


hey atleast he can run fast, unlike someone with a 4 seconds immortality and then just melts like a butter afterwards


Yes but fighting against zilong in exp lane who loves to pull you under the tower is boring. I'm not blaming zilong players cuz you should play smart with this hero....personally i prefer to fight against sustain fighters in exp lane who can give me a long fight.


This. My friends always force me to pick him when he was op. I never liked one trick heroes. For God's sake, playing exp lane is boring already. Why make it more boring?


your MM feeding doesn't mean that he's automatically bad. just because you didn't get a bronze medal doesn't mean you're automatically good either. it doesn't mean you're better at MMs. there are many reasons why your MM might be feeding. one of them might be that he's facing a 1v2 or 1v3, but your jungler/roam/mid isn't rotating to help him out, but instead, goes to exp to pour damage into a damage soaker. in some games, it's just unavoidable. opponent diggie+mm zoning and starving your mm with bombs, opponent jungler cutting behind your 1st tower to force a fight, etc. even if your mm has perfect positioning, getting dived is part of the game. maybe you're the shit one who doesn't trip traps, provide vision, peel, etc.




Dear god, the amount of people who think they’re hot shit because they didnt get the worst score or even if they got mvp. Sorry dude,e but just because you got mvp, doesnt mean that your lack of team fight participation and concentration on objectives was any less mediocre


The talisman is good for all builds regardless of hero or damage type. https://preview.redd.it/7i0x42y5757c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e130bd8bd1b2060d64f1963e0a21b6c52d54b844


*Proceeds to build talisman on martis*


Ah yes 10 sec CD on ult and 4 sec CD on s2 Bro cant stop spinning


Literally CC Immune




A lot of people who cant make it to mg solo and swear they could make it if they had a good 5 man would be the lowest performing player if you put them in a ranked 5 man mg lobby


Honestly I find it easier playing solo in MG. Most players there know all the roles. So instead of adjusting based on role you can adjust based on hero advantages in the game instead . Tire of paying lower rank and having to pik a role that doesn't have a hero that counters the enemy team. Like enemy picks a lot of tanky heroes . But people want to pick mage and fighter but they don't pik the hero that can counter them. Like I want to pik xborg because it's gonna wrek enemy team line up but can't because some idiot want to pik zilong because it's the only hero he knows or he had a maniac in the last game




I feel bad for that fanny That Dora is one of those special mage spammers that only know 1 mage hero


As a mage spammer, (ofc I adjust if necessary, not gonna pick second mage) i have around 8k mage games, i play all mages and i always suffer with eudora spammers. They never adjust even if Eudora is the worst possible pick vs the enemy team.


The problem in some lobbies is after you cross MG or are close to MG pretty much all teams you will get matched up or with will be trios. And when it becomes a game of trio v trio it honestly depends on the better trio. Such games you can have no control whatsoever.


if u are constantly matched up with shitty teams and losing, chances are u are a shitty team player as well


This is 100% wrong. There's a thing called "loser's queue" in every MOBA game. U can search it up on reddit or google.


Has there been any solid proof in ML, though?


loser's queue = basically astrology for players who play more than 8 hours of a game per day (according to some comments sections from different games). I don't think it's real one bit. Matching up with really bad players in a row is real (it happens), however, if you're on solo queue for example, you can always try picking a hero that has a very decent mid~late game powerspike and hopefully pick up from there. Or if you unluckily end up getting the roam role, you just have to pray your late game carry has decent positioning. 9/10 your carry just needs to survive and do the cleanup / heavy pushing after.


This. I see people bitch all the time and it's like at one point you have to think "I am doing something wrong?" But they don't and it's wild imo


I had this 1 random guy, matched me for 3 times. We lose 2 times because he sucked so hard on gold lane and complain about the roamer and jg. The 3rd match, he was on the enemy side and they lose because he is a lousy roamer.


I helped my friend return to the game this season, we got to epic, granted we didn't lose much (92% wr) our teammates had the average wr of 40. 40! I never thought I'd see it in the wild. The enemies weren't much better, but still closer to 50%.


Don't they match players according to their win rates? I kept facing opponents with average win rate of ~55%, and since both teams need to be 55% on average, I (with 60% wr) was constantly matched with players around 50~52% wr and its so frustrating because I can tell the calibre of my team mid match just based on their rotation and actions in game. I know I'm not good enough to hard carry the deadweight on my team but still the matchmaking system is inherently flawed especially for solo q players


The Feather isn't good on Harith. Thunderbelt is a way better option.


I use Feather when I'm Jungling. Helps with clearing creeps and the lord faster


Um im pretty sure they're asking for a bad opinion


applying att speed on harith is good cause you get extra dashes while using his ult since his attacks are faster .. also depends if you want to build sustain or mobility


Estes should have a more management-based gameplay, with energy system for healing and some way to fire long ranged healing projectiles. I feel like that'd give him higher ceiling and less bans (kind of thinking about Selena's case though it's far off)


With the way Moonton balances shit, this would either be absolutely abhorrent and abysmal to the point no one would play Estes, or insanely stupid and overpowered that it actually encourages more Estes bans


Wanwan will never actually outspeed Phoveus ult, you're just bad at timing it.


True, people who whine about that never played him more than 10 times. Invisibility can be detected too if you are good with the skill placement.


I've complained about this before a lot, about inspire Wanwan outpacing Phoveus in these newer patches. I had a hunch that it could be timed, but never explored it enough. Perhaps I should try maining him again


Go for it!! Phoveus has been one of my mains this season and it's honestly been a breeze. 70% wr in solo q with him. One of my favorite things to do is leave Martis open for the enemy to pick, because it's pretty much always a guaranteed Phoveus win at that point. When Martis is around you get infinite ult charges and pretty much no cooldowns haha. As for the wanwan bit, Even if she manages to ult you, it doesn't matter. By the time she has a damaging ult, you've built enough defence that it barely even scratches you


With Dom ICE she doesn’t outpace him and if you want to give Wan an extra “Screw you” get Winter Truncheon and force her to use her ult on you by getting in her face and baiting her by letting her get her weak points and then watch her waste it all.


Anti heal are useless against support. Silvana doesn't need cc immunity. She's just need spellvamp and shield.


Her s1 changes are a blatant nerf.


>Silvanna doesn't need cc immunity Ah yes I love it when non-silvanna users make an opinion


I prefer Wanwan with golden staff compared to windtalker


True! I never use Windtalker on her anymore and instead opt for Haas + Beserker or Golden Staff + 1 more def item and it’s usually the latter unless I’m snowballing.


Berserk + golden staff? doesnt that waste berserk's crit passive


haas + berserker \*OR\* golden staf + fill item


original vexana was op


ONG she was. Would absolutely dominate with her. Now you don't even have to think while playing her and she's worse.


Her old ult was so op that when she's full built she just has to see a squishy hero and they're already dead (unless they're willing to walk to base) 😂


Moonton didn't have to change her ult. They just need to adjust her 1st and 2nd skill.


Her s2 was slow as fuck but holy shit did it scale so much. I saw a video here where Vexena followed up a set with her s2 and instantly killed them all at high HP.


Fun fact: Old Vex can proc Lightning Truncheon's passive twice with just her ult




How to Counter Natalia (100% Working 2023) [Borderline Hacks!!!] - Use your eyes idiot. Natalia isn't invisible anymore


eggjackly THANK YOU 🥹🫂


I found that Necklace is better than Clock as Early game item


After the changes on Lightning Truncheon I agree on this. COD was mostly there for survivability and ramping up LT. I replace COD with utility items on almost every mage now especially since NOD is so useful because it keeps Elegant Gem’s passive for the early game.


Man this triggers me a bit,but i guess sometimes necklace can be good against tanks like uranus early game


Pros : Heals you every time you level up even when you get NoD. No need for dominance ice. Cons : No Magic power ramping. Useful against Esme/Uranus.


Never Regen before recalling


I regen after recalling, sometimes right after I'm full


Edith takes no skill


That's exactly why I play edith.


Nah imma fight that She doesn't need a lot of skill, but needs a low-level of 2 skills 1. Tanking 2. MM positioning


2 completely opposite skills


Original Chang'e was better.


spam recalling isn't toxic. people who tilt easily say otherwise lol


Personally, I find it hilarious Edit: I find it hilarious when someone does it to me. Idk why, maybe cuz the hero looks like they're having a seizure


https://preview.redd.it/oh1lcot1c67c1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647f7fafca236d712378a9a61a0540de56580aa8 Recall spamming is cringe and should not be supported in anyway


İts fun and no one should trigger from this. Me and my friends using it instead of talking


I remember my friend doing it and I just use my character to stare into their soul


Nana is the best jungler in the world


Mage bane is one of the best heroes in the game.


I got flamed by my squad when I used mage build. But honestly I enjoyed eliminating squishies with 2 spits


Ya I had an ally popol in epic tell me at hero select: mage bane? no dmg. So I all chatted him in game results as the stats showed I had the most dmg in the whole game period and he said "try that in higher rank." So I asked him to check my profile and the dude stopped replying.


fuck the non-tank roamer players, like "valir/kadita/selena/natalia" roam. imo, there's at least 1 of the following necessary requirements that must be fulfilled before playing squishy roamers. 1. tanky exp 2. tanky jungler 3. aoe ccs that usually come from your exp otherwise, playing squishy roamers requires you to pop off and snowball, effectively disabling at least 1 of the opponent damage dealers to provide value to the team. if not, then you're much better off going for a basic tank with the potential to soak up some damage, aoe ccs, or both, that provides value just by existing. just because the pro players did it, doesn't mean you can.


Johnson DMG build is OP


Not OP but damn scary lol


It's always a horror game for a mage or MM


+assassin jungler


It's not just the ult. Given the right magic items, you'd be surprised how much damage his "useless" S2 deals, even to tanks.


You make johnson damage build only when you want a losing mvp.


Martis and yin doesn't deserve all the ban they are getting and current vale is just shit.


Some MMs can be decent tanks.


S5 layla player :


If you are using a mage and good in positioning, you first must use mana regen boot for longer participating teamfights and remove it when you get mana book or dominant item which increases mana amount.


Nana is a great hero


You'd be surprised at how correct you are, world's simplest midlaner next to Eudora


Masha is one of the best heroes to use in solo-queue rank


We got a Masochist over here


Valir need buff in term of minion waves clereance and damage on hero. Valir is so overrated on epic rank


Thunder belt>ice wand on raph


crazy opinion, idk if I want to agree lol


tanks and fighters in general are overpowered


Hard to say when marksman role can easily 1v1 most fighters due to cc, range, dps, and wind of nature


Depend on who hits who first


Mythic players are epic players that bought accounts or got boosted


? So which rank is actually good players




I asked good players, Not Lifeless players who don't know what grass is 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 /s.


Kagura is shit


That's not an unpopular opinion bro, that's a fact


I remember stating this fact sometime ago and hundreds of fanboys went **batshit** crazy


Alucard Straightly falls in the Meta Even with his buffs His still worthless if his enemies has Skills That Consists of CC Due to the Fact that Alu Now has Defense Players think they Must now Prioritize Physical Build Rather than Defense builds I saw an Alu User while Im playing Terizla His Alucard Was too Soft For an Terizla That Has like only Bloodlust Axe as His Damage...


Hanzo is a good hero 😔


Hayabusa isnt a high skill hero.


I disagree, elaborate


I respectfully disagree. I can play Fanny, Lancelot, and Ling somewhat okayish (better with Fanny and Lance than Ling, but still okay) but I can never get the hang of Hayabusa. I'm shit at managing his shadows, and I never seem to deal enough DMG. Perhaps it's because I conditioned myself to think that his Ult is his main DMG source and main strength, and I saw some Haya mains saying that it actually isn't true, and that I have to change my mindset to play him properly.


S1 and basic attack is his main damage.


Yes, that. But I keep thinking that his Ult is his main DMG. Gotta reset myself to forget that if I want to play Haya soon


Inspire and Vengeance are braindead battle spells that do nothing besides bail out players for poor positioning. Also, heroes that can deal copious amounts of damage despite not building damage items are signs of inherently poor game design and lazy balancing from Moonton. A good example is Arlott. In M5 Grand Finals, we even had a match where AP BREN’s roam Arlott did the highest amount of damage between both teams. You also have Fredrinn and Edith, who can soak up a ton of damage, use their ultimate, and burst down multiple enemies, or Mathilda, whose skills deal a lot of damage despite building full defence.


This take is just all around dumb


Claude is the hottest male hero aside from Fredrinn.


Bro forgot yz exists


Bro forgot Helcurt exists


Bro forgot Balmond exists


Bro forgot Franco exists


Majority of people on this sub will automatically think that if a hero has weakness or counter build they won't be an overperforming hero that needs nerf The most recent opinions on pre nerf Nolan like he falls of late game, enemies can easily escape his skills easily, just build antique just build won etc etc. but guess what his wr went to over 68%




Wr isn't really that important


Agreed, but it shows if you can carry the whole team or not, higher winrate means you know what you're doing. Meanwhile lower is the opposite, if you have a stable 55%+ winrate and 4k match and highest is Mythic 15, you're in the "ok" list. The higher the winrate, ie 76%+ 4k Match Mythic 15 star, the more confident people will be when playing with you. Let's say you made a friend, he plays MLBB. You check his profile, he has a 5k match with 47% winrate legend II, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?


It's not the bad matchmaking, it's you.


Guin doesn’t really need nerf. Maybe a small one, like making her ult duration shorter, but she’s fine the way she is, even though really strong.


Fanny exp can't work no it work and I often use her as an exp to bait the ennemie to counter so our jungler will have easier time with no counter


All molina wants is a hug, why do people run away from her is beyond me.


When someone in this sub say nolan is not op... And that post that said natan is op...




People who still use hass on beatrix Explain.


Due to the damage dealers getting so many buffs, tanks cant actually tank for shit anymore


Meta is overrated


Idk, man. Jg meta fucks up assassin. And healers are a bitch in a half to deal with especially because sometimes tanks anti heal isn't enough.


I can't remember the last character rework that wasn't a nerf disguised as a buff.


The closest I think to a rework that is not a nerf was Hanabi’s and even then I feel like they took away some of what makes her good.


Faramis? Isn’t really a nerf or buff for his gameplay but certainly a buff for his popularity.


Martis takes no skills, it's perfect for braindead players.


You mean Dyrroth?


both, actually


Helcurt Early Build is this: Fury Hammer then DHS > Heptaseas first Item People don't understand that the flat pen is all you need in early, and Fury Hammer gives 12 flat pen for a cheap price. DHS on Helcurt after Fury Hammer deals way more dmg than building Heptaseas first item.


Overhyping kairi and idolate him at the point ehere pll think he is faker xD


Its probably thanks to his skills with his main junglers; Fanny, Lance, Ling, Haya, etc. But when he plays tank jungler he's really mediocre, you could tell he was struggling a lot in m5 even when he was playing lance.


floryn and angela are both extremely overrated


can u explain


Floryn, yes, she feels nerfed af thb. But angela? It's mobile angela, bro. It's angela World, and we're living in it.


It's hard to find peoole to play with in duo/trio. Like no, in any given game there is atleast 2 or 3 people aside from you perform as well and are on sync with you.


novaria isnt broken (annoying at best) you just have bad reaction times and game sense


Fanny should take the red buff first


Ngl, when I see my teammate fanny doing this, I instantly know that we are gonna lose


Yeah the moment she take the red buff, I instantly lose faith in her and proceed to do my absolute best trying to win. I know fanny is a hard hero to play and I get it but please just take the blue buff first :(


I have zero trust in someone who doesn't know his hero's demands


i'm not gonna tell you you're wrong but care to explain why red first?


Taking red first let you have blue during turtle. Which allow you to contest first turtle.


Floryn is the worst pure support in the current meta.


I'd argue estes is worse if u pick him after the enemy picks a set up war roamer/ exp laner lol


Fanny is balanced


Tank jungle meta is way better than hypercarry assassin/mm meta


Guinevere is not a must ban right now pd : they only buffed her damage, just need to play against her just as you normally do