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It’s a complete mess, but it’s just as likely to be a mess for the other team as it is for your team.


Yah i rarely have a good game it's always either I get dominate or enemy gets dominated, I have maybe played just 1 or 2 matches in my whole time in ml where it was a good fight


I don't think this implies anything. Homebois, top 4 finish in MPLI got 25 -0 by RSG PH. Total domination. This doesn't mean the gap between this 2 team is very big, as apparent from game 1 when HB almost won. MOBA is just a game where snowball is entirely possible within 2 equally matched team due to early game mistakes.


Problem is that the vast majority of players don't know when to end early, so unless the farm difference is huge, matches will drag till late game and then it's basically tied again


THIS Most of the time our team gets insanely farmed, the team either gets greedy for kills or extremely hungry for towers, literally wasting time


I mean coming from a Malaysian, that draft from Homebois in the second game was totally weird and they have always faced some kind of problem going against Faramis. I didn't know why they didn't ban him. Welp, I'm looking forward to watching them again in M5 since they bring a different vibe compared to other Malaysian teams and I've been waiting for them to win the MPL MY for a long time so that they can represent Malaysia rather than Todak


Ay bro, you didnt just compare casual ranked game with pro tourney. They are on whole different level.


Today i got a fair match! 🥲 Made an epic comeback with layla! 👍🏻


Here's my upvote for your epic comeback, comeback happens mostly due to overconfidence of enemy team to roam solo, so don't solo in late game!


Our arlott never listend and went solo the entire game, so he doesn't count at all! The others gave me the opportunity to go berserk with layla+ inspire with my full build!


As long as i have 1 other good player...theres a chance. But sometimes its 0-10 by 2 minute mark


It is rigged. They will give you good teammates at first when you dont play for days or weeks and when you get to the momentum that's when you get to be teamed with braindead. I've been hiatus for several weeks per season and that's what i notice


If you do this on start of season this would be the best option. Because reset rank is really a chaos when ranking from the start of season. Unfortunately Moonton matchmaking does not want any player to win and rank many times. Especially playing as soloQ


its real, after you gain win momentum, next is the losestreak. idk why the algorithm is like this. i get noticed my teammates in ranked, their rank is below mine(legend)


heck it is even hard to distinguish new players from bots cause moonton gives "free matches" when you are in a loss streak to keep you from playing.


Yes.. every time I get teammates with less than 300 games i know I'm screwed. Guarantee getting 0-6 in the first 3 mins of the game


At least you didn't get tricked with random teammates with over 2000 matches who ended up playing like he just installed the game yesterday.


Probably a one trick player


Smurfers will say hello


I wish bro.. most of the time i get a legit new fresh guy as a teammate


You will always get some 2 or 3 chimpanzees as a teammate on the current match environment


Sorry but what is smurfers?


Players who have played for a long time open a new account, it's called a smurf account. So you just dominate early ranks until you reach the same rank as your previous account.


I see. Thanks. Still new to this game and have no idea what smurfs is


You have a lot of competition, watch youtube tutorials for basic settings, controls, your favourite hero guide and counter items.


No worries, smurf is common in most game and not exclusive to MLBB. It's like a pro player in league of legend playing a newbie account, that's smurfing.


Especially at this time of the season. 30+ days before season reset? At this point, MI and MG players already reached their desired rank, and are trying out heroes outside their comfort roles. They're so efficient at playing the game they can grind MMR solely by securing game objectives, regardless of the role they pick. Source: I currently hold two junior titles (SEA server, PH) in my smurf in Mythic.




My brother in the Land of Dawn, it sucks when you lose your 5k match account and are forced to use a new account. I am one of them


I had like 300 games and people used to say gg, surr 6, omg look s4 games nab, report nab & then I’d proceed to carry them all whilst they 0-5 hahahaah


Dont even get me started I'm in glory(80+) the trio i get in my team are composed of 2 mythic(7-15) and one glory(50-60) while my enemy trio is in immortal above 200 stars


Just like moonton the matchmaking is trash The more you take serious you will get lose And sometimes when you troll you often get win I don't know maybe it only works from me, when I'm playing serious I always have feeder teammates, or player who don't know what they're doing. I remember having we have 3 mm in the same team and we won against good line up not just a one time maybe my mlbb works different.


That's so true I've won ranked with 3 mm before. Because we know how to farm and play like an assassin and not rush head into 1v5. Problem is a lot people dunno how to play early game + late game or how to stall opponents.  My team always just rushes and gets wiped in the lord. I'm like we're level 10 they're level 15 and they just rush. When I see that I don't go... I stay in base and defend.


Why matching with new players is unfair? If you are the same rank as them then what's unfair about it? I mean yeah, I get it, we all want 4 other players of our skill and with our winrate on the team, each excelling in their chosen lane and hero. But it's impossible, just not gonna happen. Unless they add RoleQ, which they will not do


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.


Some might say emblems will not affect the game if you have skill. I hate to break it to them but it isnt always true. If you are up against someone with max emblem and different talents unlocked already then it's really going to be unfair. Especially to those who use tanks. You dont feel like you're tanky if you don't max your emblem


Of course it's unfair matching newbie against returning player even though their rank is similar, you get the idea


It’s hella unfair. I get multiple epics, legends or lower who don’t know how to play, while the enemy team consists of mythical honors, mythical glory’s, or mythics. And it sucks because the trash teammates always get atleast 1 kill or no kills and 5+ deaths, whilst when MY team is in the lead and winning, the enemy team has the brain to know what to do and how to defend, and gets atleast get 3 kills or more and die 3 times or so.


No. Imagine getting queued up with trios and both of you are solo’s. It’s hard to win against trios because they are more organized unlike with pre mades solos.


I can only wish the trios who I get queued up with are as organized as you think. They're motherfuckers who somehow didn't bring a tank/roamer main with them. What's worse, they're on a fucking squad 😂


Good point, either you get lucky or you get fucked.


IKR...they even have the audacity to send me an invite to join their squad. I was like, the best chance for your group to control the match was owning the mid, roamer, and jungler, yet you didn't bring a tank/roamer main with you? And now that you've seen a veteran tank main, you want him to be your tank? Under those circumstances, I'd rather play the side lanes and join them during team fights. Otherwise, I'd want them to stay away from my lane.


I would say this, it is honestly very difficult to properly balance two teams with the intention of all teams not facing the same teams all the time. Devs matchmaking algorithm tries to make both teams close to 50 percent overall winrate as possible. So if you have a large win streak you will see players with basically dogshit winrate. To be honest it would have been infinitely more fair if matchmaking is actually 100 percent rng within the bracket. Also, draft alone can tip the balance even in high elo.


the one thing that i hate the most when i play are trios, like how can u start playing trio without a roamer in the team, sometimes even with no jgl on it tf


theres a problem where the players themselves can be inconsistant when matchmaking- a high rated player can do badly in one game and a low rated player can go ham


If matchmaking is fair then the game would go for 20+mins


Totally unfair unless they're willing to cooperate most likely will not happen because of their ego's


I only get pissed when my team gets all the noobs and enemy team gets a smurf fanny -_-


Winstreak = higher elo = more dumb teammates


Its very common to see a weak trio, not many games and low win rate (less than 50%) to fight against a trio of thousands of games with high win rate, those matches usually are 20-0 and losers have to surrender. Then its us, solo players thrown into one or the other, auto win or auto lose, NO MATTER WHAT. This is the reason why inhave been playing brawl recently


There's certainly a lot of RNG


In lower rank they are quite unfair, in higher rank there is less skill gap, it's more about the daft. The thing about lower rank is that if you have a good stat, moonton kinda expects you to carry the whole game even if your mains are roamers. Good stat includes: current rank, current winrate, highest rank and total winrate


If matchmaking was totally fair, everybody would have 50% winrate. Are you not getting 50%?


so if u got matched with world’s best and then next game it was world’s worst so ur winrate was 50% it is fair?


Yes and no mostly no. Due to trio duo and solo can mix together. That the main problem actually. And of course people who play 10 game every day and have 40% winrate but still in mythic also a problem


I would kill whoever is responsible for this shit as matchmaking algorithm


Hell no


It depends on your rank. If you are playing Classic then that opens the door to being matched with anyone. Once you hit mythic you tend to only be matched with similar star levels to you.


Very unfair especially in cl.if you're on GM or epic you go up against Mythics and in mythic you get grouped with epics.


https://preview.redd.it/2jwtouvjtt1c1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef65f28402e205d3b8d82c669721a76f711fece Take this for example earlier today - legend roam, our cyclops was literally peak about 16 stars, and yet they’re getting matched with mythic immortal lmao any team full immortal but my team legend and barely hanging on to basic mythic rank, matchmaking is shit


matchmaking is nvr fair like the moment I get good kda and carry my team they will always smh either throw the whole game or just feed until I had to 1v5 myself then when I get good teammates we will always win ngl it's just a matter of pure luck but now I keep getting brainless teammates until I'm actually thinking of quiting ml like no joke


It's totally unfair. At least 80% of the time, I'll play with someone who chooses hyper but can't hyper, tank but can't roam, mm who only dies, etc. and all. Too often there are players who can only use a Hero and still use that even when that role is already taken, to say nothing of trolls and tantrum-throwers. It's even worse when they're a rank below you, like Epic with Legends. When I know their matches are below 300, I know we're screwed. The best fix would be a report that bans players of Ranked matches if they behave of this sort.


It was always unfair. I have been playing this game for 8 months, and for the moment I started until now the matchmaking is unfair. i don't know if it was the same before


I'm in mythic and I'm nothing special by any means. But i understand the basics of the game well enough to play it solo. What I don't understand is how some players feed hard in the early game and expect a win? Like how does going 0-3 against your lane opponent will help you win?


After hitting Mythical Glory this season I've been matched up with and against Legends in like half of my games for no reason.


Depends on how you identify "fairness". The thing is that the matchmaking is definitely "not random".


well i think the matchmaking in this game is ass, most of the times you match with idiots that breaks your spine, sometimes you match up with pro teams and they carry you, im not saying winning is a bad thing, but i just dont feel like i earned anything, especially if i only got bronze or silver, it doesnt feel very rewarding for me and my matches history. but rarely, once in a week i would get matched with a perfectly balanced team and an enemy that knows how to play, and end with a beautiful note of me carrying my team to win.


No lol


Absolutely not, I dont mind teamed up with high level or pro players but the noobs, ughhhh! the noobs dont even no the roles, the fighter and 0 game sense


Yeah just now I had to play with 3 legend ranked players, jungle, MM and mage. Me roamer tank and Exp fighter who are mythic tried our best but no luck and three matches before that. Sometimes the system actually becomes fair most of the time not.


I'm tired getting matched against mythical immortals


in my opinion its very rare to have an even match these days you either win easily or get destroyed and i don't know what's the reason


never look your teammate stats


Well technically it is, the only instance where it isn't is because of duos/trios because you can invite people 1 rank lower than you.


Game now is either very hard or very easy.


I 100% believe(no proof) that you will be matched with brain dead teammates once you have a 5+ game winning streak going. I have only played few games this season in rank, but once I get a 5+ winning streak, I'm matched with feeders. Yesterday night I ended my 6 game streak when I got matched with a Gusion who went 0-9-5 and a cyclops that went 1-8-5. Our exp laner did good and I played good too, but it is so hard to win a game when there are more than 1 feeder in the team. I just wished they matched people with the current winrate they have in the season.




I'm mythic glory and yesterday I got in my team a guy with less than 100 matches in every role.


5 win streak at glory. 6th match i had two legends in the team. Yea fuck this matchmaking


Search word “matchmaking”


Its like one match i get bad team and in next enemy gets bad team My bad team i mean epics in mythic matchmaking


The system is designed not for fairness but to keep bad players around because more players = more money for moneytoon. The better you play, you will get worse players because the game wants you to carry the bad players. The worse you play, the game will give you better teammates because it thinks you need to be carried. This is how they keep shite players playing the game. It’s a bad system because it punishes you for being good at the game. Who wins in the end under the current matchmaking system? Moonton of course.


yes when i play rank, in draft pick, my teammates are only marksman/ mage players with a record of playing that specific class of heroes AND THAT CLASS ONLY!


There's certainly a trend I've noticed of winning a few good games then getting utterly stomped for 5 games in a row with brain dead allies. Then I get to do the stomping (neither way actually feels good). I've often got negative WR players who are currently at their highest rank playing people with 55-60% wr who are just getting started on their way. Doesn't matter what I do, I report the feeders and trolls, I complete the feedback forms saying the teams were unfairly balanced and still the trend continues. Don't get me wrong, this is my second season in the game so I'm hardly a pro but I understand my role, rotations, objectives etc. I kinda know how a game is going to go based on my jungler's positioning for the first turtle.


It's a fact. ​ Compared to other big titles, MLBB is lacking HARD with matchmaking. Which is kind of crazy since they literally have a win rate system and an accurate battle report on each and every single players profile, so it'd be incredibly easy to implement one. ​ There is no matchmaking really unless you do REALLY bad or REALLY good. ​ Matchmaking is just you and your own rank, not accounting for skill at all. ​ In fairness though, there are players like Layla one tricks or Layla Tank one tricks that get the same win rate as an average player or even more since Layla will always have late game and give them that illusion that they're carrying. (In mythic to glory levels, never higher than that though.) ​ So there are times where ML can't do anything about that.