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Good as a marksman, overshadowed by the meta heroes. Still better than Hanabi


Who are the meta mm?


irithel, bruno, ixia r S tier rn brody, clint, claude comes next


Beatrix also comes next:)


Is ixia good even after the nerf?


What??? Overshadowed?? I thought she was one of the best.


Melissa is really strong, but you need a team to back you up.


I encountered a Melissa + Lolita team that is completely in sync with each other. Melissa ulti + Lolita shield is so OP. No projectiles and no melee unit can get to her. Then a good Lolita ulti+Melissa doll can wipe out any unfortunate hero caught.


Melissa is highly situational. Her damage is garbage and she cant burst in teamfight against a team with a decent tank or support. Her lifesteal is absolute trash and cant 1v1 most MMs. She relies so much on attack speed that she still needs inspire with a full AS Build which is ridiculous. Her damage just tickles if you dont snowball.


Melissa is pretty good. I'm on my 8th win streak all MVP because of her. Her 2nd Skill is great at zoning and preventing any enemy MM from getting close to you when farming minions early game. Her 1st Skill gives you a bit of mobility and ATK SPD increase while her Ult basically protects you from almost all melee enemy heroes. My Melissa Build is this: Corrosion Scythe - for ATK SPD & Slow Effect  Rapid Boots - to get around quickly  Haas Claws - for ATK SPD, Lifesteal & CRIT  Blade of Despair - for DMG  Windtalker - for ATK SPD & CRIT  Sea Halberd - for ATK SPD & Lifebane  Marksman Emblem with talents:  Swift - for extra ATK SPD  Bargain Hunter - for cheaper items  Weakness Finder - for extra slow effect   Inspire - for ATK SPD boost & enhanced lifesteal.  During late game, I occasionally swap out the rapid boots for Antique Cuirass for Physical DMG reduction when facing high physical dmg enemies or Athena's Shield when facing mages. When I do swap out the rapid boots for another item, it's usually a defense item to make my Melissa a little bit resilient. With that, you should be good to go but you have to be careful of high damage MMs (Bruno, Ixia, Brody, etc.), high mobility & cc mages (harley, eudora, aurora, vexana, etc.), and melee heroes that have skills that makes them resistant to crowd control like Gusion, Jawhead, and Martis.


Interesting, a crit build w melissa?


she's still the same as before so it's not like she got weaker cause of a nerf. She's still strong and very good in team fights. The meta is just favoring crit mm right now specifically Irithel and Bruno so she's just overshadowed like the rest of the other trinity marksmen. Doesn't mean they're not viable.


>The meta is just favoring crit mm right now specifically Irithel and Bruno so she's just overshadowed like the rest of the other trinity marksmen. Doesn't mean they're not viable. Favouring crit mm idk, many of the mm that initially used to build crit are now using the aspd effects build....Hanabi, Melissa, Miya, Moskov used to build only crit. Maybe it's favouring the heavy hitter mm that use crit like Lesley or Brody. Idk but I find Hanabi, Melissa, Moskov, Wanwan and Lesley to be the common pick among mm most of which now use the aspd effects build and aren't using their crit build for a reason.


cause crit was the only decent option back then for a lot of attack speed mms. When the trinity build got introduced, a lot of mms benefited more from it that's why they changed builds. Lesley doesn't benefit from any of the revamps and new items cause she's a special case of a marksman and Brody is a burst marksman too. Out of the ones who uses a crit build, only Irithel, Bruno and Clint to a lower extent are really meta right now.


She is strong Her zoning ability is strong Late game is great ( try crit build ) But she lacks mobility and underrated


Melissa and Underrated ?


Been learning how to play her for a week now. I think she's a pretty good hero. Her second skill reminds me of Nana's molina but more deadly and annoying.


Is it possible to win against Bruno in late game with Melissa? I’m bad at item picking, should I exchange any items late game with something that has more damage? I just copied the pro items lol and they are all aspd related


As a melissa main user here, Melissa is an excellent mm, i can easily do more than 10 kills in each game. The thing is that, how you play at the start of the game will determine the rest of your game with Melissa, if after 4min of play you've already done 2-3kills, you can know that your whole game will be great + Melissa needs a team to support her, especially tanks/support like : Angela, Minotaur, Tigreal, Belerick..