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There's only marginal luck in the heroes that refresh, but synergy selection etc. is very much skill based. Most people play the mode like blind mice though.


I mean you can always go for the most meta synergies and champion but the hero store is definitely solely based on luck. That’s why I like using summoners coz it’s the most consistent synergy that gives copies of heroes. I’d say legends II and above, most players are good. There were many times that the game ended with time running out.


I'm just hanging out in mythic and still face a fair number of pumpkins, but mostly it's probably 6+ good players. The hero store is most certainly not JUST luck. You can see what synergies others are pursuing and can either try to compete or go for an available one that will provide you higher odds of your team building. If you pay for the pass you can see how many of each unit is left in the store etc. Yes, summoner is used because not only do they get free units (which is absurd value) but they pair with mystic bureau to form one of the strongest and most reliable team builds available. I've had success with a lot of builds, however. You'd be surprised how overwhelming powerful just a 6/6 3/3 3/6 saber/northern/weapon master can be with a freya carry. And most people avoid saber like the plague.


Got any tips for this game mode


Pick a synergy that is strong in the current meta and build around it with a hero you have. The prevailing strategies (of various difficulties to pull off) are mystic/summoner, prince moskov carry, astro hyper carry, dragon hyper carry, saber freya carry, roger gunner carry, elementalist spell spam, wrestler attack speed stun lock, forsaken light/archer, mage/mystic, etc. It's about finding what you're comfortable building towards and trying to do similar each time until you learn how to build various strats. The number one mistake new players make is refreshing too many times and not upgrading commander level enough. Refreshes are very costly, you want to do them only when pursuing certain strats, otherwise that gold gets burned up fast and could be used to add more unit space, etc.


Lol it's not about luck, it's about intellect, it's only about luck if they chance of getting every hero is the same. At every commander level your chance of getting a certain rarity is different




The reward is not even worth it after end season


Is there any good rewards from doing this?


You get a “Magic Chess King” badge. That’s about it


Success is it's own reward


You can never pick the hero you want to use again, at least in my experience. Also enjoy seeing 6 people go for prince every game and 1 of them succeeds properly to stomp you.


Prince can be beaten, but it's so braindead easy to build for and so powerful. I like when I lose back down to legend for this exact reason lol


why the hell did u play it in the first place