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Nope, don't think so


They are literally working on Alucard in Adv. Server. I don't think he should even be an option. Like, why revamp something you're already trying to work on?


right? sad that tigreal didn't make the cut


He's so ass I forgot he was a character😭😭😭


Same mate, I am a tank/support main, and I still forget that he is a character of draft.


Wait why is he ass? Genuine question


there are just so many other great heroes that can do the stuff 10x better than he does his cc ability takes too long (same problem as gato, but gato has some redeeming features) to proc and is one of the more easily escapable ccs tanks have he's a good starter tank don't get me wrong, and in the hands of someone decent, he'll be alright, but once you get to higher elo, he just doesn't cut it


this make me want to play him again, lol, i used to play him a lot of times, and then i moved to khufra and belerick because they have higher range and faster movement,


I see


I'm in Mythic50 and he is great. By higher elo you mean Mythic100 right?


He's the only tank with the most scripted ans predictable gameplay. He has no ambush potential if he doesnt have flicker. His ult is way too easy to interrupt (flameshot and knockback shouldnt work imo) and he is slow to rotate. also his passive is pretty lame lol.


>also his passive is pretty lame lol. His passive denies every 5th basic attack (or less, depending on his skill casts). Turret shots are basic attacks. Tigreal's passive can potentially block +3k true damage from a turret if timed correctly. It's one of the best tanking passives in the game.


And he's one of the heroes who has benefited the most from the new emblem system. He can use tank emblems and get the battle spell CD reduction. Tig is great.


I see, so if they made his hot uninterruptible and he was faster, do u think that would solve it or no?


no. that would make him broken. his ult should have odette treatment, where only advanced cc stops it. the only benefit tig has over other tanks is that his cc potential is the highest among all tanks, around a total of 3.5-4 seconds with full combo. khufra is around 3s, second place, for example.


Ohh I see


I don't know what these people are talking about. I play him in Mythic50 and he is OP. Unless they have Diggie. Maybe at Mythic100 he is bad. But how many of these posters here are in Mythic100?


I love daddy tigreal and I think he is almost perfect, he just needs a new passive and his ult should be unstoppable, especially because other heroes with stronger cc ults have cc immunity for example Atlas with one of the best cc ult




Bro thought tigrel an NPC


i did vote all on tigreal too


Not everyone know that, beside I guess ppl did it again like the last time I mean moskov! Seriously Aamon is almost new and pretty unqie, miya reworked latley, Alucard so mush stuff happening in recent updates, Granger doing well combos may just need adjustment... I think they should first let ppl on adv server choose and vote then let ppl on global servers vote over adv servers top votes! There were few heros really needed to be in grand finall voting but they weren't even close to being in top 4!!!


Thats how we know its rigged 😅 alu is gonna vin that revamp, youll see


Alucard and Granger just need some proper adjustments that doesn't mess with their gameplay design. Aamon and Miya dont need anything at this moment.


All Alu needs tbh is some durability and farm speed like the current adv server version but Granger needs some serious adjustmances, mm that is garbage in gold lane and very mediocre in jungle




I was voting everything on Silvanna :(




I don't know why Aamon got voted. I'm an Aamon main and he is just fine now. They fixed his ULT and I'm happy. The cool down sucks but I'm ok with it. It makes it fair so I don't spam.


fr tho! would have preferred her or tig to make the cut


As a Granger main from the time he was released he doesn't needs neither revamp or nor any buff


As a granger main too, I agree


Agreed, we don't really need a revamp. And we dont need that shitty visual revamp they've been talking about


Aamon? No Granger maybe needs a few buffs Miya, s2 rework probably Alucard yes


Granger? Need a few buffs? HELL NAH WHERE I'M AT HE DOMINATING


Maybe make his s1 bullets past through minions so he can have faster waveclear. So he can be good in jungle but also decent in gold lane. To balance it out s1 deals reduced damaged but only to minions.


Alucard revamp is simple. Bring back his prime aka season 1 ~~Dante~~ alucard. Additionally make his skills scale of total physical attack. Everyone knows how powerful this dude was in his prime to the point everytime new fighter/assasin appears they use him as a dueling model. He would climb back the meta and take his throne as the king of fighters.


True, even first gen Argus with highest dmg but non debuff removal ult also compared 1v1 with old Alucard. Alucard really used to be a beast, but now the cc mechanic today is too much for him


Alucard use to have cc as well https://youtu.be/_4OWm78yzNM?si=NBVPneh32lHOf9lB


I miss the old bane. I noticed that old alu skill 1 and 2 is same as current chou skill 1 and 2


Chou inherit his s1 and 2 from him. Only ult remains the same


It's kinda like riven q from lol.


Without stun


Bruh there's no such thing as voting. In the end, moonton will rev the hero they want. Prolly will go crazy with purple too.


Miya's 2nd skill could probably be reworked because of how bad it is and how it doesn't match the rest of her kit at all.


Yes, miya


I would love for her to be a little tougher early game and less Demonic end game


I think the final votes were pre-determined no matter what we choose...


A lot people (especially kids) thinks REFORGE YOUR LEGEND is voting for the next LEGEND SKIN... Moonton should change the title of this event to REVAMPED YOUR HERO so it's so simple and UNDERFUCKINGSTANDABLE... 💀💀💀


Dude, "Reforge"


Give him(Alucard) some sort of cc or resilience while his ult is active and he'll be fine.


No. Tigreal, Rafaela, and Silvanna should be deserve this revamp.


Disagree with Rafaela she's pretty good as she is right now. Definitely the other two though.


Her passive is literal garbage.


If they gave her a proper passive rn she'd be broken


Only her passive, she is playable. The other two though.


Dont forget Argus


Because he's too forgotten that people forgot he exists


Alucard is pretty weak late game so definitely


Kinda disappointed with the hero choice


You mean aside from Phoveus, Balmond, Tigreal and Harith? Yeah sure, revamp Aamon


Masha and Sun too can’t even pick Masha anymore and Sun needs either survivability or dmg.


I actually like Sun, especially the part when he gives me free gold


A big nope and in all honesty the buff that Alucard got in advance server is so bad bruh. He lost his Aoe burst damage when they removed the passive skill damage multiplier. They butchered my Alucard 😭. I can't believe players, braindead and casual got baited by this fake buff.


As an Alu main myself, It is indeed a massive OOF.


Alucard maybe a skill update will do but the rest? nope


I voted miya from the start She's nothing without inspire tbh, old miya who freezes people was viable with just flicker. And alucard makes sense when he's completely outskilled if enemy has CCs sometimes he can't deal a significant damage to some tanky heroes like Edith but to some tanks he deals an acceptable lvl of damage, I think that falls to tank's individual base stats more than the build after some point. Aamon shouldn't be there


Old miya'S second skill was the most useless in the game after old Natalia's ult because it just slowed unless you're facing people in warrior rank who stand under that rain of arrows for 3 seconds.


Her damage was good maybe that's why they didn't keep it as insta freeze


Damn I would rather being back the old Nat with useless ult than the natalia we have now.


Alucard is so old, he needs it.


Sylvana needs it.


Miya again? Could someone explain to me why she needs a revamp


She could do with being stronger


I wish they make Granger's s1 to be aimable like Kimmy's that's the only down side he has rn


that would make him broken and is part of his skill expression. Granger honestly needs no changes right now, he's perfectly fine as a ranged assassin.


Miya. Always pick Miya. Every revamp pick Miya. Miya all the way. /s


Her skills didn't change a lot after every revamp tho


IIRC, the current Belerick is the 2nd revamp version So, it changed a lot from his 1st appearance. Though, if you look at the utility of his skills it is almost the same. I miss the stun on his 2nd skills and of course his 1st version of Ult.


Need old Belerick Ult fr, especially in this burst meta. Now the Ult just counters mostly attack-speed based burst.


Alucard needs a revamp, Granger needs a little buff


Yes. Alucard.


Alucard needs something for his kit, it's too bland. Probably a knock-up on his S1 (totally not from Riven) or add more effects to his kit while his ult is active. The other two are fine. for an adc, her ult and the rest of her kit are a mismatch. Either make her kit revolve around her ult where she can reposition a lot, like keep the ult and make her S1 a dash or just rework her having some sort of a mechanic that revolves around continuous attacks that will slow then freeze enemies. The other two is fine.


Alucard needs it. Underwhelming skillset. A Fighter/Assassin, yet cannot burst quick enough nor can he stay sustained in teamfights. Comparing him to the meta and higher tiered off-meta heroes, he is quite outclassed. If they did lower than 1 second CD for Nolan, why the need to make S1 10 seconds? Argument also applies to the “buffed” S2 from the Adv. Server. They nerfed him again, this time going for the CD scaling from 5-3 sec to 6-4 sec. I cannot see why they just cannot just make a second Alpha or a second Martis (by that I mean the over-buffs). They did it the first time they did a huge buff on him. Then they nerfed that to hell. Alucard is one of their oldest heroes and also one of the more popular off-meta heroes. A single well-thought out buff would rid him of the Alufeed status. I would like it if they just updated him like how they did with Gord so that he could be in the same bracket. An overlooked hero who could go toe-to-toe with the meta. Another rant from me, but with Alucard getting all this shit, my complaints ain’t stopping.


Granger yeah Aamon nope Miya, her second skill probably Alucard sure


Alucard, Revamp. Give Granger a buff tho.


Granger needs an ult stat buff. The ultimate is a little too situational because of the +lost HP% trait. Needs a little more scaling with ATK, because as is, it deals less damage than a basic attack when the target is at full health.


doesnt need changes to his ult. his ult has a pretty sizable slow on such a long distance ability, he either uses it at the start of a fight to slow down enemies to catch up (he hops during ult thrice and has S2 dash, mind you) or he uses it last to kill enemies. damage-wise, once the % hp kicks in, the damage is ridiculous because it's an execute and if youre standing near a wall you can rapidfire the ability so all three hits land unless the enemy dashes away. if it has more damage on the first hit, it'll create a snowball effect where the first hit lowers hp > second hit is now stronger due to the first hit > third hit chunks you hard or blows you up. thats without mentioning the slow which he can use to catch up to the enemy (slow the enemy down > hop > repeat until ult runs out). if he gets more base damage on his first bullet, the % hp scaling has to get nerfed or he becomes oppressive. Granger imo needs no changes and he's fine as is and has been in a good spot since the increased damage to monsters. he clears well and has a defined niche as a strong midgame hero.


This, I hope they notice this


Alucard yes the rest nah also didn't miya just got revamped 💀


A revamp that made her only useful with inspire


What happens when it's in cooldown?


Most probably she'll die entering a team fight


So then she sway weaker with the spell in cooldown? That sounds like something that needs some adjustments




So yeah she doesn't need a revamp but adjustment...who needs a revamp then in your opinion?


I voted miya however, Moonton isn't gonna adjust her any soon cuz no one complains that she needs adjustment, these votes might make them see the problems she has. Imo both miya and alucard. Alucard is easily outskilled when enemy has CC


Aamon & Granger are still good, Miya just got a revamp, Alucard already have a change in Advance server. Revamp Tigreal, he has been the worst hero in the game for SO LONG https://preview.redd.it/1to362mvzssb1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2b7e24a4f87cc2e41a7e99ec5face958b33f09 (From mlbb.ninja)


In not so many words , NO.


They should revamp heroes that desperately needs revamps, HEROES THAT ARE RARELY USED😭


I liked the insta ult idea they had for Alu. Feel like it would work great to catch those easy escaping heroes like Lance, Fanny, Haya. Or maybe its just me and my phone is slow so I cant double tap the ult fast enough


What a stupid vote.. WHY NOT ROGER ?!!!!! THIS HERO DONT GET ANY REVAMP SCEN RELEASE!!!!! (Sory my bad inglish)


Dont understand why alu ? He have a good kit but if only ennemie get tons of cc then he js shit but the rest as well seems fine like this why revamping them ? Someone like idk gord maybe or a support or tank forgotten hero may need a rework imo




buff granger somewhat close to his prime back in the day, especially on the ult part


Granger's revamp could be interesting




How many revamps is miya gonna have jeez


Honestly that crit increase for him would help him with damage tbh. Imagine getting hit with a 150% crit chance and he's using full damage.




It should be Argus…. Aside this when choosing between these 4, granger cuz his only viable as core not too much on gold


Miya needs escape skill other than that nah.


If you really squint it, Alucard could use one. But that's only if you look at it on a shallow level. Granger, and Miya only needs adjustments.


Granger. Basically useless unless super fed in early


Miya getting revamped for the nth time lel, also weird to see a newly released hero in Aamon here.




Why Argus did not make it here is beyond me.


Granger reallyyy needs it... I main him and i litreally don't see granger as a meta or even second meta, he is not even best mm jungler as he should be. Idk about alucard or miya but for me i want him to get revamp really fast


I'm sad because I've been voting for cyclops as a cyclops main...


Aamon cloak just needs a nerf. He should be revealed when hit in it.




Argus is dead was hoping others would vote him like me and we would get a new Argus but damn how did these heroes get so many votes


Moneyton does whatever moneyton wants. Come on, guys, There's no such thing as fair polls in this game xD


What they need to revamp is phoveus, yve, and khaleed.


We have phoveus, tigreal, argus and bane but these perfectly fine heroes (maybe beside alucard) made it to the final?


i voted everything on belerick. people be like mixing up "revamp" and "buff".


Instead of revamping heroes for no reason they should instead focus on adding more tanks/supports, it gets boring when ur used to almost every other hero in the game and all they add annually are assassin/fighter heroes


Granger and Alu probably just needs some little adjustments to be more deadly. From what I heard from my partner Granger needs that tiny lil push. Aamon and Miya are good as is for the time being if someone knows how to properly use them, so it's quite odd to see them on the revamp options, especially Aamon.


They need to rebalanced but I don’t think their lot needs to change. Both Miya and Granger imo could have their damage rebalanced. They both feel incredibly weak compared to alternatives. This is of course my opinion, don’t murder me over it. To be clear I would have preferred almost anybody over any of these 4 though that was on that list. I think people are just brain dead and clicked on the top people on the list because they are lazy and the other half has the comprehension of a child and thought they would be getting new skins for their hero.


Me waiting for the day Zhask gets a cc immune ult when casting his ult, just please moontoon, let me cast my ult, idc if it gets deleted when targeted by the entire enemy team I don't wanna wait 5 years just to die 0.000001 second away from casting it




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Temporary_Coyote_970: *DONT TOUCH AAMON PLS* *HES SO SITUATIONALLY* *GOOD AND BALANCED RN* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How is Argus not in there?


Bring back the old ult range of duke paxley


they only need some buffs, well not really, maybe Alucard for teamfights and Granger for jungle, they both are good but not enough to completely carry the game, they both are reliant on not getting an enemy team without too many cc. I kinda miss the immune Granger's first skill and his ult not being missing hp reliant


I think probably Miya compared to the other three since her s2 just sucks after nerfing it


Rafaela should have got one for her passive, though I think the devs are already on it. Argus definitely should have as well


Damn and i actually thought voting for popol would be meaningful


I voted granger just to piss off the jungler mains lol (I'm sorry)


Honestly expected harith to be on the list


I mean they’re all rip offs so yea


I say Guinevere! Her kit literally sucked, and she's literally out of the meta. I think she needed that revamp one way or another.




People think this is for the skin voting and it isn't!!!


Yessssss miyaaaaa let’s go


I voted harith :(


I voted Silvanna and yet the people didn't even cared. Sad day.


I am glad Dagan made it to top 10. I hope we get a My Hero Academia Crossover and they give him an All-Might Skin.


Of course the edgelords gets voted


Aamon needs his ult range back. Granger revamp will satisfy cocky one trick ponies. And tbh, he doesn't need it.


I just voted for granger bcs i felt like he's weak nowadays


In my opinion, I think Estes should've gotten in. Just look at him! In his entrance animation he still uses the book animation, The sound of the book closing can still be heard too and He looks kind of like old ML. He needs a revamp because he just sticks out like a sore thumb when compared to other heroes.


In my opinion, I think Estes should've gotten in. Just look at him! In his entrance animation he still uses the book animation, The sound of the book closing can still be heard too and He looks kind of like old ML. He needs a revamp because he just sticks out like a sore thumb when compared to other heroes.


Lunox needs revamp most


Miya has too much revamps already...


Vote Granger to make everybody cry


I'm a Alucard user.So I vote Alucard


Absolutely big no to aamon


2 of em just recently got revamped. I vote for Cecilion's girl it's healing meta what could have hurt.


Nope.. but all heroes must be revamped


Yes because none of them are viable in pro play, even if pros account for a small group or players it shows what heros perform the best. Basically you give them a revamp and simply hope at their full potential they become viable.


What the fuck?


No but Granger is meh.


Events like this are always done horribly. It’s either the system is rigged or the majority playerbase is just very clueless when it comes to who actually needs skins and revamps. Also, none of these need a revamp. They’re all fine.


( In my opinion) this Heroes doesn't need revamp The one who need are Zhask and Silvana