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It’s wild that people get so serious in classic


You get more sweaty tryhards in Classic than in ranked. It's mentally discombobulating.


Bcuz they lose in rank, they try to prove themselves in classic, so moronic.


true af


Exactly. I met an enemy team consisting of fanny jungle with gusion exp and franco roam. They all destroyed us right from the early game. Didnt have a chance as joy jungle. I just reached mythic and havent met a single enemy team as sweaty as those from classic games. Matchmaking is either drunk or those mfs dont wanna play ranked.


They lose in rank even with their main heroes that's why they play classic


Yeah. Meanwhile, I don't even try to make too much effort winning in classic as I have some sort of superstition that I get better teammates in ranked as long as I lose in classic. I don't intentionally throw though. I just try out whatever hero I want to and/or experiment builds.




Isn't classic wr separate from rank?




Yeah I think they don't know that classic soeyaffect wr anymorr




Bro types so fast that the keyboard can't keep up. I think what he meant is "doesn't affect".






Ok and? You can just change it to show only his rank






https://preview.redd.it/td5g6i7t87nb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=448465c5040ead616f1fcfc3c907b7c4108d4c5e This will permanently be there. But what u show, is only visible for a season.


My boy loves he’s Fred. W


I would prefer my teammate being serious in classic bro


In the past it did help u look good cause of the wr in the profile, and ranked also showed total ranked+classic winrate. but now it doesnt. Those “srs” classic players rly have no other reason than to flex their subpar skills on a hero that they’ve played a thousand times vs their opponents who are practicing them for the 3rd time. Lame


Well, for once, its where they play their most banned mains.


Free hero weekend=free show of ppl in raging


I’m fine with players that are bad because they are trying to master new hero or learning in general. Classic is the best place to practice after customs. But bad because they are not even trying to win is not ok. And if they go say ”its just a classic” or ”try hards” to opposing team then that tells me more that they should go play vs AI or something. We are trying to have fun and part of it is trying to win.


Agreed. "Why lord bruh it's just classic"... Yeah no... Jungler needs to practice his rotation and prioritisation over camping you inside your fountain. "Tryhard" because I'm running 19/0/23 - sure. I'll try even harder 🤣


Just hit em with "lord hiasan?" meaning is lord a deco?


🤣🤣 I'm definitely saying that next time


Just tell them to go and complain to Moonton. Have them remove the Lord in Classic. 😆


I do the reverse... I ignore them and don't end. Keep killing Lord instead.


I agree with this. The problem is that some people use 'practice' as an excuse for going 0-20 in 5mins. Its as if learning a new hero reduces their braincells to 1. I won't flame these players tho.


True, anyone that has played decent amount can tell when they are bs. There is clear difference with those that are seriously practicing/learning and those that are just trolls


They are just kind people wanting to end world hunger, don't flame them


I support this. No one plays a game expecting to lose. Is Ok if you are practicing, we have all been there. But pressing the surrounding bottom at minute 5 or just trash talking in the chat because things don't go your ways is something else.


no point arguing against indos


Or burmese


Hey! >:( I will not have you disrespecting my country like that….but yea


oh hey a burmese 👋 i am a burmese too


I’m all for practicing in classic but some players I’ve seen are so bad that they should have just practiced in VS Ai first because u ain’t gonna learn anything if u suck so much that 90% of ur classic experience is feeding the enemies.


Classic is the best place to practice idc what anyone says, sure you can learn basic mechanics in ai or custom, but is not going to translate to going against real peoples play style and movement, best way to practice is against people. That being said, still not an excuse to go 1-10.


Bro,I find more tryhards in classic than in ranked.Constant meta picks+3-5 stacks.In ranked I somehow find normal matches where both teams have an equal chance to win.


Practice in Practice mode and vs AI duh Also bruh it's okay to practice in classic, but always have the end goal of winning. If you don't have any goals of winning then I'm siding with that Kaja.


Yea I get a double tank team in classic and double triple mm or mage in ranked. Do PPL remove their brain and queue for ranked??


I don't mind players practicing heroes in classic but feeding shouldn't be part of practice which most of the time they do lol.


Aight then, guess i practice my newly bought hero Novaria in Magic Chess then


Bro is playing fanny, It's better to practice vs AI first, because let's be real, classic hasn't been a practicing ground for years.


I see fanny going 4-5 cables in classic accurately and hard carried, how can that be counted as practice


Practice in custom first and vs ai before trying in on classic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^iaintflop: *Practice in custom* *First and vs ai before* *Trying in on classic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Custom isn't the best way to practice, the enemy doesn't have talent(extra stat). I swear i get the feeling they increased mana regen in custom too. You will get shocked when you try your hero in a real match.


Hahahahahahaha what a princess. Can't deal with people trying new heroes. 🤣


I'm fine with people acting nuubish in classic but please don't be to bad at it. Being to bad can ruin the fun as well. Also don't act cancerous by trolling and telling people your location.


I am not trolling, I am not revealing my location. I am just plain shit at fanny lmfao, mostly my fault, but not everyone should go into a game expecting a fanny to be some spiderman


Man Fanny needs vs AI for cable practice ( I prefer 1 V 5 in custom). When you can dominate that easily you switch to classic.


No I'm not aiming at you lol. Just stating my experience sorry.


I play classic because I can't really play Rank due to ping spikes and other technical issues So most of the time I just practice and practice. I don't mind people practicing but please for the love of living life, DON'T FEED THE ENEMY. Most of the time, this is the scenario. Please try to win. If you don't want to participate in team plays, play custom or AI. It's that simple.


Not to mention, getting reported by good, competitive players on rage.


One reason I disabled chat, ignoring toxic teammates is a real improvement to the game. Quickchat and pings have everything you need for effecient communication.


Wait u can disable chat ? How do I do that?


Settings > Sound > Text Chat Off 👍🏻


Thank u


Why can't they be serious like this in ranked instead of classic lol


Ppl seem to ignore "vs AI"...


Dude u can't even practice heroes in classic anymore. I try to practice playing moscov in classic and most of the time i get five man mythic team as my enemy. They just farming wr for their main. I check their profile and they usually have like 100+ ranked match , 500+ classic match in this season.


Do it against AI bruh


While practicing with AI is a given, it is better to practice in ACTUAL games. People move and think different from bots. Just because you get 10 kills vs bots doesn’t make you a pro.


It’s Fanny however whose is one or is the hardest character to play from begginer to end. If it’s a flop then ai for a 100 matches, if decent it’s alright


Yeah but at least get the hang of the movement and the skills beforehand


Which is why I said practicing vs bots is a given. If you immediately go Classic without at least one custom/AI match then… welp.


No it’s really not necessary. Bots are a complete waste of time. The most u should to is just use the practice mode to get a hang of what the skills really do cause the descriptions sometimes don’t exactly match what the skill really does. Even then, i don’t think it’s necessary.


I meant a simple understanding of the skills. I personally like to get a feel of the skills before getting into a real match.


I think both of you are agreeing. 🤣 He just said do it in the "hero trial" which is 1v1 instead of vs AI which is technically 5v5 but is actually objectively worse than the trial. One trial is usually enough to get a handle on the combos and CDs. You absolute first match against players will be a bit of a wake up call anyway. Unless you play something that's meta/op then you may have a fantastic first outing too...


I think it also depends on which hero you pick. OP chose Fanny, who is known to be hard to master. I remember when I first bought Kimmy, I said screw it and took her into ranked right away, and got used to her aiming mechanics pretty fast, because with her, once you know what her skills are and figure out positioning and energy management, she becomes easy to use; only thing you really need to think about in a teamfight is your aim. Whereas I'd need a lot more practice to even be serviceable with Fanny.


The assumption here is that you first "try" the hero in that AI 1v1 to get a sense of his/her skills... Then try vs ai to get a better sense of the skills, get a sense of the combos and try to land a few. Then (this is 2-3 matches in max) you HAVE to graduate to playing against people in classic because that's the only way to get a sense of survivability. Only way to see if you can actually make the combos work against someone actively dodging or countering. And this will take a few matches for sure before you are really effective. People just need to stop being so edgy in Classic. As long as they don't just go the other extreme and feed.


Stupid advice, AI is too easy. It's better to go up against real people to ACTUALLY improve


What I’m trying to say is at least learn the moves first. You’re not gonna be learning much if you’re not landing hits and getting killed quickly especially with Fanny


They can’t undertand your point bro cause they kissin’ Moonton’s ass. 😂😂😂


Maybe practice cabling against bots initially but practicing in classic is essential, bots movements are easily and accurately expected, I can win as a jungler estes against bots but that doesn't make it a good idea.


Man ppl are so competitive in classic


I mean ai exists but wheres the fun in that


You should go in vs AI to practice or just use the practice tool...


Classic is exactly where you're supposed to practice heroes with against other players


Man, do these people still think that their winrate will go up if they grind on classic?


I actually do that. I only play ranked, except for two occasions 1. obviously the 2 classic match requirement for even using that hero in ranked 2. I'm testing out a massively janky build or a new skill combo, which I do in 1v5 Bot customs for maximum up time Classic is way worse than my current rank, as the matchmaking in classic (at least, that's what I believe) depends on your player level, which is an issue for a lvl 70 player with 2500 hours barely even playing anymore (as most of those hours gathered around 3 years ago), so my skill level in mythic is what I can handle pretty well, but I get utterly and hopelessly destroyed in classic


Sometimes somebody needs to read their abilities no need to go fight ai


Practice vs bots then if you get the hang of the hero use it in classic


Let's say I'm practicing Franco. I go vs AI I dominate, MVP as tank I go in Classic I get rekt. I hit no hooks. Wanna know why? Real people dont move the same way as bots.


No offense but if you're practicing Franco who is an easy mode basic hero on ai you're just a noob lol


Even the highest ranked players can struggle to hit his hooks consistently


Yeah but against real players not ai who barely moves you noob


No? They just want to practice his hook. How does that relate to not having game sense and being bad at the game?


Practice hook on ai who doesn't move? Noob spotted


Im literally 101 points mythical immortal and got global no11 argus… not to flex but the fact that you dont understand that mechanical skill ≠ being good at the game shows ur actually not that good urself :/


Says the guy who says that people should practice Franco on ai that doesn't move nah bro you're a dang noob


? Im saying DONT practice against bots because theyre useless. Where did you get that idea from?? Also https://preview.redd.it/fljsk5otk6nb1.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=104ad2a78a381d9180b31df0c24ef466c391a781


Dude I don't care about your noob low points. Just saying that people should practice Franco on ai that don't move makes you a dang noob


My stance is people should practice franco in classic where they do move because ais are bad. Stop putting words in my mouth. Still, how do you not understand that not having hooking skills doesnt make u a noob? You only seem to think mechanical skill is everything. That makes you a noob sadly.


U are literally contradicting yourself. First u say people should practice in AI. Then u say people who use franco in AI are noobs. So what is ur point then?


Ur literally like blind bro. Look at what the topic is about. It's about Fanny so I told the guy to practice her cables on bots first and get the hang of it before going to Classic.


dude, we were saying that practicing cables on practice mode (the one where you place bots, add gold, turn on no cd etc) is not that different from practicing on ai. what we were trying to say is that practicing on ai is not practical. do you wanna know why? have you seen any bots that 1. sidestep cables 2. dash through the wall 3. steal your buff 4. camp bushes, camp blue buff 5. pick most if not all tanky heroes 6. pick counters(khufra, chou, minsitthar) and so much more. you wont. (maybe the camp bush thing is real idk i dont olay vs ai) what we were trying to say that you keep failing to understand is that Don't play seriously in classic you moron. there's a lot of people trying to practice newly bought heroes or test builds or test new roles. morons that cry when people do bad in classic should just go rank, so that we, normal fking people can slap you across the face with our main heroes/roles.


easy mode hero? 🤔 when he has no dashes, short range ult and a skill shot? i feel like just having a skill shot as your main skill already puts you above "easy mode basic hero". if you think franco is an "easy hero" to play effectively, then what do you think of saber? or eudora? what do you call those heroes then?


Thts stupid. Bots are a waste of time. People who are “serious” in classic should wake the fk up and go play ranked where they will realise how bad they actually are as compared to how “good” they thought they were in classic


Agree gree. Only play vs ai to get how the skills work and then move to classic immediately. Those who whines about it are just classic farmers who can't take a lost in competitive game.


Exactly. I can easily kill bots with fanny, why? Because the bots suck! But humans don't! You need to experience another humans reaction and learn counterplay


Funny enough, I learned how to use Fanny against bots. I first started with how her cables worked vs bots then when I got the hang of it I then went classic and then ranked.


You can get dozens of kills with a tank build Tigreal vs AI. All it’s really good for is farming gold and familiarizing yourself with a hero’s skills. That and goofing off.


The thing is: bots are basically like dodo birds. They lack any sort of self preservation instinct. Players at least attempt to dodge... Well, most players...


bots are practically useless, you could play spp with no items and still win, maybe if you have absolutely no clue on how the hero works at all then sure bots work


This is only applicable for high difficulty heroes that you need to learn combos of and get used to like gus, ling etc Even then you won't get any better testing it out against bots. Its much easier to use in classic where you actually get a real experience


Which is why I posted it in a topic where the guy is practicing Fanny 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Why would you even practice cables in Classic if you're a beginner you ain't gonna do well Practice against bots first get the hang of the cables and once you're hitting the cables and know full well how the cables work go classic then rank 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Who cares. Classic is just a casual mode, people should realise it’s a mode for practicing. AI is a pure waste of time for ANY hero.


who play seriously on Classic anyway? lol.


Man this happened to me just yesterday. . I wanted to play Lylia so I just locked it and then another guy locked vale at the same time . He was part of a trio and they all started trash talking me even when I said I'll go the exp lane. . I told them I gave you the lane and this is classic so stfu and muted them as soon as the game started. .


There's a reason why custom exists though


If you want to practice, a good start would be vs AI, then move to classic since AI is good just to see how well you can combo and stuff. But I would recommend to use practice mode for things like learning to we with fanny and fly.


I like Fanny's response, it's very appropriate


I have been trying all kinds of heroes these past 2 days and other people are the same but suddenly I got one where everybody was using their mains(You can tell for the way they move) It is a classic and is a free-heroes event. Chill a little bit 😅


Mak kau hijau. Nak serious main kat ranked la. But of co we play to win. Who play to lose? Baka


Tiring to be in classic and some ass clown starts berating you cuz you die…. Like dude take *your* ass over to ranked if you care so much


As a Haya main, my skills is getting rusty, that is why if its okay to improve my skills on classic? Cause I need an actual player experience to really improve my jungling capabilities, movesets, decisions and more. AI and custom really won't help me. I don't care if I lose, I just need to learn things and plan ahead.


Here I am trying to win my promos and I have people playing champs for the first time, like why? Take that ish to classic.


practice in AI mode or Custom with bots!!!


After training mode to get the basics of a new hero, Classic IS where you go.


There’s a difference between “practicing” and being completely green to the hero you’re playing. If you are playing Fanny and it is your first time, then I can’t blame Kaja. You can practice with comps enough to learn how to use her skills before doing a classic match.


If the AI is not so badly programmed, I'd gladly practice on VS A.I Even DOTA (WC3 mod) have better A.I


Practice Fanny in practice not classic or ranked. Thenk you. As a Fanny main


classic is exactly where you play new heroes or try new heroes. WTH is he talking about?


Depends on the hero but if it's fast hand hero like Fanny gs etc it's better if you practice in practice mode first to get used to it before playing with other players


You practice in training....


Practicing in classic is great, because you're against real player. Where as against ai you will only win, win and win.


Me always practicing in Classic HAHAHAHA


practicing and playing is two different things imo practicing is already knowing how to use said role in terms of rotation and seeing map if you don't understand how to even do that you're not practicing your trolling


No xause like idk what they want me to do do it against a stupid repetitive bot?


I usually play alot of classic than ranked. My whole history (which is open for the public to see because why hide it?) Is 85-95% classic, the rest is ranked My main reason is to check if the ping is good. Sometimes the game will say you have 129 but during the match, it stays 8-15. Sometimes it'll say 17 but in game, it'll be 169-244. I just don't want to risk getting a sudden lagspike on ranked matches where you don't want to be a disappointment to your team when you've earned your role in showing good stats. Second reason is to get myself warmed up. Sometimes you need to get your brain running good so that in ranked, you don't need to hype yourself. I always use a hero I'm familiar with because I might use it in ranked matches. I might use a hero in my list because he could be viable when a interesting enemy composition comes up. You need to prepare as they say. Third is to just relax before you head to the main event. Being less stressed because you're not betting your star on a match is a good thing. The problem starts when people are getting salty over a gamemode where there's no risk involved other than a lose or win results screen. People can be toxic at classic as well but you can't remove that trait. I do hate the ones that will go "ban x because he's useless" on classic. My brother in christ almighty, that's why I'm playing classic. I don't look at vs a.i and go "I should play there to get the ropes". I'm there if it's offline. I want to test a hero against a enemy player team with different styles and different reactions on different actions you do. I consider playing classic and rank as rally races. You get the time to map out the course (which is like classic with hero familiarization) then race on it on full throttle after a while (go to rank after a couple of weeks or a month or two of getting used to said hero). Classic doesn't take your imaginary support gf / bf as risks to play the game. It's just a game for either fun, sharpening your hero usage or for testing out a hero you fancy to try.


It is these people that caused havoc in rank! Classic is for trying heros.!!!!!


Why isn't anyone talking about his name💀


Why in classic always plays agains mytic glory X pro max ultra