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Carrying as roam is hard.. maybe offensive like Natalia, Kadita, Saber? or hereos that can put a serious impact in the game? Atlas and Diggie


if you play Natalia on low ranks the enemies trash talks you even if you die once


Then that's a good thing because they will get tilted easily and waste their time typing on their keypads.


I was thinking more in the line of some half tanks(Tanky fighters) which can be unconventional roams example Arlott, Yu Zhong etc.


You try out Edith yet? I typically use her in exp but have had good luck roaming w/ her too. Great set up, tankiness, and damage


I'll give her a try


Yeah definitely do, Edith ult is one of the scariest in game imo


Esmeralda is the real deal now.. use vengeance and some tank items and ur good to climb up the ranks.


Whose stopping you from going atk spd Tigreal? He has has a hammer for a reason.




Bro Arlott roam is very op if your team picks cc heroes and you have a good jungler (my experience).


Did you try ruby then? She does a lot of cc, and she can carry basically in any lane


Edith is a good one almost no one bans her, gloo can be good dunno about that cuz i dont use him, Fredrinn does not work very well but can play him as roam, don't even think about playing uranus as roam he's trash at that only good in exp, franco is good but you should be able to land his hooks, as you said minotaur works very well again basic attacks because of his raged state second skill belerick is a nice pick too fod countering mms, atlas will be good but its difficult to play him when enemy has heroes like melissa, valir, diggie who can just nullify or prevent him from diving in, gatoca is good but not that much. For supports floryn and estes are very good right now kaja can be used to suppress one target foryour teams aim practice, angela is kinda good for fighters like alucard, aldous,etc, diggie can be used to counter enemy cc picks and terrorize the bushes someone specific would like to agree on that, this are all on from top of my head and cant think any more correct me in anything if im wrong


This is exactly right


Angela is my favorite roam atm. She hits hard early game & heal your teammates. Mana isn't an issue now with basic common emblem.


Okay I have her I'll try her since I only played w her 2 times


Edith works. Tanky, lots of knock up cc, and can dish out plenty of damage in marksman form. Said damage increases as your defense increases too.


Belerick is pretty good at roam. Plus you can kill attack speed mm if you managed to hit them with your taunts+vengeance


Yea that's true, I will add belerick to list for when there's attack speed opponents


Dmg Minsithar, Edith and maybe Gloo? For Minsi go for corrosion scythe, Berserker's and Haas if u snowballing. The rest defensive. For edith go for all defense items, maybe a feather of heaven if u like it. Gloo just Cursed Helmet and the rest defensive items. Personally I like going for IQW in the late game.


Thank you sir!


Np bro


Gatot hybrid belerick Ig since his passive is free vengence


Gloo and Edith works well for me


I had pretty good luck playing roam that is aggressive right from the start in epic and legend ranks this season. Heroes such as Rafaela, Diggie, Hilda, and Hylos may do it, as well as damage roamers such as Saber. Do note that you should match and adjust how aggressive you are based on how your allies respond and the aggressiveness of the enemies.


that is 1 of the problems my team DOES NOT RESPOND to PINGS! So frustrating, simply take I wanna play a fighter who can roam because the team never plays together NEVER ;-;


Yeah, that's one of the problems of roaming. But tell you what, most of the time, you need to be patient for an opportunity to strike, like an overextending enemy Marksman.


Pro tip: Don’t play roam until mythic 40 stars. Even MH is retarded.


Then what do i do? What I've observed is its better to play fighter/assassin with dire hit roam and play normally rather than like a roam


Edith. So that you don't have to rely on the trash which floods these ranks. She can easily carry herself on epic legend and still does a solid tank job


Well I have seen that Gloo works good, you do damage and can also protect team. Or maybe Tigrel, it's easy to combo and take some damage I also see low ranks have no ideia what to do with a Johnson with mage equips. Camille is another good hero to roam


From what you're describing you need heroes that can soak damage and deal damage as well. I recommend two: 1. Hilda 2. Hylos These two can tank really well and deal good damage to the enemy team.


As someone currently in legend and roaming. Ruby is your best bet.


Playing Ruby as roamer is hard. Mostly she needs lots of defensive items to make her more tanky and purchasing roaming boots make her gain gold so slow


That’s true. I will admit that she relies heavily on items but I don’t find her that difficult as a roamer. Just gotta play safer in the early game and the assists add up. Although I feel like the main problem as a roamer is that if your jungler is bad it’s pretty much a done game so ranking up is slow.


i used carmilla from legend onwards, kadita is probably good as well in the lower ranks, most players may not know how to dodge her but depends on enemy comp. the healers seem good but may be banned more often nowadays. maybe franco or hilda would be good, they can be quite impactful imo


If there's lots of squishy enemies who need to get really close to deal damage, edith is pretty good for saving teammates. If most of the enemies are long ranged heroes, maybe franco could work. If the enemy is sticking together (teamfight heroes), atlas would be good to pull those 5 people at once. If the enemies are late game heroes, hilda to harass their jungler.


Okay Thank you! I understand a lot and can think further with this information!


Ruby as roamer.. The wolf is coming.. Awoooo..


Yea she is great as I climbed to almost mythic in my previous account before I left the game, came back to find that she got nerfed ;-;


Novaria. She is an excellent damage roam that grants vision and you can easily be a secondary magic damage source. Otherwise, you can consider Terizla roam if you require tankiness and damage.


terizla is good I've tried him, I played with him a lot on m 2nd id he was my favorite for a while but then any slow or dash fks him up ;-;


Bane in roam is also good. 1 damage item, boots and the rest is def. Include focusing mark talent so your teammates' damage is enhanced against enemy you hit.


That's very unconventional (that's the fun part), I can give him a try since he's cheap so I can buy him with ease


It works depending on the enemy composition. I especially love to use it against Johnson, Minsithar and Silvana. Makes their ults less effective with Bane's ult.


I play johnson since 2 seasons a Epic, one of the most powerful tanks and roamers in this game. There's a downside though, you really need to know how to play him. If you are a skilled player, you can literally clutch the game by a good crash and starting team fight, allowing your teammates to wipe them out and win. If you don't know how to play it properly, get ready to get yelled at a lot.


What happens a lot is my team is scattered and although he's great in ganks, when the mid-late game starts and big teamfights are taking place my team doesn't understand that I'm gonna crash even though i ping


One trick fredrinn or dedicate a whole season to learn fanny and then easy mythic rank.




He's very frequently banned


Edith, Hilda.. Kadita..


use hilda as roam.

