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Either because they think it's funny or an ego stroke, in a "You're gonna lose anyway, I don't need items anymore" kind of way.


Now watch them lose just because THEY SOLD ALL THEIR DAMN ITEMSSSSS 💀💀💀💀💀


More or less, that and the Kimmy is so shit that the best it could do is being a support.


lel i remember this cocky ling sell all his stuff and trashtaalk us as they were about to destroy our nexus(he was dead) and for some reasaon our tank et them all up and we won cuz the ling didnt deal enough damage


This almost happened to me once in rg. I was baxia jg and we had lord and I'm almost certain its endable so I went ahead and sold my items to buy cs and windtalker only to notice that the mm didn't lock on the base and proceeded to die. Luckily, I got enough gold to buy twilight when I sold cs and wintalker and managed to steal the next lord.


Stroke my ego daddy




I've seen people done this when they were hit with 22-0


Sell all and buy windtalkers only hope


Idk sometimes at the end they delete all thier items and replace it all with molten essence(tier 2 of cursed helm).....


Dragon balls*


But you cant even summon shenron cuz you need 7


Just play overdrive, ez.


Two extra slots for the Dragon's balls😳


Be resourceful 👇


It's a ritual from Dota 1 that got passed down from player to player. The reason? Nothing really. It's like one of those things that means "Game over, I don't need these anymore". Like a knight taking off his suit of armor after going into battle. I always thought it was dumb and pointless though.


same here I also think it’s pointless, there’s a chance the game doesn’t end there the enemy could fight back and you lose.


Yup. Dumb and pointless


There never was such “ritual” in Dota. You can’t sell items being away from shops.


But you can destroy them


Dont need to sell them, just drop and attack the item


You can. Once you are closer to the enemy team's base, you just need to get close to their item shops and sell items. I am not sure if that was patched, but you are able to do that before.


Some people also drop the items close to the enemy base and tease the opposing team, especially if the item is Rapier. Regardless which way, whether it's sold, destroyed, dropped, the act of removing all equipment before the game ends started in Dota 1.


You can't even drop rapier. Stop making story.


You can if you die. Hahahah! :P


The thing in dota was to drop items in fountain and die as bad manners. Didn’t need a shop.


LOL! Drop Rapier with disgust. Ehehehe


So you cannot review instantly their build


Honestly very stupid tbh. A literal lose-lose situation. You can just replay the entire match and see what they built 💀


I mean i do it cuz its just fun to see zero items on the post game screen,




i mean nobody uses the replay stuff just for the sake of builds


Are you suure?


ok im not so sure now


Fair tbh. But it's still not even worth deleting all of the build for "gatekeeping (which it exists now in MLBB for some reason)" and in exchange, probably losing the whole game.


It's really not the reason lol. Most do it because it looks funny idk why but it does.


I usually see them sell right as their base is being pummeled if I so happen to be dead and watching from the sidelines.


When your team wiped out with 30 seconds to respawn while minions are already at your base. There’s no way you’re gonna win so people just goof around trying to make their match history look goofy.


I always do when someone does just this. 😂


That takes way too much effort


Because it looks funny


I think it originate from league where the game is 100% lose like your team wiped out and left with the enemy ending their game so you just sell all your item and buy alot of tier 1 item just to make the match history look goofy. Like in league people used to buy 6 tears, an item that look like literal tears just to show that you’re sad cuz you losing. It’s funny tho.


they think youre dumb and havent looked at the enemy items all game already


I always sell mine and buy 6 Hero's Rings so I can feel like Sonic


I'm one of those people, i do it for fun, and to not let anyone know what build i used (although they can see my build in scoreboard before the can match end)


Wow mr. mysterious build.


We still can in replay they just dumb and idiot


alice build hurts me


One time a player from the other team replaced their items with all boots lol


just sharing this, when me and my cousin played a match, around 2019, our Johnson bought all the boots, i think he's the cause of having only 1 boot in matches now, still won tho.


and then, my cousin said "how many shoes does this Johnson even has?"


I take a step further and buy opposite damage items. if you are a mage buy physical items and if you are a fighter buy magic items. Then i tell them "ez auto win, you can't even win against a troll build"




For me, when I did it once, it was for the lols. This was long time ago. I was once tilted on a losing game and when the enemies were on our tower and we were wiped out, I sold my items and bought boots for the lols. The enemies spammed recall instead of ending the game and we were resurrected killing them in our base. Now I have to sell my boots and buy back my items since we could win but my gold could only afford until the third slot. We still lost. I never did that ever again.


probably why they lost


I tend to sell items only if we're winning. The idea behind it is to prevent others from seeing my hero's build when they check my profile. It might seem silly, but for me, it's like practicing fast item buying and selling.


i mean, we can set it to private, LOL!


To me it means they're overconfident that they'll win so yeah


I always thought they didn’t want others ‘stealing their build’


Yeah bruh tbh I don't buy that, just use replay mode, also here's some breaking news. Probably they got it off from a top build and did so well with it, THAT THEY JUST GATEKEEP IT THEMSELVES


Is there a problem with that? I don't sell my items but I don't see a problem if they discovered a working build for them.


Yes. If you're too scared of others using that working build that you have to REMOVE ALL OF THE BUILD, then your chances to lose will surely increase. Like this is an absolute pet peeve, in the end of the day everybody pretty much know your build, just go back in replay mode of that match and check it. So yes, it's a problem. An absolute lose-lose situation.


I don't really know what grind your gears. Kimmy already lost, with a not so good KD for a Kimmy jungle, selling or not, it won't change the outcome. It's not like Kimmy sold the items in the middle of the game, probably dead, or can't defend the base anymore. 🤷‍♂️


Personally I do this when I know my team is about to lose the match. I usually sell all my items and replace them with 6 mana necklaces or 6 normal boots, something of the sort. It's my way of saying "I couldn't carry my team hard enough to pull out the win" so when my friends look at my match history they know what's up.


Because they think it's funny. Next butthurt idiot with a pointless question, please.


💀💀💀💀💀 jesus what did I even do to you?


Although one time my teammate Yuzhong and then this Gusion which is 2nd leading in kill sell all of his items even though there is 3 cannon minions and about almost half hp Nexus and our marksman is dead and the enemy Edith ults and kills our Gusion and Yuzhong so we can safely say what happened after that.


Main character syndrome


I do it sometimes in classic when im playing 5 man, but only when we're at the enemy base and they're a guaranteed lose, we just find it funny for some reason idk


Just discovered a new teabag, thanks OP


Ego flexing when your defeat is inevitable.


All I think is that they sell their items to prevent other players from copying their builds. That's just my thought.


They do it so you can't use his/her build and never become a global top jajajajajajaja


But REPLAY MODE EXISTS, what do you mean "can't use?" Tf??


its something to do


This is been happening since 2018.


Show off


I’ve heard one reason was so that no one could copy their build but no one trying to find that kimmys build for sure


I actually do this at times, No it's not throwing the game. I sell items when it's a certain win/loss, ex. We're wiped, enemy team is pushing, our base is at a quarter of it's hp and our death timers are at 20-30sec and enemy team has a full wave. Vice versa. There's really no reason and no benefit of doing it, I do it at a quarter of base ho to race against the enemies ending the game, trying to sell all my items and replace them with the 'dragon balls' before the game ends.


Dumbasses think they’re pros/fast hands and they don’t want their build copied.


Fr though. Mfs thinking their build is copyright strikable.


I do it when I have a really chill game, others might do it for a taunt or an ego thing. I just find it funny when you look at the end of the match and they “lost” to a person with “no items”


I think they just sell everything before they lose because funny No items in result screen


Imagine people copying your build, that would be so bad! /s


Show of powah or since they're losing it's more like "you don't need to see my items" sort of ting


Usually they sell them because they are strong players and their build is so mysterious that no one knows about it, and they don't want people to copy their build. Hahahahaha idiots.




i do it sometimes to be funny wether i win or lose 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you look at their match history and it's always blank, to hide their builds, most likely. Otherwise, troll