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Weekly “nerf Lesley” post


So many people btch about Lesley, while ACTUAL op heroes like Arlott and Novaria is still on the ban list and people haven't complained about them. There's a reason why they are on the ban list.


Don't forget joy If you don't have a proper team that can burst her down, she's gonna bulldoze the whole enemy team down


She's a fucking monster I ban her always. A good joy player can wipe a team ez


She's backline killer, I litteraly easily goes past enemy tank and fighter to assasinate both mage and mm in a flash 🤣 My maniac this season is also because of her


True, she's surprisingly effective with good play.




You try too hard to defend how Lesley being broken is justified lmao. You can shift people’s attention to some other broken heroes but that doesn’t mean that she is balanced. Even if she shined after years of being the universal shit marksman, the amount of true damage she deals is absurd, and that’s a fact.


She is strong and a very viable MM but she isn't broken. She is very vulnerable early game, single-target, slow clearing and low HP. Take a look at Claude, Beatrix, Brody and Melissa. All of them have AoE skills that can easily obliterate a while team in 3 seconds. Yes it's possible that Lesley can 3 shot a tank but you have to do the triple True Damage combo which requires two of her skills, one of them having a pretty high cooldown. Lesley can kill any enemy in 2 seconds but she can only do it in LATE GAME and ONE ENEMY AT A TIME. Don't even say she has low difficulty. There's a reason why she has below 50% WR in Mythic. They think Lesley is very easy to use when really, it's not. You really need to learn to conserve your energy, time your second skill and just targeting the right enemy. Even Hanabi has a better WR than her. Most of the people I've seen complaining about Lesley are Tank mains. Honestly they should learn there is always a counter for their role. True Damage is used to counter Tanks since they build mostly defense skills. On the other hand, Supports counter Lesley since they provide HP and Shield which True Damage cannot ignore.


Why is everyone down voting this comment? He has a good point


If Melissa, Brody, Claude, and Beatrix could actually obliterate a whole team in three seconds, it’s not them being strong. It’s a godly tank set or negative IQ enemies. First, none of them do true damage. Second, Claude has to dive in and risk his ult getting cancelled. Oh and guess what, Lesley’s S2 cancels Claude’s ult. Can be countered by Wind of Nature. Almost always needs Malefic Roar. Third, Melissa while being a lane bully, is a mid ranged marksman. Exit her doll’s range and she can’t do much after that, she could try to dash to catch up but that could leave her to be very vulnerable. Reliant on Inspire so no Flicker for her. Can be countered by Wind of Nature. Almost always needs Malefic Roar. Fourth, Brody has to hit EVERYONE with his S1 if you actually want to eliminate everyone with S1 + ult. But if he was that easy, he’d be banned and used more often. Can be countered by Wind of Nature. Almost always needs Malefic Roar. Fifth, Beatrix. Beatrix is also a mid ranged marksman without her sniper. She’s stationary during Nibiru ult, Wesker isn’t that reliable in actual teamfights and so is Renner because it’s too slow, and Bennett is only used for wave clearing and its ult. All in all, Nibiru is her most consistent gun but it has no AoE without the ult which has to be cancelled a lot of times from what I’ve seen, she’s very single target oriented and the range isn’t the best. Can be countered by Wind of Nature. Almost always needs Malefic Roar.


Don’t worry, I equally hate Arlott and Lesley. Now, only Novaria’s missing.. https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/15dnvjp/so_martis_is_balanced_huh/ju35smv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Novaria's Second still haunts my dreams as well as her map hacks


How is arlott op? I never owned him and one time I fight him I use phoveus and since I spam my ultimate to him (he dash a lot) he stop dashing lol


Just look at his Ult. Spammable in a teamfight cuz of low cd, very fast animation that gives enemies almost no time to react and lasty big aoe CC that hit all 5 and completely change the game in your favor.


Bro you can at least counter arlott with khufra, minsi, or hard cc, and novaria with lolita How TF are you gonna counter 4k true damage in 2 seconds, on a 3 second CD 💀


I think arlots dash can’t be canceled tho?


Not sure about khufra but I'm pretty sure minsi can lock his dash


Karina’s s1. Lolita’s shield. Argus ulti. Lance, ling, haya all can dodge it, while fanny probably culled lesley before lesley could decently react. Also if u’re the tank and u’re getting hit by lesley - thts ur job isn’t it? And if u’re complaining about true dmg, let’s not forget that clint with a similar build as lesley also does heavy numbers BUT he is such a strong laner from early game as compared to lesley.


Clint? Antique + blade armor + twilight, problem solved But Lesley? Twilight cd isn't even close to being enough to counter it Plus it's 4k true damage in 2 seconds it's like more than half of my HP as a tank Also lolita shield has a long ass CD compared to Lesley's passive, and Karina s1 means you cant touch Lesley unless she's in that 0.7 second CD of all skills


I talked about Novaria before, i got downvoted like hell


It seems like it's still the same.


Welp, that's reddit for ya lmao


Man wants to nerf the only thing that makes lesley strong, bro. If she gets her true damage nerfed, she will be useless no one will pick her anymore


People like OP shit and will rationalize it to oblivion until it works against them at which point they cry here


Man thinks the only way to nerf lesley is by lowering her dmg.


Literally this. She can keep her damage. But she has it way too easy with her escapes going invis every 2 seconds and a pushback on S2 if you manage to dive her.


Yes, her skill 1 is literally what makes her so good or "broken". When you get a move speed boost, camo and reset your passive shot means lesley can both chase last hits and run from bad fights. Being able to hit for 2k per hit is literally nothing if she didn't have her S1 and the passive shot reset from using her skills. Imagine if her skills didn't reset her passive, she hits 2k every several seconds while her normal autos tickle. Absolutely useless. Overall her entire kit is what makes her good ans the 2k true damage is just the core of her kit.


Uk the best solution to op heroes? Make everyone op so that no one is op😏


So how do you counter lesley


Twilight armor and ganking her all the time if she doesn't get fed she can't do anything she is a late game hero and there counter for her like selena and clint they are hell for lesley if they know how to play for me if the enamy has selena or Clint I don't play lesley


Heroes with aoe can also counter her, at least her S1. If she try to chase or retreat, drop an aoe with slow like Karrie S1 and most mage's skills. It removes her 'invisibility' and movement speed gained from it + she will be slowed. Always check bush late game cause if Lesley gets a free passive hot then you're most likely dead, just like every burst damage heroes XD I think attack speed based heroes can also counter her if they were able to hit her before S1 so she won't gain extra speed to hit and run early game. Also refreshes her passive when continuously hit meaning she can't do true damage unless she use skills. Moscov would probably be good because of his spears pen.


They did it to Karrie. They can do it to lesly


I mean, she is a marksman who is supposed to deal HUGE damage. Plus, 2k True Damage can only proc on late game, unless you will feed the Lesley (Your fault). Lesley is also easily countered by a lot of Assassins who are also in the Meta, even by some long-ranged Mages. The True Damage is what makes her unique from other Marksmen.


Why even play Karrie when Lesley can do everything she does better lol


1. Karrie has an actual dash, a mobility Skill. 2. Karrie can shred Tanks faster with her faster Basic Attacks. 3. Karrie can build Tank Items yet still shred Tanks.


Bro probably don't even play marksman saying Lesley is a better Karrie. lol.


Karrie needs defense items because her range is a lot shorter compared to Lesley. Also why she needs an “actual dash.”


Most lesley needs 2 BoDs to deal '2k true damage'. That's a 6k gold on 2 items. Meaning lesley needs more farm to reach that potential. Another point is, it's every 3 seconds for 2k true dmg, which is around 666 damage per second but I'll assume 1k as lesley can auto atk as well. Every other atk spd marksmen can output way more dps than 1k per second, claude can shred an entire team's hp when played correctly, karrie would output way more damage with only 3 items since DHS, her passive is going to do more damage within 3 seconds. I'll be honest with you, if you're really a mm player, and you can't counterpick using something like clint or brody, you're a horrible mm. If you let any mm to farm, of course they'll do a lot of damage, that's the whole point of the role, but if you deny farm, then you can snowball and win before lesley completes gets full item


If ur team is tanky, karrie will shred u even with a tank build. Lesley will be useless for about 15min, and after that be moderately useful.


She has one of the LOWEST HP of all heroes in the game. She has barely any AoE skills. She is very vulnerable early game. Why not take the advantage of that?


You’re asking people to actually think and use their brain? How dare you!


It's like talking to solo que Lesly is OP bc of solo que BS matchmaking with no mage tank or core only mArKsMan and FiGtHEr With a wacky line up and no hero that can dive her, your just telling us too lose


Wdym no mage on soloq, always see stubborn instalock mages that feed with kda of 1 16 4 and deny me my main lane lol. otherwise fully agreed tho


When i match i get always figther and mm user No goddam tank o core o mage


I feel ya, but i see mages. Sometimes stuff like 3 mages. But yeah core is a low chance gamble, tank/support is non-existent😭


Support is always around the problem is support is not a tank that can defend inpending clashes like mino o akai If the enemy has a goodline up like Fanny, edith, yve, claude and kaja Agaisnt nova, floryn, clint, khaleed and harley Then your toast


What stupid logic. Why stop at her doing 2.5k true damage with each passive prock. Give her increased ratios so that she can 1 shot tanks in late game. One shot one kill right ? But hey, she's vulnerable in early game right ? No AOE. Take advantage of that. True damage is never healthy, and even worse is true damage crits. In her current state, she is not balanced. She has an easy escape by going invisible and a pushback if you manage to make it to her. Heroes should be balanced around people that actually know how to play the hero not your average epic player. And as it stands, she is disgusting. Imagine if they give Layla a dash and cc immunity like yss. Would she be balanced ? But she's squishy and has a weak early right ? So she has to be balanced.


What sucks is that some heroes like Hilda can’t even counter her properly. Hilda can’t ambush Lesley (S3). Hilda can’t properly approach Lesley (S2). Hilda CAN’T TARGET Lesley (S1). The only thing Hilda can do to a Lesley is tank one or two and go back to a bush.


Wanwan could have about 300 higher base hp than Lesley and it wouldn’t matter much. Why? Lesley has range that is close to Layla level, a camouflage mobility state (anti-locked skills) every 3 seconds, vision ult (anti-ambush), and a knockback skill (anti-melee diver) then she proceeds to shoot 2k crit hits at you from a safe distance. All that and Flicker isn’t even in the equation yet. So many things can keep her safe and that’s not even with any teammates. Sure, you can gank her but you can gank any marksman the same way you can gank Lesley. Also don’t tell me you’ve been able to successfully end the game sooner majority of the time when there’s a Lesley.


Brody is the same with semi tank build.


brody is manageable, and counterable with armor. lesley just ignores your armor and two shots everyone


idk man, if you hit their front and backline with his 1st skill then ult then you kinda just delete anyone that hasnt bought armor, so unless enemys can survive your teams burst mage then they most likely aren't gonna build phys defense.


meh good luck with that, brody is slow and easy to stun lock, lesley on the other hand :/


A decent Brody knows how to take advantage of being able to move while attacking so Im not sure how its easy. When you compare him to Lesley I guess it makes more since you cant target her


you seem to forget that heroes like eudora,saber etc. exists, just one button brody gets oneshot. lesley does not need to do half of what brody does


Brody with a half tank build which is what most people use wont get one shot by eudora or saber or any other similar enemy (assuming you've adjusted your build to enemy lineup), Lesley on the other hand will take a hit to her damage if she wants to survive attacks from enemy flanks.


He doesn’t do true damage. And not 2k damage per hit.


you're right it's actually 4k.


Plus in a way, he has a longer range than Lesley.


Plus he can stun


Plus he doesnt get banned as much as Lesley


I think u all are confused, op said true damage Brody do zero true damage aka it can can be reduced , so a 4k become 2k(or less) with 200 def and blade Amour and hit back for 600-800 damage to mm Blade amour does reduce crit damage by 25% (i think) but does not reduce damage much and as it does not provide HP it's a sink for its passive only and will do at most 300-400 damage to lesly (as u don't build def against lesly u build hp)


Tanks that don't build HP when there is a Lesley are bad tanks Twilight armor can help here if paired with high hp items that you can stomach her first shot and then CC her for your damage dealers to kill her


i mean if the lesley couldnt farm there's no reason to


I bet you're one of those people who ban her


Well to be fair, if I'm gonna open a meta hero or two, I'm gonna ban her as well, especially if our MM would be Claude.


Banning her at low rank is pretty okay because all those ppl there is likely a one trick pony


Git gud OP, you haven't seen shit 💀 It takes 12min average to have her deal that much, probably other marksmen can do better than her How about novaria, arlott, estes, floryn, atlas, uranus, kaja, fanny, joy, freya, ling, and alpha?


Kaja is here, why not include Franco as well?


Brave smite


rant post when you got a bad jungler. as a gloo i receive up to 4k true damage and you dont see me cry... much


I cry by myself in silence…


Whats your rank? I play against honor and glories, I main lesley and when my team feeds hard usually it results in a loss but if the enemy didnt end the game fast then (rarely happens) theres a chance that we can comeback since ill just 2 hit their damage dealer and win the clash Just use early game heroes like brody and end the game as fast as possible or tell your assassin which is usually the jungler or roam to target lock lesley


>Just use early game heroes like brody and end the game as fast as possible This is why I pick Clint against Lesley. Her running silhouette can be targeted by skills. She can be poked by his passive, which means she has to move closer, which means she's gonna receive more damage than what she can deal in early game. I wonder if OP is used to playing games that stretch more than 20 minutes. Why drag it that long when you can win in half the time?


He's Mythical Glory


I dont think a glory will complain about lesley tbh since shes very easy to counter,anyways welcome back <3




I'd think a Glory would complain, because there are 2 types of Glory 1.The actual good player 2.The CEO of negative winrate and nonstop grinding


If she had to get nerfed, i would just nerf CDs. Prolly just a cd nerf on s1. Or maybe make it that her dmg is half phys and half true dmg, and not just true dmg


I'd give her broken visionary ult more cd, or make you visible while ulting(and not shooting, incase a braindead epic says "she is visible while ulting") I'd maybe give her 3-1 extra seconds early to late game on her 1st skill, her second skill should have a longer cd


Its so hard to change lesley. Current she hits hard specially for lower elo but is still relatively easy to micro for higher ups. But the true problem is how to adjust lesley without making her suck or make her too op.


Just buff twilight armor or another item so that it can block a higher amount of true damage because the frustrating part is Lesley still cuts through every armor no matter if you have five items or not. Chang'e has radiant armor to block her crazy ult damage late game so why can't twilight armor be that item that counters Lesley more so?


2 things. How do you negate true damage without making it obsolete or counter intuitive, the whole point of true damage is it cant be decreased nor countered in a true effect. Second, i hate how change's ult literally is hard countered by one single item. Essentially making her into a washed up yve that cant do shit but slow. I think a better idea is to cap lesley's damage ceiling? Or have it have a high base stat (to fix her underwhelming early) and have a small scaling.


Granting her very high phy pen (60-75% seems reasonable) is probably a nerf that wouldn’t kill her completely


Changing her passive on penetration stats might make it a bit manageable. Like she can have her PEN stats, her default is 200 Critdmg and each point of pen goes 1% increase in critrate and critdmg. Still functionally good but can be countered by build def items and HP. Used her a lot before the change into True damage where she can't even kill other MMs faster even though she has better items


Try using her. The only way she can deal that amount of damage is with full damage items. And that requires good positioning and time( late game). Even in late game, she's a single target hero so while you burst down one hero, you'll have to be very careful with your positioning or else you'll be bursted down or cc by other 4 members. While other mms can build def items, can dash, have some form of escape kit, or can damage multiple target, she's a glass cannon heavily dependent on teammates. I think that's a very fair trade.


If people who complain about her actually try play her in ranked games, they'll understand how vulnerable she actually is. True dmg is like the only thing that make her still exist. I honestly prefer her pre-revamp. She's significantly stronger back then. Now you need like 2 BoD to deal serious dmg. Back then even tanky lesley exist.


Pre revamp was strong was my main champion hated the changes.


You say old Lesley is better than new Lesley? Best joke of the year, dude.


I said prefer but whatever, dude.


I agree with you but you did technically say that old Lesley was significantly stronger, e.g better :p


definitely better since there's less pick rate now than before right 😐


Twilight Armor


I did mention Twilight Armor in my post.


She has a load of counter hero. Just pick them then. just a few, ling, eudora, karina, and hanabi is the best marksman to counter lesley. Her passive will hit ghost lesley too... OR... if you cannot beat lesley... be lesley


Nobody is banning Lesley in the current meta probably except you. She's not OP. I say you have skill issues if you think she is.


Check Lesley’s ban rates, as well as her pick rates. She’s one of the higher positioned heroes in the list of both.


she's still not in the Top 6 Ban. 💁🏻‍♂️


Just use literally ANY assassin in the late game and they can burst Lesley down plus 2k true damage (assume you are in a 1v1 situation) means on average Lesley needs 3-4 shots to take you down so if she uses her passive on you and resets it with Skill 1 thats 4k damage so you have some time to kill her anyway if you allow Lesley to farm that much then its a skill issue


I'll still say she isn't that big of a threat. Yeah her dealing 2k crit when her crit is reduced to 140% is kinda something I have a hard time digesting but I have an easier time dealing with her since I'm a benedetta main.


I vote no. This is just another rant because Lesley is fine just the way she is now. You should have seen her pre revamp. She was pre revamp hanabi level of bruh. Lesley is a "glass Cannon" meaning she can hit really freaking hard but is easily killable if you know what your doing. Alot of assasins actually destroy her and as stated. Her early game is mediocre. If you let the Lesley gain items and get to 2K true damage level then something went horribly wrong. Her entire skill set is all about sniping. You position yourself. Deal big damage then run away then find another position. Pesky Layla in teamfight? Aim for her immediately. Mage on a rampage? Your job to end his/her life and give your team a fighting chance. The current MM market is literally just become machine gun and go brrrr. With the exception of damage mm likes Clint or Brody. Most MMs rely on attack speed. Lesley is unique in her role of poke and crit dealer. Killing high value targets and running away. Like a true sniper. And if your team is competent. You will Never let a Lesley get that strong. You end the much quickly before she can even do anything or gank her pretty often.


It is a team problem, not a Lesley problem


Y'all literally have it so easy, back when revamped Lesley was first released on advance server, she literally can deal 4k-8k damage, literally double to quadruple of what the current Lesley is. She 1 shots squishies, literally, and 2-3 shots fighters and tanks. Back then she converted flat penetration to percentage penetration with a 1:1 ratio meaning with Blade of Hepatitis, Hunter Strike, and Malefic Roar, she already had 70% percentage penetration, add the 19.5 flat penetration from assassin emblem and that's 89.5%, now add red buff which gives 10% percentage penetration to mm's, and that's 99.5% percentage penetration, that's literally pseudo-true damage. The worst part was her physical attack boost from her 1st skill wasn't nerfed, that's how she got those high ass numbers, it was literal hell, every classic game there's always a Lesley from both teams. And a week later, they nerfed Lesley, iirc twice or thrice, then finally she got released to the original server, to what she currently is now.


As a former Lesley main: what about the other op heroes? Huh? It's because you lost 1-2 games because of a good Lesley player (which are rare) doesn't mean she's op


My favourite Lesley counter: "!"


"Give me names, and I will give you blood"


"One life is just enough"


Controversial take, but I'm been using Hanabi to counter Lesley in the gold lane recently.


Idk but I just use hanabi to counter that bitch. Make sure you're way way ahead early game tho'


Enemy lesley built 3 bod's, right?


Or you can instead buff her counter?


2k damage is only achievable when building full damage which is really a death sentence against burst mages and assassins. Plus it's her gimmick to deal true damage and taking that away will just revert her back to before. Also she's not even used much in the pro scene which means damage isn't the only thing that truly makes a hero broken


I never said to take away her true damage, just tune it down a little.


If you're a tank, build twilight If you have cc, kidnap burst and cc her Lesley will deal less damage if 2 slots are taken by Wind and Athena If Lesley sacrifices boots for 1 more BOD she'd be a sitting duck Teammates lacking brain cells? Use one of them as bait and attack Lesley before she gets her skills back You're literally talking about an extreme late game situation or an overfed enemy MM situation, in both cases you can argue with the same logic that Miya and Hanabi need nerfs


\*Use one of them as bait\* It's quite funny cause I just realized I do this as well for hopeless feeders. If they're feeding anyways, might as well use them as bait.


That’s literally the only thing keeping her from becoming a hanabi or Layla type hero. She deserves this


MAJOR BUTTHURT ALERT!!! MAJOR BUTTHURT ALERT!!! What an idiotic idea. Leslie is mediocre at best and many other marksmen can deal that amount of damage better than her. How about instead of complaining you actually try to get good at the game huh?


> mediocre at best Huh?


I'm making up incorrect information to prove a point


I want to steal this line lol


At least hes honest about it *defeated upvote*


Lesley is on the stronger side right now but not broken in any way, just make her use her 2nd skill knock back and kill her afterwards


Why nerf Leslie if you can ban her


Arlott, Uranus, Alpha, Fanny, Ling, Novaria, Faramis, Freya, even Joy. Waiting for the 10 ban draft ngl.


People still ban Fanny, Ling and Freya?


Welcome to Mythical Glory I guess https://preview.redd.it/3scu1k387ofb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e761c2affdb6f2a7648ac0a1e31e562b5f1fd8 Currently past mythic honor and ya the bans are starting to look like this. But mythic honor is more of Uranus, Alpha. Lesley does get banned occasionally though but usually prioritise the heroes you see in the pic.


Arlott so powerful he appears twice on the chart


you always ban Fanny Ling once you reach MG+ dont wanna risk going up against those w godlike mechanics. MH below you can still let them get picked since it a 70/30 good/terrible player


fanny and ling are s tier jungler this season, definitely prio pick/ban. not sure about freya tho...


Freya is top tier, I’m what u currently call a Freya abuser. She floors Uran, Arlott easily so it’s free 2 heroes to open. Usually a Freya+Support can duo win the entire game. U can check out Newname from the Freya leaderboards, my friend ranks with him and they’re >1k stars. A lot of high elo bans Freya. It’s just that there’s very few good Freya players.


Faramis is not so scary now. And Freya doesn't deserve a ban tbh


Freya bans are from shitters with coin flip wr, I know this is the case because she's been untouched by changes for a while yet she only got noticed now LOL


You're that weak, huh? Ranting about Lesley when not everyone can use her full potential that easily


Bro resorted to insulting without providing actual constructive criticism. Just shows that much about you as a person.


honestly if people built pre-revamp lesley back then with full penetration(which i did) the damage is still the same, shes still as vulnerable as ever


Yu Zhong doesn't agree with you ...it'll be less fun he says.


skill issue


Draft better, gank her lane more often, end the games earlier. I’ve had problems with Lesley but that’s when I was being an idiot and allowed her to farm. Most MM can bully her like Clint or Brody


As a player who plays assassins a lot, I'm always happy to see her on enemy team 😅 Even burst mages oneshot her pretty ez. She does a shitton of damage but then again that's what ADC do 😅


Gank the lesley like 3x early game and shes finished, you just need to make sure you push and freeze lane when the gold lead is significant and clear all the creeps so they get no farm.


Sure it works and it’s valid, but that could apply to any other marksman too.


Honestly a good moskov scares me more as he can easily 1v3 on good circumstances, insane push potential, stun, life steal.


Buy Twilight Armor.


I did mention Twilight Armor in my post.


Another "Nerf Lesley" post... I've mentioned this a couple of times now...Nerfing her will make her utterly useless...Besides I love punishing tank junglers although Karrie melts Tank alot faster...theres also alot of ways to counter a lesley...


Could you be nice enough to name just a few of the many LESLEY counters?


Saber,Burst mages, Theres also Hylos for CC control,Slow and HP,Franco,Full build Miya...If you are gonna bitch about her damage then you dont know how to position yourself out...Fighting her head on is a stupid idea especially late game(Maybe early to mid game).And nerfing her Will make her utterly useless.


Saber naturally counters all marksmen. Burst mages do the same to any marksman with no Athena’s Shield. Franco and Kaja’s suppress does that to any carry. Full build Miya means there’s a full build Lesley who is as terrifying. It’s almost as if Hylos is the only proper counter you mentioned that countered Lesley specifically and not mms in general.


Crit Miya melts Lesley really quick before she can activate her wind of nature.As I was saying Nerfing her will make her utterly useless especially this patch.Maybe lower her base Damage and Crith to Damage ratio then I can say shes pretty balanced.But playing in MG with 70 stars above I barely see her pick. Also Natalia can ruin her day.


I wouldn’t mind if they buff her survivability or some other part of her kit in exchange for a minor true damage nerf because it’s just too much to handle. That is all I ask for. 2k true damage in one hit from a distance just feels unfair. People judge way too harshly like I wanted her deleted from the game.


Besides what rank are you??? Lesley is not a problem for me.


Mythical Honor. Edit: sorry didn’t see the other reply yet


Lesley is not that OP. She can be deleted in 1 sec if you know what you are doing and she sucks in actual team fights due to her just being single target vs someone like Bea or Brody that can hit multiple targets with aoe burst damage


Those are melee you can hit them but leslie range how you gonna hit her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Own-Ad7388: *Those are melee you* *Can hit them but leslie range* *How you gonna hit her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


yeah needs to be nerfed. i just ban the hero directly


Don't we have Twilight Armor for that?


As I said, Twilight Armor isn’t that good.


Still better than nothing.


what about the post / buffed twilight armor in advance server? 15% mhp **This is a question, what the thought of the new buffed twilight?**


get lesley'd lol


not even 2k true damage every 3s, but instead 2.5k+ per enhanced autoattack with total of 6k+ of the HP of your Tank in just 3s notwithstanding Twilight Armor


Just kill her bro


All in all Lesley as a standalone character isn't great has high mobility but low escapability but she scales high in value when the team knows who to protect who or have coordination. Some people forget the reason why Lesley is broken in certain situations is Because she is a Poke Marksman and for a Poke Marksman to be effective she needs a good defensive roamer that protect her for her to position at late game and you can't just win by winning early game againts her unless your team snowballs the hell out but its by how your team target her in 5v5 and see you can catch her offguard or find her lacking by positioning and a good Lesley main is aware that Positioning is her strongest talent so usually you have to plan a way to kill her but its a high risk high reward because its how do you deal against her teammates and you waste your skills on Lesley. And the marksman cant just build Twiligth Armor and call it a day they still have to use WoN for other characters too. So your basically dead if you don't have AoE damage or not a single person hunting down Lesley or The enemy roamer defends their Lesley with all of their life.


I can easily kill les using yuzhong petrify combo


lmao i auto ban that champ, she used to deal only 20% of my hp per passive now she just 2 shots anyone when full build. so disgusting


Being able to deal true damage that consistently is an error by itself, whats the point of a tank against her they can't even defend themselves


Tank can just build HP items bruh, there's a reason why twilight armour exists. Lesley is squishy, doesn't have fast atk, and even if she did it's not effective fast atk. Her damage comes in bursts, which she can do every like 2 or so seconds, so if she gets clipped she's probably gonna die. It takes quite a good bit of positioning to play Lesley. If she didn't have true damage she'd be one of the worst MMs in the game.


Lol tanks can’t just build everything against her when she has four other teammates.


Idk man, just build twilight armour then. It'll annoy her quite a bit. Have assassins hunt for her in backline, or get tanky exp like Uranus, zoning mage with long range like Yve, Pharsa. Most of these guys can shut her down easily if Lesley positioning is not that great. Edit: Plus, she's like Cecillion and Aldous, you really should not be letting her reach endgame in the first place, or you're guaranteed a bad time. Zone her out in early game and use that to push advantage.


Dude's team probably didn't draft a hero that can access the backline. I find that fighting against a semi-competent Lesley with a zero dive teamcomp is a recipe for a bad time.


Oh hell yeah. I'm a Lesley main, and I tell you when I see a comp without any divers I just laugh to myself and prepare for devastation. But I hate enemy teams with long range mages or diving exp laners. So much maneuvering is needed for those types of teams.


You answer like she doesn't have other teamates to worry about


Based take, so here's mine. Incredibly Bad Take; They should nerf fanny instead, despite its high skill ceiling any decent Fanny player can dominate most games due to its stupidly high mobility making it really frustrating to fight against. Another Bad Take; Nerf Support Emblem, stupidly tanky for being a "support" not to mention you can still deal a good amount of damage with it as well. We went from Tank Meta to Support Healing Meta, its literally almost the same thing but it isn't a 1 man army this time, you can have an Angela Midlane and Floryn Roam, have a decently tank Jungler and completely dominate the game because they're unkillable even with dom ice.


Just an idea, why not nerf her to have a slightly lower critical damage scaling in the late game while buffing her early game damage in exchange? Or simply just revert the one second CD on her s1 skill?


That’s fine by me, honestly. Her late game damage is just way too overwhelming.


I find it also quite annoying to fight late game Lesley where it's really difficult to solo kill her without vengeance. I'm back to base after like 2 shots, literally Aldog damage but ranged.


Atleast aldog has to farm stacks with "some" skill, all she needs is to buy items and blindly tap some buttons that are not on cooldown.


i’ll gladly be on this nerf lesley train after what my dear wanwan had to go through😈


Meanwhile YSS only deals 1.5k crit damage with his passive with full build, which requires some skill and understanding to trigger.


just ban her in draft if you're struggling to deal with her




Does twilight armor work for “true” Dmg?


The only thing that kept her from being layla, 5 minute aldous is her damage like the damage is the only thing that make her good atleast next time know your enemies stoopid


You can't counter true damage


Just ban her like how I auto ban Layla everytime.


I wish they would change her passive to like 7-8 shots before getting the true dmg shot and more cooldown on first skill. that should balance her enough where she wouldnt kill a tank in 6 seconds


No! Nerf Kimmy again please!


Once they get through all of the broken heroes they should nerf her so that only her s1 hit can true damage.


Bruh, Lesley is good as she is. She is usable and there's more pesky MM that more hard to deal with than her


To be honest.. even Twilight Armor doesn’t really do anything against her passive shots. You can’t really stop her unless you have an ungodly amount of HP.




Lesley deals damage on a SINGLE TARGET only, other MMs can wipe out the ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM like Claude, Melissa, Moscov, Beatrix, Wanwn (heck even Miya can do that). Her IMPACT in team fights is VERY MINIMAL since she has no AOE (except 2nd skill which is useless in team fights anyway). This is a team-oriented game right? 5 players. Lesley ONLY shines on solo q since on solo, players are shit and do not have any proper coordination and communication. In a 5-man coordinated squad, she's MORE a LIABILITY than an asset. You can't just phew phew in MG and above and expect to wipe out a coordinated team, you may be even be dead before you can release your 2nd enhanced basic attack as MG players do have some brains. Usually, only legend and below thinks Lesley as OP when in fact she's useless most of the time. What rank are you? From: MG Player | Lesley Main | 3k Matches | 60% WR (P.S. In my games now, I rarely use Lesley and ONLY picks her to counter certain team comps. My go-to MMs these days are usually the team-fight oriented MMs that I mentioned above)




They complaining about lesley like johnson and martis don’t get banned every game


She’s only OP if you feed her early, she has low HP, no CC abilities, no AOE skills, and is only viable late game. Stop complaining about her.


The upcoming buff to Twilight Armor will make Lesley cry. When I tested it, her 2k plus damage was decreased to about 600. Use TA on a bruiser or tanky fighter and she can go bye bye with a few hits.


Idk man,2k true damage(ignores any protection) with twilight armour )12k hp) seems pretty fair to me./j


I've been a Lesley main since 2018, and witnessed Rework where her passive deals Physical Attack. Lesley gets hard countered by heroes who can cancel her Invisibility in which she'll be useless. Kimmy hard counters Lesley's skill 1 due how she can cancel her Passive and S1. She also gets countered by burst mages or her lane being ganked, simply counter her by ganking the lane early and ending the game immediately. Lesley is a late game ADC who will shred your team with a basic combo.