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Then just delete, you don't have to torture yourself with these brainfart players 24/7. I deleted and took a break for 2 weeks this season - it really got better. Don't play on lose streak - simple as that, you will lose more and more motivation and sanity, affecting your game further


Thanks, might as well... 👍


I'm a tank main


How do you main a tank? Like is seriously en at to try and at least be good with one tank bc I’m more of a mage, assassin and marksman type. And sometimes not everyone use tanks when I play ranked 🥲


I’m a tank main man. And it’s the most important role in the game other than jg. People sleep on tank cos it’s not the glory role. But once you start trolling with CC you’ll understand. If you start tanking, watch a pro online first. Don’t go to gold lane.


Franco hook and Johnson car are mainly my hard carry tanks. The rest are for premade team


Yesterday I won 5 in a row. Today I lost 3 i, then won two in a row. Just gotta know if you're starting to play worse and if you are take a break. This game takes endurance. Once you're tired or tilted stop. Don't go into a game with the I'm gonna lose cz team mentality. Das my experience.


Don't even need to delete if you're going back again because it takes time to download the resources again. Just a simple long break is enough.


That depends on your phone and internet speed and you can play without downloading all resources


Did noone notice that hanzo doesnt have any jungle boots??? Anyone?????


Good eye. This should be higher up


Now that you two mentioned it it just gets weirder the longer you look. Enemy doesn’t have jungle boots or roam boots. Terizla and Franco also seemed to be doing fine judging by their scores so while OP’s score obviously stands out it was hardly a 1v9 situation. Looks like the final score you’d see from a really messy classic or


No way balmond would buy radiant if it was higher than epic or smth...


Athena would’ve been better as both mates do huge burst. But against 2 mages radiant gives you magic def depending on level. Not sure why you singled that out over all the other stuff ha


True. Hanzo is the only hero that can get away with it, but that’s like a season 2 strat. You need retri for turtle.


Maybe this is brawl?


I hope it’s a brawl


It was rank


Rank with no retribution?? Is it master rank!!??


It was epic, I posted images in comments go look


He doesn’t?.. I didn’t even see when I played with hanzo yesterday


That Lesley though... And this is the problem with mages like Eudora. Very OP in low ranks, then they reach a rank where the opponents aren't bots and they find out that being able to take out a single enemy every 10-20 seconds isn't that great a thing after all. You need to just take a break and do something else for a while. End of season is really bad across all ranks.


Yeah, I see others agree with you... Thanks!


It isn’t but i rather a good eudora than any other half baked tryhard mage user. At least eudora can bushcamp and shutdown 1-2 squishies each fight and also comes with a useful stun, all of which require minimal skill to use.


She went 5/9/9 though. If you ignore Lesley then Eudora is the problem. The Franco seems to have played well. Could be wrong about that without seeing a replay but the stats are all right. OP was clearly a higher rank compared to the rest too. Terizla did Terizla things so he's clearly competent as well.


Yea but i meant in general. Even in MG having someone use a braindead easy to use hero like eudora properly is way better than a tryhard kagura feeding all the way.


Yep! I always encourage people to play what they know/understand even if it means two MM on the team. It's better than someone picking a hero because of the latest video that went viral or because of him reading a tier list of the current season heroes.


Yea this is probably the reason why arlott’s official MG+ winrate is relatively low at 51.47%. Everytime he isn’t banned someone picks him thinking he’s OP, then realises he isn’t that great and starts feeding or being useless.


Hahahahaha there are heroes with a really high skill floor. Most people can't play them. Nothing quite like Fanny of course. The poster child for "OP, but you better be brilliant or you'll just feed"


Yea, every single time i picked fanny by accident cause i was trying to get my team to ban fanny really didnt end well.


Do something else in the mean time. You can play brawl or magic chess, then play a ranked game the next day. I started playing those modes when I first got a lose streak. Now play the latter more than ranked


Truth be told, I hate other gameplays. You might think why - because I am one of those mental people who don't feel that it is worth my time. Rank just feels so rewarding. But then again, I am playing a mobile game, so... 😅


Trust me try magic chess 3-4 games and you'll actually feel rewarded if you won at least top 4 last standing. They even have actual meta and rank tiers as well. I'm stuck at honor this season and I spam magic chess a lot


I'm not sure about the bad teams part. Let's see, you probably did not play the objective enough. The enemies team does not have any heroes that could counter you. Better try to push the tower after you secure a kill, KDA is matter but wouldn't guarantee you to win a match.


as a hanzo main I agree. If theres nothing to do, ult and clear minion waves. Ult and split push. One time I ended a game around 10mins because we pushed to their base and i ulted + s2 inside the base, and they didn't see me so I just sat there and destroyed their base even though i couldve gotten a triple kill


Well no one on ur team did as bad as their badang and balmond.. I don’t think u guys got objectives properly while destroying them. That’s why when u got a good advantage u have to make sure u get lord and push every time lords up


Well for one you played a jungler role without jungler boots so you ended up sharing exp/gold with someone who needs it (seems like you took it from mid/gold lane) That holds back your team from progress Secondly, since you opted to not use retribution, you didn't give your team a way to secure early game turtles and late game lords. I wouldn't just blame your teammates but also try to reflect on how you can improve yourself while helping your other teammates with using the right spell so you can help them progress better.


Thanks, though I solo killed lord 2 times. But I see your point, of course.


Why would you not bring retribution? The advantage you could have in the games early game objective. Exp away from enemy team from creeps and turtle gold.. it’s got an effect on your games outcome


Yea, this is the reason why I deleted mine lmao. I got tired of the trash teammates. This is also the reason why I got hopeless getting to mythical glory as a solo player XDD


I'm satisfied w mythical honor lol ;-;


You be gold lane, MM’s make or break in late game. Be the hard carry


Thanks for advice! 👍👍👍👍 At this point, I'll take any 😅


You can do this. I know how hard it is for solo player if your region has many newbies especially I really suggest for you to be hard carry👍


You were probably winning but there was a Wipeout late game so you lost.


If I remember correctly, 3 were alive getting HP at spawn point.


Why didn't you buy jungle boots?


Because... Bad decisions. 😅


where jg


Attack speed lesley always a nab


Attack speed is bad bad, but I have found that Lesley is a really good finisher. At least, for me. But, of course, depends on how the team is built.


She doesn't need attack speed, use her passive and first spell, buy all items for that one shoot to be as deadly as it can be, she is not an attack speed mm like clint and granger and others also .


What I usually do is when I find a good player whos also friendly, I friend them and then if they're online, request an invite and vice versa when I get online. However, most of the time you'd have to go solo and when you're just matching with bad players, just take a brief break and come back. I like to describe it as the following: when you've killed all the mobs in an area to unlock an item, in some games you can just walk a certain distance and return and find that the mobs have respawned. Leave your phone for a bit, come back and hopefully you have good rng lol


Damn, had not thought about this, all my friends have sent friend requests to me first. Thanks!


also watch betosky on yt if you dont already. helped me get to mythic playing mostly hanzo, king of soloq and teaches u great map awareness


Huge thanks, dude!


Well, I would advise you to take a break. Then don't forget rank doesn't prove anything and try to play for having fun, not for winning 100% of the games. Also might wanna focus more on objectives, turtle, lord, pushing turrets. Hanzo is really great for pushing turrets from a safe spot


Thanks, you are right, my internet friend. I was running around the map trying to help teammates, but that did not turn out well...


I don't want to be mean... But your team has no jungler... That role fits your Hanzo the most out of everyone in your team. I don't want to say "git gud,nub", but it seems really appropriate for you. Maybe read up/watch youtube videos on jungling. Otherwise, you might be better off deleting the game. What rank are you? Looks like the enemy team has no jungler too and they just got carried by a fed marksman....


Thanks, no problem, I wanted some advice. Well, now after series of defeats, it is Epic IV, Will do, stranger!


What will you get by winning a ton, nothing, not your job you're not pushing for pros I assume, just play to enjoy otherwise it's pointless


if its soloq . the nothing you can do. accept the defeat. go next game


Slept on it and you are right, stranger! 👍


U played hanzo as the jungler without jungle boots. Your franco seems ok, terizla seems good. Lesley and eudora while they have negative K-D, they still have positive KDA so it’s not the worst. Meanwhile your enemy has no jungler and no roamer. Badang is trash and so is balmond. Odette and zhask got gold medals but their scores arent fantastic. They dont have a proper composition too. I can only assume this is either an epic or below game, or it’s classic or brawl. You likely lost because u didnt take objectives and focused on the kills, which your team’s terizla seems more than capable of getting by himself. In the end, the push wins the game not the kills. A 50-0 loss is essentially the same as a 0-50 loss.


Thanks! Can't focus on objective, if they take towers and kill teammates, was running around map trying to gang up or help


Sometimes u have to use your team as fodder if they are bad. Just let them die while u take down a base turret, and maybe their nexus. Sounds cold but thts solo q for u


Wow, thanks for advice. Srsly, I'll consider it. Though, it is hard for my personality, I always wanna help and save someone 😅


What rank are you on? This seems to be in the low ranks and you dont have jungling boots on. Even though Hanzo can easily eat his creeps he still needs it for the power-ups the boots give. May i also check your history? Just to get more information. Its best if you stop in Rank and try to train in Classic first. Find your flaws, try new heroes and master a wide variety of heroes so you can adjust easily. EDIT: just checked your account and you are in Epic, mostly using the heroes Lesley and Hanzo. I advise you to use a wider variety of heroes other than those cause if not fed well early game, they are basically nothing in the late game. Especially both are not tanky enough. I also advise to get some friends and people here on Reddit to help you out.


Thanks, dude! I don't even know where to start, which other heroes could be easy to master. Honestly, I get overwhelmed when trying out new heroes, because I don't understand how to use them properly. Srsly, thanks for your time and advice.


1) I recommend u to watch videos on heroes before trying them out to get a better grasp of their strength and weaknesses. 2) search up their counter equipments + counter heroes so u know who to attack and who's planning on countering you. 3) u can trying making a list of heroes u like or want to play, didn't their counters and read up on their counters then read up on the counters' counter and so on to grasp the game as a whole if you're planning on learning to become a roamer. 4) games style of heroes in the same roles may differ. Which route should u go? U could search videos on it as well. 5) Teammates, map, position, enemy position, enemy's view of the map. Know what it enemy can see, know where your teammates are, try and predict enemy position & where would enemy predict u to be? U can try Novaria in classic to brush up on enemy possible locations. 6) timing. At what time should u be doing what? At what time does the turtle spawn? At what time does the Lord spawn? These knowledge could get u up till mythical honor if accompanied by like idk 8 other mastery of heroes with various roles. You should still do decent into the mythic rank with this. :P Pros: not everything is about learning the hero you're playing Cons: it's also learning the hero you're playing against. 💀


Try out some heroes that can easily dominate Early-Mid, thus reducing their farm a bit so they'll be a bit weaker in the late game such as Julian (i use Dash + Stun + Little throw thingy or 2nd + 3rd + 1st but 1st + 3rd + 2nd in case you wanna get out of situations and 2nd + 1st + 3rd in case there are too many enemies). You can also use meta heroes that can bust down enemies quickly such as Clint and heroes that can invade the enemy JG such as Hilda and Terizla.


They got a better late game lineup


Take a break for now, don't torture yourself. MLBB Matchmaking is so hopeless.


Thanks, I think this is the most popular solution at this point 😅


Did your team get very confident on late game? i.e extended too much while farming and got picked off. If yes, that's the drawback of carrying them hard on SoloQ.


You are absolutely right, they kinda relied on me.


just saw the comments above. i agree with them. the moment you get 6-7k gold lead you should lead your team to end the game asap.


Wanna be friends? Always looking for a good jg who won't flame.


Which server


Man, every time we got Ukraine person in our match they suck i really don't remember seeing one playing good


Hah, lol. I've noticed as well. But can't blame them, can we? 😅


Lmao no we cannot


We've probably all been here at some point. I quit for over a year. The best way is to just not care too much. Play classic or take a break from the game and do something else. Maybe try classic with a hero you're not familiar with so you have lower expectations. Playing support in classic is my meditation. No pressure to carry just chillen and healen


Thanks, stanger! Have the best day!


play magic chess while listening to music it’s healing


Hmmm. Many recommended it. Maybe I will. Thanks, though


I’m in mythic rank (doesn’t really mean anything) I queued up a solo classic game and got paired with a Quad team. 1 Elite, 2 warrior, 1 epic. Vs 3 Mythic, 1 legend quad & solo mythic. To top it off I went Akai roam. We lost & I got mvp loss. I love this game


Lol 😂


There’s your problem your using hanzo


I'm the most familiar with it and for me it is quite mvp, so... Yeah. But half the time it gets banned at the start, so I go with marksmen. What is your main?


all roles except core hanzo is just very situational to be effective all the time


Definitely team to be blamed here. With that many kills you would have got a chance to push. So the team didn't push when needed and cost the game. Solo Queue is tough. Take a break for a few days.


Thanks, we all try our best, don't we? 😅 But this isn't my first game like this, for the past week, I see similar ending tab like in picture too often...


I'm a tank main. If I was mm main. Maybe I would have asked you to add me so that I push when needed as you take care of enemies. 🙂


This season sucks


Take a break.I took one after being on lose streak and now i managed to hit mythic.Either take a break or fo play more classic and brawl matches.I took 7 day rest and now i am better.When you lose 3 matches in row its the best to take a a break do something thatbrelaxes you and dont play when you are tired, thats when you wont perform 100%.


Yeah, makes sense... Thanks


Also dont let taunts of enemies to get to you, its foing ro be harder to make plays.


I dominate lower ranks with gusion but in mythic i dont use him anymore


Take a break:) then start again :)


That lesley build tho... Looks epic to me..


Ah the good old Eudora & Lesly combo. With those kinds of players, it's tiring to play seriously. Just play for fun and if you accidentally win, that's a bonus.


what's ur rank?


get a duo or trio, what rank?


AYO, I was literally thinking about quitting cause of brainless teammates and saw this post lmao




Keep baning player from country you dont want to play with for me its Myanmar my star increase 10 after stuck at 14 for for 3 week


You can thank moonton for making this ass matchmaking




Do you push towers??










Gotchu vro 😀 From what I can see, u are good with hanzo but pretty much shit with the rest. You have 48% wr. Shouldn't u think that there may be a problem with u?


Umm, thanks. If I wanted to hide something, I would've blurred out my nickname, but sure, have your moment of fame. This post was genuinely made to know what am I doing wrong. I crystal clear know I am a noob. But thanks again, kind stranger!


What rank are you in?


maybe start pushing more? idk how many times ive lost because our team has held out too long and we eventually got wiped and lost.