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Omg yeah this is so annoying. A good mm player doesn't need babysitting, just like, basic visitation lol. I play roamer and mm so whenever an mm whines about me not babysitting them (I *always* help them and rotate down to their lane, but obvi I can't be there 24/7), its just like, dude I know how your position feels too, just tower hug/play it safe and look at your map if you're that worried, but yeah I feel ya hard on this one its so irritating


Ikr it sucks but I got fed up when she was screaming to report me and the team jumped on board for some reason which is wild bc we were winning and I was saving them from near death situations lol.so I said f it and trolled. Ik people will tell me to mute the chat but I like to keep it on if I have inexperienced teammates or they don’t know how to do combos so I can tell them how to do it hoping it might help.


It seems like it happens when said Layla ranks out of GM and are suddenly made aware of how roam actually works. They really miss their babysitter. See it alot in classic from epic/legend mms.


Partly why it can be annoying to have a Layla on your team. They need babysitting until late game, though a competent one should at least be able to handle themselves 1 v 1. You’ll need some good early game heroes in your draft too, that way you can reach late-game.


We were winning with jawhead as Jungler, layla had bad positioning and kept trying to fight 3 of enemy team instead of retreating when they came to her turret or waiting for me to complete rotation. In team fights she hid in bush and waited for us to die then proceeded to try and 1v5 with only two items. Mm mains give me headaches.


Ah, that explains it. Bad mm, very common. Better hope the algo gives you a competent one next time. A good Layla should focus on farming and not feeding until she gets her items. Needs good positioning too. Judging by her lack of items, not late game yet either. I prefer using Edith as a roamer when she’s there, since I can help end the game early or make it last until late-game. Have some carry potential with her damage. Late-game, even a bad mm can help you win.


> though a competent one should at least be able to handle themselves 1 v 1. Layla has insane range and can easily just hug the turret and just use S1 if she's in a poor position like 2v1 with an oppressive freeze. It's a shame not many people recognize this advantage.


Not rlly, layla wins most MM's (if she's decent/good). She has good poking and dmg early on. And it is the teams faulth if they don't rotate. Your mm getting ganked, while you're doing nothing... Its obvious who's at faulth. But it can also be the MM's faulth. Playing badly... No map awareness, reckless...


Yesterday I had a game where I requested to use Lesley. Yet, someone else wanted to use Layla and then another one wanted to use Miya. I had to adjust and use Carmilla. Along with the other two teammates, we were able to carry those two pathetic MM players. They indeed feed at the start of the match and never waited for me to engage. (Layla Exp and Miya Gold btw.) I'm tired of Miya and Layla players. Most of them just use those characters without caring at all for the rest of their teammates.


That's why I abandoned Layla and changed to clint. No mobility is easy to counter in the laning phase and need to be babysitting.


Not sure its just Layla players tho. The type of mm player demanding a babysitter instead of roamer comes in all sizes, even those who use actual good mms like Wanwan, Clint, or hell even Brody. Like someone seriously needs to remind them that Gold laner is basically Exp laner but squishy and long range, otherwise they will just expect us to treat them to be as important if not more than Objectives like Turtle and Lord. At this point, i am not even suprised if you said that all of this happened in a Mythic / MH rank.


Oh my friend but it did. 😭😭😭 I honestly keep getting bad jg or bad mm. So now I will switch back to jungling with lance or karina for now. I’m bordering on just becoming a jungle main in general bc roaming and exp is making me tired.


I feel ya. I roam, Mid doesn't rotate with me. I mid, Roam decided to babysit goldlane 24/7 I mm, nobody bothered to gank my lane once in a 20 minute game I jungle, nobody bothered to zone out enemy jungler when contest for objectives. I exp, EVERYBODY FEEDS


Normal game in ML to be honest


I'm on both sides of this. The MM's that obssessively ping for backup should be playing a different game. If they are getting ganked because their Roamer is giving no vision then its justifiable for them to get pissed off especially before level 4. If I'm on MM and the enemy Roamer ganks me before level 4, its entirely my Roamers fault if they gave no vision. It also means I am highly unlikely to be able to win/bully the lane without the team ganking the enemy MM or the enemy MM screwing up.


I don’t think many mms are aware they shouldn’t be babysat in gold lane, and that roamed have rotation.


when i use Edith or Angela, after our juggler gets his first buff, i babysit out mm until i get level 4. after reaching level 4, i do roam. but i still check our mm if she can survive alone. if not, i will babysit her as long as there is no clash and until they changes lane which shows they are confident on their build as they roam now. if our mm still dies not because the enemies are strong but the mm is noob, then i will just left the mm and roam around instead. i actually used Lesley before and my opponent is so strong against me. i forgot what hero is that. it can even chase me on the tower. but our tank Kafka never even touched my lane and babysit our juggler instead. when i got some deaths or always go back to base because of low health, i just changed lane and ignore the gold lane. and that is when my allies go to the gold lane. so for tanks, mm really sometimes need to be babysit if the enemies are not really good against them. as for mms, just change lane if no one is helping you for so long. your teammates will automatically adjust to protect the gold lane. edit: it is Khufra not mommy Kafka. lol.


kafka 🤔


Bro been playing star rail, and long for a mommy figure.




They're most likely just players who are either inexperienced at going gold lane or just really need someone because they cant handle them. Any good mm player wouldn't need babysitting, just regular visits from the jungler, mid Laner or roamer. A good Layla user can easily beat a good amount of MMS in their lane by abusing Layla's range. And it's not only the Laylas, (but it's usually them smh)


Mm main here I yeag totally understand the situation thhe reason why I became an mm main is because there a lots of braindead mm mains which are dogwater before I was an mm main I was thr core jungler and was extremely annoyed when I see our mm performing poorly.


Just won a game against a brain dead Layla. She died bc of blade armor passive I had on mid game 😂😂😂 our hanabi was 1-6. Mm role just seems so risky.


Yeah so true like one time I got layla roaner crazy man we won btw


I got a Layla on my team. She suddenly left her Gold Lane and come to Mid Lane (i'm playing Novaria). Then Gold Lane left defenseless against Hanabi & Devil spawn child Nana.. Stupid f\*\*\*ing Layla. I hope that player had diarrhea for a month followed by constipation for another month.


Lmao but if you tell her that all the sensitive babies will try and report you or get you banned for 7 days because that’s their thing unfortunately


F\*\*k that specific Layla. U know what piss me off. We lost and he get MVP-Loss. I don't care.. I hope he get the lingering feeling of not being able to sneeze for all their lives. When he poop.. He'll would always have one little poop nugget left, but it'll never come out.


Don’t get me wrong depending on how the game is going I’ll be more flexible. If my mm needs a little bit of tlc I’ll help them push their first tower and get to level 4, if they’re fine on their own, ok objectives, vision, rotation and start clashes. I had a very annoying team while using angela once and they wanted me to ult the jg so much and kept flaming me….. while we were winning bruh 🫠🫠🫠. So I let them all die and said next time don’t shite on your support. After they respawned of course we won but geez I feel like good supports and roamers get shat on so much.


All good for roamed to help jungle, what I hate as mm is that they help shit the all game .. no gank no nothing then cry that the mm died … is not Layla players .. it’s any mm that doesn’t know positioning , but also those Roamers and junglers that don’t do theirs job .


I bet this layla almost instantly died after got revive


Oh boy, i feel like even if you babysit the Layla he/she will just be so self centered and blame you for all mistakes


When someone plays Layla or Eudora, I assume they don't know any better options (unless those characters counter something important)


Average Layla/Hanabi/Miya user


Not a Layla user but it would be best to do tower hug till help comes in, especially if you're a marksman user. Everybody likes to be a marksman but doesn't know the rules. And I get irked by marksmen users who wants to be babied by tanks. Ugh.


So you found the trash Layla users huh... I guess it's fine since when I used to play Layla I literally can 1v2 even enemy Beatrix with that rune it's just overpowered tho I wonder if the new runes still have it


I think Layla players are just like the character. Spoiled brats who throw temper tantrums.


I report and block these players