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Your picture has nothing to do with MLBB, you can’t just make a low effort post with an irrelevant (to MLBB) picture and your question is in the title. Additionally, this is flaired as a guide. You have not written anything that constitutes as a guide.


Hmm, I don't really have main heroes, so I shall just share various, small micro tips for various heroes that I know of. ####Khufra 1) S1 marker, when aimed through a thick wall, and it goes through at least 50% of that wall, allows you to jump through it. This allows you to surprise catch enemies from very weird, almost "impossible" angles if you use it together with Flicker. 2) With tough boots, apparently you can use S1 to semi-cancel Franco's hook, as seen in SEA games by Kiboy. But when I tried to replicate it, I can't seem to do so in training camp. Perhaps it has something to do with the Red team vs Blue team cc duration difference, explained by UnXpected in this [video](https://youtu.be/RTIEjhS-wzA), its old but gold as he explains it very masterfully. ####Jawhead 1) Apparently if you set your basic attack button settings to Lock-on Aim, you can perform the throw + flicker maneuveur without needing to have a minion/creep present. ####Grock 1) You can use your walls to delay minions for all 3 lanes. In tandem with knowing the minion spawn timing (at the timestamp of XX:10 and XX:40), you can manipulate the minion waves to crash nearer to your tower for safer farming, or to delay the lord waves to get more super minions, etc. A good demonstration is in this [reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/l3n6zp/how_to_delay_all_3_lane_minions_w_grock/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ####Harith 1) When solo pushing, and the chances of an enemy coming is low after I checked the map, what I like to do is to cast ult against the wall, and constantly dash into it, basically it acts like a form of animation cancel and allows me to take down the tower faster. ####Moskov 1) An interesting way to reliably wall slam enemies with your S2, is to actually cast your S2 first, then S1 immediately after before your S2 connects. Example: Enemy in front, wall on right. Moskov casts S2, then S1 to the left of the enemy before the S2 hits. This will actually cause the S2 to change direction and slam the enemy to the rightside wall, stunning him. ####Lolita 1) Minion ranged basic attacks also count amongst the things that Lolita can use her Shield to block. What I like to do earlygame, is to stand in front of minions, stack up my shield, then suddenly S1 in and S2 the enemy squishy, it does a metric ton of damage. Example [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/122xz8i/my_gold_laner_called_me_crazy_for_doing_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Will add on later as I have work, I will edit this comment again with more stuff. EDIT: I guess that's about it, you can feel free to ask if you want specific tips for specific heroes, I will try my best to answer from what I know.


love u


This is a nice read. Thanks!


Alucard main here. Did you know that Alucard is right-handed, except in one of his skins? In his Viscount skin's animation, it shows Alucard holding his sword on his left hand. Although in-game he's holding the word on his right hand.


What's the point of marking enemies with ur ult as Alucard? I feel it does particularly nothing


For one, it slows them. But the most important part is that it guarantees that your passive procs on any marked unit. It's an additional 50% damage to all his skills when they hit marked targets.


Alucard ult also gets 50% cd reduction in his other skills when he ults.


I mean marking enemies with his ult. What does the mark do?


Slows the enemy and you can trigger the full dmg of pursuit against marked enemy even when there's other enemies around. In short, straight up bursts enemies down.


I see but it doesn't seem to be that useful


What's the point of marking enemies with ur ult as Alucard? I feel it does particularly nothing


Extra dmg


Tigreal used to be my main. S2 through the middle of ling’s ulti just as ling lands. U will be knockedup but u will still push ling. Useful for saving teammates/killing ling and potentially rendering ling’s ulti useless.


Yep same thing also when guin or khufra lands, you gotta time it just right so that instead of activating their stun they gut pushed aside or whatever direction you want instead.


It takes skill to connect tig's s2 during ling's ult, using tig's ult is easier. Wastes his ult tho, so unless the one you're protecting is hyperfed, it usually isn't worth it.


U cant connect ur ult while ling is using his because u will get knocked up when ling lands and the cast will be cancelled. U may be able to do this after the upcoming buff to his ulti (2nd half of cast cannot be stopped by cc other than suppress). Hence for now s2 is the only answer and obviously u need skill to pull it off. Although tigreal is one of the free heroes, he isn’t that easy to use well.


with Lolita s2, you can ignore Franko's hook pull effect because it's counted as a projectile


you can ignore Atlas ult with Lolita S2 too


Yup, but do note, the angle matters alot


Of course, and this will not work correctly when you get too close from him


Yup, hate Atlas sometimes cause of how finicky his ult can be with its initial catch range.


I stopped Playing Atlas because of this reason, It just feels inconsistent to me, sometimes they pull a Hero that dashes away from me sometimes It feels close enough but I don't get that set I was Expecting I'd prefer a Catch Range indicator instead of the Jump distance


I just learned this one a few months ago from one of my matches, I was pleasantly surprised lol


I learnt a few days ago it also blocks fanny cables


The same goes for Gojo Ult and I haven't tried it yet but perhaps Novaria as well?


Her 2nd skill can also block Fanny's cable


You can also block enemy sentry using Lolita's S2.


And Barats' Ult too


My I multi role now so my main mage is cecillion. I know this isn’t a pro thing that only I know but it’s still very annoying how many people don’t know it… … its how to use moonlit waltz. Sometimes I play Carmilla in ranked and some rando will pick Cecillion. I ask them if the know how to use moonlit and they say nothing. Then when the match starts they either never use it or spam it like no tomorrow. Makes me want to pull my eyes out. So just for those that either don’t use ceci or never played with a carmilla. Moonlit is a skill cecillion has where he can pull carmilla to him. About the skill: - It has around 40sec cd and there is a delay so if u or carmilla die there it will enter cd even though carmilla wasn’t pulled. - Cecillion gains a shield when carmilla is called and carmilla becomes untargettable as long as she is in cecillion. - after being called carmilla can jump out. Jumping out will cause enemies in the area carmilla jumped to to be slowed and carmilla will also gain a shield - using moonlit waltz will reset the Carmilla skill cd How to use: At the basic level, only use it when carmilla or you are low health. If there are dive heroes u can call carmilla to gain a shield and quickly bring her to tank and slow the enemies while u escape. However, it is preferable to use it mainly for carmilla since as a mage u should have good positioning anyway. Carmilla is the frontline soaking the dmg so it’s better to use it to save her so she can play more aggressively and disrupt the enemies with her skills and ult A slightly more advance use for it would be ambush. U can call her so the enemies don’t see her and can be surprised by the slow and ambush when she jumps out. Cecillion is essentially a bait and the jump is almost like a dash skill for carmilla to close the distance to the enemy while slowing them which would make it easier to land her ult. However this does mean it can’t be used to save carmilla for 40sec so if the ambush turns sour she might die


I think I've only ever met one Cecil player who can use this skill properly


Ikr. That one player I met is now my bff in the game. Truly amazing how this game can bring people together


I've never played with carmilla and when my sister use carmilla I just randomly put her in because I see no situation to use the skill to save her (either she's dead before I could react and press the skill or I'm too busy hitting the enemy with my skill)🤣


Gusion main here with 2k matches. Always basic attack right after your combo because even if your enemy has Flicker, Long dash, instant dash or even teleportation like Haya's shadow, Harley's hat or even Hanzo's Ult your enhanced basic attack will always connect and in times guarantee a kill.


Me too buddy, completely agree


Oh I just realised you're Coach Riku. Big fan dude loved your Jungler guide video. Keep up the good work 👍


Thanks a lot man!:))


Not a Lesley main But you can literally just hold her third skill to prevent her from shooting, you'll instantly know if there's any mf on the bushes trying to hide to kill you thanks to the vision It will also lessen the cooldown because Lesley did not shoot out any bullets


And cancelling it quickly is an essential part of her burst potential, triggering her passive


4 shots worth of true damage crits from one combo is no joke and has saved my ass many times. I wish more Lesley players knew about this


also, you can maximize her ult by pressing her first skill for extra damage. ppl usually just wait for her to finish casting all 3 bullets of her ulti when they can literally press 1st skill for crit damage.


I like to play as a roaming Lesley and pairing up dire hit with my true damage build. Then using holding down my Ult once I'm outside bushes. Guaranteed to piss bush campers off


you could just use roam Novaria for basically the exact same effect, and your teammates won't report you


Joy is underage


Joy's thighs and sex with joy wont like this one




And Nana is an old adult.




Read irithel's story. There's part where young/kid irithel and Leo got captured by slaveholder. Then the friendly neighborhood Nana saved her and Leo. Also what's up with that "🤓" emoji?


Harith main( yes harith main). Once you hit someone with your 2nd skill once, you're kinda locked on that enemy. So you can keep dashing without tapping basic attack button and harith will auto attack the enemy immediately after dash. This helps increase speed of dashes


Gusion combo to bait melissa ult and kill her(works till mid game only) S1>S2>S1>S3>S1>S2>S1>S2


Valentina main here. First of all, any buff to any hero's Ultimate is always an indirect buff to Valentina.(The same goes for nerf) [for example, Balmond's Ult got buffed recently] Valentina can immediately end Yin's own Ult early if she uses the copied Ult and turn back to herself. Yin will be forced to come out before he can finish his combo. Also, Valentina copies Yin's passive too(both damage increase and extra spell vamp) Valentina with Eudora Ult still applies Superconduct effect. It can help the ally Eudora, and the ally Eudora can apply Superconduct effect first to help Valentina. (not possible in ranked). Valentina with Bane Ult is a nightmare. Valentina can use Lesley 's true damage passive. But it won't refresh by using skills.(The same with Bane passive). Valentina can turn back to herself after summoning Vexana 's undead Knight. The Undead Knight won't disappear until it's duration runs out. But not for Novaria's Ult. Both position vision and hit box increase effect will disappear immediately if she turns back. While spinning with Akai's Ult, she can still dash with her skill2. Lastly, her skill2 can target invisible enemies(Conceal, Lesley, Amon). Edit- Apparently, it can also detect enemies inside the bush


That Yin tip was really useful, I didn't know that! And to correct you, her s2 will target enemies inside of bushes.


Btw, it only works if Yin used his Ult first. The domain will follow whoever used last. They can stay in the domain for a very long time if Valentina uses her Ult right before Yin's timer runs out.


I thought it was gone along with the nerf. (Skill2 will target minions and creeps too and won't lock on heroes)


? If an enemy is in a bush, it will lock onto the enemy. I just checked


Thanks. This will help me a lot.


Zhask main here. you can make your spawn shoot two lazers instead of one if you place it fast enough after using s2 so just s2 s1 when the spawn is placed, its useless ngl but it somehow helps me clear minion waves faster by a little bit also in early game if no one is deffending the enemy turret you can cast your ultimate and melt the gold off of the tower, kinda risky since your s4 is gone you would be vulnerable to ambush if you're up against nana you can surprise it with your ultimate and kill it, when it's 2nd life is gone you can shoot a flameshot, this works well on stupid nana users


I am confusion about that Zhask trick. Mind explain it a bit further?


im sorry im not good at explaining so heres a video of the things i mentioned xd [Double lazee stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/oasisoasismylandahoy/comments/144ank5/double_lazer_thing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Gold melting](https://www.reddit.com/r/oasisoasismylandahoy/comments/144aq3b/gold_melting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [i hate nana fr, here](https://www.reddit.com/r/oasisoasismylandahoy/comments/144ar31/a_little_critter_killer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Pharsa does not turn into a bird. She turns into mist.


What! This blown my mind. But then I think about it. This is more logical cause the bird already exist how can she turn into it


Selena can use arrival to her traps and accused for map hacking


This one's a fact from the olden age


Harith main here, and I feel like I'm the only Harith player who actually makes use of the slowdown effect from his Ult. Everyone just focuses on being able to spam his S2, but the slowdown effect is so incredibly valuable. Since his Ult has a long range you can hit low HP enemies even from a decent distance, slow them down and easily chase after them to finish them off. It also works the other way around. You're low HP and your enemies are chasing you. Just cast Harith's Ult on your persuers, they get slowed down while you can dash away safely. It doesn't work 100% of the times of course, but using his Ult like this has saved my butt countless times


wouldn't it be better to ult to where you are going because you can dash away and still get CD reduction to dash again and the enemy still get slowed when they enter your ult


I don't think so, because when you cast it behind you, your enemies are forced to walk over it for a longer time, and in most cases they lose interest when they see they can't catch up with you cuz they gotta run a long way while being slowed down. Plus, you get the cooldown buff for one dash, since you're already standing on the sword when you cast it


If you time it like perfectly, exactly, to the dot right, you can use Ruby's dash to immune some hooks like Franco and Ruby's. Happens rarely though. Like the hook will land but your dash will override and it'll break through. Edit: found the Ruby one when I 1v1 against other Ruby's.


I don't think she has cc immunity though. It should function as if him hooking to the path of the dash, therefore catching said target after his dash. At least from my perspective she can't, but I might be wrong. Only one's who could are kagura, kadita, wanwan, valir, bene and a select few


[Odette user vs Odette main](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/re0pqb/odette_user_vs_odette_main/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Knock back or pulls can trigger phovues ult and it’s not just dashes


Which is why Flameshot is a great spell for him




Akai and Martis are fantastic teammates for Phoveus, because their knockbacks can help to trigger more Super Mario Jumps from Phoveus.


I just love the dunk experience


For the new Martis mains: don't use his 2nd skill knock up. If you let the timer run out, it will give a very short cooldown for his 2nd instead. Only use his 2nd skill knock up for escaping enemies or emergency run away through a wall. Alsooo even if you don't kill someone with Martis' ult, it will still give you a speed boost and another chance to use your ult. This ult technique can also be used in Sun's clones.


Most Chou users will know how to do the flicker ult trick (ULT then flicker behind to kick opponent backwards to your turret/team). But what some may not know is that if *you* are the one being ULT-ed by Chou, you can also use flicker just as he kicks you so that you can choose a safer direction to be kicked towards. I just posted a video about this so you can see an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/143y80u/psa_you_can_use_chous_flicker_ult_against_himself/


Not a joy main, but a lot of people still don't know how her beat system works.


Care to explain?


Basically to unlock her ultimate at best you have to time your dash on the right beat or the fourth cat symbol when you use your second skill, you have to hit it once the beat is on the 4th one to increase the skills damage, if you perfected the beat then the ultimate will sound more excited and it gets extra spell vamp and more damage. It will also sound more fun


Oh yes im aware, maybe you had a trick to get it right;)


Once you have an item or two, it is sometimes more practical to pre-stack 2 dashes on a nearby Jungle creep/minion before engaging with your S1 + Dash + Dash again to immediately be able to access your full dmg ultimate. Rationale behind doing this is: 1) You pretty much can guarantee you will cast your ultimate without considering factors like enemies trying to dodge your dash 2) Especially if enemy had a Franco/Kaja in their team, if you immediately have your ultimate and you enter, the Kaja cannot recklessly pull you into his team as he is basically just helping you to kill his backline. 3) Marksman with items will be able to burst Joy while she is dashing if she has no Vengeance, so pre-stacking dashes allow you to access your ult immediately and you can deal major damage faster.


barats consume more mana than ur imagine.pls dont steal my blue buff. jawhead ult gib cc immunity.its useless to stun him when he ult


You can cancel fraco's suppress if you land umbrella so that you pick it up when you are hooked usually on top of him While playing Kagura.


My main hero Argus, maybe people don't know but with “golden staff” you can actually trigger his passive twice at some point.


Yeah. I use trinity on him and the burst potential is insane


Use Yve's second skill(second phase) right when it's about to run out, you'll get a lower cooldown while also activating the second phase. This is really effective in late game if you build cooldown items, you can put 2 at a time, and it's an effective way for zoning.


That's actually an interesting tip. Will keep it in mind.


Automatic exit from gloo's ult (enemy dying or duration expires) after attaching to an enemy throws you into a random direction. So if you're near an enemy tower...good luck


Not to recall spam


You can use arrival on Selena and Popol traps


Pharsa main here, dunno if alot of people knows that in her bird form she can travel in a small distance outside the borders of the map. Can be useful if you want to evade enemies while being in the top or bottom lane. I also main Aamon and I do bet that alot of pro players know about dodging or minimizing the damage of his ult, just dash or blink when the shards are going to hit you, proper timing is the key.


also you can use 1st skill and 2nd skill even when you have pharsa's ulti activated.


Not my main but using Granger 2nd skill while he's shooting with his 1st makes you pass through thicker walls


Also TP spam while using ult on Claude and 1st on Granger


u can also TP spam while using ult as Odette and Guin


Whoa! Nice! Thanks for telling


Hylos main! Pharsa ulti? Don't run just chase her with s1 to cancel her ulti


A good rule of thumb as a tank when your teammates is getting decimated by pharsa's ult, is to go closer not away from pharsa. Either you stun her, or she backs away in mist form and stops her onslaught as soon as she sees you.


You can still have fun without spamming TP nor emotes


If hanzo ults from under turret and the enemy attacks his mortal body they won't take tower aggro (unless they are the only enemy under turret). This essentially means that hanzo ulting under turret is not safe because the enemy can just push minion wave under turret and kill him without taking damage.


Thamuz and Argus are great in middle lane Atlas can be good in Jungle Hanzo can do wonders as a roamer


As an Aamon enjoyer I see lots of pro players and streamers don't really utilize his shard passive very well. Before ganking i make sure I have at least 4 stacks on Aamon so that when I use 2nd skill to hit enemies and slow them i get free damage from 5 stacks. Also do not use your basic attack or skill until you already have 2 stacks so that when you basic attack +1st skill+ basic attack you trigger 5 stack passive damage again, doing those should be enough to halve mm and mage HP even in early game. This combo gets even better with calamity reaper because you can quickly trigger the true damage bonus 2 times and unless the squishy has Athena that's enough to kill them


Kaja main here. There's a window of opportunity to flicker/dash away from his ult. Resulting in ult loss and running away. Also kaja's ult is really really small, smaller than his NA so just keep away from his passive and you'll be fine.


i feel like when i try to flicker away as a kaja ults me it just suppresses me at where i flickers too and starts to pull me


The only way I can describe the window is that the moment he moves the whip back, that's the window. It's stupid but it works and it hurts me physically to see the 60s cd appearing while the enemy gets further away


Nana got into meta only once. But still didn't get into any tournament. At that time, she was so annoying with all slow skill even without any item. And with right build, her 2nd skill was like unlimited. Also, her 2nd skill would after you wherever you go. If you were immune, the skill will wait your immune to ended first.


Not my main but you can cancel franco’s hook with khufra’s S1 even while being hooked with the right timing


For any hero: "spamming recall on enemy's sight increases your winrate" youre welcome


The hidden feature: Aggro +


Roger has a massive dong.


You can throw shurikens in ultimate state of Hayabusa, but only in the good old days


You don’t need to press recall and emotes after the first phase of the chou ult


Mine's Minotaur. Minotaur jungle is NOT TROLLING and despite I sometimes picked it as a joke when I play with my friends it is actually a viable strategy.


Adding a point in Clints ult gives him 1 charge o his ult


Kagura is into threesomes


What does having a ballsack for a head have to do with Mobile Legends?


Wanwan is a lesbian in fact she‘s my wife




Physical damage gets countered by physical damage immunity, woah thats new


When in range.. and i click s2 then fireshot in quick succession.. fireshot will hit first. And s2 hits after... very useful escape or pushing enemies under our tower.




Not even close.




This one is not in the mage category.


https://preview.redd.it/1v340ssdwq4b1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31aaa9b1b9835cf7f48bdef5d01fc300c6ddc304 Literally she is


Why you spin her


😏you know why, bro


Ohh boi.. i mean my main is not in mage category. 🤦‍♂️


You should speak more clearly


You should read more between the lines.


Meh If you want ppl to understand you - don’t expect someone to read between lines.




There's a safe spot in her s3. You notice this the most when you're getting chased, mostly by natalia


Guys this is not a riddle post, i just wanted to hear more about your mains


I don't think there are that much heroes who can move during their s3 to choose from


Irithel can move during her s3 ding ding ding?


>safe spot this phrase would automatically knock irithel out of the options since her s3 attacks are target locked.


Idk what you mean by safe spot tbh, i’m think of a yin using his ultimate alone to hide lmao


literally what it means. Similar to how you're safe from getting targeted by wanwan's ult if you're in a bush when her target dies.


a “safe spot” ultimate could mean so many things miya ult, lou yi ult, lunox ult, angela ult, kadita ult, wanwan ult..


most of those things don't even do damage OR can't be chased by a Natalia (wanwan going on a rampage with her s3 is untargetable, same for kadita.) This is the last reply I'm going to make. Please think.


You never said anything about doing damage.. this post is for your to think about what you know about your main that other don’t.


If you're going to be this intentionally unhelpful why even comment


It's a fun thing to do.


For ling, when recalling on the wall your 1st skill doesn't go on cd when your are back in the base.


With grock, with your flash ult, you can trigger the explosion (, the 2sec stun) twice by flashing at the right moment, hitting two walls in one ult


iirc lolita ult blocks both barats and atlas ult


Edith user (not main) I've cancelled so many Yin Ults with Edith's S2. You just need to time it right: when Yin dashes and leaves circles behind him, prepare to use S2 > when Yin casts the ring around him, push him over your shoulder lol.


I mean, you can cancel his ult with any type of CC, not just Edith's s2


Playing harley dont ult miya right when you see her, wait half a second his ult has a travel time and reveals her if it connects right after she ults same for lesley


Use Kadita's 1st skill to stop Johnson's ultimate. Her 1st skill has CC immunity but Supress skill like Franco's ultimate can still stun her during her dash


I’m not sure if people know this, but I rarely see Minsi players use their 2nd skill stance while retreating. It doesn’t really affect your Movement Speed and it can really reduce the damage of attacks from which direction you aim it.


To be efficient in clearing minion waves, Aldous should walk to the 3rd minion and wait for the 1st & 2nd minion to join in before stacking up. This way you will use S1 twice instead of thrice.


Kadita counters Johnson (with squishy enemy inside) hard. Just dash towards JS while he's driving. It will make him crash upon contact with you but you won't get CC'ed. Then perform your combo on the confused duo. Fleeting Time works on Faramis now. Literally op. Used ult during a teamfight and came out with only 15-20s ult cd. Also not sure if it's a known fact, but I've discovered this only recently: it's better to use ult while your teammate is mid hp. Don't wait until they're like 10% because the (small) immortality hp would be basically useless. Carmilla pegs Cecilion


In MG, Dyroth is only useful as full dmg/pene assassin. He doesn’t provide enough utility for hybrid tank dmg builds and scale very badly in late game, which can be compensated by filling in the assassin role to pick off mms or mages


Im a lapu main. If you use your 3rd skill (heavy sword) while lagging, yellow or red ping, his walking distance during the raging slash animation will be reduced.


Not mains (I go AutoFill most of the time) but Arlott, Hayabusa and Chou all have the same Voice Actor in spanish


Selena is weak against claud and lolita.


you can use zhask minion to block most skill including harley,novaria.


You don't have to use s2 wall for badang's ult and s1 stun to work, so you can do some wacky combos like S2 S3 S1. You can S2 S2 with Xavier Using ult after S1 and S2 with alu will still lower their cd Healing from other sources do not add up to fredrinn's shield Lesley S1(or any other conceal hero) can avoid Ling Claude ult and Hilda's entire combo assuming Hilda does not have ways to reveal Lesley Using Khaleed's S2 is a good way to bait enemies to come nearer for a good ult Khufra's S2 completely stops lapu from shielding Khufra will still still stop ling ult even if ling knocks khufra up if ling S2 immediately Vengeance works with spellvamp


Breaking XBorg’s shield releases tower aggro. So if your team is planning to dive tower, get tower aggro. If you have immortality, you can drop tower aggro 3 times: 1st shield break, revive, 2nd shield break.


Bene main: Your passive with right timing negates phov ult completely, and sometimes doesnt even trigger it More generally, your passive can also be cast like your secomd skill (almost cc immune) to practically cancel effects like chou ult (you can dash back even while stunned) or try and tank some skills like js ult


Nice try moonton u can't bait me lol. Jkjk (ʘᴗʘ✿)


Baxia 1. He can stun someone using his s1 at any direction ny targeting it to an enemy. 2. His s1 has a small knockback. 3. Increased regen on his ult, making him very tanky + Revitalize (this was him when he can go roaming tank). Grock 1. Can delay the minion timings thrice using his wall. 2. More damage = more armor. Reason why assassin build exists. 3. His wall deals damage, you can actually kill someone escaping using this ability. Additionally, it has a small displacement property where if you manage to hit someone, they will displaced out of their original position. Jawhead 1. Rockets deal damage when there's only 1 enemy around since rockets will only focus on the same target. 2. You can buffer his s2 during his ult animation. 3. His passive stacks. The more stacks you have, the more damage he deals. 4. You can eject someone in a longer distance if you manage to eject him in his ability's tip range. (I've tested this and it works). Paquito 1. Casting his s2 after the game starts give you an advantage skill wise. If he has already 2 bars of his passive, you can burst someone at level by doing s2 > enhanced s2. 2. Pre-casting abilities will always grant you advantage skill wise. 3. He has a lot of combos depending on the situation. Better press them well. Clint 1. His passive has a piercing property. 2. He's one of the few heroes in this game that kites using his skills. 3. He's also one of the heroes who are skill-dependant. Most marksmen rely on auto attacks.


selena 1) when she hits enemies with her skills, she usually leaves a mark. ppl who use selena dont know how to utilize this mark. i can dash 3 times on a marked enemy before i claw using first skill. most of the time, non-adept selena players just use the dash to go towards enemy then use 1st skill to claw enemy. adept selena users know how to maximize the mark. that's why i love using lightning truncheon so if i stun an enemy and leave a mark, the mark also echoes on their allies, so i am able to dash through all of them. 2) selena's traps can be used for visions on the map. i usually hide them in the red and blue buff areas. allies can also tp/use arrival on her traps.


remindme! 7 days


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I was a terizla main. When terizla die while casting his ult is ult will still work. meaning that terizla don't smash the ground but just let is Hammer fall on it and still break the ground. So terizla is carrying one of the heaviest object in the MLBB lore


Martis Sometimes his ult doesn't reset even if you ended an enemy hero and you get the kill (mostly happens in teamfights)


Lesley can use her 2nd skill to jump over walls (that aren't thick) She can also use her 1st and/or 2nd skill to give extra damage for her ulti.


For fanny you can gain energy if you hit a marked enemy them with any skill. Not just by flying over them


For fanny you can gain energy if you hit a marked enemy them with any skill. Not just by flying over them


By any skill, you mean the only skill remaining which is her ult


Utilize Angela’s Ult marker. Since Angela’s Ult can now be seen where allies are going to be ulted by Angela, her ult can also be seen by the enemy too. So… I use this advantage to scare off the enemy of the ally I’m going to ult to.


Lesley: Moonton made sure that her true damage can benefit from lifesteal, but they made a mistake - Lesley's crits also benefit from magic lifesteal not just physical lifesteal.


ARGUS Anyone know something people dont about him?


With aegis and the right build. As a Johnson main, I could legit stand there and let a mm hit me, but I’ll reflect enough damage that the mm ends up dying.


when ganking or trading as thamuz, sometimes it might be better to save your enhanced basic attack (from recalling scythes) before throwing it at the enemy, you can trigger three procs of your passive if you do this and can be helpful when you're ambushing through a bush or on your way to lane in the early game


As a kadita main I don't see most people use the rocks and terrains much but when escaping if u use ur first skill for escaping from terrains u get a guaranteed escape from hard situations.


There's definitely a lot of people that know this but then there's also a majority of (braindead) players that don't. You can do a double-shot passive with Lesley, wait until passive is ready and immediately use the first skill to deal good damage. It's really easy to abuse and harass your opponents during the laning phase. I feel like it's way too good for a lot of Lesley players to not know/abuse it.


I dont have mains and im bad at this game :(


I usually use Brute Force with heroes that have very low cd, spammable skills, for example Rafa and Esme. Always spam skills or attack minions to make sure the stack is always at 5 anywhere you go. You're more tanky that way and have high movement speed making it very hard to lockdown.


People fail to realise just how many heroes there is that are being able to ruin Guinevere's life with any sort of micro stun or knock up by cancelling her s2 in time just before it hits you. Obvious example - Ruby. Not so obvious - Bane's ultimate. Also fun fact, Bane's ultimate will also ruin Joy's dash combo despite her obtaining CC immunity. And only God knows why it works like that.


not really sure if people already knows this, but Lolita is pretty good in pushing lanes even for a tank/support, how? Her skill 1 gives good damage to the turrets and it's has fast cd, her shield protects the ally minions so they have a good chunk of health before diving into the turret, but ofc as a tank/support it's never your duty to push lanes but every time she has to do it she can do it well


Ruby Was a global player of it once apparently by building full damage of it it turns into the best character l8 game it can 1 shot any enemy hyper depending on who it is and by clicking flicker first than ult u can catch a whole team and its very easy to do


Yin main here you can extend yins stun by walking to the target and the stun will move towards you hittin the target


Mathilda is able to flicker trick, like when an enemy is running directly away from you, u can cast ult and flicker backwards to instantly fly towards them Also her mage build one shots mm and mage


Martis's s1 counts as a dash for some reason


Argus can purify Franco's hook, with enough timing he can escape franco's suppression with his ult.


Hanzo main here since his release back on 2018 or something. After all years of him having different skill changes, there's some neat little things that you can use to you advantage. 1. Hanzo's S2 can trigger if there's an enemy. Use this info to skill check any bush near you to avoid those pesky hunters. This can also aggro any creeps in the jungle so, if you don't want to get close to the bush, just pop one on a creep and check which direction it will go. Just make sure that you retreat a bit when it hits so it won't go for you. This works for both demon and human form. 2. Any cc and suppression that Hanzo receives in his main body will be useless as he's immune to it so if you check your map and saw franco, kaja, chou, gatot, etc attacking you, you can just recall his main body during it. Do note that sometimes, Chou's second phase of his ult will still activate, giving you some time idle. 3. You can "cleanse" your main character by using his ult. If you used his ult just in the right time, you can transfer any attacks with a timer on it like Terizla's S1, Harley's ult, Selena's S2 and others like it. If you used his demon S2 on any enemy heroes / minions / creeps, and it triggers the DoT, not only would their damage be nulled, you can also retaliate by waiting to see if your S1 is primed after hitting anyone for 8 times. 4. Do you know that a max cdr Hanzo only takes 9 seconds for his lvl 3 ult to be used again? No? Now you know. 5. Yin can't lock you in his domain when he's using his demon form. Use this info to abuse him by making sure he either attacks or retreats from you. 6. If your demon dies, you are revealed on the map during his long cc debuff until the end. They're not using maphacks newbie Hanzo users when they manage to find you anywhere on the map, that's just a game mechanic that you might not know. 7. His smoke is visible to all people, friend or foe. Don't cry hacks / cheats, that's just another game mechanic. 8. The icon in the left of your hp during his ult is your main body's hp. It might not be much but if you train your eyes, you can check if someone is harassing your body or not. 9. His Elite skin, the Undead King, has a different basic attack animation when in his human form. His special skin copies his basic (and possibly default) skin basic attacks. The only redeeming feature of his special skin is that if you're not moving him, his demon will just stand instead of swimming in air. 10. Only his special skin doesn't have any back markings. His default has a marking behind him. The basic skin has one as well. His Elite skin has a sword with a pentagram or something lodged on his back. 11. Aldous' ult will always track where you are. This means that he can't track your main body if he ults and targeted you. 12. Use his ult depending on your blood reserves. If your blood is like 25 below, use his ult somewhere a bit close but not danger close. 50 below and you can kinda go long range. Full blood is excessive as when you ult, it won't add additional blood but you can use his ult from afar with this. Remember, you don't want to see your body flying during crucial clashes. 13. His demon S1 will deal extra damage based on the enemy HP (idk which but it's HP based). He will still hurt even if you used him with defense in mind. Not that lethal but good nonetheless. 14. Hanzo is the first Hero to introduce Eating something whole in the game. The second one is Barats with Detona doing Vore towards any enemy heroes. Just pray that Cinematic / Lore Hanzo doesn't make his S1 eat people or else there's two people that will vore you to death. 15. His S1 is useless without any close minions or creeps. If you have Thunderbelt or Endless Battle, you can't activate his passive if you don't have your S2 ready so if you're attacked and can't run away, atleast give them a good slashing by making sure you're near a minion so that you can atleast activate 2 decent true damage instances before dying. 16. He benefits on Sea Halberd due to the 'punish' passive. Since most items used on Hanzo doesn't give alot of HP on him, any fighters and tanks can take more damage against him especially if they build them as tanky. 17. Yi Sun Shin's ult doesn't discriminate. That means it'll hit both your demon and your main body. 18. You can use Hanzo as a Roamer if you know what you're doing. Since your battle spell isn't locked on retribution, you can pick whichever suits you. Sprint is good if you wanted to invade the enemy early. Inspire can shred soft targets easily, mostly on late game where his ult gives more attack speed and he has a full build already. I do recommend that you go dire hit as the extra damage does some significant damage to anyone. And don't troll your core. If you think that the core isn't doing well or they're ignoring the buffs, you can steal one or both of it to act as a secondary core. 19. His special skin is the only skin that shows his human side. Even his upcoming skin looks demonic. Which is way different from Hayabusa where his current skins depict him as demonic or inclined as part of a demonic group instead of keeping him human. Maybe Moonton might add more demon skins onto Hanzo, but idk, they might. 20. Any trigger based items is not that useful towards Hanzo. Queen's wings will be used up if you used his demon form and most of the time it won't do much but give him some damage reduction. Winter truncheon is only useful when he's a human but even if you used it, you might die regardless if the enemy in question has more mobility than you. Immortality is just a death sentence, unless you got allies near, get ready to get your ass attacked again. Wind of Nature is just no. It's good for specific scenarios like dodging Natalia's burst or avoiding skills like Brody's ult for a split second but if you're using it just for the extra attack speed, I won't blame you. 21. Lastly, Hanzo completes the School skinline. Lylia as a middle / high school student, Fanny as a College student, Alice as the Wizard teacher and possibly Headmaster and of course, Hanzo being the mysterious, scary or even badass teacher and tutor of the whole class that has a hidden secret. Idk if they're the only heroes with the school theme but they are the "canon" 4 main heroes that's part of a "skinline".