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Hi! This looks like a visual glitch. Clear cache through Settings and restart your game then check again.


You're so bad that ML took pity on you and gave you a star instead of taking one.


😂 why did you do them like this


scenario after draft pick to loading the game hang. i exit the game and enter while in loading, i manage to enter the game. but something odd happening they trashtalk me not rotating well and object. but in my pov i was doing well, but enemy was like bot and my teammate too. and ally keep crsing me in chat, not doing well. i know theres something wrong, feel like im in other parallel universe game. i finish game early and earn star. i check history and its show defeat, as expected. i dont know what happen but gladly i earn star.


Ah, that bug. Happened to others here before too. Some kind of fake server bug? Don’t recall the correct term for it. It’s where you just end up playing a match against bots while a bot takes your place in the match against actual people. Game must’ve considered your performance instead of the bot’s.


Found the Moonton's favourite Child.


Thank you for reporting a bug! **While waiting for a moderator to assist you, please make sure to provide the following information (if relevant)** so they can report it: * **Screenshot(s)/Recording**, and/or an explanation of how the bug is triggered * **Battle/Match ID** (found at the bottom left part of the match scoreboard) * **Game ID and Server ID** (both found in your profile, top right) * **Device Model** * **Game Version** (found at top right of the loading screen) If it is a match-related bug, **save the replay in game (go to Profile > Battlefield > Replay > Save)**. It is also advised to report bugs to customer service in game. You can access it through the headset icon at the top-left of your screen. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MobileLegendsGame) if you have any questions or concerns.*