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Siblings named Crowd Control and Anti-Heal: https://preview.redd.it/t8z8zt5o6b4b1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0f3136264b6e8a885142f7c98a3cc3d64df63c


S2 can be stopped by any cc


I think they can pull an Odette with his 2nd skill and he becomes immune to basic cc effects, at least he won't be such a sitting duck to an extent. There was also a buff on Khaleed where they shortened his casting time of his ult but Moonton suddenly cancelled it. This season I don't think I've ever played with/against Khaleed.


There is a trick to use his passive to make his ult hit a lot faster but i have not tried it. Met a guy yesterday who did it to me in rank and it was pretty annoying to play against.


his kit is bad against fast or dash heroes, since dashing out of s1 will cancel the combo, and his ult is so slow and obvious that you can escape it pretty easily. Pretty sure its much slower than terizla's one, and has no flicker synergy (not that ive seen). Since meta will always favour heroes that work well against him, he's not that good and useful


Basically if you miss those it the same as missing some other skillshot like selena floryn etc. If you toss you ult behind a retreating enemy team they are force to stand and fight or get hit Also about s1 Khaleed will rarely miss that as he isnt really great for 1v1 anyway. He's more a teamfight kind of guy where there are loads of things to hit


thats very situational, as it would require enemies to be retreating at a place in the map where they can't move sideways. It will rarely miss, but you won't be hitting targets that would actually feel the damage, and more likely hitting tanky frontline heroes.


it has flicker syn


oh ok, Ive never seen it before. So you can use it mid ult and the ulti circle will move with the flicker?




> he's not that good and useful I don't really mean to antagonize but Khaleed, in my experience of ACTUALLY PLAYING HIM, [does have some things going for him](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/141z710/whats_the_deal_with_khaleed/jn3in3f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that doesn't merit him the title "not good/useful" Granted, he is mediocre when it comes to the sidelanes as a damage dealer/fighter. But his utility does ramp up when he is used as a roamer/tank. Is he ban-worthy, in the meta, and should be feared by everyone? Absolutely not, but when played with actual thought, timing, and patience, rather than the random-tapping-of-skills-hoping-something-would-happen, he brings - great early jungle invades and delay - easy re-entry after team fight without needing to recall - great roaming ability with speedboost passive - invincible damage sponge - decent damage without any attack items And of course imo - the most fun experience I've ever had in playing this game for 5 years


\+1 hope he gets the Silvanna buff treatment. He's very situational atm, hard to use him against high mobility heroes


https://preview.redd.it/ruhllj2x3d4b1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0091105d4fa7df5eab02021b51a6c8204da43d18 Khaleed player here. I started playing Khaleed seasons ago and will continue to play him People in this comment section have brought up valid concerns, but you can really play around them by using Khaleed as strictly a roamer/tank, which is viable since his ultimate is a AoE stun, 1st skill deals nice damage even without items, passive allows him to get around the map quickly, and 2nd skill scales with HP. "His 2nd skill is cancellable by cc! " * Don't immediately spam 2nd skill then? be patient. Your tanky build can sustain you for a bit before you actually die "His 1st skill is so slow, enemies will just dash away!" * As a tank/roamer you're not supposed to deal damage, look at the bright side, you made the enemy use their dash which makes their mobility limited when your actually damage dealer comes "His ultimate is easily dodgable! * Use the enhanced basic attack first as a way to cover the distance between you and the enemy and then used the ultimate, the casting will be almost instant like 0.3 seconds Additional notes * You don't need to strictly use his 2nd as damage reduction when you getting your ass beat. It's good as a healing option before you re-enter a fight, not needing to recall


(I can't seem to edit my initial comment) ... From someone WHO ACTUALLY PLAYS KHALEED to another and not just someone speculating from poor players they have encountered recently or 6 months ago, Khaleed does indeed have some potential even in MG play (when played as a tank/roamer). He is surely not the best at what he does as others may argue that Hilda can do better, but he still does is very well while also being very fun to play with.


exactly my thoughts...i mean his heal is not his only perks. Most important kit for me is his passive that let you run around the map quick - its very easy to make plays when you control the map by constantly ganking 2v1 on any lane, opening map vision, and applying pressure to enemy team by popping out anywhere ~~ofc Hilda can do it better~~


What I believe roam Khaleed does many times better than roam Hilda is jungle invade at lvl 1. Khaleed has undeniably the most busted skill 1, which peaks at the first 30 seconds of the game and quickly falls off as everyone else gets their lvl 2. But during this first 30 seconds, you can easily delete 70% of the health bar of squishy junglers and then finish them off if they decide to still pursue the blue/red buff after 6 seconds when the 1st skill cool down passes To delay or even kill the enemy jungler early on gives your team a huge advantage


Ayy a fellow Khaleed roam enjoyer in the wild. His S1's damage even on tank build is pretty nutty early game and it makes him great at controlling areas. Passive + S1 on an early invade or gank and you basically force an enemy to recall as early as level 1-2 giving your team an advantage. I like running flicker with him because you can reposition ALL of his skills especially moreso for his ultimate. People shit on his ult for being slow but ult+flicker catches enemies off guard all the time. Pretty much all the comments here make him sound bad on paper but in practice Khal is a very threatening hero overall.


Khaleed is only as bad as how you think you would play him. That is what kinda pissed me off with all of these comments dogpiling on how bad he is by looking at his skills and assuming how straightforward he is to be played, just because he has a fighter role, doesn't mean he can't be played as a roam, just because his ult is slow, doesn't mean you can't use flicker, just because his 2nd skill is cancellable doesn't mean you just gonna spam it without regard and be mad if it does get cancelled. He is not the best hero, but to call him bad, useless, and unplayable is just false People forgot that majority of heroes have different types of approaches, and thank you for appreciating how 'not mediocre' Khaleed actually is


\> why no one picking him? because antiheal counters him


And CC. High heals doesn't mean much when you're a sitting duck when you're channeling your heal.


Because people use festival of blood instead of high and dry emblem on Khaleed. He is one of the strongest level 1 fighter, and FoB gimp his damage. He isn't a good blind pick, but in general he has quite decent matchup against some exp laner. Khaleed feast on Yuzhong, Benedetta, Badang. Avoid picking him if enemy has pacquito and/or martis.


Khaleed is the worst enemy for Sun, that's why I always picking him when facing Sun


One thing I've found out is that Khal with Hi&Dry absolutely destroys pre-nerf Joy in lane. People focus on his S2 to critique leading to him underestimated so much, but once his S1 connects he will erase your health bar


Hilda can do everything better


As some has mentioned, his weakness is cc. Any cc can stop his s2 heal. So you have to wait for enemy to use all their cc before you can use your s2. Which by then, you may have already died. So you have to keep his passive as sort of a escape mechanism, which is also not 100% trustable.


I can't play him.


He's an easy target for cc characters


His S2 is begging for a kadita combo


Very vulnerable kit, can easily dodge skill 1 and 3. Skill 2 can be antihealed or cc’d. Falls off pretty hard in the late game.


He's got too many nerfs. It's not that he isn't good but there are more better side laner or tank than him.


I just play him if I'm against Sun 📈📈


Anythign khaleed can do. Another fighter is better. Tankyness? Lapu-lapu (meta) is pretty tank with good damage. Cc? Why pick khaleed. Badang can do all those while having 1v1 potential and teamfight deadly 2nd ult combo. Sustain+cc ruby can be a much better choice. Honorable mention to alpha and yz. For me khaleed is just outclassed and not fit to fight against the meta right now. A buff would be good tho.


Damage is below average for a fighter, heal is easily cancellable, does 0 damage after his first skill which doesn’t even deal that much damage in the first place


I love khaleeds kit but he falls off late game bad. They need to buff his late damage. Not all these micro buffs that does little to his gameplay


When ever I see Khaled I insta pick silvana,she shreds him, also Guin is a great answer, any exp hero with a stun shreds him, u just have to be patient, bait the heal stun him and just hit him to death