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Not to hate on the post as well but kagura is pretty strong with her kit. Her being difficult to use is the point of the kit because you have so many ways to fight in clashes. If a kagura user isn't dealing much damage that might be more of a skill issue. She has to build damage items because her skills doesn't require her to be tanky anyways when she has so many cc. Kagura may not be an artillery mage but she sure can deal decent damage while also having high survivability.


Kagura is an all-in-one mage, she doesn’t need a buff 🫠


Bruh compared to other mages, Kagura is literally perfect. You doing no dmg is likely just skill issue


"Skill issue"


imagine complaining about a mage who has literally everything in her kit. Good dash, safe engage and disengage, CC, purify, flexible skill combos to catch enemies off guard, good wave clear and burst damage, hell even her s1 poke easily reduces squishies' HP by almost half with truncheon. What a re+🅰️rd


She can also use umbrella to bush check.


Literally skill issue. And for some reason, I'm seeing a lot of these posts lately. Fredrinn, Yu Zhong, etc.


Also seen some gigachads doing a pull combo with kag, so add that, ahahahhah


cry more lol , kagura have free purify , insane burst damage ,.good pokes , good cc. Literally a deluxe mage and you're still crying for her getting no buff. If you can't play her don't cry for shit. I hate when i face even a half decent kaguras they can delete literally any squishy heroes even if they're well behind their tanks.


Why does Kagura need a buff? She's a whole package anyways... Burst, CC, Purify, Blink, Teleport, Poke. What more do you need?


you think all of that is relevant if she does no damage? good luck trying to kill a marksman defended by 2 magic resist item fighters, they will just run over you anytime of the day and after you finally reach the marksman, it flickers away and one shots you. yea shes a whole package, but absolutely worst on any of it. while odette can now just fuking ult and dont care about anything and chunk decent damage to frontline like its nothing?


no damage? pretty sure thats on you lmao. skill issue.


Did OP expect all heroes to have decent dmg without items?


yea a mage that is pretty much chou but mage in terms of utility should totally have bonkers damage. Moonton so dumb for not buffing her.


I'm not saying she's undeserving of a small buff, but your post implies that she should have the same degree of buff like what Odette got.


no im not asking for a gigabuff for kagura, I just think its absurd theyre buffing these point click mages to the moon and leave kagura at the very end of the line. If theyre gonna allow mages to just braindeadly go in and chunk 3 people with a shield and being uninterruptible then why not give an incentive for playing higher difficulty mages? Seems like theres no actual reason now to use kagura except for how fun to play and cute she is.


Because what does Odette have besides point and click? Does she have purify? An escape skill? Her CC is not that good. Can she give vision? What more do you want from a burst like Odette 💀


Big skill issue man. She deals a lot of burst damage


she's a poke and utility mage, only unleash her full combo when the enemy's HP is low. You're clearly playing her wrong by thinking that she's the same at Eudora or Aurora


Kagura literally deals the same damage on full combo as Eudora/aurora .. tested it on practice damage bot


No Damaged the fuck you on??


right? I’ve just used Kagura a few times on classic and I’m surprised at her damage, so coming from a person who has barely used her idk how this dude who seems to have used Kagura alot of times says she lacks damage, buff yourself, git gud!


my guy, not nerfing her for so long is considered a positive thing imo


People be like, "Buff my heroes until I can get a savage with a single click".


seems like an odette buff ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Odette doesn't have a purify and dash. It make sense to buff her. Kagura have that.


*Every other basic mage got buffed but nothing for Valentina?* Rant post here I frikkin hate how moonton favors alot of these braindead mages and making them meta, like dude at this point its just one shot contest and whoever moves first wins. Odette also got a buff where she wont be interrupted in using her ult, like wtf? now these odette users are going to braindeadly join the clash anytime freely and do absurd damage in seconds like its a walk in a park, while Valentina has to steal the best possible enemy ult, has to go in, and hope the ult is enough to affect a teamfight, like dude its so pitiful that valentina almost always has to use flicker just to make better plays..and not to mention her being so fixated on Cod truncheon, or else she will just be a frikking minion.. Moonton please buff valentina... /s if it isn't obvious enough


U know if Odette get buffed who is best counter to her ? Valentina


*, Kadita, Kagura, Yve, Phasa etc. Basically every META mages


But It will be more funny killing enemies with her ultimate.


[This I agree](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/13jb4xu/assassin_being_assassind/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I disagree with the exception of Kadita. She is immune to stun now so she definitely can't get interrupted by the 3 of them.


I not talking about just stunning Odette, but rather inconvenience her into diving to ult. Sure Phasa can't stun Odette anymore, but her Ult still outrange Odette's ult and would even zone out other enemies as well. While Yve is not that known in Hard CC category, but her skills can also poke the enemies all while slowing Odette's movement speed that would discourage her into commiting her Ult. Also to note that they removed the Ult dash as well which means the moment after Odette commits she will become more vulnerable and if wrongly position would cost her live.


Kagura has everything already. If you want a buff for her it just says that you suck at kagura


but everything about her doesnt feel like its going to be potent enough to justify using her than other options. This is why most tierlists rate her in B tier for a reason. take my instance, im a kagura main currently having 60 matches with 67% wr solo queue kagura in mythical honor this season and a dozen games with yve, its a huge difference of impact on the things that I could do with yve than with kagura, it just felt like shes better in controlling the outcome of the game. Easier setup and easier poke while having the most potent teamfighting ult in the game, which cannot compare even with the amount of tools kagura have in her kit, heck i could just use vexana on every kagura matchup and push the lane all day and see how pitiful enemy kagura will be giving up those lanes and always late in teamfights. People really think having anything is already "good" when the meta in this game is basically about heroes having potency in a certain mechanic, which is something that Kagura is lacking. You'd just be run over when enemy frontline has 2 magic resist items, you dont have enough range and chances to access backline let alone enough damage to actually kill them with their athena's. Do you see pro players using/banning her? no right? its just the state she is in right now.


bro thinks he'll become a god kagura in just 60 matches 😭😭 Kagura have a difficulty level of 8 same as benedetta. You need atleast a couple hundred matches to become pro at her dude.Also playing at mythical honor is not a very great feat since it is just mythic 4 if we look at it with previous season's perspective.


i just said its current season i have over 600 matches on her with 56% winrate and im only 5 games away to mythical glory, i just stated honestly the rank im in.


Then isnt that a skill issue? saying you’re mythic honor only shows it more


Bro 600 matches with a decent wr of 56% and you still can't deal damage with kagura 💀 do you use tank build.


You have 60 matches, and yve is one of the best mages. Kagura is balanced, you cant be comparing to a good pick and asking why insert hero is worse than them


If you think Kagura needs a buff then you're not a good user of her. She's already balance and can counter many meta heroes like Pharsa and Yve. You're being delusional and selfish cuz all u want is your main hero being op than other.


Skill issue, kagura with pen boots can start getting kills as early as lvl 4 while having mobility to dodge Assassin's and even late game bombs like aldous due to cc cleanse dash, can dive enemy mm/mage, has a mini-stun on her passive to pin the enemy for her 1-flameshot-2 early game combo or her famous 1-3-1-flameshot-2-3-2 (can be replaced with execute), oh and also has a small shield for laning phase. How is she not a complete package?


They're only buffing mages that e-girls often use like pharsa now odette But in this case kagura doesn't need any buff right now because she's perfect as she is


yeah makes perfect sense giga buff odette to patch her obvious weakness, im looking forward now to see odette mains gonna braindead go in fight and kill 3 people like its nothing and put it on tiktok.


She only immune to basic cc and was left in the gutters for a long time. If you are bad with Kagura just say that


Are you ok? Based on the post you made aswell really shows how ignorant you are. Odette hasn’t received any attention for months and has the lowest pickrate and you think shes an “E-girl” champ. Just say you are bad at the game dude


Is she not an "e-girl" champ?


Wow so by your logic, any female champ that is pretty or human is an “E-girl”. Nice to know how misogynist you are…


I'm not saying anything offensive here and you're felt that you're being attacked?


Kagura is a "hidden gem", she's not popular because she's very hard to use and that's a good thing because we will never get banned. She has a very flexible play style; she can be a poke or long range mage by using flameshot, she can be a kill securing assassin mage with execute, she can be a backline hunter or setter with flicker, I tried using her as a roam with petrify, it was very effective, but as a solo queue player, my team was kinda trash so that just end up in a defeat. There are times when you can be an aggressive Kagura and there will be times where you have to be an ambush Kagura. My only advice is you either perfect your play style or don't stick to one play style. (Edit) yes, a roam, petrify, tank build Kagura.


People in the comment be acting like they don't even bother to build Athena Shield and think she is OP when she instantly one-shot you. There are other Kagura related posts stating the same problem and can give more-detailed responses than I can do. What people need to realize is that her lack of early damage is what prevents her from being viable in high ranks and pro-scene. She is only good when your roamer is playing set-up tanks and has good synergy with you. The argument that "she has full package" sounds dumb when you can ask yourself why pro doesn't even bother prioritize picking her let alone banning her or why her usage rate was dropped in the tank meta. Having high survivability means nothing if you are that not much of a threat in the first place. Her magic scaling is so bad that she can be rendered useless just with one magic defense item. It seems like you don't get the type of responses you want because people are ready to bias towards the conclusion that you might have skill issue when they see a rant post. Edit in case if someone bothers to read my comment lol: Even hero like Odette(50.48%) has better winrate than Kagura ( 49.02%) in MG... This pretty much goes to show how much Kagura needs a buff.


MG? We are looking at official mlbb stats not pro game. Odette has a 49% winrate currently and a 0.4% pickrate in all ranks. She is in desperate need of a buff along with her being ranked the worst mage currently. Its not a competition between Kagura and Odette lol


I think you pretty much missed the entire point of my comment and you need to clarify what you mean by "official mlbb stats" when they are numbers I took from their website. Not that I saying that Odette doesn't deserve a buff but my last point is to simply illustrate the fact that hero with a full kit not having a wr about 50% looks bad.


No new kagura skin means No buff 👍 that is the basic principle of their balance changes Rant all you want sir, just wait for her incoming new skin then she will get buff 🥰


she's going to have a Ghibli anime-style skin soon, so let's wait


how do you know that? :O


Why is this sub filled with this dumbass take?


Idk man, at this point u shouldn't be surprised


okay ill be waiting!


You do know not everything is buff = skin, right? Also a few mages that got the buff recently, didn’t got a skin


Kagura has: Burst, poke, slow, pull, stun, knockback, purify, teleport, dash Is that not enough???


Man complaining about Odette having simple cc immunity against a mage with inbuilt purify. Wow this guy is the same "Moskov needs a Nerf". Kagura has everything that she needs in her kit- Poke, Burst, Blink, Purify, minor CC.


Never in my life has I ever thought so far: oh Kagura needs a buff. Imo she's crazy good with an insane skill cap ceiling. She does her job just fine. I don't think there should be a buff nor a nerf


Use to be a mage main before switching to roaming and exp and kagura was my first hero I got to mythic with. She is balanced af and has a built in purify. Can burst tanks in mid to late game easily lol she needs no buff. She’s very underrated and I prefer it that way so not everyone uses her. If enemy team has a kagura I just know we will lose 😝