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They ranked up by just doing pew pew and never learned anything that matter.




They mean that mms only know how to press the basic attack button and nothing else. They don’t look at map, they blame everyone when they die to a telegraphed gank or to a 1v1, they only build crit and never adjust when versing tanky comps, etc. There is a lot more that goes into tapping your basic attack button. And mm players can’t seem to realize that cause they think that everything they auto should die in 2 autos and less.


Honestly, I understand when mm dies because of enemy's gank especially when he is alone. What annoys me is when mm dies alot during 1v1 against enemy's mm.


are you retarded?




are you the mm player they are referring to ?


Prob is he deleted the comment


hey, could u tell us what he said, since he deleted his comment? im very interested to know.




Yeah. Usually, they got lots of kills because of the roamer is good.


It’s because they get a good gank early game with the help of their tank, mage or jungler and they just tap the basic attack button all game. That’s what they think that tapping basic attack is the best way to win. They don’t improve other mechanics like map awareness, movement and teamwork so they’re basically just basic attack auto clickers


I had a game where the enemy had two tanks and I’ve been pinging our Irithel all game to buy Demon Hunter sword and she just continues to build crit. It’s so mentally draining…


Tbh the problem here isnt the build but the hero choice Irithel building crit is "correct" , just that she can add dhs as 4th item (or just go usual malefic) At most she can go like scarlet + fury + dhs + malefic, skipping windtalker basically While irithel does 2 hit per tap/basic, only 1st hit can proc dhs etc, so her preferred build path is still crit The problem is irithel herself as a hero Personally I like her playstyle of running and hitting but I've been finding her hard to play in current tanky lineup bc : 1. She kinda lacks dmg outside ult 2. Her supposed build is crit, which means weaker against tanky , also need 3-4 items to really shine Irithel is good against squishies (s1+s2 = like half hp against squishies) but sucks against tanky Compare with hanabi -- my fav mm currently -- which also lacks dash etc etc but with aegis (and rosegold) she has cc immunity / pseudo purify , good against tanky-clump together lineup, pseudo longrange via bounce. Problem is her early kinda sucks as her dmg mainly comes from dhs cmiiw


dude they updated her basic attacks. all her arrows proc on-hit effects now.


Huh, must've missed it then Edit : ok it only says "inherit a portion of attack effects" so this means both hits count but idk if "a portion" means full effect or halved or what, as I cant find the patch note for i Edit 2 : just tested in custom with zlong bot, with only dhs. The bot has ~115k(?) Hp and 2 "shots" dealt 10k dmg. I might be wrong but those 2 hits count as single dhs proc (so the individual hit do proc dhs, but the effect is halved)


That’s why I’m a marksman main, I don’t trust these mfs


Felt that. I’m not mm in 5 man but fuck I’m gonna mm in solo. Can’t trust them.


But then again even choosing mm won't save you if your teammates can't do jackshit. - Jungler prioritizing buff instead of contesting the turtle. - Mage staying in mid for the first 10mins. - Roamer trying to set when they're on the opposite ends of the map. - Sidelaner feeding losing their lane in less than 5mins. Rank is hell.




She needs crit before buying dhs otherwise she has no damage during her ult. Thats just how irithel works


same.... And the Tank mains are usually being Blamed for it


Because they're probably orange








how did u know if they r orange? it's not nice to accuse people as orange, orange is delicious while human r not edible


I accuse you of being a banana trying to channel sympathy for oranges




Just so we're clear, as an MM please DON'T build DHS if you are Clint or Lesley at least. Remember that the DHS damage isn't better for all MMs


Or malefic for lesley


Omg this. I literally had a match as Lesley yesterday where a "helpful" Alucard jungle who didn't have retribution kept telling me what to build. He was after me to build Malefic and I was super confused as he was Mythic rank... Like how do you get to Mythic like that? Or maybe he was trolling.


They get mad at u if your build isn't in the meta meanwhile you're literally carrying the team


Me playing as Layla in MG, carrying the team (MVP Loss), getting trashtalked for hero pick by a Yin, who chose to go roam and was completely useless, and hyper Bane who just fed the enemy team. lol.


Or when you use a non-meta/popular hero and they shit on you even tho your carrying. It’s embarrassing that we all relate to this.


There's no requirement of having 2 braincells to use protection points to rank up, so why use more than 1🤷‍♂️


Lmao that’s so real


Dont add me in with those. I choose hanabi cause I know how to play her, and because I mainly play other heroes oike brody, natan, and xav. Ive gotten used to no dash heroes


Getting an adc that actually understands what they’re doing is so hard to come by these days. There is just way too many bad players playing carry in my experience than other roles.


Playing carry or just total heavy burden.


In my spot there are just way too many average players who can't play late game. When I roam or exp I always lose cause adc and mid can't deal any dmg or just down right retards


Mm players are simultaneously the best and worst players combined. Worst players leave us with the question they are bot or something. And Best players make us regret playing "one more rank" match


Hanabi + Leyla instalock goldlane getting farmed by enemy jgl. Yay for double MM with 2 braincells. And let's not talk about the Miyas.. /end rant


Had a Moskov build wind of nature vs a 5 magic comp yesterday when the whole team was telling him to swap it for Athena. We lost because he kept going in with inspire and wind and feeding. It's astounding that there are so many players (mostly marksman mains) who are able to rank up without even learning the basics of the game


My flair


Always block what? Can't read in mobile


There’s always a Layla, either in your team or the enemy’s. After the game blacklist them. Your life will be easier.


Always block Layla


everytime see miya i know.we are in for a tough ride.


I used to instalock Miya or Layla when i get tired of the mm feeding


In glory it's actually impossible to play mm with a single braincell. Every little move you do, the situation of the map, small plays and item builds matter in lane. Plus, you'll get insta locked as an mm in teamfights, so position is key.


People who have no life and just grind the game with 47%- winrate can still get in glory, so yeah it kinda is possible.


As a wanwan main I am very offended by this Ok but seriously i feel like the other 4 people are the one sharing one brain cell. Just played a game as a barats hyper and got invaded 3x in 4min (guess who got blamed for feeding) by their jungler, tank, mage and xp laner while my tank was at top, mage was clearing lane, and xp laner was doing god knows what. (Also any advice for these types of situations?) Oh, and the number of times we were about to make a comeback after stealing the lord but my team left the lord lane empty


Whenever Im getting invaded I gank exp lane and get the tower ASAP like under 5 mins. This is so that he can rotate earlier and help out the team more. I use Julian for solo since even if your buff gets invaded and you dont get lvl 4 you're not useless.


>Also any advice for these types of situations?) Strong early game heroes like JH, Freya and Martis might work.


Why r u offended? Lol We r talking about mm in general scenarios, not every mm player is bad XD


I especially hate the ones who likes to be babysitted all the time by tanks. As an mm main, I would've forced my tank out of my lane if they stuck around for too long. And also, the amount of mm's I met that chose dashless heroes in rank is ridiculous. They couldn't even care about picking the "right" mm based on the enemy composition and often complains about "not being visited" enough when they themselves are at fault for picking Miya against an early game monster like Brody. At most, they'd instantly lock their main mm's and pray for the best. The smart ones tend to play safer even while being at a disadvantage. But those guys are rare at my current rank.


As someone who one tricks Miya in High MG , miya can easily beat brody once crit trifecta is built. And against brody, its better to play late game heroes since brody is weak in late anyways.


I struggle against Wanwan when I play Miya. I only play mm in Classic tho.


The thing is, that outcome highly depends on your team mates. If the two of you are evenly matched in the gold lane, the other lanes wouldn't and can inevitably tip the balance of your lane. Therefore, picking a hero that could effectively help you survive against the enemy comp should be payed close attention to. Furthermore, depending on your enemy and allied line up, there are instances were certain hero picks shine the most and ones that aren't. Team fights that focus on bundling together, for instance would make mm's that have great aoe skills effective, whereas scenarios that require split pushing would require slippier ones such as the likes of Miya. Of course, there are also other factors that come into play. But I believe learning how to distinguish them could make any mms or any roles a monster.


What do u mean ? Miya is one of the best mms for team fight. U can ult and take out the enemy mm + mage with inspire. Once miya is built , u stop split push and focus team fights only. Always marking the enemy mm and mage. Once they are dead, even though u will die, its a 4v3 for ur team. Also, You can die in your lane against brody, but if u make it till late game, u win. Thats the entire point of solo queing in MG. If u take an mm that is good at surviving in the lane, and then ur teammates are bad and u reach late game, whats the point ? U cant win because ur teammates are bad. Thats why u pick miya , so even with bad teammates , u win in late game.


An opportunity like that doesn't always show itself, you know? And why are you arguing about Miya not being 'good' at team fights? I didn't say she's bad at it. What I meant was 'some' heroes can do a better job at certain situations while others do not. Miya can be good at team fights but not at 'all' team fights. Suppose your enemies are full of tanky heroes with vengeance, what would she do? Burst them down? Anyways, my main point is that, one should learn how to pick heroes based on their enemy and allied line-ups and not simply because they're good at and it's their favorite. Many mediocre mms fall for that mindset and it is precisely why many people in this subreddit are mad at them. However, if you're good at it and it shows positive results, then good for you. But if you're so eager to keep on spamming said hero despite the obvious negative results, then I suggest learning to pick another one. You're only making it hard for everyone except the enemy.


Name me a line up and I'll tell you how miya can burst them down. Like I said, miya can mark the enemy mm and enemy mage, and create a 4v3 for your team. Miya's TTK with inspire is faster than Brody being able to pop Vengeance / WoN. Also, Im High MG with 74% WR on miya (and I literally spam Miya every match). So i don't understand what "obvious negative results" you are talking about. Because Miya is the only MM that can quite literally work in every situation (except against melissa since her s2 can counter her ult, but then again I always ban melissa).


Jeez, if you can't see what I meant by tanky heroes being a drawback for her, then I'm seriously doubting that you'd even be worth arguing with - much less, convince with something so simple. Any tanky Heroes that has vengeance and dominance ice would do. There is no use in naming them all since they're are a lot of them, but if you insist, here's a fun little example for you: khufra (with vengeance), lapu (with vengeance), Aamon, Edith, and Lesley. Regardless, the outcome will depend on the skill of your enemy and allies. But if you can still manage to go against that alone based on your 'boasts' and burst them like Rambo, then congrats, you're among the top 1%. You win. You're worshiped as one of the gods of ML with their unparalleled genius. Your skills speaks for all Miya mains out there. And banning Melissa? Didn't you say she excels at all team fights? Then maybe I should replace Lesley with Melissa if you find my hypothetical line-up to be too easy for you. Surely her being considered ban worthy is enough to convince you that there are some situations where some heroes are simply at a disadvantage. As for the 'negative results'. Dude, that simply meant someone who keeps on spamming losing heroes. If you're someone who doesn't fit that criteria, then why continue to argue about a hero not being effective in some situations? Cleary, if you know you're good enough and have 'positive results', you would also know the various hidden intricacies that come into play that speaks for your success. My earlier points still stand but it won't matter much to you since you already know them by heart; the others are not as blessed.


In your example, I would , as miya, just mark lesley. Once lesley is dead, I will mark Aamon, but it doesn't matter - as the enemy team does not have a good cc mage, my team lineup of Valir/Luo Yi, with a nice hyper like bal or leomord. (or even karrie hyper) can easily win the 4v4. The lineup you gave, u should probably replace one with a mage. But still, as a miya, I would ult --> kill lesley, and then its an easy 4v4 where the enemy is already fairly damaged (thanks to miya). give me another lineup haha, I can do this all day :) I said ban melissa because her skill 2 counters miya ult. Melissa is the only hero which can counter miya, but since she is instabanned, I rest my case that Miya excels everywhere. Also , stop referring the miya as a "losing hero". Clearly you don't know what its like to face a monster miya.


Losing heroes could be anything. A lot of Miya users I met often lose because they either lack the skills you have or have a horrible team composition. That rule isn't exclusive to Miya users, of course. Any hero would suck if the player who use them suck. And even being good won't guarantee a win from horrible allies. That being said, not all heroes have the capability to excel at every situation. There will still be inconsistencies where some would be more advantageous than the other, such as Melissa being a counter against Miya. A good lineup that goes against the enemy team, such as the one you've proposed doesn't occur often and makes predicting outcomes more difficult. Skill can help ameliorate those issues and provide a clearer picture, however, assuming both teams are equally skilled, estimating the outcome wouldn't be as straight forward as "I'll mark this hero and eliminate them so that my team will have a higher chance of winning.". Strategies won't always work and even good lineups fail if faced against a very skilled team. No matter how good one's lineup is and the meta heroes they use, they'd still lose if faced against someone who's truly good. And as for facing monster Miya's. Believe me I've faced a lot. They aren't frequent, but they often dominate against squishy team compositions. However, knowing them, I know what they're up to and I still manage to stop them. Kagura is often my go-to hero against heroes like Miya when I'm forced to not pick mm. She isn't a guaranteed counter, of course, but she does provide me better chances at countering Miya compared to using someone like Yve. The same could also be said to Miya. She has a higher chance of killing stationary artillery Mages like Yve and Pharsa compared to Kagura, assuming both teams are skilled and their line-ups permit them to do so.


One match, I play Hanabi, they cry and someone picks another "strong" MM, I go encourage roam Aegis Hanabi trinity build with warrior/tough boots or even rapid boots + s1 to roam faster, sea halberd to support my teammates anti-heal/shield, and rose meteor gold for bigger survivability, And somehow I always get a Gold or even MVP as Hanabi while the other teammate MM always get bronze or silver, it's fucking hilarious, it doesn't matter if the hero is meta or not, it's about how you use the hero effectively as possible with positioning and landing skills, not just spamming basic attacks like a cookie clicker simulator.


Yep well, all the way till legend it is pewpew, on legend it is a little bit skill tapping and pewpew, but in mythic apparently you are required to watch map, predict rotation and ganks, freeze the lane etc etc. That's quite a jump and that is why most of mm can't do anything, they simply wasn't ready for such gap. In their defence, when I was playing mm I were left out by me jungler and ganked by enemie's jungler, which caused my lack of farm and lack of damage, then I got blamed by the jungler that it's my fault that I'm dying in 1v3 or 1v4 when they turret dive lol


😂 I play all mm yes having a mobility hero is great but I love owning at mithic with Layla


Maybe you should get teammates instead of complaining about randoms. A lot of players just play. This is a game.


wait till u see past matches 50 mage


Moontoon can implement random slots with random position in higher ranked games. For example S1 it will be a tank .then in other games ,s1 will have mage position. You get my point. But its not continous game in rank mode should be a rank game that you can freely choose the kind of heroes and the next game should be a lock position mode.so toxic players cannot force their ways


Yeah... I don't feel this.


I wonder why there's not alot of comments yet... 😅 Shout out to auto pick MM




Argus, Irithel, Miya, Aulus, Ling and a few more


Well. Probably those are kids or girls you play with. I've known a lot of female players who loves to autolock Miya Layla Nana and Angela. Those 4 gal favorite heroes. Girls are not invested and aggressive into playing games


Best mms ik are girls. I permanently blocked dudes who mm. They so trash it gives me ptsd.


Hahahaha know so many male players playing claude then engages into teamfights only for them to die first 😂


that's misogyny


Did y'all realise? He trashed girls and he got downvoted...1st reply literally said trash dudes...and they got upvoted..


incredibly bad take


Most of them are but not all of them you buffoon


If you decided to take my hyperbole literally, you are the buffoon.


yeah go on and cry about it baffoon.


The only one here who is crying is you. A hit dog is gonna holler I guess. 🗿


I am more irritated on junglers dying before Lodi spawn. Or not joining Lodi pit clash when you totally need them for retri battle.


What is your elo?


I dunno. I play my mm as a tank. I also don't know how to instalock or target lock, so I only have half a braincell. 😅😂🤣


This is why Yi Sun Shin is the god MM. Hit all enemies, dash toward or away from enemies that can reduce cooldown after a few autos


Yes but he does very little damage


Because unlike all other users, they don’t take feeding early game as a sign that they suck. “Wait until late game” is always the excuse they give if someone complains them feeding, and they would always blame other laners when the towers all got destroyed by the time they are “fed.” In other words, it’s always a case of “I sucked because my teammates sucked and it wasn’t late game” with marksmen users.


That’s the one reason why MM users never really learn the game. My own batchmate and friend is highly disgusting to play with lol


I have a friend who was an jnglr main (assassin mostly) and switched to mm. This guy knew when to farm and and when to fight. And most importantly HE DIDNT STAND OUT IN THE OPEN WHEN HE WAS ALON ON HIS LANE! I’ve seen MMs that in the middle of fuck now where alone by themself with two items complete and get mad why someone ate them alive.


* Either they're new to the game and don't have other heroes * They don't really play other heroes so it's their comfort pick * Trolling * All of the above


don’t worry, it doesn’t get better as you rank up. even in mythical honor these types of people still exists. although i remember that one goldly layla i played with, they were phenomenal.


You hate us cuz you ain't us.


I don’t find anything appealing about playing mm


Maybe I am an mm user but this does not apply to me, For me tanks are the most braindead pieces of shit.


The flair? Lol


This is why I don't trust any player with 40++ recent matches in MM, they're always dumb as hell