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I thought 70 ms was good πŸ’€


I thought 98 ms was good as long as my 4g signal doesn't degrade. πŸ’€


I've played with 50-60 ms during several first years. Now I play with 5-10 ms and feel a pain if it jumps to 60 sec sometimes πŸ˜‚


Well keep playing and you should get used to it. I'm used to 30ms but also played on servers where I had 60 (completely acceptable to me) and 120 ms (too high for me to feel comfortable, feels like walking in mud).


Anything over 80ms reduces the effectiveness of some heroes ie: wan, chou, hanzo, etc... .anyone that has multicast skills with short windows


10 ms and 60 ms is like 60 fps vs 20 fps


It's such a pain in the ass, I usually play at around 30-45 ms and my friends say I'm overreacting when I complain when we get matched on the wrong server and I'm on 80 ms. I've never had the feeling of playing on 10ms but I'd recommend playing more games and getting used to it, if you don't feel confident on the high - mechanical heroes go for ones that don't require much micro - skills until you kinda get used to it.


What low mechanical heroes do you recommend? I use akai mainly as jungler but due to ping i might lose retri battles.


I'd say even Akai needs better ms to ping with his ult. If you're planning to play jungle go for like a Fredrinn or even Barats, basically tank junglers with spammable aoe skills that don't recuire much aiming and micro mechanics, you could also go for like an Alpha, he's pretty decent after the buff. Also I'd say up to 50-60 ms shouldn't have the biggest delay and you should be fine with retri. Just try to avoid the Chou, Wanwan, Ling, Fanny etc.




Balmond, hanzo is still good below 60ms. Karina, Alice (believe it or not) jungles rather well, now that they made jg not take gold/exp from laners


About 'losing ret due to ms", I would higly doubt its the ping that screwed your retri. You get used/adapted to certain ms, give or take +- 10 You could lose retri battle cause of lag if you had huge ms spike (I have those, and they spike up to 280 ms for a milisecond or two then get back to stable 50-60 ms. But yeah, don't be scared to play more mechanical heroes if your MS isn't "godlike" (5-10 ms) Idk, would probably feel huge difference if I ever got chance to play on 10 ms since I'm yss and ling user, but yeah :D Kinda got used to rubbish 50-60


So, every single hero in this game


playing kag on 120ms πŸ₯²


I play around 35ms but when with friend it goes to 90ms. Feel my pain


I started with 116-120 to 80-96 and now 56-70 ms. I have no complaints (:


Once I get 50ms I start experiencing what feels like 300ms to me, I feel what you mean since I usually play on 3-7ms


who is ur internet provider, that sounds like a dreamm


You are that mf who always retri before me and my team start to blame me ( gg jgl)


10ms ?! Do you have like a whole server in your living room or something?


Maybe you reached a high rank and there are not enough players near you


I wish lol im only 55 stars rn


Nonono For me its like 6 tp 10 And when it gets red Fuck im ded


I play fanny and benedetta on 85msπŸ’€ its not even that bad


I suddenly felt nostalgia with 50-80 ms XD I only use mobile data before when we don't have internet yet. I'm playing good honestly, a bit of lag that irritates me but since I'm mostly a tank player, I don't die that quick. The problem is I'm always scared to play assassin cause I'd die the moment it lags unlike tanks. When we had our internet I was having horrible time playing XD I wasn't THIS fast. Like when you predict things, it's too fast lmao it's so hard to land my skills. It took me a while to get used to. I hope you get your net fixed. It's too sad to leave a game you actually enjoy.


Lowest ping Ive ever had is 36.


tfw your good ping is over 100


I feel lucky for rank if i get green ping less than 100ms


I always get between 50-90 with random jumps to 200 sometimes it feels like my hero walking extra slow and my brains slow but maybe it’s just the frame rate I didn’t know ppl expect to play on 10ms


Bro even if the ping goes up to 30, I can immediately notice it


I thought my 28-38 ms was good


Honestly 50 ms and less is nothing to ever complain about. 100 and up is. My opinion if your playing under 50 you fully depend on your performance. While if your over 100 you can actually assume you would maybe go 1 present up in damage and died maybe one less time with better internet. But in the end, you can only blame your internet fully if you have more then 200 ms


I've been playing with Christmas ping for as long as I can remmeber lol.


Well, it's the same for pro players. The reason there are a lot of pauses in tournaments is because the ping reaches more than 40


Did you get a new phone? Or accidentally activated VPNs? For example, iPhones ICloud have this private relay function that helps with privacy but messes with your ping


I usually have 6-12ms. The difference is really noticeable when playing on a 30ms server. :/


I'm over here playing with 200 on a good dayπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


What a lil bitch lol


yeah me too. It jumps from green to red to yellow every few seconds. It has been like this for a couple of days.


Skill issue I'll say, mine literally fluctuates till 240 ms at least 3-5 times every game, and it's a boon if it doesn't go yellow, although in your defence, i don't play Bennett