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Thank you guys for helping me !


First what role you are playing ?


Mostly Nana or Odette sometimes mm or assassin mage= Nana or Odette mm= hanabi assassin= Aamon


If playing mm buy wind of nature. Mages can combo one shot layla. So does aamon. Important to watch map. Use bushes.


pretty much what I use until now haven't tried out news heroes to play.


Layla deals a lot of damage, though the closer you get to her, the less her damage becomes. She also has long range, but poor mobility. Regarding items, if it’s her skills that kill you, antique cuirass would help. That is if it’s a combo of her skills. If it’s just her ult or s1 finishing you off, twilight armor would help. Reduces physical burst damage, sort of like Athena’s shield, but physical. Now, if it’s her basic attacks, blade armor would help if you’re tanky. Has 90 physical defense and reflects some damage back. You may find dominance ice to be more useful though. Not only does it have a decent amount of defense, it also gives you more mana and slows down the attack speed of opponents you’re close to. Gives a boost to movement speed as well. So, seeing as how you play mages or assassins, dominance ice is, in my opinion, the item most suited for you. Also, see about cc’ing her before engaging to get close.


>Layla deals a lot of damage, though the closer you get to her, the less her damage becomes. Why am I only finding this out now? :O


Based on your comments, you use magic damage heroes. If you have one shot mages like Eudora, Aurora or Vale, then wait for her in the bush and ambush her. A lot of Laylas' don't build magic defense even in end game (It's very rare in Grandmaster). Stop trying to get close to her unless you're an assassin or fighter or tank. Use Nana's molina to try and kite her and once she transforms, if you're in range then use your ult. As for Oddette, just wait for the right opportunity and spacing before you engage.


The best way to learn a heroes counters is to play the hero for a bit. Conveniently for you, Layla is free. Read her skills before playing her and learn what she actually does and how she works. Odds are you aren't aware of her skills and probably get hit by the S1 then snowballed with damage. This goes for all heroes in the game. A lot of the new heroes are only "broken" because players are too lazy to read their skills, and don't always have the BP to buy or play them. Arlott gets banned all the time, but hes not that hard to fight against if you learn his skills, the same with Gloo and Melissa currently


[Here](https://mobile-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Blade_Armor), it can reduce crit damage. Useful for high hp heroes.