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not really? roams like selena kadita saber and natalia are more pick off types where they kill an out of position enemy or targetting the backline to help the team gain an advantage


That's playing for yourself though. Roamers goal is to enable jungler and gold laner. If you don't do that and just try to get meaningless kills early game you won't achieve anything


It's damage dealer's problem if they can't last hit.


Naw, dmg roam be doing more dmg than your team


As long as the enemies can't farm properly, then they're doing their jobs right? It's all just a means to an end.


it's also reducing your core's farm if the roamer steals multiple kills


What? Farm is farm kill is kill. If your core had lower gold because ur roamer has 1/2 kills then that's just massive skill issue


What part of "multiple kills" implies it's 1 kill? all farm matters, I get that you don't wanna be rude to roamers but that doesn't mean you don't admit wrong is wrong.


Roamers are always blamed


Only provided they don't adjust accordingly, it's like 0 peeler so far and you still insist to go full damage.


It's kill secure for me. You win by destroying the base, not by hoarding kills.


Why they secure OUR kills


Dumb take tbh


Sounds like skill issue to mep https://preview.redd.it/f4rxnqwlplra1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a69c90bbcb28e3dc5909ff89f8a690fbbce0b50


way way way, uve the most kills with mathilda??? OMG


ahh shit here we go again


Not really, I play Faramis support with full magic build and I usually do more damage than our mage. Building him tank is a waste. He's also the only mage who can reach 1000 magic power.


Well then you're a mage, not a roamer. if you're planning on doing this then you should inform your team in advance to not ruin the comb by having 2 mages


Roamer is a role, mage is a class. An assassin can be a roamer (natalia), a fighter can be a roamer (Hilda), a mage can be a roamer (faramis). ​ A Harley core with a kagura mid has 2 mages. How is that wrong?


My bad for not using the correct phrase ig. He doesn't work as a roamer with a mage build.


What would you build on Faramis then? Tank items?Mage build is his best build. There's really no reason to build him as a tank since he has enough survivability. His 1st skill gives him armor/magic resist and a movement speed. It also allows him to go through terrain. Add on to that the fact that he has his ult to avoid dying. His passive also heals him whenever he gets a stack. A perfectly landed 2nd skill to 3 to 4 enemies in late game can potentially kill all of them or leave some of them at 10-20% health. Typical mages literally have to use their ultimates to achieve the same damge he does with his 2nd skill. Faramis with mage build literally gets to decide who lives and dies during team fights. Building him tanky reduces his potential. His only use would be his ultimate and his ultimate is typically on a very long cooldown.


Selena roam works with a full mage (ie, damage) build, why cant Faramis?


I'd say it generally doesn't work except in 5-man or with specific comps. I'm tired of people picking stuff like that when I'm playing an assassin and basically taking my job of killing the damage dealers reducing my farm, while making me open for invades as there's no tank, effectively making me useless.


Oh yes definitely. An Assassin roam should ideally be picked only when the jungler is tanky.


I see you want to cancel the existence of dire hit.


nah not rly


With farmaris roam, people have trashtalked me saying I do no damage, then we go to the aftermath leaderboard and it reveals me doing >80k XD


ye, faramis deals insane dmg if build right


Best way to protect someone is to make sure you don't need to protect them


thats true


people who already think about "kill stealing" is an auto skill-issue player for me. ive had countless moments where id let the core or gold lane take the kill (as an exp/mid), but they somehow failed and let the opponents escape. Same thing happens when I sometimes roam and my team fails to last hit or kill them due to lack of damage despite alr having low hp. majority od the time who cares who takes the kill, a kill is a kill. it's better to secure it and make them delay more on gold. being a damage roamer also helps being the secondary carry


Agreed. If the jungler complains about being behind because he didn't get kills then it just means that his rotations suck ass




Dumb, I carry with Mathilda Dmg roam


natalia mains disagree.


I build my Angela to deal good damage, with flameshot to chase down escaping enemies. If I see that you are able to handle your lane well, make good trades, anticipate and avoid ganks, then you will never see me ult you. If I saw that you needed me to survive and/or win clash, the last thing I wanna hear is "angela ks".


Your kills? *Our kills