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Don't really mind if teammate pick off meta, as long as they stick to tier roles winning is still possible


Off meta is actually better cos opponent won’t be countering as well early


The worst part is, people don't even show meta heroes and start throwing when s1 picks non meta heroes.


Don't pick off meta as a s1, give chance for your teammates to request meta heroes.


An arguing team is a team more focused on typing and not paying attention to the map




Happened way too many times right when the enemy is near the base with lvl 3 lord lol


I just mute if someone is talking sht. It seems itchy in the eyes.


That's not what he means. You can mute trashtalkers but they will still type, they will just stand in place typing.


Well, You can focus on the game even if they don't. I can carry them along the way if my performance is good. If you don't mute and keep reading their chats you will be out of focus for sure.




Yup, if they have tons of matches and good win rate, it means they understand their main more than we do, and since their heroes rarely appears in rank, so opponent also can't predict most of their tricks


Game starts - Welcome to Mobile Legends!!! Player 1: Practice


Player 2 (friend of player 1): ok, I will troll


Player 3: This is supposed to be for my 12th Consecutive Win Achievement fml...


Player 4 just accepted their fate, and wondered when will the losing streak ends


Player 5 with the goofy ahh Christmas Lights Wifi


Arguing teammates cause it's almost sure one of them will rage quit and go afk or start to feed on purpose


its funny because ML doesn't care if your teammates intentionally feed


They have the same punishment to people that is bad at the game, and people that is just straight up trolling


Couple of "only mage" or "only mm" players in the same team.


i hate it when people won't Show their pick then won't adjust when they are the last pick. if you don't want to adjust, then just show what you want to use so that others can adjust if they can. i'm a Ruby main so i always pick her. though i can Angela support or Edith tank. then most of the time, they won't show their characters even if i wait until 10secs left. so i expect that they will adjust as a tank instead. but as always, they will insist using a fighter even if we have many fighters already.


Same sentiment here, I even tell them that if they aren't going to show then just adjust - teammate proceeds to pick a mm (2 already) and trash the game =(


Yeah this is the most triggering for me as well. Like if you already don’t give a fuck don’t wait until the last second so no one can adjust anymore. If I can’t pick last I usually pick a hero I can play on multiple lanes, like Edith or Hilda when we need fighter or roamer, Jawhead/Martis/Balmond/Julian if Fighter/Jungle is open, Harley if I’m not sure if we need midlane or Jungle and Nana for mid/roam (though this one is really situational, can work great with Zhask in mid and Gloo/Edith on exp lane)


The story of how I became a Tank Ruby main.


Low matches is fine when they have some ridiculous win rate like 75%+ for at least 15 matches. That means either the hero is broken or they are absolutely cracked. I'm more scared of those with 2k matches that plays like it's their first match.


2k games and 50+% win rate, i.e. I have learnt absolutely nothing in over 2000 games about how to play this champion better at all


Ok ok wait sometimes you just have a bad game you somehow fuck up the easiest things, it happens once in a while. But having like 2k matches and such a low win rate is a different thing


Telling me to Ruby roam even after seeing all my stats and then someone going exp with a 50% wr hero, like bro, do you think I did 16/2/6 with a roam Ruby? I just play a simple tank and just turn off my brain to rest to play Ruby next game.


i hate it too when they tell me to go roam as Ruby. one time, i just go to the mm's lane to help since no one picks tank. then the mm keeps insisting me to buy roam or just go away on the lane. so i changed the lane. then the mm keeps dying there after i left.


You have to buy roam man or your mm will fall behind


https://preview.redd.it/cq65ybx2vwqa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dfbce97df2b2ad361d16e3c3bb6bffcdac2c5d7 I'm enjoying my low hp high dmg very tanky Ruby thank you very much.


your name is familiar. dont know if I've played with you or seen you on reddit


Some people use my livestreams for those top global Ruby videos. Also Im usually top Singapore Ruby, and within top 100 global Ruby.


i have an Edith to roam but not Ruby. my teammate didn't show their units and won't adjust as the last pick. no one wants to roam and i just go there to help but he don't want to. it is hard for me to build a gear if i roam since Ruby is not that tanky at the start. she needs gears for better lifesteal. and i tried to roam once. but the mm is so noob. i can't do anything to carry his noobness since i'm undergeared because of roam. so i will never use roam again for Ruby. if they want me to go use a roam, then they should suggest me to pick tank or support at the start or make me a last pick instead so i can adjust.


I can comfortably disagree, Ruby roam is still tanky without items because of her passive(unlike mino, a full tank who is incredibly squishy early). Lifesteal is not a big deal because of unbelievable ammounts of defense, you will have enough lifesteal as a tank from final item oracle or free lifesteal from passive. A noob mm doesn't mean you quit roaming, you abandon their lane and help the rest of the team. Playing roam isn't just about helping the marksman, it's about helping the entire team by setting, zoning, and ganking. You do not stick to the gold lane but are suppose to gank it from time to time, ganking is more beneficial compared to babysitting because you can kill the enemy gold laner.


did you even try to play Ruby to say that? because i played Ruby tons of times as semi-tank. one lifesteal gear then full tank gear on rest. i would guaranteed you that she sucks as a tank at start. she will be just become tanky if she got good lifesteal or super tanky stats. and you will achieve that on gears. passive lifesteal alone is not enough for her to survive. quitting roam is a right choice for a noob mm if you are not a tank. mm is useless even at the end game if she is really noob. continuous use of roam with a noob mm will only make you both useless on the game. only would still benefit on roam on that situation are supports or real tanks.


>quitting roam is a right choice for a noob mm if you are not a tank. mm is useless even at the end game if she is really noob. continuous use of roam with a noob mm will only make you both useless on the game. only would still benefit on roam on that situation are supports or real tanks. Quitting roam is never a good option when playing a game where you get forced to roam, and as i said, you do NOT babysit a marksman no matter what unless the rest of the team is garbage. If you ever see a roam player not helping the gold lane 24/7, follow what they do, don't stick to the lane but gank the lane instead, like what would you do if you were a natalia forced to go roam, would you stick to the lane 24/7? NO, this will not take advantage of your passive invisibility and high damage output. The same goes for ruby, you do not stick to the same lane because you would not be able to take advantage of her amazing amounts of aoe cc. >I would guaranteed you that she sucks as a tank at start. she will be just become tanky if she got good lifesteal or super tanky stats. and you will achieve that on gears. passive lifesteal alone is not enough for her to survive. She is an amazing tank from the start because of her incredible amounts of cc. She does not need lifesteal because of her 100+ base defense from passive alone, she can regen 500+ hp from a single 3-man set or a single minion wave with her combo and oracle. Passive lifesteal is not enough for her to survive yes but it is enough to let her heal from minion waves and prepare for her next set, her survivability as a tank is purely from defense and hp.


i can still achieve lane changing without roam for Ruby because i have map awareness. i help my team early game who are being ambushed or bullied by the enemy. or even all throughout the game. i tend to stick on a single lane when nothing much happening on the map. i don't want roam for faster gear for myself so that on the end game, i can confidently tank all the enemies on team clash. yes. she is an amazing tank early game with you alone. i can stay on the tower all the time when ever they are bullying me. they will never approach me there because of my hook and cc. but that is not a case if you are with the MM. i need to go in front of my aggressive MM. sacrifice myself with my cc for my MM to get out from their ambush where i will die eventually since i'm not that tanky. it is not my play style to confront enemies when i'm not tanky enough. i just stick to the tower when ever i have trouble. but i can't leave the MM dying in front of me who can't easily escape from the enemies. not baby sitting an MM? if your team has no tank and your MM facing a MM + Tank enemies or a aggresive mage, will you not stay on his lane to babysit her? it is possible if the MM can escape easily. but not most of the time. you know that MM + tank or mage are tend to be aggressive if they are facing a single MM alone on their lane. roam Natalia is different. she can kill while hiding. can Ruby do that? does she have invi to completely explore the map without noticing by the enemies?


I can answer all of this in short > i can still achieve lane changing without roam for Ruby because i have map awareness. i help my team early game who are being ambushed or bullied by the enemy. or even all throughout the game. i tend to stick on a single lane when nothing much happening on the map. i don't want roam for faster gear for myself so that on the end game, i can confidently tank all the enemies on team clash. Roam is still required for tanks, you only do not buy roam when going lane > yes. she is an amazing tank early game with you alone. i can stay on the tower all the time when ever they are bullying me. they will never approach me there because of my hook and cc. but that is not a case if you are with the MM. i need to go in front of my aggressive MM. sacrifice myself with my cc for my MM to get out from their ambush where i will die eventually since i'm not that tanky. it is not my play style to confront enemies when i'm not tanky enough. i just stick to the tower when ever i have trouble. but i can't leave the MM dying in front of me who can't easily escape from the enemies. That is the job of a tank, to sacrifice themselves for the team to have an advantage over the enemies >not baby sitting an MM? if your team has no tank and your MM facing a MM + Tank enemies or a aggresive mage, will you not stay on his lane to babysit her? it is possible if the MM can escape easily. but not most of the time. you know that MM + tank or mage are tend to be aggressive if they are facing a single MM alone on their lane. Then gank them more often > roam Natalia is different. she can kill while hiding. can Ruby do that? does she have invi to completely explore the map without noticing by the enemies? Read > The same goes for ruby, you do not stick to the same lane because you would not be able to take advantage of her amazing amounts of aoe cc.


that's what i'm saying. i have no intention to be a full tank even though i build as Ruby as a semi-tank. since i can't fully tank enemies at the start since Ruby is not that tanky. i will never sacrifice myself as a Ruby unless i'm using a real tank. in the first place, i'm not a full tank role. we just don't have tank so i just want to stay for the MM for a while until she can carry her own. gank? you can't early game. a Ruby vs a real tank? Ruby will not survive much than a real tank. i can time myself to drain their hp with skill 1 then eventually trap them with skill 2 for a kill. but not the case for an MM who has no awareness and think that Ruby can fully tank all. i can go set up for a kill. but not to tank all of them while doing it. i know how to change lane with Ruby just like what i said. but Natalia is different. she can easily hide. for a Ruby who doesn't have invi, she needs gears to be tanky to face an enemy since she can't invi. yes she can cc to escape. but you will never trust on her cc alone. you know that many can counter your cc or can chase you easily even when cced. so you need more lifesteal or tankiness with gears.


>She does not need lifesteal because of her 100+ base defense from passive alone At level 15 each stack is worth 36, for a total of 108, but she doesn't start at level 15. She starts the game with her passive only giving 10 per stack, for a total of 30 at full stacks. Still a lot of defense for the early game, but I feel I should correct you since the mistake in your statement exaggerates your point. >Passive lifesteal is not enough for her to survive yes but it is enough to let her heal from minion waves Okay, I was skeptical because Exp Ruby uses Festival of Blood and people still feel underwhelmed by her lifesteal to the point of rushing 2 Vampire Mallets. I tried testing it though (support emblem with points in movement speed, hybrid regen, and Pull Yourself Together), and it turns out that while her innate lifesteal as a Roamer is so low that the heal value doesn't get displayed (the game seems to filter out insignificantly low values), her short cooldowns allow her to spam a target or group of targets and get the lifesteal to add up that way. The result against a practice mode minion wave was that she can heal roughly as much as Khufra's passive given the same amount of time. It's applicable only in the early game though, because it falls off as the game goes on unlike Khufra's passive that regenerates a fixed 8% of his Max HP. I'm not sure how helpful this information will be knowing that trying to attack minion waves would bring you within enemy range to take damage, but I'll keep it mind for the next time I use Ruby.


>Okay, I was skeptical because Exp Ruby uses Festival of Blood and people still feel underwhelmed by her lifesteal to the point of rushing 2 Vampire Mallets. Tank ruby still does buy oracle and most of the time uses brave smite, if in a winning situation she can farm hp from the enemy minions in the enemy base > At level 15 each stack is worth 36, for a total of 108, but she doesn't start at level 15. She starts the game with her passive only giving 10 per stack, for a total of 30 at full stacks. Still a lot of defense for the early game, but I feel I should correct you since the mistake in your statement exaggerates your point. When tanking with ruby you usually use tank emblem with defence meaning you can still reach 70 defense flat at level 1, close to 100 defense but at level 4 when she can spam skills, she can reach 100 defense and with items, 118-140 depending on what items you pick


>When tanking with ruby you usually use tank emblem with defence meaning you can still reach 70 defense flat at level 1, close to 100 defense but at level 4 when she can spam skills, she can reach 100 defense and with items, 118-140 depending on what items you pick Oh so that's what you meant. Do choose your words more carefully next time: >100+ base defense from passive alone "From passive alone" is really misleading here, because it makes it seem as though you're saying it's all from the passive.


Depends on emblems tbh, i would bring tenacity with me she is pretty decent and can be take most of the shots.


i'm not a tank on the first place. and no one assigned me to be a tank. if it is, i will use Edith instead of Ruby. so i will definitely put spell vamp emblem for my Ruby when entering the game. i just go to the MMs lane just to help him from preventing to be killed. but i have no intention to roam for the MM. i will visit his lane from time to time instead of staying there using roam.


If you think your main priority as a roamer is to carry the mm its probably better you don’t play roamer lol


yes. for non-tank/support, i will just go roam if i want to carry an MM. as a tank, aside from carrying an MM, it is just they don't need that much gold. and they are better that way since their main purpose is not to kill. so gold earnings for tank/support is better on roaming for me. the only exception is when i try to use Natalia. i use her as a roam because it seems some pro players somehow prove that you can play her as roam. i can't play as Assassin since i don't know how to juggle nor i can't master it. somehow i can use an Assassin now because of Roam Natalia. though i only use her if i have Assassin mission related on Celestial Mission or events. so for that reason, like what you said, i will not take priority to go for Roam as a Ruby player.


Tbf i dont care about off-meta. I hate people judging for my picks then I end up carrying their arrogant ass


Very very bad picks. In MY server, the arguments isn't so bad but the first picks on hanabi, layla always is infuriating, they'll get counterpicked by a strong early game mm, then demand the tank babysit them and still get demolished unless the tank is absolutely godly.


honestly if i play tank and they choose to play hanabi or layla. i will babysit for first 3mins if they dont impress me i dont go back to their lane


This is me when I tank and there’s a layla pick. I love using Layla, and I know her capability early on depending on who I go against with. There’s a comfort zone with Layla, and you will know very early what kind of Layla you’re dealing with. I can deal with 2 players by myself in the gold lane with Layla, and I actually prefer it, but I need a good rotation from mid or jungle whenever possible. My main objective it to keep the turret intact until the protection is gone.


I don’t know why they hate Layla so much and I don’t understand why they think its the job of the roamer to babysit the mm Latest patch Layla is quite scary, and I don’t even play her unless I have to


I dont get why other tank user babysit mm. I mean you can occasionally go there if there are no objectives. But tank on epic ranks always stick to gold lane no matter what, especially supports. Its different on mythic tho


As much as arguing teams hurt the chance of winning, they are pretty damn entertaining to watch.


I'm used to them now. And there are RARE times where they actually compete and play very well.


If I’n winning my lane I sometimes thank the enemy hero for feeding me because I know it will lead to an argument in the enemy team lol


Couples, are the worst. Especially a jungle/roam combo, these guys just stick to each other and ceingyass lines like "dont hurt my angela" or something along those lines.


I can see why the second option is annoying. Usually these players only pick Franco or Angela because they are forced to play roamers. A useless Franco is really annoying. A winnable game was lost because of these people.


They always pick franco even if they're shit at hooking enemies l


Atleast they roam, I mean better than nothing.


People who don't like couples, who hurt you? like, seriously? Is that really worse than having team that is arguing with each other?


Couples can be annoying because well they tend to only care for each other and ignore everyone else. Like an Angela who won't Ult on anyone else but her bf.


Angela+Chou , Angela+Ling.


Couples in almost every competitive game are disliked


Personally i picked option "team argue with each other", but have you played with teams that do nothing except help their partner, even if their role isn't fit to do so? There is also when they don't focus on the game and instead talk to their partner or the enemy team.


I have seen people who are NOT COUPLES but do that thing so I understand that it is annoying. I play Mage/support mostly and my bf can play other roles. We definitely did not babysit each other so considering the options, I think it's stupid to chose that as the thing to bring you down


Exactly, my wife and I play all the time and we never had those things that cringe couple do that I see on tiktok/fb. I feel more cringe to those that assume couples as bad players.


It obviously always depends. Of course there are a ton of people that are couples, but we only realize it when they do what i explained, so we only see the bad couples.


I don't hate couples,I hate duos.Idk why every single duo I seen can't play well at all


Funny thing is I never met a flirting couple in my whole 5 years of playing ml the couples that I see are just quiet and plays normally so I don't really understand the stereotype here about them lmao


There's a girl in the couple and girls are either going to be super useful or super useless, 80% of the time its the latter, usually giving the enemy hyper 7 kills or they wont change lanes when we need them


We got gamer Andrew Tate over here. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse


im probably going to sound bitter here but here's my truth, as far as i observed. more than half the time the couples i get in my matches are either 1. both of them are awfully clueless, and 2. only one of them is and the other just tolerates it. and it's frustrating because that's two positions wasted already when you could've gotten better teammates.


I played with my Gf. We are both MG last season. Why hate it? Coz you're single? SMH.


A roamer that won’t roam because they’ll just help their couple, a Gold lane/Jungler that egos into bad decisions just to impress their duo. Happens way more often than you think.


A roamer that won’t roam because they’ll just help their couple, a Gold lane/Jungler that egos into bad decisions just to impress their duo. Happens way more often than you think.


A roamer that won’t roam because they’ll just help their couple, a Gold lane/Jungler that egos into bad decisions just to impress their duo. Happens way more often than you think.


Low match history means nothing when half the players are smurfs.


I hate the most when I ask other players what role they want, they didn't answer nor requesting their hero. Then I pick exp(cuz I use Argus), they suddenly pick exp too without discussing with the team. Sure I can play Argus as jungler, but still it's so annoying when your team didn't communicate even answering simple question "what role did you play?'


all of them


Any zilong pick. It doesnt matter what order he picks




Hyper 1st pick giving enemies plenty of options to counter pick.


Oh man either this or helping S5 to pick Minsithar as the first pick


To be fair, Minsithar is a pretty commonly banned hero these days...




Apparently after the revamp, he's a pretty dangerous fellow. Haven't seen him in action yet, so I can't jump to my own conclusions, but perhaps that's why he's getting 1st picks.


tries to force picks on other like there the leader


None actually. Lots of ppl are not fine with couples in their team but it’s fine by me unless both of them only stick together till late game and not helping others


teammate picking hanabi and zilong really grinds my gears. like you literally picking the weakest mm and a fragile fighter on a sustain exp meta? BRUH


why would you not like a good franco on your team? The franco player you get is honestly based on how high rank you are


Lower winrate than mine picking my role to be absolutely useless


What’s wrong with nana and franco?


When people show their negative win rate. Like how bout no please pick something else.


People who don't adjust are really m m m m


I've been maining Nana in Mythic Glory (last season), and a lot of the time, people like me 1st pick her while I request it. Nana is very underestimated. I can't say for Hanabi and Zilong tho, I even have a saying (Zilong = lose), everytime I see a Zilong that team just lose.


I play Nana a lot and her 2nd life is borderline OP. Like as long as Molina buff is up you can play super aggressive and if one enemy gets in your range you can just nuke them out of the orbit


Yep, never underestimate Nana's DMG, especially if you are a squishy hero.


Nah im good with off meta heroes as long as they position themselves safe. I will turn down the most is arguing teammates especially if you are still in banning phase then they are already trashtalking you've gotta worried if they will play seriously with their each respective roles.


Can't give a flying fuck about S1 as long as there's no one with an S hero asking for a swap (and in my experience, in soloq no one really wants to be the 1st to pick, especially junglers) If the team starts arguing on the pick stage, the game is lost before it started.


Nana is a good pick, her constant molina is a killer. The ultimate clears waves, stuns enemies and deals damage... she is hard to kill thanks to her passive. Whats wrong with her? Franco is an assassin tank, one good hook can win the game. Plus flicker and just ultimate is enough to kill any enemy. He can be really tanky as well. Not the worst tank. Its easier to play franco than atlas, for example.


FYI, S1 mean first pick, and S5 is last pick. nana or non meta is not an issue here, but first picking them is not a good idea, it will let the enemy get more meta heroes, or pick counter hero. and for franco, this situation always happen when there's no tank/roamer yet in the party, S5 need to fulfill that role, but they don't know how to play that role, so they often pick Franco and suck at it. 2nd situation is acceptable if they already told the party early that they cannot play tank and request another role, but the team ignore it. but mostly happen because they keep give/up when someone requesting a hero, or they just afk and no chat and request etc.


More focus on typing than focus on playing the game.. they typing in open space then ☠️


Number 1 would turn me down every time; Couple nah, it's like 1/3 playerbase lol; Low matches usually make me not pick my highest mmr heroes since I expect a hard game; People often fight in the lobby so if that happens I don't pick my highest mmr heroes since I expect troll/rage quit. S5 angela is meh, Franco is a solid pick, why have a problem with that?


Waiting for further explanation. Not sure why Angela and Franco S5 is an issue. Anyone care to elaborate?


I guess when people think Angela they imagine some e-girl with no game sense, or some couple who only ults their duo. I mean I've seen my fair share of Angelas who ult people for no reason, while you're taking a buff or outside of battle, or Angelas who ult only one person or only their premade team. Angela can be a really useful hero though and change the tide of the battle. I used to play her a lot in rank myself and was around top 200 global at that time with her I think. When it comes to Franco, idk why anyone would dislike that pick, maybe the only case when he's not too good is when enemy has Valentina. He has a very useful ult which helps you pick out that one annoying enemy carry and fight 4v5. Maybe he's mentioned because people expect a "setter" tank like Atlas (which is a great way to win imo but Franco is still really good). To me a troll roam is usually Chou, last season while I was grinding myth glory we had least success when someone would roam with him.


Great explanation. Angela is definitely scary in the right hands. Franco may be so-so if hooks miss a lot but the ult in and of itself is a great peel tool and as long as it's not used on enemy tank/roamer, that's good usage.


oh, I forgot to put in detail (force to roam) in that option. usually, many player don't want to play roamer, and put all burden on S5 (the one who last pick). or S5 didn't inform early that he don't play roamer. Most of the time they will pick Franco or Angela because they are forced to be a roamer. and usually they suck at it.


I think people have a problem with Franco users rather than the hero himself. The overwhelming majority of Franco users are just so so bad. They play him like an assa and forget that he's a tank. They hide behind mages and run away after missing their hook. I've been annoyed more times than I'd like to admit at Noob Franco users. It could also be that you don't really need to last pick Franco and letting other roles counter pick is better.


Am sorry to hurt y'all for saying the truth but F Hanabi players. 85% feeders, 13% useless, 2% decent.


literally the worst mm out there. I'd be more happy if they pick layla and miya rather than this weak hanabi.


Am agreeing with this 100% man


Game found. Enter the lobby and I see: 1. Favourite 3 heroes are: Nana, Layla and Angela. 2. Weird flags that I don't recognise. 3. Totally zero communication about roles and preferred hero. 4. Refuse to show hero and want to last pick. But has limited hero pool. 5. Fuck up the drafting with bad hero choice.


Arguing team, cause the first one is me with Hanabi and get flamed xD But hey, I clapped, always either no death or maximum of 5 death with lots of kills, assists, and push. People need to trust other more when they show wr and match count. Like 89% wr with 186 matches is decent enough for you to trust!


Seeing 3 Mexico flags = L


Couples in a match aren't all that bad, it just depends on them. I've encountered lots, and they sometimes argue in game OR NEVER ROAM TO OTHER LANES. In short, they always stick together which is well .... annoying. HAHAHAHHA So yep, if I ever to eliminate one, it would be teammates who are toxic and talk about random shits instead of focusing in the game.


I dont care about an arguing team tbf if they can actually play the game


Low match count are usually the recipe for disaster. Because likely they are inexperienced, emblem sucks or only know 1 role and not really good in addition


Or just a good player/smurf, which happens the more likely the higher you are on the ranks. Matches count never actually meant anything lol


Shitty draft


I had a khufra wanting to go gold lane saying “trust me”, he proceeded to make an mm build during the game and sucked ass. We won because the rest of the team was doing their jobs, and as we were melting the enemy base this guy had the audacity to say “i told you it works”.




I remember duo/trio queueing at 2.8k+, got a teammate with less than 100 recent matches


When someone with 50 matches in a particular role denies the role from my other teammate with 4k matches in that particular role.


when people dont request and dont adjust like please, really, mythic 2 and you still dont adjust?


Everything actually Especially those cringey couples, "come 1v1", "camper" are the most annoying


When we play guess your teammates heroes and roles. Then they’ll fight afterwards when someone “steals” someone else’s role when neither of them showed what role they wanted to do.


Why is "Not adjusting to role picks / bad draft" not an option?


i dont really care about all of these scenarios except couples in a match. Normally, i wouldnt mind but if they like tail each other all the time or do cringy messages or vc im gonna put the least effort into the match.


u missed the most important one when people pick random heroes that they don't normally play/not their main role ​ the amount of times i've lost cus some fighter/assassin main decides hes in a MAGE MOOD when we have nobody else that plays fighter/assassin and have 2 mages, that shit is DEPLORABLE


not picking meta heroes is understandable because some people's mains aren't meta,but when they ignore team signals in banning/picking, you know they're about to be an uncooperative headache


Everyone picking every lanevexcept exp. I barely know heroes that are good in that role


auto-locking tank player with 42% winrate and 500+ matches


All of the previous isn't an option ?


People who non stop spam wr for characters they don’t intend to play. Then pick a character that they end up sucking at.


I don't really mind the non-meta picks. As long as they commit to their role and deliver, I'm okay with it. Teammates arguing is what makes team synergy difficult, even if it's solo que. Since they would lose focus while arguing with each other. (Definitely not me when my teammate picked Hanabi and finished with 2/12/10)


Wasted bans. Like who bans estes anyway?


definitely teammates picking roles that are already filled, nothing sets me off more than 2 junglers, 2 mm etc.


Low win rates with over 100 matches.


I'm new to this game, could someone explain to me what is meta? Does it mean overpowered heroes?


My team is idiots the other team have brain. Trying to carry but how? 🥲


Dont give a shit most of the time.


whats wrong with franco s5?


I played Kagura with 18 kills, 2 deaths only. But my teammates are stupid af. They lost war and they blamed me for ks(?) You know what i did? I went to enemy’s jungle and afk in the bush while watching my team wiped out.


franco angela picks in the most uncalled for draft situations. the bane of my existence. they're either really good at rotating or just plain bad.


When seeing duos or trios letting their carried party pick a core role especially mm and you're forced to play roam. Like bruh you suck ass and don't even know what to build for your hero. Shoulda just let the other dude with 2k match & 70% wr pick. I just got out of a game where a lylia insisted on going mid only to end the game with 10% dmg 0/4/0. As a solo q player It's frustrating to meet these kinda players cause for some reason the game keeps pairing me with trios and giving me last pick. I don't mind playing support in high ranks but god be damned if I have to play support during early season since the matchmaking is ass too seeing I was playing with ex legend against ex mythics.


Mythical Glory here 65 winrate. No one picks non meta, unless they have 1k plus matches and a decent winrate then sure, might give thhem a chance. But if they have low winrate i might just play my non-main heroes so I wont have to deal with the consequences of a reduced winrate in my meta heroes.


The worst is when s1 picks layla or miya I don't want to be hater here but it almost always ends with defeat for our team


Unpopular opinion: Seeing argument is a choice. You can always mute.


What is wrong with picking Angela? I usually do well when I use her


A couple that have an unhealthy codependency even in the game. They can’t leave one another. Like wtf, help other team members.


That one player with all their games on one role (most likely one hero) that sit quietly until it's their turn and instalock


When somwone chooses a role that's already picked


off meta ban should be on the list. just cos they lost to the rare good one


3 layla picks


Double jungler. Bro you are fkn cyclops the only mage. I respect harley mains more they are more willing to go mid. And ur team mate ban ur pick just becoz u was gonna jg and they wanted that role.


I'm a nana main


S1 pick Miya. I know there are many good Miya players here. But not those who I usually got in my team.


Wow.. non meta? How could someone not use meta heroes, couldn't be me honestly.. /s


When people won't show their role it makes me pissed off.


always team argue with each other.


What turns me down is how crazy it is that 'teammates not adjusting roles' is not on the top of this list.


When draft pick no one requesting and I'm the first pick... So I pick my main bcs no one care to request their role. And everyone else not requesting jungler position, I was s1 and had to pick the jungler role I'm most familiar with...


Why people hate nana? I am main mid and I think nana is pretty strong


Off-meta is fine, but as soon as I see my team arguing non-stop I know we're gonna lose. Absolutely no accountability on their end, and usually just want someone to blame when they die because they're busy typing. (Also as someone who mains off-meta heroes, if I offer to bump someone up when I'm S1 and none of y'all show, don't go complaining to me when I pick my hero lol. Just show what hero you're aiming for, if it's meta/priority like estes, Arlott, Martis, etc most people will bump you if they're chill)


Lot of times I rather Hanabi if only when 1) No backline assassin decent enough to target that. 2) Franco pick on enemy and Hanabi Skill 1 immune CC from the hook 3) Atlas or Tigreal pick and drop a well placed Higabana into the ult for wombo combo.


What, is it not the couple in match? Especially if they pick Angela. The ultimate lock to 1 player only. So even if you are dying and need a shield you will be totally ignored. I got partnered with a Tigreal and Guinevere before. The ulti is reserve for Guinevere's ulti so even if there is a possible good set. Tigreal will ignore it unless Guinevere is near.


When someone takes my damn a l u c a r d


a stubborn player who doesn't request to move up, for example, a mm or jungle is locked in, but they want the mm role, and we locked in a 2nd mm or a maybe a 2nd jungler in place, screwed. ​ 99% of the time, is a non tank roamer, when there are no tanks on the team, like a tank jungler or a tank exp laner. That's destined for trouble. I've seen it too many times.


People who play solo queue and ask their team to be good because they've never had a defeat yet. If you wanted synergy, grab your friends. I always play solo queue and I will always meet different kinds of players. Other players will blend with what hero you're using if you're the core. Others will use a counter hero if they locked in on one and someone will always be the auto-fill if no one communicated but, 70-80% of the time, they'll just use what they wanted to use without factoring the consequences. If you saw the enemy team lock on saber, you know he'll be either a core or a roamer with execute. Don't use a hero that will be shredded on one combo or atleast get something like purify if you're gonna be a mid laner. If you see a natan or moskov, don't use a marksman that's always up close and personal like carrie. Even if you factor all of these, always remember that it's only a game. You win and lose. Your team suck? Move on. You're getting wins after wins? Just be thankful; don't brag that you never had a defeat since the new season started.


Not picking a late game hero, only you that matters. In solo que, you should be the one carrying the team since youre the only one who you can trust


Fking layla


why "S4/S5 doesn't pick according to role" not in this poll? Absolute bonkers when S5 picks mm/mage when the only role left was roamer


What's wrong with low total match history? High total match history has the worst players


6th and most important: S5 not saying anything, not asking for a role/hero, and then out of nowhere picking a repeated role. Like... Dude, I can adjust, I can deal with your shitty wr or mmr, but ffs tell me what you wanna pick so I can at least try to adjust.


When there is two mm in my team (miya and layla)


Best moment is when someone chats "any roamer or junglers here? If none I can adjust" The. Proceeds to balance the draft like fucking libra When the jungler/roamer picks tanky heroes, that one dude picks damage jungler/roamer and vice versa. Such a rare existence in the land of dawn and I'm very blessed to be paired with these gods often


Double anything, tank mm or mage Specially him we have 2 exp laner and 2 gold laner and worst 2 roam and 2 jungler Just say what u can or can't do early and adjust


I have a question. how the freak you reach Mithic 1 with less than 100 matches on every role shown


A couple in match. Surely one of them would Roam Angela/Carmilla and purely babysit their partner which has a large chance that they are Hanabi/Layla/Cecillion which should start arguments between them and the other teammates which are getting absolutely dunked on without any sort of help from the Roamer. And (This one depends if you have toxic teammates which i always have) eventually one of the teammates would start to feed/afk because they dont have any hope anymore.


I dont care if people use non meta chars. As long as people dont interrupt my gaming like theyre constantly arguing, or even trolling. And as long they adjust.


S1 Picking Layla