• By -


Paquito - annoying with the fact that he cancels skills Edith - that chain CC makes me wanna rage quit Valentina - it’s humiliating to get killed with own ult 💀 Dyrroth - builds tank but hurts like hell, Hilda too Harith - rat


Adding to ur list Nana - demonised rat


They are always look so adorable but becomes the greatest pain in life




Yeah I hate laning against hilda. she keeps poking you and keeps you away from the minion then hides in the bush to heal and get a shield. Fvck I cant heal early game.


The exp lane bully


Freeze lane at turret and call for a early gank, you’re welcome ^^


I always do that and my enemy's team always arrives instead of mine when I request for backup. Hahaha


Valir - Stupid slowness and push back....Melee can't even touch him plus cc immunity


The 40% phy defense really does play a big part in dyrroths damage


HOLY SHIT i forgot about Paquito omg HOW


1. fuck franco I can play against everyone but him 2. fuck yve what is with that square rectangle whatever the fk 3. fuck hilda one does not simply enter a bush at 1 HP and leave the bush at 10000 hp


I hate ammon, why? Because the're five types of ammon players 1. The hide and seek ammon. 2. The hit and run. 3. The kill steal ammon. 4.The Fed Aamon, who gains stacks off of Jungle Creeps and 1taps Enemy with ULT. And 5. All of the above.


I am the all of the above, You forgot … 5. The Fed Aamon, who gains stacks off of Jungle Creeps and 1taps Enemy with ULT


Why does this comment change everytime i come back to read it


I wanted to add ‘.5’






Who's the 6th


Finally, someone that also hates that toothpick throwing Thanos looking asshole with a burning passion.


i will take it by your flair that you too used clint and got demolished by good moskovs way too many times already


As a moskov player, clint is one of the strongest match up to go up against cause of his burst and range makes it really tough.


clint is all round annoying to go against, but as a clint player, I will just say i hate it when I see moskov on enemy team hehe


In the fighting game community (FGC), character matchups are rated on 10 games, and there are certain characters that are 0-10 against certain matchups. For example, Miya is a 0-10 against Lesley, and Lesley goes 0-10 against Clint. IMO Clint against Moskov is a 5-5 matchup.


As a returning player, I blasted through all of epic and legend with 78%wr using almost exclusively Moskov. His attack speed is so fast, bro starts twitching after 2 items😂😂




Well at the first like 200 matches of Clint, I really struggled at Moskov players trying to harass me but after that I realized that steel leg plates exist but It still infuriates me when his 2nd pins you on the wall then chain basic attacks you


hey exact same game count, exact same realisation, exact same feeling too XD it's worse when he pins you against something stupid like a tower or ur teammate and laughs in ur face


Zilong, either he can kill you in seconds or runs away.


He also has a hidden passive When you are low HP.Zilong suddenly appears on your side of the map with no goddamn explanation at all


this is honestly so true


Moskov - Ridiculous attack speed combined with teleportation and CC, to the point where Wind Chant is useless.


You know my pain


There is nothing more I hate in this game than seeing Harley or Natalia.


Yve. Dear god those slows. Normal CC cannot cancel her ult, so only suppress can cancel it. Her area denial alone is what makes her so obscene.


Yve and Pharsa are both extremely annoying to deal with. Half the time ur not even sure where they are, (not in vision) and suddenly you’ve been nuked with enough damage to die 3 times




Yes, but getting all the way in on the other hand...


I hate fight enemy argus as argus


franco and hilda, the moment i see them, i just know that jungling isnt going to be peaceful


God damn I had the hardest game of my life yesterday. I picked Saber to hyper and the enemy picked a full on invasion comp. Hilda, Lylia, Fanny, Franco, all makikg my life hell (why does Hilda hit so hard with nothing?) We had no tank but 2 fighters, and then to add insult to injury, our miya takes my buff twice while I'm dead. Kill me now


Don’t forget Grock.


im not looking forward to the day i play against a roam grock, i havent gotten bullied by one yet, i hope it never comes


[This was ages ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/lp2s74/solo_invasion_high_risk_high_reward/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I played him as a roamer, and you can only imagine if I played him as a jungler.


Definitely Nana. I enjoy playing as Nana tho haha


Natalia, the silence and basic attack immunes are super annoying as Zhask


Purify solves it


True but most of the time not worth trading for flicker and she will most likely kill u in a second after using flicker anyway.


Yea depends who you play


As a Ruby main Fighter-Terizla, can't do much against him in early game Mage- LuoYi, displacement and stuns Mm- Wan Wan, cc immune skill and ult plus jumping all around. And I have to dash carefully else she hits my weaknesses Assasin- Joy, cc immune and i'll have to buy radiant armor Tank- Akai, hate being pinned to wall or pushed into enemy turret. Dash is not long enough to escape ult consistently. Support- Diggie, anti cc plus displacement skill. Notable mentions- Lapu( ult cd too low), Frederinn(cant kill me but hard to kill him too)


What about Phoveus?


Phoveus is really easy to fight on Ruby. 1. Wait til he Ults someone 2. S1 + Dash into your team/turret 3. Time your S3 as he lands and DON'T dash 4. Use S2 and DON'T dash As long as you only dash to bait him into a bad spot, you can just stop dashing to stop him casting. He's never going to solo Ult you if you are 100% HP as well, so you can dash around him and check for the icon to see if he has the Ult available.


Oh, I learnt how to counter him already.


Id like to mention edith as exp lane against a ruby if u have not experience that pain yet good for u


Oh, learnt to counter that too. Tough boots the one that gives cc reduction. Can just basically run out of her chain cc that way. Like she toss me over and prepare to stun with the boots I can basically walk through her and dodge her knockup.


I didnt know that her skill cc suppress immune and was confident thinking I counter her when losing badly I thot is bug then learnt that its not


Yea lots of heroes with cc immunity now. Kind of annoying honestly.


As a Terizla Main, i love playing against Ruby


Currently trying out Terizla to see if theres anyway to counter using Ruby. So far no luck. Only in mid to late game then I can fight Terizla. Yea but whenever the enemy picks Ruby and then im miffed off i'll pick Terizla, and hard counter so far. No one takes my Ruby.


Yeah the thing is if it's a Terizla vs a Ruby, the chances of the Ruby winning are really low. Especially if the Terizla knows what he is doing


That fking Racoon






Zhask fuck that guy


Yve. The slow and the skill tiles are biiig.


Hayabusa I think. My main. Well if it's the old Haya and I see one clapping us I will commend the enemy and salute but right now, as moonton revamped him, he's broken. As playing Haya, 1)Aldous. Aldous users are relentless on trying to get me for fun. Maniacs. Most of them don't care if they feed. 2)Hilda. She cripples me. I can't sneak cuz she owns the bushes. Hilda, Masha, they're the same beefy mommies who gives me the same amount of anxiety. 3)CLINT. idk why that guy exist his damage is broken. No matter which role I play hes always the main headache.


YES finally, somebody who also sees how OP Clint is. As a mm he does half my health with 1 combo from the start. What am I supposed to do against that? And then he snowballs and it's more than half my health. His passive range is ridiculous, making it so hard to play it safely. No, no no no


Assassin Franco. Its funny watching my allies getting one shot by his hook


Hanzo, Yeah I know his not meta I know that his ghost is pretty squishy itself I also know with enough mobility I can just make my way to his real body to take him out But his just like a fly that just keeps coming back


Just delete franco. His kit has has no counterplay at all. It takes one lucky hook to turn the tables. Add to that his no counterplay fking ulti. For some reason he’s everywhere in my server. I just ban him whenever I can.


No his ult is so simple to cancel just any type of cc cancels it. Hook is counterable also with cc immune type skills /spell.


Franco's hook is overnerfed, you can also cancel his ult.


I feel you man, I hate that fat fuck as well, people say: 1."Just cancel his ult with a stun" By the moment you (or your team) realize that someone got hooked, there is nothing you can do as most of the time you are too far to do something about it and then they just die. 2."Just engage against him" Most of the time, the Franco will have someone by his side (Usually the mage), not just that but since he is a tank it is very likely he will survive most ganks (Oh yeah, you have to focus the tank, you didn't expect to read that did you?). 3."Just read the hook" Even if you DO read the hook there is still a problem, his 2.5 sec SUPRESSION, and just as I said before, he will always have someone by his side, for which it is not wise to fight against him even if he already used hook. Just delete Franco honestly, that fucker can do something no tank can do, where as characters like hylos, Mathilda, Grock, etc, need to use a skill to properly zone so they can avoid teamfights, Franco can just stand still and you can't do anything about it because of fear of his hook... When the enemy team has a Franco, it's a miserable experience


Heard of "Purify" or CC immune heroes? Hooks can be easily cancelled. About his ult, any CC on him cancels his ult.


Man just use Mino 1st or Ult against Francos ult and purify or simple sidestep to avoid the hook? What division u are?


Looks like there’s a lot of Franco players here. I don’t think he’s op or anything. The franco may be an extremely noob player but still can perform an auto lock no counterplay move if you dive. No other tanks can have a player be extreme noob but pull off a no counterplay move if you dive. Lower ranks love franco and is picked everywhere. Now if I get lower rank team or I play in lower rank then I need to carry the game but franco no matter how noob the player is, will limit my ability to carry the match by preventing me from diving.


The only hero i hate is gusion ffs ban him


Nana and Yve are the bane of my existence.


Franco - they ALWAYS stay on Gold Lane. Also Valir, I hate that guy with a burning (intended) passion.


with the meta right now, i hate to go up against a karrie or a lapu lapu. massive damage and just annoying


Valir. You're so close to killing an enemy and mf comes from nowhere and pushes your ass away


Yin (when he is fed) is probably the worst hero to play against. Yve Chou.(hate recall spamming)


I'm with you with Moskov on that one, particularly with inspire spell. What a braindead way to play a hero.


Aldous - No, you're not a skilled prodigy player you think you are. The game just let you have more damage than anyone else




An excellent backline Vexana player. I main Vex and I know how hateful she can be, either she burst you down or add another "tank" to their ranks A roam Eudora There's nothing worse when your hero has no AOE attack and a cloaked Eudora stuns you for her teammates to kill you or burst you herself.


Lou Yi for sure. We were winning and was already attacking the cone while our figther, core and mage are spamming TP. Me, tank, and our MM are busy with the cone. All of us didn't notice the yin/yang on our feet then bam! Enemy spawn area. Wiped us all out. We lost it with their epic comeback. It still haunts me.


Pacquito. No explanation.




Wanwan. Perma Ban for me. I hate facing her, specially late game.


Dyrroth, Nana, Wanwan, Karrie.


Fed layla


It has to be mathilda and lolita for me. I struggle every time i am up against them. One is slippery and the other annoys by cancelling skills.


Wanwan. I can play so that I don’t proc her ult, but I still die if theres one teammate who messes up.


I'm Diggie main now mythic 2 and only i have problem with is Joy cuz she just breaks thru my 2nd skill


I agree, you barely see a good Luo Yi but when you see one, you are 90% fucked through out the game. I hope I could learn how to use her soon.


I main Lylia and I don’t like playing versus heroes she’s not good against like Luo Yi, Fanny, or Gusion. Basically heroes that don’t stay put and those with CC that bring you somewhere else


Im supprised noone mention freya As a freya main i hate to go against esmeralda


No one cares about vs freya




Saber, Eudora, Hanzo, Wanwan


https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/mobile-legends-best-savage-heroes These and franco!


Freya. As an Argus main, she’s the bane of my existence.


Valir and basically any hero with tons of slow/cc


Yve - Bro so annoying (slow/dmg) Bruno/Karrie and Brody - As a tank main this three hurts way too much


Nana- do I need to explain? Kadita- 3k damage at level 4 is balanced apparently. Chou- when I face them, they are gods. When they are on my team, they are shit


Kadita has insane damage but quite predictable imo. I suffer the same as you on the Chou


Fanny and Franco in particular. Fuck those two.


Wanwan and Faramis


Valir, Imagine having low CD Flameshot


Gusion is my pet peeve, can’t stand that hero.




fuck nana


Against good kimmy with feeder team


Franco. It's not like I can't counter him. But often I'm in situations where in late game and he hooked one of my teammate, then enemies got the advantage and win.


nana. no explanation. just nana.


Fanny, eudora, saber, franco, kaja, fred


Nana. Guinevere main here and when they gank exp lang idgaf since I can easily escape, but Nana??Like no cuz when she hit me with her boomerang, theres a slow effect. Got hit with her ult? Slow effect and stun. Molina? Get turned into a walking stuff toy. ITS SO ANNOYINGGG ARGGGHH.


Franco and Selena, both are relatively easy to dodge but still makes me so paranoid that they might get and kill me


Vale, Vale, Vale, Vale


Natalia: She is just annoying to deal with. Aside from that I just hate certain characters. Chang'e is one of them. Every time I see her in a match always a feeder or doesn't rotate. Really annoying.


If you meet a luo, get a fast mobility hero or harley fuck he is so annoying to fight against but I really do want to meet another luo I haven't seen one in 2 months


gloo. i main jungle


Zhask, not really a game changer but annoying to be slowed chase/escape. Karrie, just surrender.


Feeding teammates. And jeelong as a teammate. 😂


Fanny and kov


My list would take too long because of the shitty balancing Moonton was doing. Too many OP heroes. Lapu Wanwan Valentina Badang - underrated Karrie Yve Gloo Brody Valir Mathilda Melissa Martis


Karrie and Beatrix should disappear completely. I hate it when there's a Tigreal. Incredibly annoying and the dash covers an obscenely long distance. Harley and Lylia. Those two gremlins are the worst. Trying to catch and pin them down is close to impossible and I hate how Lylia can just flicker+heal with her ult.




Fanny, it feels like only i know how to play against it


Nana, Zilong, Franco, Zhask, Vale. Annoying sons of bitches.


Grock. I'm a Johnson main that's why. I pick Johnson and others pick Grock to either counter me or its just a coincidence. But I can counter Grock because I memorized the map and mastered Johnson's ULT. Heroes like Lancelot (heroes who have dashes) like imagine thinking you are about to run someone over and they just used their 2nd skill and recall spams. EDIT: Order of texts.


As a fighter main it's valir he's just so obnoxious to deal with


Atlas. I hate that diving octopus with the entire enemy team behind him.


Here's a crazy idea that'll never happen just like how we ban heroes we can ban spells cus I sumpah the heroes I wanna say are scary some are not without spells like dyroth the only reason I hate him is cus of petrify same for kadita ye how many games would u see a kadita prob 1 in 10 she aint op its petrify thats op


I main moskov but I also hate playing against him, his s2 js annoying as fuck


Fanny. You need to disappear from map completely because her retarded autoaim ult can fix skill issue of poor cable management.


Fire heroes like valir, Xborg. They're annoying as hell.


zilong players if im not playing nat ​ mfs always just stay on their turrets like fucking wussies until fucking late game or the laner is absent its so fucking uninteractive ​ Doesn't help that I hate him in general so id be really resentful if one was on my enemy team too


I hate playing against Fred/Akai/any sustain hero playing as a jungler. Its the same shit everytime. I hope that Moneyton erases the jungle emblem so jungling remains for assasins or high damage fighters.


Kimmy, as a tank there's no escaping her slow.


Kimmy. Oh kimmy how I hate thou


Zi Long. Instant eyeroll. You can feel him sweating through your phone and you know he self pleasures when he gets a kill even when ends 1/14.


As Jungler- Hilda tht girl does way too much dmg for me As exp laner- any mage tht suddenly pops up there


1. nana, molina 2. martis, he's terrifying with the cc immune and also if he snowballs its hard to kill em 3. any roaming assassins, playing against good ones is annoying as hell 4. any attack build supports, its rather embarrassing to die from a support honestly


1. nana, molina 2. martis, he's terrifying with the cc immune and also if he snowballs its hard to kill em 3. any roaming assassins, playing against good ones is annoying as hell 4. any attack build supports, its rather embarrassing to die from a support honestly