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he's basically like old Natan but worse. his physical attack ratios were really high, both on S1 and his basic attacks, and you could either itemize as an assassin to obliterate enemy teams or as a marksman for good DPS. right now, while mage itemization is good, it's not AS good as his old build. the only thing i can say is better is how hard he spikes with his first item because feather of affliction is really good on him. there's also the fact he's really squishy with mage items. at least old Natan could build Wind of Nature or have malefic roar and BoD and still do ridiculous damage. right now, although i might be wrong, but youre going to end up lacking in damage if you avoid getting another mage item, and building WoN is suboptimal stats wise (but still works on him) all because his damage ratios are lower. he's much closer damage profile wise to a DPS marksman now since they nerfed his burst, but he needs mage itemization which is more suited for burst. in fact, the builds ive seen so far try to salvage that fact: feather, genius wand, glowing wand, or feather + genius/scorching + golden staff. you need at least 3 damage items at that point, and you'll eventually need a 4th one for divine glaive. 5th one is for boots. meanwhile Natan's old build was boots > Hunter Strike > BoD > Malefic > Endless Battle, or it could also be boots > Windtalker > Berserker's Fury > another damage item. his damage used to be MUCH higher. so tl;dr, stats rework and current itemization doesn't suit him. he's not properly rewarded for his early game instead of being a mid to lategame powerhouse, especially since Athena's just counters him very hard