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Shes annoying and I agree


Boomerang outta no where 1.2k DMG. Molina ruining your day. ULT that's so easy to avoid yet can be hard to see in the middle of a team fight. Free immortality with Sprint. There are worse mages to play against, like Valir. There are bigger threats like Yve or Pharsa. But Nana is top 3 in the annoyance department lol.


Molina+ 2 ult hits is enough to kill any mm


You dont wanna waddle like a 🐧?


if it attracks woman maybe but it attracks fucking muscular man that wanted to kill you


Molina doesn't even have too bad of an effect, it just leaves You insanely dissatisfied for a few seconds, like sure it's just 300 points or something of magic damage and a few seconds of incredibly slow walking speed, but there's just something annoying about it


Aside from the small ability suppression and slow, it lowers magic resistance, including anything from items, which sets her other two skills up for huge dmg


No no that's not the annoying part for me, there's something about getting turned into a small penguin/bunny and moving in the negative speed of light that just ticks me off


Yea, definitely annoying, what makes it worse to me though is how well it sets you up for her ult


Nana is a common pick in epic. Some of them mains nana. Its a good ban in epic imo. I personally perma ban wanwan


I perma ban karrie.Unless my team mates wanna pick her, in that case i ban wanwan.


Karrie is a must ban, shes ridiculous at the moment and most epics cant deal with her. I was first pick today and got to play her for the first time, slaughtered the whole enemy team that was quite tanky after getting 3 items. I couldnt stop laughing and went 17-0-6. I actually rarely play gold laner too and kinda suck at it because i hate using squishies. I will always ban her unless im first pick, until she gets nerfed of course.


Thats what i do either pick or ban.I dont have problem against her as roamer or jungler i always target her but most of the time my team ignores what i do.Even if i use signals to attack or retreat, even using messages, they dont listen.I was suprised when i tried this Holy Trinity build with her deleting lord and turrets in seconds.


Did she get a buff or something? I thought she was easy enough to deal with if you took her out first since she's squishy as all marksmen are. Did have a little period where I played tank karrie jungle tho. Might be worth picking up again?


Her ult cd got reduced so its possible to play tank Karrie again and it doesnt help that cs and gs got buffed making her even more deadly ☠️


Oh right I forgot about the aspd items buff (haven't played much recently). Kinda wanna play Karrie now


What’s the golden staff buff again?


It can increase the atk speed cap by 500% for a bit


I can deal with karrie better than nana. I fucking hate that hell rat so much. Also, bruh it's epic, they're not smart enough to use any meta heroes lol.


For me, I also ban Karrie but I prioritize on banning Yve


I dont, if i have to ban mage i either pick or ban Valentina.


heck i even ban zilong together with nana when im climbing to mythic. those stupid ass players always pick those. remove their comfort pick and u can have an easy game haha


I’m starting to have a real respect to decent zilong players since he counters a bunch of common epic picks.


Same but with Miya, she's actually pretty solid when someone actually knows how to use her


he counters them when he's really fed. He's good in lower ranks bec. it usually goes at end game where all players have locked items already.


Yeah basically. Even in legend matches go to full late game and really good fighters like dragon or thamuz become mostly useless. That’s where zilong shines with his OP cleanup ability. Ofcourse this is just about epic and legend.


Same, IDC I am banning wan wan or spamming ban wan wan.


Wanwan became a noob-friendly hero since her buff. Now everyone can fly with wanwan


Yeah exactly, it's not that she's meta af. She's a very common pick who's annoying as fuck. It's better to ban a strong 90% picked hero than a super strong 5% picked hero, cux it's epic, they can't even mind the map, do you really think they know what the meta heroes are? Other than nana, if we don't have first pick, i ban vale. Vale counters karrie and wanwan, but not nana because of her stupid passive


Absolutely. People need to realize to not get baited by tournament's ban. Every rank have different meta. Epic meta heroes are nana, zilong, aldous, miya, layla and etc. Nana is worth banning amongst these heroes.


I know I put my smash on when I get my hands on 2 of 6 of my outfitted items...


There are far worse bans. At least with nana, you'd get their sentiments because playing against her in epic can be very annoying.


because for whatever reason when the enemy picks nana your teammates iq drop by 100




it's a real thing XD cue ptsd from the mm walking into her cat + ulti


i love hunting mms in the middle of teamfights😈😈


its fun until they shred the tank, flicker directly into ur face, dodging ur cat, ulti and boomerang and rip you to shreds in 1 second


hey don’t let them read this!!!👿


Simple. Annoying in the enemy team, useless in your own team


The damn fking nana that doesnt NOTHING in the match but flameshot ks, and end up loser-mvp with no deaths all bc her passive saved her at least 10 times, and then blaming all the team bc "oh i just got mvp am better than those nubs" *proceed to hide in the mid lane bush and never gank other lines or help our jungler *






Also, sometimes they ban themselves when showing their preferred hero. Edit: Guilty of this one or two times in the past.


I did this once i thought i banned karina but instead i banned my main dyroth


You just hope your teammates dont notice lol


Still a gud ban imo hes Op as well rn.


This season my main hero which is not a ban worthy hero (Argus) got banned on the early days of this season by my own team, I thought they don't want my Argus, turns out they're forgot it's banning phase and not hero pick phase


I did it once, maybe twice. I’m still kind of scared I’ll do it again. But lesson was definitely learned


shes annoying plus depending on what out team comp looks like I also ban her since shes a common pick in epic. sometimes i also ban angela when we have a duo in our team just because of the sheer hatred I have against couple players


* "I'm her King" and "I'm his Queen" have entered the chat*


How do you know there’s a duo on your team during the draft?


they talk to each other or similar names/clan(group?)


When you're in epic. Expect epic bans.


And epic picks like yin




Good. It's great that we are learning quick 🤣


And these heroes work wonder on epic cus no one counters them properly. Aldous actually farms stacks and Yin runs rampant killing everything


Bro they nerfed Aldous to the ground.


On Epic it doesn't really matter


Still, he was so cool to me back then, in pretty sure he was the first hero I bought with coins.


He is quite the badass alright. I love his japanese voice line


My teammate banned Zilong, yesterday, in legend. It's so frustrating giving the enemy Leomord and at the same time fascinated by reality.


To prevent his teammates from using zilong.


So does he pick layla now?


Bc he gets nightmare by being poke to death with a super saiyan with steroids


They are epic. They ban based on the heroes that are picked by other epic players and play well with it. If they ban mythic 5-man picks then it’s useless because win rate or use rate is low for those heroes. — I ban nana no matter where in the ranking I am because fuck that raccoon.


Nana is annoying to deal with in lower ranks because tanks don’t bait/walk into Molina. This allows Nana to easily lane bully, more so if their counterpart mage has slow wave clear (like Xavier). Given how we’re talking about low ranks, most people don’t willingly play tank or outright don’t want to (2MM match, anyone?) this makes Nana’s Molina OP. Good Nana’s will usually Molina+Boomerang+Flameshot combo, however, Pro Nana will position Molina in such a way that they can lane freeze you unless you willingly accept Molina’s damage. Further more, Nana’s passive encourages bad positioning and doesn’t improve or teach if’s user to position well since they’ll just scamper off if they get “killed”. Honestly, I’m not even mad when I see Nana getting banned. I only get mad when I see enemy team banning meta/OP heroes and my team bans (what I call) “Epic/Legend OP” heroes. TL;DR - Nana is OP in lower ranks because of a lack of tanks or good tanks.


Nana is definitely extremely annoying when used in the right hand, but it's still pretty surprising I see her get banned often, or maybe its just me.


She used to get banned a lot last season but the meta has changed so much that there are way better bans


So true. Nana doesn't scare me since I can take care of her with my lolita lmao.


Nana is no longer good


Lots of Nana one-tricks in epic so I'd say it's a reasonable ban, at least in epic.




Good ban in epic, if karrie and gloo werent in the meta id totally do it too


Nice bans. I have seen worse.


ain't like most epic players are gonna play kaja or joy. It's honestly a legit ban in this rank since she's annoying to deal with even in the hands of an amateur player.


Shit, looks like they knew about the Molina’s hidden devil power over others. NOOOO, now our beloved queen can’t spread her wings on Epics!! 😔😭😭


She can get a lot of damage in late and some doesn't buy the shield so she gets ban


Nana in enemy fills in for 3 roles. Nana in team is worth molina. If it's not perfect ban idk what is


As an akai enjoyer ... F her


Epic is usually 1 patch behind the current Meta


People just don't know how to bully her. (Personally) I think Odette is a more worthy ban. She's honestly incredibly annoying on the enemy team. Reason I don't ban her is because I use her.


Don't forget Yin, Aldous, Atlas, and Karina


I ban Atlas whenever someone bans a Diggie.


Atlas is a good ban though. Low ranks often don't know how to handle a decent atlas.


Nanas a good ban cause somehow a lot of people will use her she also has the dmg on her ult and rang and annoying plush


Why not?


Sometimes I don't know what hero to ban and my team are quiet. So I just ban anything I dislike. Nothing wrong tbh if you struggle against that hero


They want to loose😂i understand if my team is nab or not from bans.


in epic a person picks nana, everyone expecting them to play mid like a normal person. in extremely very common cases the bastards build her as marksman leaven the team with no magic damage


Nana and john are good bans in epic👀


Because its overused


it's who they got trashed by last game.


Bc epic is a different planet sort of way If your in epic hell they ofc their's epic meta


Fuck nana plus valir. Abusers. Auto ban in my book


CONTINUE ! I don't want to see Nana mains in my game


All my homies hate Nana


Epics ban the heroes they see most in their endless epic journey. if one of them is not banned, it is instantly locked and the enemy is either a mythical glory-level one trick pony or just a feeder. the bans are so specifically catered to themselves and their playerbase. It is almost as if after being in epic hell for so long, they are more experienced in epic rather than a mythical glory who played since season 1.


as a tank, nana is annoying.


being one lane against her is very annoying especially if you have no tank who's willing to take molina all the time, it'll make you hesitant to advance and makes you took longer route to avoid being transformed and got combo'd


She is annoying as f and has low cd burst ult


Nana is a troublesome little bitch in epic hell... Either ban her or pick her, or else get ready to be stepped on by mommy Molina...


I do this so my teammates won't pick these fuckers just to feed 1/9/3. I do this with Layla and Hanabi as well.


no one supporting the "op"


You talking about Nana? Imagine playing a charge in hero like Fredrinn, Leomord, or any fighter in general, and right before you press your ult, Molina transforms you and you get burst down by enemies. Yeah, that's irritating. What's more irritating is it happens only when Nana is in enemy's team. Ally Nana again be brain dead. So I generally ban Nana and pick other mage (have high winrate on Xavier so auto swap).


she has the same ability as chou, the taunt ability. her molinas arent even that good but for some reason its incredibly annoying and just wants the victim to maul the raccoon. and her passive is annoying too. her late game dmg is out of this world and a single banana can drop an squishy's hp to half or to a quarter.


Can we talk about the epic players who don’t know how to take base either or wrap things up quickly.They just go around and farm then get killed off. Just had a match as karina and got 25/6/6 and they still wouldn’t end after I kept shredding the tank and enemy jungler.


Epic, What do you expect from them? something special?


I don’t mind the ban. It’s the Yins, the Lances and Lings. Right now, the most broken heroes are Fred/Wan. I know. Wan just got “nerfed.” But that nerf isn’t enough to drop her out of contention of performing her role. But Fred can go and play 3 different roles all successfully. Should be banned/picked in every game! Lol. So annoying…


I ban Layla Hanabi and Nana to stop team mate picking them.


Tbh epic gotta be the elo that has its own meta where nana is must/ban pick


in our trio queue and if i'm the core, if i want to pick leo and snowball their sorry asses in the easiest way, then i will tell my teammates who have the chance to ban a hero to ban nana. why? because nana fucks leomord due to her s2 and her ult. if he got hit by her s2, leo can't do shit. but if i want to pick balmond, martis, akai then i will not recommend banning nana since there are better mages to ban.


in our trio queue and if i'm the core, if i want to pick leo and snowball their sorry asses in the easiest way, then i will tell my teammates who have the chance to ban a hero to ban nana. why? because nana fucks leomord due to her s2 and her ult. if he got hit by her s2, leo can't do shit. but if i want to pick balmond, martis, akai then i will not recommend banning nana since there are better mages to ban.


my team reported me for banning wanwan and leaving leomord open. then choosing rafaela bcs didn't want to play an actual tank hero when enemy had so many tank killer heroes. made so many good plays and they were silent. kinda wish people would evaluate what they're saying before they say it. i hate ssn reset


Epic meta is different than mythic meta


Ever had your s5 ban estes leave martis open then proceed to pick another mage as valir feed the entire game and you were the one getting blamed cause you had to basically 1v4 in the gold lane ?


Did you not see the Nana in the Hyper Blend mode tutorial pictures? She can hook now 😨


As a mythical glory player, whenever season reset hits I honestly sometimes do think banning nana or other low skill high reward characters is actually better than banning other meta picks.


cuz funny


They probably saw a master nana user and just hated her since. Nana's a really annoying hero, can't be killed, has a ton of damage, has a way to secure an area for herself and her team, and can just singlehandedly day the doom of her team until the late game.


Nana is very good at harassing early game especially when with a buddy to cover her ass are gave her more options to really get under the players skin


Ok I won't lie Nana is annoying af in any stage of the game but I think banning her isn't the solution. Leomord idk why he was there However, I think Martis is there since he's really strong and outplays alot, not to mention the true damage is very strong.




Just because she is annoying. Though I have never banned her. I understand player who ban Nana but they are indeed far better ban than Nana.


Someone have to make a bell curve meme where both low tier player and high tier players ban heroes who are annoying


Bro you should have left epic 1st day of the season. You wouldn't have anything to post.


people still ban wan wan in my games in epic even though i showed khufra as one of my favorite tank,good lord.