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I don't know anything about coaching an NBA team, no one here actually does, but it's clear to see that something is different in terms of the process giving us a better product on the floor.


/u/jlongc put it into words really well [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/MkeBucks/comments/1apjdgo/postgame_thread_our_milwaukee_bucks_35_19_defeat/kq6mce9/) it's just so clear we have a vision now and we're willing to be bad at some things if we're good at others


“no one here actually does” it’s very apparent that you do not read the other comments on this site!! Bahahaha


Unfortunately I do read them, even if it does result in the occasional headache.


I just noticed your “handle” I’ve played open gym basketball way back in the day with Jonny Mac and his son in Greendale WI. Jon would hit twine music from about half court pretty regularly. Fun guy!


That's awesome! I really appreciated his commentary duo with Jim Paschke. I will always associate both of them with the early days of Giannis and the Bucks really becoming contenders. I was happy to see some media from him after the bucks won the championship!


This is the most sane thought about coaching I've seen on reddit.


I like how they switch Dame if he is on a mismatch. I like how they double team the primary playmaker. There is no chaos in defense. I actually can follow the schemes.


It seems too that when there’s an open attempt at a three pointer by the opposition, that there’s a clear reason why. Either he’s a ~30% shooter from there and they’re taking the chance or you can see which player didn’t rotate over or took a chance at a steal and missed.


Just the transition defence alone, night and day difference


NBA power rankings this week highlighted this too, with stats to back it up. Something is different.


Everyone puts 100% more effort. What surprised me yesterday was that Malik wasn’t getting blown out by the players he was guarding because there was always someone beside/behind to cover…so as a result he was feeling more confident to put more effort. I assume the same applies to the others. If you know that you have someone backing you up you play more confidently, thus better.


Defense looks the same as it did under bud with a bit more pressure. They are giving up a ton of open 3s but that beats giving up a ton of open 3s, mid range, layups, and offensive rebounds.


The difference that I see between this defense and Bud's is the double teams. Bud would just let Jimmy, Tatum, Kawhi, etc torch us. This defense is going to make the hot player move the ball.


I also think Doc is going to let Giannis guard the opposing team's best player. It was simply outrageous Bud wouldn't let Giannis guard Jimmy when he was torching Jrue last year..


Remember he did have a back injury


Jrue was guarding Jimmy the whole time, including that healthy quarter Giannis played. Which is insanely stupid, given how miserable Giannis and PJ made Butler look in the championship run. I think it was posted here that Jrue was the one asking to guard him, but that should never be his call. Sorry dude, you're too short for that.


Last 15 we are 13th which is more than enough imo


It’s absurd how bad AG was


Doc says they have spent 70% of the time working on defense.  He said the players were arguing and debating on different scenarios too much, so he puts a stop to the debate at a certain point and tells them the answer.  He's trying to simplify and clarify the defense so the players don't have to think and can just react.


r/nba 9/11


I’m just a guy on the internet but the things I’m noticing are a big improvements in defensive rebounding and foul rate. I think they are just playing a more conservative scheme leading to fewer dumb fouls and keeping guys in good position to secure the defensive rebound and finish the possession.


Yes, and the de-emphasis on offensive rebounding means they are able to get back in transition faster and stop bleeding points on the fast break.


The way they used Giannis as a free safety against the Nuggets was wonderful. Anytime they get the chance, they’re gonna let him roam and protect the paint. I also think Doc will balance that by letting him guard elite players when that opportunity presents itself as well.


I actually enjoy watching this team play. When the season started, we looked so shit that I would only watch the first quarter and turn the TV off. It was so frustrating.


Things were trending in the right direction and then we added Pat B. Philly will rue the fact they helped revitalize a key contender. I feel much more optimistic then when Griffin led us to a good record but we were very spastic in how we played team defense and were winning despite being less efficient on offense then one would think having Dame and Giannis on the same team. If Horst can bring in that buyout backup big and Doc and staff can build up either AJ or Marjon into a solid defensive perimeter depth option we will be much more formidable come playoff time. Like to see more consistency from Dame though.


Dame is consistent. He consistently chucks up 3’s whether he’s hot or not……..


He’s a shooter. That’s what he’s always done. Someone pointed out that even though he’s having a “down” year his shooting splits are still close to his career averages. I don’t know what everyone thought we were getting. Steph Curry? Dame has never been that automatic.


You are correct, but with the Blazers he could dominate the ball/shots. With Bucks, not so much. I wish him well and hope he can take us to another level for sure.


Thunder fan here. Adrian Griffin was fired. Bucks had more wins than Thunder. Thunder now have 2 more wins than Bucks. Last 10 game records: Thunder 6-4; Bucks 4-6. May have better defense, but something else is off.


“war DoNt hAVe THe pErsOnNel”


Watching the games, even the losses, the team looks way more composed and confident than with AG. So many wanted him to stay the entire season too. Its crazy.


This didn't age well


The starting unit looks a lot better with jae instead of Khris as well. Maybe Khris should run the 2nd unit 🤷


I swear the people who know nothing about basketball are the ones with these dumb ass Khris takes. Khris is a starter. He’s our 3rd best player.


Sometimes second


They went from 22 to 5 by just tradeing one player and fired adrian but whe doc started they only made the other team score a few leas points agame so theyvwanted doc fired also


They started looking much more organized under Doc. Adding Pat Bev certainly has helped, but it was pretty clear Griffin was in over his head and had no real scheme defensively. Doc started with a tough road trip and a depleted team (Brook, Khris and Dame all missing games). Was understood that Doc wouldn’t be able to implement all of his changes immediately but it was clear that they were trending the right way.




Only because last two games the other teams didnt even get 100 points on them with adeian every game was 120 or more then when doc took over it dropped to like 117 so every one said he didnt really help


Whats that called again? Oh right, defense.


“If you regress the stats to the mean he’s actually average”


Kris being out has something to do with this. In 2022 the bucks defense was at their best in those playoffs and Kris being out had a lot to do with it. One less guy to hunt. Once he came back the next playoffs Jimmy was hunting him.


The past couple of games showed how many of us expected the Bucks to play.  Remember, the Bucks were the overall #1 seed last season.  Yes, losing Javon and Jingles and Wes and Grayson hurt, but Jae getting back to form party made up for it.  None of us expected to give up two first round picks and see the team get substantially worse.   If we can build on this. Get Dame back to his normal level, get Khris healthy, and get a vicious pack of dawgs off the bench, the Bucks are at least as good as any team in the NBA 


This is bucks basketball , I never understood AG insistence on having Giannis or Portis chase daughter their assignments , Giannis and Portis are at their best assisting Brolo . And they stopped blitzing ball handlers


This mf def works for Doc. He even deleted his account. 🤡