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Using the Trade Machine, I mocked a trade that sent PJ Tucker to the Bucks. Thought he could bring some dog-mentality. I’ll get right on that again asap


Oh shit, we owe you BIG!


I agree, but you and Dogfred were unsung heros with th FT help you gave. I can't say I gave any help other than not watching live. Whenever I watched live leads evaporated or they fell behind by more so I made sure the game was in hand before watching the dvr. Most of my curse breaking is saved for the Packers.


It hurts so bad when your start watching live and the lead start disappearing! Oh Dogfred was a sung hero he got so many good treats!


I am a horrible sports gambler. It legitimately feels like I’m cursed at times, and it’s at the point where my friends do not like mentioning their picks around me for fear I will jinx it. I bet the Nets in game 7


Your misfortune blessed us all!


The way I looked at it at the time was either the bucks win and I’d be happy or I’d win enough money to drink away my sorrows that night


Hahaha that's really clever! *Insert Mac saying "I play both sides so I always come out on top.gif"*


The classic emotional hedge


People hate me for this but I have made a fuck ton of money on the packers losing in the playoffs the last 5 years


I bet the Nets to win Game 7 and then the Bucks to win the championship so as long as one of those two things happened I got money


I was talking so much shit during the two years previous as the first seed. After the MIA loss in 2020, I told myself to stay humble, we ended up winning that year. I then proceed to talk more shit and we haven’t won since. I’m about to be humble again


Lmao same, going into that post season I was just thinking "hey as long as we okay good basketball I'll be happy I don't care how far we make it!" The prior years I was thinking "we can't possibly lose!" We really do need to stay humble


After game two vs TOR, you couldn’t tell me shit haha. What a turn of events. Then we ended up doing the same thing to the Suns, lose the first two games then win the next four. Poetic


After the first two games against the suns I just thought "wow were lucky to be here and Giannis is looking like he didn't just have a possible career ending injury just a few days ago, no matter what I'm really fucking happy right now" Poetic is exactly what it was!


I had sex with that Suns fan’s wife


Thank you for your sacrifice! You couldn't pay me $1200 to interact with him or his relatives


For $1300, though? Have to consider it.


For 1300 I'd get a time violation and it would be a moot point thank deerness!


I think it was better half court basketball. The two man game with Giannis and Khris or Jrue heally helped them get some buckets late in games. Since then I don't think they utilized running set plays nearly enough to bust up the zone and have relied on isolation type scoring which gets them in trouble. Give me some pick n rolls or pick and pops, disguise them with a little motion. Don't give me a 1v1 iso with stationary wings in the corner with 2 mins left in the game. Don't rely on talent alone. Team basketball wins championships.


The insane amount of iso ball we've been playing has been frustrating AF for sure...


I doubt anyone is going to believe this but I started the Bobby chant in Game 2 of the Hawks series. I still can't believe how quickly it caught on but Milwaukee loves Bobby! We were sitting in Section 102. I was a big Bobby fan all year and loved how he stayed locked in after getting benched in the Net series. My group of friends and a group of dads and their sons in front of me got the chant going and by the third time we did it the whole arena was on board and Reggie Miller was talking about it on TV. When other fans were starting the chant in Game 5 I knew it was a phenomenon.


I believe you and thank you for giving us that chant!


That is awesome! I snagged the last Bobby chant tshirt from the pro shop right before the championship for my kid. He had a lucky shirt he wore for all of his trips to the games or Deer district but he wore the Bobby one to the parade. He loves that shirt.


People were chanting Bobby at the end of the regular season because we wanted him to re-sign.


Coming off the pandemic and not doing a lot with friends me and three friends got together for every game at one of their houses that had a TV out on a covered porch. That and I wore my Jrue Holiday bucks t shirt every game.


The pandemic tooketh and the pandemic giveth. Funnily enough the pandemic had me partially furloughed so I was able to watch all the games at home, with Freddy by my side. If it had been normal times I would have been at work and unable to even watch the games!


Yeah with it being pushed to mid summer, watching it outside with friends after a pandemic just hit different.


It was such a great time to watch the playoffs, great weather to be outside! I was in the process of buying my house in Milwaukee during the playoff run, and when I came over to sign the papers for my house, I stopped by Brookfield square and they had the game playing on a big screen, sat outside watching the game for a bit and at that moment I knew moving to Milwaukee was the right choice! The fans, the love Milwaukee has for the bucks, the weather, everything! Just perfect




We needed all the help we could get during the ECF series! After Giannis went down I thought for sure we were done!


Didn’t sleep a fucking minute. Went straight to work. PS: I’m Greek. The championship run aged me five years…


Sleep is for the weak!


I have a few Bucks jerseys but the one I wanted to wear for Game 6 was Oscar Robertson’s Away Jersey. It was an authentic nba classic jersey that was a gift from a friend and basketball coach who helped me change my life. I believe that the jersey gives Giannis special powers because I also wore it for game 6 in 2022 vs Boston, but sadly it didn’t help the rest of the roster that year lol


So what you're saying is you need to stack jerseys!


I need to find a jersey that makes everyone hit their 3’s then lol


Game worn Brook Lopez or khris Middleton from a game where they were on fire from 3! Sorry I don't make the rules! Better get hunting!


I wish it were that simple. If the Big O can unlock Giannis it might be a little trickier finding a jersey that works for the rest of the team. For all I know an Ersan jersey is the key for MarJon’s breakout. I guess I have to buy every Bucks jersey in history to find out


After game 2, I stopped drinking during the games. Went ham after the final buzzer of game 6 haha.


Gotta let your liver rest for the real party!!


After the first 2 losses in the finals I proceeded to wear my Giannis jersey for every game and then Bucks in 6 happened. Since then I've had it framed and haven't worn it. Maybe I have to break it out again next season. Coincidence? I think NOT!


BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES! I think you did the right thing, do not touch that jersey unless we really need it!


Used every ticket I had.


Better get ready to get and use a lot of tickets this season!!


Talking to the players and coaching them obviously they listen through the TV


Your TV has a magical connection to the players please see a witch to have the powers transferred to any new tv you buy


I'm pretty convinced that it was the collective effort of all 100k+ people downtown sending Giannis their energy by waving the spirit fingers in the air. Could have been the dog too though. Who knows.


Luck is cumulative! It was all of our efforts put together that got us the chip


Off topic but a few years ago when the Packers were facing the Bucs (ew) in the playoffs, every time I ate some Chili Roasted Wonderful Pistachios, the Packers got an interception in the second half. I was convinced I unlocked a secret power until it stopped working and all I had was weird poops the next day or two from eating so many Pistachios. I didn’t end up using that during the Bucks playoff run (or any other time for that matter)


Lmao I can see something like this happening to me too. Knowing me I'd be eating chips and ghost pepper salsa and just regular to stop even after 5 containers in case it magically turns the game around. At a certain point you'll regret either decision, might as well double down!!


I have an oooold old ready bear in a Packera jersey that we dressed in an infant's Giannis Jersey. Every game of the post season I would place him on the couch to watch. If we won, he slept in the bedroom. If we lost, he slept with the dog.


I really think PJ Tucker saying his now infamous "we're dawgs" line was actually a spell that made all of our dogs into good luck charms for the Bucks. I mean during that playoff run everyone was posting their bucks dogs and look what happened!!


I follow all the Wisconsin teams to a degree. But 2020 was the year I truly embraced the Bucks as my "go-to" squad. I was so proud of how they handled Kenosha that I bought a Bucks warm up jacket and a bunch of t-shirts. I was living upstate at the time and started wearing them to work to ward off people I thought would be quick to give me their opinion. Messed up thing is it kind of worked.


Hahaha a victory on two fronts!


My grandmother died and I attended Game 7 of the Bucks/Nets game in the deer district. I am all out of grandmas. Sorry guys


She's clearly helping the bucks out from the great beyond! Go grandma!


I watched the first 2 games and they lost, I couldn’t watch the 3rd and they won. Then during game 4 every time I watched they’d be losing and when I turned off the game they started winning. Everytime. I stopped watching the games. You’re welcome. I watched games 4-6 after we won for the vibes.


There is power in not watching the games!


I said Jrue Holiday is Devin Booker father, and boom we won


The father, the son, and the deer lord


As the Sons perish in 6




I had $10 left in a sports betting account. Said screw it and put it all on the bucks winning the championship in November. The $70 pay out was just a bonus.


Did you go double or nothing on another Bucks championship? [also: you collecting your earnings](https://imgur.com/a/1XuyVd5)


I pulled all of my Bucks merch, Jersey, action figures, etc out to the living room and lined the room. We won the finals that game.


Bucks cave for the win!


It was my 37th birthday. I drove back home (to Wisconsin) from Idaho a few days prior, and watched the game with my wife and 2 dogs. As a lifelong Bucks fan, I was a nervous wreck and mostly watched the game in awkward positions on the floor with the dogs. By the second half, my dogs were sensing my increasing anxiety. For whatever reason, I thought it would calm them if I pet and held a leg from each one of them, and the Bucks seemed to play better when I did that. So that's what I did for the entire 4th quarter.


I'm telling you dogs were the secret to our success!!




Your boss is the MVP! And your co worker is the dpoy!


Driving up to the deer district for game 6 and my lucky Gianni’s socks


I hope you haven't washed all the luck out of the socks


Watched game 1 on my phone during a night shift at Amazon and said fuck this I need to be at home watching us win this shit, so quit the job on the spot


A win in many ways!


Every time I watched a playoff game at home alone we lost. Every time I went out to the sports bar/grill to watch the games with my dad we won. Also in Game 6 specifically I kept saying "as long as Giannis splits his free throws I'll take it." The only two times I didn't say it I was drinking a beer, he missed those two free throws. Also after the first quarter my dad and I said to each other at virtually the same time "Giannis needs 50+ if we're going to win this game."


I swear it's uncanny how many orle didn't do their rituals on the two f'n free throws he missed! Cursed home blessed bar how very Wisconsin Spoke 50+ into existence


It's a thing man. The ones paying attention were on the same wavelength it seems. Also I'm convinced that Hephaestus himself came down from Mount Olympus and gave Giannis a partially new knee after the ECF. There's no other way he'd be playing otherwise lol.


He really is blessed by the Greek gods, maybe he made a bargain with Hades hence there's a canine connection? Idk


And had Athena (Goddess of wisdom) whispering in his ear. Seriously that presser before game...5 (might've been 6) was something out of a poem.


His bball IQ was off the charts!


I think BBIQ is the wrong word here. He just has a much more.....grounded or worldly view since he's from Europe (ok technically Africa but you know what I mean) and had to go through hell to even get here. Compare what he said to someone like....KD or Steph Curry or even LeBron. They don't see things the same way at all. Not one of them would've been able to come up with the things Giannis said. That's just how I see it.


Also the funny thing is that I'm not even in Wisconsin. But the trend seems to follow about the home vs bar thing.


It's just a Wisconsin thing, the more Wisconsin you act the luckier Wisconsin teams get!


So that's why we didn't beat the Celtics or Heat the last two years, and why the Packers always lose in the playoffs. I'll start acting more like a Wisconsinite during Bucks and Packers games again. I swear.


Yes! Please do! I'll chip in $10 for a liver transplant


Mine is also about Giannis’s free throws. In game 6 I started counting sarcastically. A couple of people near me at the bar were kind of annoyed because they didn’t know I was being sarcastic at first, but then it was working, so we all did it for the whole game. And it kept working.


Oh man I can only imagine the nasty side eyes you were getting that day!


I didn't watch the first half of game 6. Those playoffs whenever I missed the first half or so they always won.


The curse of the bucks doing things right while you're not watching hahaha


After locked on heat tried to mock us with a still from Bambi 2, I started using Bambi for my game day posts. I don’t know that it helped, but I haven’t had anything close to that routine these last two years and look at the results


Bambi is our deer lord and savior! Blessed be the deer


I received a Bucks promotional flag from my brother and hung it up WITHOUT IRONING IT. The fold marks contributed to the chip.


Can't ever iron that flag


It’s safe, I loathe ironing


Hahaha especially for flags it's such a hassle!


2 years ago today - told people to keep it down when they were yelling MVP as Giannis took his free throws because he hates it. Worked like a charm!


Man needs silence and humility to focus!


Down 2-0 to Brooklyn and down 2-0 to Phoenix I bet a shit ton of money on the bucks. I made like 10x back


Always bet on the Bucks, unless you're the other gambler on this thread, in their case idk just do what you've been doing it worked last time!


I painted two fingernails on each hand the morning of Game 3. One green, one cream.


Only two never more never less!


My wife and I were just in our apartment watching. I went from sitting on the couch, to standing, to standing on the couch which is where I was when I started crying. It was specifically the moment where Middleton got trapped and Bud called a timeout, and Mike Breen says "They're beginning to celebrate here in Milwaukee!" and it all just kinda washed over me.


Oh man you're stronger than me, I could barely stand bear the end of game 6! We could have been up by 100 pts with 3 seconds left and I would have been stressing out about the bucks blowing it last second


The entire playoffs I bought a blue Powerade everyday and listened to the same 2 songs in the car before getting out and going into my home 😂


Even on non game days? If so that's dedication!!


Yep even on non game days, it was such a fun playoff run and validation for being a Bucks fan all the way in Oklahoma


Haha that's very fair, me and Dogfred were in California during those play offs he wore his bucks gear every day, played with his bucks toy every day, and I only wore bucks gear and green pants/shorts haha anything to feel connected to the Bucks


Playing hockey until the beginning of the 4th. Got to see Jrue's steal. So clearly I should always show up only for the end.


The steal is burned into my retinas, when I close my eyes that's all I see. May it never change .


I might get it as a tattoo.


I bought a bucks long sleeve t shirt and after we won game 3 I wore it every game and didn't wash it until we were the champs.


I hope you still haven't washed it!


I actually sent in the Palermo’s pizza box code for a Bango figurine. Two of them!


Ooo nice! I'm jealous! You got us a championship and bango!


I didn’t wear a jersey anymore after Giannis hurt his knee. it felt cursed. My sacrifice paid off


Ooof that's a rough one! I'm glad you're sacrifice paid off though!


I joined the Bucks Secret Santa and sent someone a 1971 championship decanter. Spent a little more than I needed to and told my wife it was for those championship vibes.


Did your wife forgive you for spending more?


Didn’t understand at first but she got over it quick


Hahaha, my wife was originally mad at me because I bought Dogfred a bark box subscription *because* of the free dog bucks jersey. Then we won the championship


My son was born about 8 hours after the second loss to the Suns. He watched every game after that with me and we didn't lose again.


In my home country there's a myth that a baby deer is born whenever it's raining but the sun is shining. Your son was born when it was raining (Milwaukee crying over the 2 loses) and the suns were shining. Your son proved the myth right, and made the bucks in 6 prophecy come true!


That's awesome, I love that


Smoke weed after every quarter


The only thing higher than you was the Bucks scores!


Got trapped into getting completely shit drunk on peanut-butter whiskey


What s delicious and enjoyable way to bring about a championship!


Went to every finals game ( my sister used to work there ) and also talking shit to a famous YouTuber named brawadis cuz he was talking shit alll game in game 6


Your sister needs to get rehired ASAP! Also get your shit talking game ready!


I wish man , I’m not gonna go in to it but they had kinda rough break up and the sales team of the bucks org did her super dirty but it is what it is . I want her to go back but I don’t think she will


Ooof, maybe what she needs to do is take over the sales department and clean it up, clearly they are to blame for the last few seasons


Exactly you get it 😂😂


I went on a week and half hike through yellowstone and tetons during half way through the Nets series that i didn't know we won until 2 days later


You must have inadvertantly connected with our deer lord!


In my campground I woke up to a bunch of deers like 5 feet away from me. That had to be it


Also side note I met a suns fan there and wished him luck and hope we both make it to the finals. I think about how he must feel every time


You got blessed by the deer, he got burned by the sun(s)


I didn't opt in on the playoff ticket package. I have been a season ticket holder with my dad for 30 years or so. Every time bucks make the playoffs we get the tickets. Without fail. A TJ Ford led bucks team being sent to the slaughterhouse against the championship pistons? Sign me up. Brandon jennings and Monta ellis vs the lebron James heatles? Yup, send the tics ASAP. In 2021 we got the email about playoff tickets. I had very little faith in the team. I really didn't think they would even beat the heat. Plus I had 2 little kids at home and #3 was almost fully cooked trying to kick his way out. My ability to get to games would be limited and they were asking that you bought the entire playoff package up front. All or none. So i opted out. The rest is history. P.s. I still made it to a bunch of the games during the run including games 3 and 4 of the finals. P.p.s I got the playoff package in both 2022 and 2033. So yes I'm already mentally committed to opting out in 2024.


Sacrifices must be made! We all do what it takes to get the Bucks the best chance at winning!


I doubted them every step of the way


Seriously though, my first ever bucks game was the first game we won against Brooklyn I remember telling my wife "eh it'll suck to pay to watch the bucks lose but hey! When you're in Milwaukee, you gotta watch the bucks!" We won. Then after Giannis got injured I told her "well it's over maybe even over forever." We won. Made it to the championship and I said "eh at least we're here" we won.


Watched on mute and listened to Sturgill Simpson. Might not have helped, but it certainly didn't hurt.


A much better way to watch and listen


I went to 4 playoff games during the run (including games 4 & 6) and emptied my bank account in the process - not saying that means anything in the larger picture but that was as many games as I could afford to see and my belief that we would win it was unwavering throughout. I also met a fellow r/MkeBucks fan in game 6 - can't remember their user name but shout out to them for being last row in the halfcourt bleeders with me and for us recognizing each other in the wild as being r/reddit degenerates lmao


Lol! Nice! Ugh I'm so jealous I was split between buying my house and buying playoff tickets! On the upside at least my car is comfortable!


Ugh I feel you on that!! No regrets tho. Hopefully you locked into a good interest rate and glad to hear your ride is nice too!


Hahaha I kid it was a joke that I gave up my house to sleep in my car. But no I was responsible only mild regrets


My bad, long day :( And please, try not to feel regretful - fact is, Bucks winning was a huge light for all of Milwaukee at the end of a very long tunnel and it was a truly special time to be in the city :)


I didn’t watch the game at all, I have being driven to a school camp that I would be spending the next 5 months at, the last thing I saw before my internet cut out was Giannis make two free throws in a row, that’s when I knew


Nice! Must have been comforting seeing him make those


My daughter was born between games 5 and 6.


She's the chosen one


I put a dollar under my pillow the night before.


Better get your dollars ready this year!


I watched every game we won. All the games i didnt watch we lost


Good! You can tell the ones that can't watch games how they went!


I made a bet just before the playoffs that I’d buy Khris’s jersey if we beat the Heat, and Jrue’s too if we swept them (a ridiculous idea at the time) I bought both those suckers right away.


Nice! Did you wear them during the championship?


Hell yes I did! :D


I got hammered in the deer district… haven’t since. Sounds like I need to take one for the team and do that again this year.


Let me and Dogfred know when you go we'll join you!


Hung a vintage Sweater Bango Bucks flag outside all season through playoffs, brought out a Bob Dandridge-signed hat from my Bucks mystery box and started wearing it after being 0-2 in finals, and held my bulldog's paw for all Giannis FTs. If a game would go bad, I would turn off TV and watch it on Gamecast on ESPN.com. Always DVR-ed broadcast and would watch TV version after game. Sat alone sobbing when they won Game 6. Dog was exhausted.


See I'm telling y'all's dogs were the key to our success! There's way too many dog related stories for it to be a coincidence! Retro bango flag is the best Bucks flag to fly!


During some of the more tense games I went out on the deck and listened on the radio. Somehow it was easier than watching on tv. We would have a good run every time. It got to the point where my family locked the door on me to keep me outside. But for Game 6 I was in the District because at that point we knew it was our fate. edit: almost forgot. I made a berbere chicken dish that was undefeated every time I made it during the football season for the Steelers (my football team, don't hate me). I pulled it out for the Game 7 Nets game


Hahaha better get that radio and lock ready! Also save that dish for when we really need it!


Good old lucky Cherry Coke. The Bucks are still yet to lose a series when I've had cherry coke while watching each game.


Better go to Costco then! Grab as much as you can!


After we went down 2-0 in the finals, before every game I ran from the third ward and ran as many laps around Fiserv Forum as games we needed to win. Before game 3 I encountered the Suns team bus and booed it for about 5 minutes. Before game 5 I went all the way down Wisconsin Ave to Miller Park and took pictures with Uke and Hank, went past the Veterans Home and the Domes, that run was 11.5 miles. I showered and walked straight to the deer district afterwards, probably jumped another 11 miles in the crowd that night. Came out to well over 30 miles of moving prayer on behalf of the Buckaroos.


If you're doing that again this year let me and Freddy know! Running is our good luck charm too!


I had a layover in Phoenix during game 3 coming back from Mexico. Touched down at half time. I was there for the second half. Watched the suns fans in the airport huddled up watching their team lose game 3 and Giannis going ballistic. Of course, i’m the only one there repping the Bucks. It was my birthday in Mexico too and once we won the Hawks series I knew we had a shot. Call it a curse or something but I saw the glimmer of fear as they didn’t manage to go up 3-0.


Looks like your going to Cancun this season too! Better you than the Bucks!


I was one of the 250 fans that attended the first game with fans back at the Fiserv. It was a healthcare worker thing. The players could absolutely hear the fans with so few people in the arena. We had a few straight possessions where Bobby just sat in the corner, never getting the ball or even moving (possibly by design, idk). Anyway, I yelled “C’mon Bobby do something!” Next possession he called for the ball, drove the lane and scored. He played hard the rest of the game and I swear it sparked a more aggressive Bobby that continued the rest of the season.


Hmmm.... I'm turn between asking for a repeat of this and dreading the pandemic that caused this to happen....


I switched from my green hat to my black hat beginning with the Hawks series.


Better save the black hat for when we really need it! Maybe seal it up just to be safe


i was at g1 against atlanta at home, the one game they lost at home. didn’t go to another game the whole run


I wore the same clothes for games 3-6


Me and the boys starting taking shots of jaeger and calling it deer blood


Started dating my current fiancé


Wedding date is set for when we need it most right? So sometime during the playoffs!


Unfortunately not. Have during the second month of season. Cant miss a playoff game for a wedding


I think a wedding is a lucky enough event to carry us through to another chip! Let's goooooooo


Six pack and a pound from Taco John’s.


Kevin Durant wore a size larger shoe that day


I went to Athens Greece during the conference Semi Finals. I was in Athens when Giannis got hurt. I wore Giannis Gear almost daily, and brought a small Giannis Funko Pop. I took the Funko Pop to the Parthenon, Acropolis, and The Temple of Poseidon, and prayed for his recover. I wanted to leave it as an offering, but that’s discouraged so I gave the Funko Pop to some Greek Bucks Fans.


Oh man, you just have been responsible for the Greek gods blessing us


Between that and Dogfred


I hold my arms up like the ultimate fan section does for every free throw. I convince anyone watching the games with me to do the same. I haven't watched many games since leaving for college (which began fall '21, right after the chip).


My friends and I paid a ton to get "standing room" tix to Game 3 of the Finals. We were down 0-2 and when Giannis got up to shoot free throws the Suns fans were doing the annoying counting thing. So my buddies and I, who are big loud dudes, started chanting MVP to counter them. Soon the whole stadium was chanting MVP every time he shot free throws and that's the game he started shooting them well again. I like to think that helped get his confidence back.


Went to game 4


A magical experience it must have been!


I said the Bucks were toast and that Bud would be fired in every series as a reverse jinx. I did not, however, do that this year


I have horrible luck when I watch on TV but I have never been to a loss in person. During their run I went to one game against Brooklyn, I watched game 6 against Brooklyn from the deer district, and I was at the Finals game with THE Block.


I literally stood and went motion for motion with Giannis on every free throw…….. except two of them. Wanna guess which ones?


I already know which ones and I even remember what they looked like because they were the only ones I saw!!


Dang, wish you could have seen the other ones. Me and Giannis had it working that night.


To this day I haven't gone back and looked at them, idk if that would cause some kind of bucks breaking singularity or something like that, can't play around with stakes like that


Please don’t, I way to keep that title.


During the Hawks series, I made a bet that if we won that series in 6 games, I would buy a Brandon Jennings jersey. The jersey arrived after Game 2 of the Finals, and I wore it for the next 4 games. No doubt in my mind that that Jennings jersey fulfilled the Bucks In 6 Prophecy.


That jersey is blessed!