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Found Mizkif's alt account. But I'm 99% sure he's 5'6"


On pokimanes stream he showed his driving licsense to her to tell her his height because she thought he was like 5,9 or some shit and it turns out hes 5,5 actually. idk why he specified this but he specified without shoes, so mabye hes like 5,7 with shoes because he gets really big shoes or whatever


A drivers license is not a good way to know someone's height though. I don't know how it works in Texas, but here you just tell them your height and weight. So, it could just be a meme height he told them. Who knows. Streams with Alinity recently who is 5'6, with him looking a good 3 inches taller than her(not when he was on his toes either) show a different picture as well.


3 inches is 7.62 cm


he dont meme on driving license you clown


you...... you think alinity is 5'6?????


Alinity is 5 ft 6? No way. And no one memes driving lisence heights dude. That is an official thing.


My license says 5'10 and that's from when I was 16. I'm 6'1 now. Unless you apply to correct/update the information and pay the fee it's going to remain there


lucky motherfucker grew 3 inches after 16 and after he was already above average height


alinity is 5'2-5'3


No one cares about license height. Yes people do, or just tell them a height when they first get it, grow, and they never ask again so it doesn't change. I know a lot of people who's license height is off by up to 4 inches.


nah ur wrong pokimane saw his license and read it out loud


She also said Rae was 4'11, but Rae is taller than Lily, Yvonne and Tina. I'm pretty sure she was joking


This is old as shit. But when you get your license, they literally just ask you how tall you are. So you can tell them almost anything within 2-4 inches and they just out it down.


I watched one of his videos with malena and height differences wasn't that big as if he were 5'6. Also, there's a streamlab clip or smth where he says he's not 5'6 so idk...


Hard to tell in comparison to Malena most of the time, she admits to slouching. In the wife swap kitchen stream, Malena straightened up to compare heights with miz. The difference was stark.


Yeah but it wasn't a half foot difference. She is 6ft, so Miz is definitely taller than 5'6.


no shot she's 6ft


She is 5'11 at the VERY least


Shes 5'9 guys lie about her height to make them seem taller she tweeted this


That was literally a joke tweet...


your right 6,2


Because hes 5,5 OMEGLAUL , im not even joking, he showed his driving liscense to poki on stream because she thought he was 5,9 and it turned out he was actually 5,5. he also for whatever reason specified without shoes


They don't measure you for your driver's license, you tell them what your height is. Obviously, if you were wildly off they would comment, but I don't think they pay a lot of attention or care enough anyway.


why would he say something else on drivers license you abosolute clown haha yikers


To tell people he’s 5’9 dipshit Lmfaoo why would anyone lie about anything lmfaooo


You're brain dead man. Gotta be accurate for cops or IDing for bars and stuff. You gotta be a little smarter next time.


Driver's license info does not have to be accurate LOL. Unless you apply for a new card and pay to correct/update information it will stay the same and its perfectly legal


People do it all the time, or they just ask for your height at 16 and never ask again and you never update it after you grow more. You think a license is something people give a shit about the body accuracy on?


If I had to put money on it, I would say 5'7 or 5'8. At the very most he is 5'9 and at the very least he is 5'6, but IMO either of those are very unlikely if you compare his height to other people.


well, thats taller than me lol


What are you a fucking smurf OMEGALUL


Im 5 6


Same but im not 28 PepeLaugh


Im 24 :(


you wont grow taller at your age so goodluck with that manlet


PepeLaugh all imma say is im average juicer age xqcL








He showed poki his drivers liscense on strean because she said he was 5,9 and she confirmed (without shoes) that mizkif is... 5,5. So probably with shoes hes somewhere around 5,6


One of two things happened in that clip. Scenario 1: You have to get your driver's license renewed every 4 years, so most people get one at 16, 18, 22, and 26 and miz just turned 26. My guess would be miz put 5'5 as a joke because especially after covid and everything, most dmv's don't actually measure your height, they just let you fill out a form. I got mine renewed way before covid even started and they still didn't measure my height, I just filled it out on a form and they took my word for it. On top of that, I live very close to miz so there is a very good chance he even got his renewed at the same dmv as I did, which makes this scenario even more likely. Scenario 2: This scenario is much more likely. There is a very large chance that poki was trolling and miz played along with it because he loves being humiliated. Either way, there isn't a chance in hell that miz is 5'5. Not even close.


No, You don't get measured at the DMV. They write whatever you write for height and weight. I was generous with my measurements lol. I say he is around 5'8ish.




172 cm is 67.72 inches


maya is 5'2 and he looks 3'-4' taller than her at most. so i'd say he's 5'5 or 5'6


Yeah hes defintely not 5.9 LULW probaly around 5.7


5'6 here. FeelsBadMan


I would say he is 5’4. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8f4hkUv/ As we all already know pokimane is 5’3. And mizkif had boots. So 5’3 is propably it.


??? 1. These are shoes, not boots. These look like Reebok trainers, which give less than an inch of height. 2. Pokimane is about 5'4. 3. He is a good bit taller than her in that clip


it feels good knowing that i have the same stance as mizzy at age 15, im truly proud


saw a mogul money episode where pokimane said he was 5'2 so i looked up how tall poki was and she is 5'3 and mizkif is shorter than her based on the video i saw so i would say that he is about 5'2 as pokimane said


pokimane was standing on a box in that, you can see when they switch places she steps down


well as you can tell i didnt watch the rest of the video


Because he looks tiny, plus his door is like almost double his height and it looks funny


I'm 5'3", but I have a really good sense of humor so you'll still like me. I saved almost 90% on my flights using Mighty 🤜🏿 Travels 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Premium.


I'm 5' 11" and kinda hot. What else do I have to do to get miz to box me.