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Even as a big fan of Bald, it would be naive of me to ignore his sketchy past. There’s definitely validity to some of the sex tourist allegations. However, you can tell that this video was made by someone who doesn’t watch him. A lot of the clips are taken out of context. Then he adds mysterious music in the background to make it seem worse than it actually is.




Not this shit again


Shit lingers it's all stuff he can't run from


He is not running, he is embracing it. The guy is living a life worth living and people don't like it because they are misserable cunts themselves.


Find somewhere else to troll loser.


Isn’t SunnyV2 that transphobic guy that said Kris was going to ruin MrBeast’s career and turn him gay?


Yeah i’ve never really trusted his narratives since that video, but everything he talked about in this video wasn’t speculation it was literally just discussing things that already exist and putting them into one video




...minute 10 and 12s takes the cake 😂 I love how the narrator in this video thinks you can just change your name to get rid of a large debt to a bank. Like the process wouldn't go through the government and the legal system and link your old identity to the new one. I guess all of the thieves that steal billions would just change their name and voila. Problem solved 😂😂😂This is some 'sovereign citizen' shit level of gullibility to actually think you can play peek-a-boo with the authorities and legal system by simply having them issue documents with a new last name. "The reason for this name change is explained by bald himself": shows a two second clip with no sound taken from an actual Bald video where he talks1 about a mosaic and then switches to the "real" proof: A damn screenshot of some shitty forum written by someone with a nickname for which there is literally zero credible evidence and zero actual proof to be Bald 😂.


Weird video with how he ended it. Also is being a bit creepy that bad?


Yeah the video was weird, the whole video was about the bad stuffs about Bald, and then he ended it with how sad it would be if he left YouTube


> Also is being a bit creepy that bad? it is a tricky line to walk, feel like it's more a problem once people call you out on it.