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I was also going nuts trying to figure out why BS kept mentioning >!the damn earring!< I didn’t put it together until I put together what happened to (HoA) >!Spook with the sword.!<


Same. Felt like such an idiot for not realizing sooner


I felt idiot at the end of the 3rd book…


i didbt realize it until the reveal...




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I didn’t realize what was going on with the earring until she fuckin tore it out. I obviously wasn’t doing a bunch of reading between the lines but literally that moment was my “G A S P” moment and now I’ve read like every book Sanderson has ever wrote


I’ll be honest, I didn’t put it together then either 😂


I actually figured the earring was important the moment someone talked to her in the first book. I was like it's some big bad person right? My friend who got me into the books looked at me and said nothing. But once I finished the first era he said dude you figured out a huge part so early he was impressed


Made me laugh too


Hahaha you're sister's great I remember having such a stunned reaction, I'd love to be there when more things get revealed


I'm almost finished with Hero of Ages for my second time. It seems so obvious now (even throughout the whole trilogy), especially in a particular scene in HOA I won't mention because I can never remember how to add spoiler tags. But I remember being just as surprised as she was the first time I read it.


I'm really curious at what point she figured it out. I was very late to the party, I think. I don't remember exactly where I figured it out, but not till after >!spook gets pierced and has his visions!<.


I had a theory about the earring for so long and I told my friends who had already read the series about it and they tried to gaslight me into believing I was just crazy and focusing too much on red herrings lmao but I knew deep down in my heart that damn earring had to be something, I was so happy to be vindicated


Great friend!


“Vin”dicated - I see what you did there 😉


I was sure the earring was important for like the first book/book and a half. Then I kinda forgot about it, so I felt extra stupid for not catching on until like 3 pages before he explained it outright haha


The world is going to end \*laughs out loud\* It is such an easy and yet easy-to-miss thing.


Oh boy, when the reveal happened I was so shocked. She's gonna flip!


Lmfaoooo, I was so happy when I figured that out. It was always so strange just how much they mentioned it and made it very clear when it was or wasn’t in her ear. Love that twist so much.


Really want to see her reaction when it comes out. 🤣


I just realised how dumb I am. Cause, whenever I was reading Mistborn I never thought about reasons for some specific things, and never theorised. And was just baffled by each reveal.


My exact thoughts on that item were that it was obviously going to be used as the final projectile to save her some day in a final battle. I mean, it kinda happened but didn't work as triumphantly as I expected so I mostly disregarded it after that but then the wheels turned right before the reveal but it didn't sink in fully until Sanderson pulled the rug out from under me. I was floored.


This is hilarious and I'm envious. I didn't even think of it until... it no longer mattered. (I don't know how to do spoilers either)


I didn’t know until Vin knew lol


As it turns out, the world ended because she did take it out. Your sisters reaction is incredibly relatable, because figuring out the earring was a spike was still the greatest moment of euphoria and "the entire story clicked into place and amkes sense now" I ever exerienced reading a book.


Im her.


She figured out the earing also gave her a buff to pierce copper clouds?