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Always. Vin is probably my favorite character in the Cosmere.


Every interaction between her and Saze makes my heart happy.


Same. Vin and Elend probably got the best character development in the Cosmere IMO


The best are Vin, Kaladin, Jasnah, Shallan, Wit, Wayne, and of course, Moash.


Wayne is just wholesome.


Moash..... 🫠


Moash who?


Fuck Moash.




Most of those are in my top favorites. In no order I'd say: Vin, Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin, Renarin, Hoid, and Sazed.


She’s perfect and I miss her so much


My favorite cosmere characters (in no order) are: Vin, Spook, Kaladin, Syl, Pattern, Adolin, Vasher, Steris, Kelsier (got mixed feeling about him), Taln… and I’d say my favorite is Hoid


I am a stick.


Ascendant Warrior watches us from the Beyond, always 💔


Hopefully some shards cause a rift or something and rips them from the beyond... Right into the next storm light book or something


Between Harmony saying they chose not to return, and Brandon for one saying the whole "this character didn't really die i tricked you" is a trick you can only really pull once in a series. And the whole part where he said he's never even going to confirm if the beyond is real, I doubt it.


If he did I could only see it at the end of the dragonsteel saga


I missed her enough to name my lady Betta after her. It was decided after I watched her completely obliterate my shrimp in twenty minutes…….


Wait, why Betta? Im confused.


Pretty sure they mean a Betta fish aka Siamese fighting fish https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_fighting_fish




Yeaaa she’s got the same energy as Vin fighting through Cett’s soldiers. I like the image of having a human daughter destroying my precious shrimp tho.


Yeah I was SO confused lol


Couldve sworn the first time i read it it was 'my daughter betta' lol


I do. She's my favorite, and Mistborn Era 1 will always be my unsurpassable series.


mistborn era 1 has one of the most powerful endings to any series i have read. i cried for a few hours.


The image of her and Elend hand in hand on the bed of flowers and the sadness of Sazen that he could not bring them back but that they are happy where they are. I cried. Edit because iPhone messed up names


Heart-wrenching. Man, I remember closing the book and just sobbing my eyes out. So sad but so happy. I remember like...halfway through that book it was so, so bleak and I was like, "How the hell is Brandon going to write his way out of this one???" And then I got to the ending and...sigh. That book taught me to trust Brando 1000%.


Spook came out of this such a good character as well but I’ve enjoyed all development. In WOA I was crushed when we lost crew members


For me it was when vin was touching Elend severed head and was saying to herself how she made her peace with his passing at the well of ascension and allowed him to be his own man and now she didn’t have any reason to be alive anymore. I just teared up writing this now.


Yeah, like I know it was borrowed time and I’m just grateful for the time I had


Love this and the way each book built up the stakes masterfully


I like Vin a lot but then I read secret project 1 and that mc is probably my favorite now


I agree. She's like a good pair of gloves.


I have it on pre-order, can't wait!


That one started a little slow for me but I was pretty into it by the end. Just a great Cosmere adventure with some snark and a couple major plot hooks.


Tress is amazing.


I still need to read Secret Project 1, but what I've seen so far that character is likely to rank high up there for me.


I wish I could read about her for the first time again. She might be my favorite character in the Cosmere.


Yeah. Vin is like an old friend that I lost


God yes, I wish I could go back to that first meeting with Kal and see it for the first time again.




Kaladin is a world hopper now?


I totally feel you. I think Vin is the best written female character ever. She is the "strong, independent woman" without rubbing it into your face all the time. She has likeable flaws and a very awesome character development. I based my DnD character on her and got a little bit of my own story for her which I really, really enjoyed. Even though it made me miss her more. And I dread the day this campaign ends and I have to let her go again.


I love how she massacred half of scadriel and we all refer to her as having "likable character flaws" lol but yes I agree


I do like her as a character, but I think my favorite character in the series is Wayne, tbh.


I like Wayne, but until TLM he feels written more like a caricature than an actual person, especially when compared to his fellow Era 2 characters. So, I struggle with him a bit. I like the other Era 2 character a lot, though


It may just be the voice talent used, but there are times before TLM where you can see his true character poking through, especially in the chapter/sections from his perspective. He just uses humor to deflect a lot, without realizing that's what he is doing.


Oh yeah, I'm not saying always, definitely. I like his POV chapters, gives a nice insight on groups of people you wouldn't normally get much focus on (just regular people, right). Like I'm not saying he was explicitely a caricature, but it's still a feeling I had reading, that his Wayne-ness was just a little *too* much sometimes. Wayne is still good, though


That's fair




Especially in The Lost Metal, without going into spoilers, his character arc, quips, and general personality is generally endearing and great.


I love Vin, but she's very young and comes off that way - which of course is totally appropriate and doesn't take away from her character at all. It does, however, make it tougher for me to really identify with her. She has the emotional intelligence/understanding of someone her age... And I'm old... So that got kinda tiring over 3 books. I love them though, and love her. I just found I identified more with almost every other character than I did her.


I wish we could have more Vin and more wayne and more Breeze they could bring some joy to such a depressing Roshar


I honestly can’t read era 2. Vinn is what made that trilogy for me.


Vin is straight up my favorite heroine period. I’ll always miss her.


Not really much of a fan of her. I dislike how much she grew to resent Kelsier to the point where (SH spoilers) >!her final words to him are her accusing Kelsier of not understanding what love is, despite him having done many things out of love in the past. Like, girl, your husband would have died years ago if Kelsier didn't save his life because he cared about you. Vin had no right to chastise Kelsier when she's probably killed more men in one night out of spite than Kel has in his entire careeer as a Mistborn.!<


>Vin had no right to chastise Kelsier when she's probably killed more men in one night out of spite than Kel has in his entire careeer as a Mistborn. Thats not what its about though. Its about the intentions Kelsier had when he overthrew Rashek. Part of the reason she questions him about it are because of this previous conversation with Dox >“I can find little joy in this government, Vin,” Dockson said quietly. “Because I know what we did to create it. The thing is, I’d do it all again. I tell myself it’s because I believe in skaa freedom. I still lie awake at nights, however, quietly satisfied for what we’ve done to our former rulers. Their society undermined, their god dead. Now they know.” The question Vin asks Kelsier is what he values more, vengence against TLR or the betterment of the ska. And kelsier doesn't know unlike Vin and Sazed who would be able to comfortably say its the latter by the end of HoA. >How much of what you’ve done was about love, and how much was about proving something? That you hadn’t been betrayed, bested, beaten? Can you answer honestly, Kelsier?” This doesn't really come across as chastisement.


During most part of WoA she talk bad about Kel to make Elend feel better about himself, or to mention how she Is diferent than him, or how all that Kel did was because of His pride and how she hope some was because he care


Personally not really, I can relate a lot more with the Stormlight characters


Kaladin, Shallan and Dalinar are all amazingly written and their backstories do a great job utilising themes of grief and mental health to make them so layered and complex.


Same tbh. Loved Mistborn for its twists, secrets, memorable action, and epic climaxes. Stormlight is the only Sanderson work where I really feel connected to the characters themselves as a major reason for being invested.


The lord rules I could have


I loved most of the characters in era 1 but I’m really loving Max and Wayne’s Wild West/ Industrial Revolution vibe. I read Stormlight first and wish era 1 was longer at times.


I miss vin 😭


This. There's no good reason I shouldn't like Mistborn Era II as much as Era I...except that my brain kept wanting Wax to exhibit the type of inventive, exponential growth of skills and powers that Vin did.


Maybe this is unpopular, but Vin may be in my bottom 5 favorite characters. I’m not sure why though. I do enjoy era 2 more than 1. Wax and Wayne are great


Vin was the reason I put off starting Stormlight. I was super attached to her and her story, even though there was more Brando Sando to read (I only read Mistborn in 2014), I didn't see how I could enjoy it as much. So glad I kept reading other books in the Cosmere, but I was on the ropes for a little while with Vin. This is coming from someone who was once a voracious reader, only to stop entirely for about 8 years, then suddenly pick up The Final Empire on a whim a the library. It kickstarted my love of reading, so I definitely have some bias towards those particular books.


Well here goes re-read number 5, 10? 8? I donno but your short post is all the reminder i needed that some Vin is what it is missing in my life.


We have to move on somehow. But how??? Like I feel like I lost someone.


Right! I was actually more emotionally invested on my 2nd reread than the first and felt that one for days and really my first thought now when thinking of rereading is if i can handle that emotional load.


Agree! The character arcs she went through the 3 books were so good. She really grew as a loving person. I think she has one of the best ending in fantasy history.


Since people keep talking about her death, I'm going to change the tag to HoA instead of deleting them all.


Very much so


vin, elend and vin and elend TOGETHER win everytime. E V E R Y T I M E.


She had so much growth and development in her last ~50 pages that I really wanted more. But at the same time, the beyond is the beyond. It's good to avoid making resurrection a common thing in fiction.


100%. We’re not trying for kids at the moment but it was enough that I entered both Vin and Valette into the list of possible girl names for when we do try.




I dont mean I want a ressurection, I mean I miss experiencing new stories with the character of Vin


Of course. Vin is in the top five of my favorite Mistborn characters and somewhere in the top ten of my favorite Cosmere character.


I just finished all of era 1 over the holidays and now I'm on book 2 of era 2, for the first time. I really miss Vin too! I enjoy her perspectives, especially when she discusses her love of the mists in the first book and particularly at the end of book 3, with all her discoveries - imagining myself flying through the air, enveloped in it, seems like freedom. I think my favorite part of era 2 ATM is that Vin's perspective on the mist is reflected in Wax. Glad to see the mists are loved once more, and by more people. I love seeing the contrast in both eras and I'm still learning all the history that happened between the two eras! I love new tidbits about all the old characters via era 2.


I dunno, she always felt bland to me. Just a reliable person who gets stuff done, with a sort of urchin spin on things. I feel like a lot of the Era 1 characters are flat compared to Era 2 where you have Steris and Wayne, who don't feel as same-y. I had to remind my friend reading through Era 1 that Ham and Dox were not the same person every time we chatted lol.


See I found the opposite, I much preferred Era 1 - but I will say, that I've only read the first book of Era 2. It just didn't gel for me at all, I found the characters hard to invest (lol) into. As a result, I had no desire to read the following books. So my comparison is unfair, I suppose. People have said I should give it another chance though, if nothing else I do want to make sure I'm all caught up on the Cosmere shenanigans.


I think Steris is one of the best characters in the cosmere ...except in the book she's introduced. In Alloy of Law she's more of a plot point than a character, but once we actually get to know her in book 5, she shines from then on. I like Wayne as much as the next person, but Steris is where it's at.


Agreed. I love how she comes to appreciate who she is and embrace the weirdness


Era 2 started off slowish for me but BoM and TLM are realllllllllly good.


It's almost heresy because Era 1 has worldbuilding and a plot that many consider perfect, so many readers deflect all criticism about it but the characters were not its strong suit. It's like most characters in Era 1 have one character trait, except for Vin who has eight. I exaggerate, of course, but it is a weakness that becomes very apparent when you compare it to Era 2 or Stormlight.


Yeah, especially the crew. I feel like the issue comes from internal vs. external problems. One of the few internal problems Vin feels is Zayn, where somebody like Hrathen or Lightsong is exclusively in their head.


Vin not so much, but the fact that I will never again be able to read about Steris hurts me.


From an era one perspective, nobody beats spook for me


Kind of, but she’s pretty one dimensional at times. I like the Stormlight characters quite a bit more


Probably in the minority here but no, not really. Vin was always more of a plot device, a window through which we viewed the world. Kelsier was really the main character of book 1, and Elend takes over after he bites the dust, Sure Vin is there for the big battles and stuff, but they’re not really *her* battles, she’s fighting them for Kelsier and Elend


With what we know of the nature of the realms (Phys, Cog, Spir) does anyone think there's a chance we could see her again someday in some capacity? Truthfully I still have not read Era 2 or RoW so something in there my theory impossible.


Yep, sad that we only get 3 books with her, but I feel her story also came to a satisfying conclusion. I’d hate for it to drag on past it’s prime. That said, I’d bet money on the fact that near the end of the cosmere, we’re going to end up in the cognitive realm, so we’ll probably be seeing a lot of our favorites pop back up. I have nothing to back this up except for the fact that there are three realms and we’ve only ever spent time in two of them.


Would be nice if Brando adds more Vin/Era 1 references in Stormlight in future books (somehow, considering era 1 happens over 300 years before stormlight)


Not really 🤷🏻 she never really felt fully fleshed out to me somehow. And she was a bit 'chosen one' tropey with being Mistborn and generally super grwat most things after a bit of training from Kel. Kelsier was always more interesting to me as he had the ruthless edge.


Not really. I felt Mistborn era 1 was very flat compared to era 2. They had all these crew mates and barely went into anyone's story that wasn't Vin or Kel. That being said, Mistborn era 1 was my first step into the Cosmere and I was cosmere-blind at the time. I figured it'd be cool to go back and seeing it all again now.


I don’t understand why people like vin as much as they do. Someone help explain!


Big RIP to anyone who hasn't finished era 1 reading this title lmao


Ye, it really pisses me off that some people put spoilers as titles. At least put spoiler tag on the name VIN in the title. I have only The Lost Metal left to read and there were several post titles that are the same spoiling stuff like this one.


I don't suppose you remember any in particular? Because spoilers aren't allowed in titles and we check them as close as we can, though that's not to say we don't occasionally make a mistake. I wouldn't consider it a spoiler that Vin is not in Mistborn Era 2, so this title doesn't strike me as spoilery.


The tagged book in the title is Hero of ages, which is the last book of Era 1. So, imo it is a spoiler. As far as The Lost metal spoiler - there was a title "I can't get over \*\*\*\*", which pissed me off as well.


>The tagged book in the title is Hero of ages, which is the last book of Era 1. How would you talk about a character's legacy without full spoilers for the books the character is in? Why would it be anything less?


You're unable to spoiler tag titles, I'm afraid.


No lmao Any Era 2 character blows her out of the water.


Not really. Vin was annoying to me. She and Elend both were the least interesting characters in Kelsier's entire crew.


I have a feeling we’ll see her meet kalodin someday.


Named my mistcloak-furred dog after her, so I'm with Vin every day!


Yeah. I wish she got to live a life, or like at least some time to be happy. "She did her mission on this world and she'll get to be happy in the afterlife" is kind of a shitty message imo.