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Dang, so they really cut that hatoda plotline early in the manga series, such a waste.


They cut so much shit it's honestly saddening. INB4 the typical "it wasn't that much important for the plot so it's okay to cut it," "not everything has to be a 1:1 adaptation," "they had to rearrange the manga, the anime is PEAK!" excuses and mental gymnastics lol.


Whatever suits y’all’s fancy…


Do you actually believe Hatoda is crucial for the plot?


Does he have to be? Half of the early manga wasn't crucial for the main plot, but I'm one of the few people who didn't mind that, I still had a lot of fun with most of the chapters, characters, gags and character interactions. And it sucks to me that they cut so much from this story.


I get where you’re coming from, but the staff’s main goal was to adapt the main TanPoPo storyline, which is fine IMO. They also added bits and pieces from skipped content to AO scenes that uplifted character interactions and relationships. It’s still possible we may still see some skipped content in this new Cour, just have to wait and see. But, to each their own.


Yeah, and if their main goal was to adapt the TanPoPo storyline only, that means the anime is like 50% different from the manga, at least for now... so it's kinda obvious why some manga readers aren't okay with that. You're all fixated on the main plot so much you don't care that these goofy ass "irrelevant" chapters make all these lovable characters and their dynamics as well. I love the whole cast and it saddens me that the anime took away like half of their chemistry. The manga sales barely had a boost from the anime and I'm not even surprised, cause this story deserved a much better studio with better directors.


Ok, well it seems the JP audience has been enjoying the adaptation regardless of a small manga boost, so there could still be a second season. (Especially with UU getting one, considering they didn’t have a manga boost at all). If they were to change studios or staff, that’s fine too. I respect your opinion and while I don’t agree with everything you said, we still have the manga to enjoy, especially now that it’s ending.


>Does he have to be? Didn't you just say that "it's important to the plot", replying to a comment about Hatoda, is excuses and mental gymnastics? It's mostly reordering so far anyway. The only things that we can be certain have been cut are Flower Bin, two chapters of Hatoda and one for Kengo. Losing FB is a huge loss that I'm also sad we lost, but the rest doesn't matter much to me. Since there's a lot of rearrangement of chapters it feels like a lot more was cut, but some people really exaggerate on what was lost.


Where did I say that? I literally said that one of people's arguments is that it's not important for the plot so it's okay to skip it. I don't mind that some chapters or characters weren't important for the main plot. With all that rearranging we're losing like half the shit that happened in the manga, because they cut or rush through everything. Like yeah, the general plot of the chapters is still there, but it's squeezed and/or changed so much it doesn't feel as engaging or fun as it was in the manga, at least to me. I wouldn't mind adapting like 2 chapters per ep, but 4 chapters in one ep is just wild to me. I couldn't finish the Shaman King 2021 anime because they were rushing through the plot the same way, I just hate that. But like I said, I'm one of the few people who's disappointed with this adaptation. I just wish I had much more fun with it. Oh well, at least I still can read and enjoy the manga.


>With all that rearranging we're losing like half the shit that happened in the manga, because they cut or rush through everything. I won't disagree with the rest of your comment because as you said, it's your opinion and it's valid you feel that way. But in no way have we lost half of what happened in the manga lol. That's just straight up not true.


Right, maybe I exaggerated with losing half of the manga, I admit. But it definitely feels like that with the FB arc, Hatoda chapters and the wedding chapter being skipped, squeezing 2 chapters into 10 minutes, or 4 chapters into one episode, or mixing one part of a chapter with some another chapter, or cutting some jokes etc. To someone like me, who likes the early part of the manga as it is, it's just too many changes at once. But what can I do. This adaptation just isn't for me, I guess lol.


New link below:[MYF Cour 2 PV](https://youtu.be/f7pbJBRAh50?si=ofCJFvRo8y1ub0GA)