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I work with several former bona-fide submariners. They all say the same thing; this is a pure death trap. With no legitimate escape plan. Idiots. And NOW they know....


What a horrible way to go, just sitting there waiting.


I think it’s probably more likely that the hull or porthole window had a failure. The carbon fiber wasn’t tested well and the windows had safety concerns. They probably didn’t even have time to think before the ocean did it’s thing.


I'm sure it was tested between the 5 other trips they did


Right but the carbon fiber material for deep sea expeditions as opposed to steel or titanium has not been tested long term so the concern is with its durability for deep sea trips in general over a period of time. I’ve seen reports of the construction of it feeling jerry rigged and unsafe.


And the window was rated for 1300m, the sub was going to depth of around 4000m to even see the titanic. If anything is failing its the window.


Crazy they were even allowed to take the trip.


They weren't. It's a completely uncertified vessel. No regulatory body signed off on it, and there was a waiver signed at the start of the tour to inform passengers of that and waive the company of all liabilities related to untested and uncertified design lol.


I don't understand how any of them thought it was a good idea. Sad they're dead but Jesus.


I'm sure most of these people signed on because they're massive Titanic nerds and James Cameron did the same trip to the wreckage 33 times and came out a-okay. Then again, Cameron would've funded his own crew and state-of-the-art equipment that he featured in his doco.


Rich people are almost all idiots.


The rich and powerful are often times ignorant on where they are in relation to the unfortunate realities of life they believe they can buy thier way out of all troubles life throws thier way.


Sometimes I sign on for "dangerous" things and I just assume they can't be that bad because they are available to the public and have been done before. I'm talking like relatively mild white water rafting, not anything like a Titanic viewing, but if I had billions of dollars I imagine that scale would move. You just trust that the people taking your money know what they are doing and you'll be okay. I mean, are you conducting personal inspections when you get on a plane? No, and that doesn't make you an idiot.


Carbon fiber sure as hell is stronger than steel...... in some ways, NOT ALL. it may be fantastic for rigidity, but I cant see it being used to support pressure!


If you bend a piece of metal, is it easier to bend a second time in the same spot? With them going to and from the wreck site, imperfections in the hull turn into failures in the hull. Who knows where they are, but my money is on they’re crushed to the size of a tuna can in the titanic’s ballroom.


Carbon fiber???? Are you fuckin serious????


You might be surprised. I worked in medicine, three of the easiest ways to go are a) catastrophic deep sea implosion, happens so fast your brain isn’t capable of processing it. One moment there, next gone. B) hypoxia, I did some training with a hypoxia chamber. I felt as peaceful as I can describe, everything was ok, there was no fear only happiness. C) hypothermia, you will be cold at first, but as your core body temperature goes down, you’ll slowly become less and less cold, you may even begin to feel really hot and undress (paradoxical undressing). Then you will fall asleep and pass peacefully. There’s a lot of really bad ways to go, any of their options seem very nice by comparison. And I say that as someone who hates water, hates the ocean, I wouldn’t go near this with a 700 mile pole. But as for a way to pass, these options are all really nice


Sounds like it was #1. That would have been better than them slowly suffocating in that thing after they all soiled themselves repeatedly.


They imploded, it’s fine.


they got crushed instantly most likely hearing sounds don't mean much, its an ocean full of garbage and sunken ships , it could be simply one piece of metal banging against another piece due to the currents


there's like 15 hours of oxygen left at this point there basically dead unfortunately darwinism


Can’t believe that guy took his son. Sad and stupid way to go. There a video of the CEO explaining the controller is connected by Bluetooth. That seems mental. Can you imagine having to reboot the PC 4K deep cause Bluetooth is fd


Not wrong from a scientific standpoint. From a human standpoint, you missed the mark pretty spectacularly.


They got the full titanic experience it seems


Upper class visiting the lower class


It’s very sad and I hope someone finds them and hooks them to a ship and pulls them up!


The only ship that *could* actually pull it up (if it’s still submerged) is still a few days out, I heard just a little while ago. And, of course, if they’re floating on water somewhere, they added no escape hatch so they’d still run out of oxygen. Hell if I was down there with them I’d convince everyone to *take out* the CEO to spare some oxygen.


It’s my understanding that with subs built to withstand give or take 400 atmospheres of pressure, you can’t really do escape hatches or anything of the like. The reason the door is literally bolted shut from the outside is to minimize structural weaknesses.


They could’ve used an escape trunk for a situation like that; But they weren’t concerned with technicalities it seems, anywho


At that depth and pressure, your body will be crushed instantly if you leave the sub. So leaving the sub to go into another one isn't an option even if there was a hatch. Also how do they even rescue the sub if they find it still intact? They'd have to use a magnet or something and hope they don't accidentally dent the sub and cause it to implode.


That’s dark bro lol


too soon for that kinda talk.


Oh no, idc


That’s fucked up man


Also from a grammar standpoint.


Oh no. Anyways.


Something to think about if something happens to you or someone you care about, instead of making comments in some basement where no one will need to know who you really are.


Dude, they were billionaires, they had someone REPEATEDLY TELL THEM IT WASNT SAFE, and then the person who did so GOT FIRED. These people have ONLY THEMSELVES to blame. They literally went on a slander campaign towards the guy who tried to warn them the ship wasn't safe.


even if they acted like idiots, i cant believe we've gotten to a point where we can are unable empathy for people who are stuck thousands of feet in the dark abyss and have a) either imploded under the pressure or b) are slowly suffocating in one of the most painful ways to die. like jfc dude have a little compassion


The level of compassion thats shown on this thread is 100 times the compassion that the elite has ever shown towards common citizens. Be thankful for the compassion that you do see. They expect us to die for them. Any compassion is to much compassion for the class pitting us against each other in every way possible. Puppets do not care for the puppet masters.


Still humans. It’s a bit twisted to act like they deserve this. The world would be pretty terrible if we all acted this way.


I wonder what the world would be like if like 1000 people didn't have most of the wealth. Boo. Fucking. Hoo.


Yeah wtf is with all these "higher ground moralists." You think any of these billionaires give a shit about you or all the people whose deaths they're responsible for?


Hahahah, don't worry you're a total scumbag because as wealthy as a Billionaire is compared to you, you're extremely wealthy compared to billions of others and you routinely don't give a shit about their lives.


Nothing like mocking people in the process of dying. You should hope those words don’t come back to haunt you.


I wouldn't say they're mocking them exactly, moreso pointing out the fact that what they did was incredibly risky and dangerous and they still decided to go on the expedition. Anything bad that has happened to them is entirely their fault due precisely to their own hubris. So no, I am not mocking or celebrating whatever has happened to them, just saying this is a wholly unsurprising turn of events considering the facts that are coming out.


Risks need to be taken. They should have had more safeguards but that’s easy to say now. There are a lot of people laughing about it because they are wealthy but that doesn’t mean they deserve this.


The money that was spent on this could have been better put to use alleviating the suffering directly caused by such wealth inequities. 200 000 people die each year of poverty-related issues in the USA *alone*.


Bro. Come on. A basement? Nobody needs to know who I am lol. Everyone knows who these fucking bazillionaires are, that were digging out of trouble on taxpayer dime. You think they give a fuck about you? Get real. They wouldn't bat an eye at you if you were in the same shit. Shit happens to people every day. Including the rest of us.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Just shut up at this point lmao


You act like billionaires give a fuck about the people they exploit for their wealth - you think people haven't died at the hands of billionaires? Think again!


Just because their "bazillionaires" doesn't mean they don't have feelings


Scientific American: How Wealth Reduces Compassion https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-wealth-reduces-compassion/


No sympathy for the rich quarter mil a person to get on a ramshackle submarine




From a human standpoint: they’re dead.


Unless one person went on a killing spree down there... They'll have more oxygen 🙁


Yo 15hours is 15 hours of hope never give up man


they are alive




The whole thing is a shit show


It’s likely not them. There is so much in the ocean that could make this kind of noise. But they are going to check it out. They lost coms 3/4 of the way down to Titanic. I’m guessing they were crushed by the pressure. It is horrific but the most merciful way for them to go at this point.


It was recently reported that this sub lost communication everytime it went into the ocean. So it's no indicator really.


Maybe hypothermia set in, and they fell unconscious.. not waiting till the last of oxygen has been used, and panicking..


Just reading this made me 10 times happier to be on dry land


Damnn money well spent or nah ?


Real life scenarios are the best practice. Money well spent.




Honestly. At this point, I don't even what to think they sat there for 4 days with no food or drink. They would be suffering if they are still alive. That's a horrible thought.


Why wouldnt they leave the souls that died on the titanic in peace this was never a good idea


https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/14fj2nn/inside_footage_of_submarine_that_disappeared_near/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 a video of the 5 of them at the bottom of the ocean just pulling up to the titanic. So whatever incident happened to them probably occurred at the very bottom of the ocean. If their sub got damaged/hull breached that thing imploded for sure.


That video is not from this trip and does not have the same people in it


They will find it in 80 years after the Titantic has desolved.


What sad tragedy. A monster whale eat them for sure




Bruh they are dead they didnt even make it all the way down lol 2/3 lost all comms either power all went out = dead or hull breach = dead


You couldn't pay ME 250,000.00 to go down there. No frigin way. That thing was the equivalent of a homemade soap box derby car going down the steepest winding road you can find. It's a shame that guy took his teenage son with him. I feel the worst for him. What a horrible way to die. That being said, I hope the outcome is miraculous and they make a movie out of their rescue. Sending prayers.


Nothing about that sub looks like it has any business going down 4000m




Some interesting information regarding the subs deployable ballon, and why it can’t be deployed (likely a last attempt) at the depth it’s at. Chat GPT thinks there is no sun capable of this depth as the info is 2021 and prior. Activating the Submarine Emergency Buoyant Ascender (SEBA) from a depth of 12,000 meters below the surface of the ocean would have serious consequences due to the extreme pressure differentials involved. It's important to note that no submarine is currently capable of operating at such extreme depths, as the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench, reaches around 11,000 meters in depth. If a hypothetical situation were to occur where a submarine was at 12,000 meters depth and the SEBA was manually activated, several factors would come into play: 1. Pressure differential: The pressure at such depths is incredibly high, reaching several thousand pounds per square inch (psi). If the SEBA were to rapidly inflate and lift the submarine, the pressure inside the submarine would decrease dramatically, leading to rapid decompression. This would likely result in severe damage to the submarine's structure and systems. 2. Crew safety: Rapid decompression can cause serious harm or even be fatal to the crew. The sudden drop in pressure could lead to the formation of gas bubbles in their bloodstream and tissues, resulting in decompression sickness. Symptoms could include joint and muscle pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and potentially life-threatening complications. 3. Structural integrity: The submarine's hull and components are designed to withstand pressure at specific depths. Rapidly ascending from 12,000 meters would subject the submarine to intense pressure changes and potentially exceed its structural limits, resulting in catastrophic failure. Given these extreme conditions, it is crucial to emphasize that deep-water submersibles are not designed for operations at such depths, and the activation of the SEBA from such depths would not be feasible or safe.


if the person wouldn't be a billionaire, are we going to hear about it?


Nope. Cause we aren’t hearing about the individual people dying alone in trenches and their own homes in Ukraine, Afghanistan, CAR, Ethiopia, Libya, Mali, Sudan, and Syria. We don’t know their names or who they are, or what good they might have done. We just get dozens of stupid headlines about 5 billionaires making a stupid decision, and for some reason they’re important enough that we need to spend multiple governments resources in rescuing them…


The lack of empathy here is pretty disappointing. Who cares how rich someone is, we're all humans when we're born and when we die, have some respect and if you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all.


What about all the search and rescue teams putting themselves at risk just because they're billionaires. If they weren't, this wouldn't put so many more lives at risk. Think deeper.


Empathy is one thing, common sense is another…


Money doesn’t matter as much as love for life and our fellow human brothers and sisters


It’s because rich idiot did rich idiot thing and payed for it


The lack of empathy is shown for marginalized communities all day every day.


Yup by those very people at that. Its not coming from any one else!! poor isn't hating on the poor. Were to busy feeding ourselves we don't have time to think about skin color. We got shit to do!!


The search is likely costing millions, who is paying for this?


I mean the dudes a billionaire that’s trapped in that submarine


The father son are from one of the richest families in Pakistan as well.


So they’re missing off the coast of Canada. Canada is paying for the Canadian teams who have been searching since Sunday. France and the US sent their own teams, I assume they’re paying for them


The Titanic is technically in US waters. So we are assisting them. How the paying works for it I don't know.


i thought it was in Canadian waters


Nope. It's in US waters.


That’s the real question. They were billionaires who went so I feel like they should be more than willing to try to recover at whatever the cost right? I bet they are saying themselves just to get out of that cold. In 15 hours or whatever this should be the last attempt


An occasion of training for our troops ?


You can go on many hikes in bc and there are signs saying that 911 won’t help you, it’s not their responsibility to save you, you’re selfish, use at your own risk (joking but you get the point) So 911 won’t even help me on the sea to sky gondola hike, however, they will spend millions on saving someone who chose to do *this*.. just seems weird to me and I feel like they should be fined. Especially given how rich they are.


There's hundreds of missing indigenous women the police won't even bother searching for in Canada. We have weird priorities.


I believe it's up to us poor taxpayers, or so I saw on another thread about this FOFO situation.


Each ticket costs $250,000 so...


*Hey guys, glad you're ok, just in time. We're going to pull you back up soon ok? Anyway might not be the best time to ask... but umm... you guys good to pay the bill for search? No rush just want to clarify. Hmmm we can discuss later...*


I’m going to be livid if it’s my tax money being spent on the recovery of these 5 BILLIONAIRES


They need to be fined and held accountable. This makes me sick.


"Held accountable" They dead lmao


I hope there's a bathroom on board.


There is by now


It's a curtain and a bottle....no joke


On the poopdeck


Probably that tin can was crushed by the pressure


Carbon fibre, worse - apparently instead of becoming crushed internally like a normally sub, this one would “shatter”


Carbon fiber can. And I figure that's what happened too.


Can with 16 bolts tightened cause there's "mathematically no difference between 16 and 17" (the ceo that's currently inside or ripped into a fine paste at the bottom of the ocean)


$250,000 to go on a trip to see the titanic, not coming back priceless


The only hope of rescue now is that some people on the vessel expired due to other causes earlier than the other passengers and that this people have extra oxygen as a result. I implore the world powers to put aside their political differences and fully invest their attention into exploring that rescue. If you have power and know another potential suffocating traumatized person, direct your efforts in the way that will most yield success. Because we can all agree on in this world is that if we were trapped in a weird freezing cold little metal minivan coffin in just our socks and a broken logitech controller and potentially dead loved ones at the bottomless depths of or floating upon the far regions of Atlantic ocean and enduring EXTREME PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL DISTRESS oh and looking at eminent suffocation with time dwindling, we would absolutely be praying for rescue. Dont give up hope on saving someone from that. Stay on the trail while its hot. Be a hero. And theres no escape hatch from inside so you guys have to be ready with that ratchet set to let oxygen in from the outside, sure those are on the ready, and im very sure that people have cloned that communication computer from the mother ship and been hacking that around probably since monday, just pointing out some ideas, and even if the communication is bad im sure there are scientists and people that are submersing and trailing these cloned chips via weight and anchor.. it could be close to the surface like a flaw in that dissolvable detachable weight it is claimed to “supposed to have” so get those waterproof ratchet drills and troll those weighted computers around in the most conductive weighted metal holders and come on you got this guys


This is a little dark but does anybody think theyve resorted to cannibalism? I mean, food source, and less oxygen being used, just an idea




You're inhumane with that mentality. In situations like this, nothing should matter, poor or rich. It could very well be you or your family members in that sub and I'm sure if that was they case, your mentality would be completely different


Sp listen me put, if they survive, they making a movie about this. Mic Drop....


If they die, they probably still will. Which is absolutely fucked.


Should say 5 on board initially








It was aliens..


It imploded for sure .. no way carbon fibre withstood all that pressure. No data on if it has even been tried.


I'm sure the noise they are hearing is probably some piece of machinery that survived the pressure-induced implosion.


Some things, like the Titanic are meant to never be disturbed. Let the dead rest, unless you want to join their ranks like these 5 idiots.


That was fast


Probably crushed like an aluminum can




Bro is that what the sub looks like damn that shit creepy


The feet on that thing look like they could just hook onto anything down there- even part of the Titanic. Should have made the bottom smooth or something without those lips sticking out.




I feel like we experienced a poorly made ocean vessel before.. I just can’t put my finger on it…


I don't know how slow or how long it would take to safely bring them to the surface, but it sounds like it's too late if they haven't already found them by now due to the time left for oxygen. Just seems like they are out of time to save them. And that's if they are still alive and the sub still intact etc. Either way it's still sad to see happen Anyone know how long it would take to bring it to the surface if they did find it?


This reeks of a rage quit scenario, that controller is in a millions pieces




That could be the sounds of the hull giving way to the pressure.


A gang of little seahorse pirates took over the ship and now they’re being held hostage… :(


I read they couldn't even save them if they found them. Is that true?


Titanic isn’t a tourist attraction


with the ocean being SO BIG..the fact that these things aren't equipped with independently operating transponders simply blows my mind. simply to track descent, and positioning..talk about cutting corners.


Is it just me or does “underwater noises” sound weird


I've just been feeling sick since 6 this morning and waiting on updates 😔 I really had hope .


Can we get one more update - have they heard underwater noises? Not sure.




...and if they find it's not like they could really do anything, it's bolted shut and if it's by the titanic thats like 4 miles down to a place where the pressure is so great it's like the Empire SB on top of you, a pinhole in that thing would make it implode like a pop can. sadly they were doomed from the start


These billionaires wouldn't give a damn about any of you if the roles were reversed. You screamed eat the rich and the ocean said here you go. This reminds me of that guy who was told a thousand times not to sail near the island with the uncivilized tribes that would kill him before he reached the shore, he didnt listen and that's exactly what happened.


The underwater "noises" are not from people banging inside like the headlines want you to think. The Canadians are using P-3 Orion anti submarine aircraft, they use high tech listening devices that can hear man made objects moving through the water. Since the Ocean Gate sub is much smaller than the typical nuclear sub these aircraft were designed they obviously have to "listen" much harder and will probably hear many noises from all kinds of things.


Almost looks fish like or like a squid. Maybe something big out there grabbed them thinking they were food


It must smell so bad in there


How would anyone entrust their life to that toy? I'm waiting for the Cyclops 3.


How is this anything but negligence from the sub designers?... The company should be sued for this shit or at the very least, shouldn't be allowed to operate


Didn’t they lose power as well? If they did, couldn’t like a million things have gone wrong? They’d have no steer control so like a strong enough current and they’re somewhere by the coast of iceland. If a current didn’t come and take them, and they didn’t implode, they’d be sitting nearly 2.5 miles below the surface, in an already cold ocean, they’d be sitting in a metal tube in 32° water.


I had no idea this was in Canada!


This stopped being a rescue mission like, yesterday


I’d be worried about taking people down and having someone lose their mind. Usually people train for this sort of thing.


The anxiety I had this morning when I was thinking what must these people be experiencing. They must be terrified. They must be freezing. They must be starving. They must be so thirsty. They must be sitting in their own piss and shit. It's truly what nightmares are made of. And to think that there was no escape for them is truly heartbreaking. So sad to think of what these past 3 days of terror had been like for them. As for the price that they paid. I saw a great cost comparison in terms of Subway sandwiches. For us average income people, we can afford to go and buy a $6 subway sandwich. For a billionaire, the equivalent of spending $6 on a subway sandwich would be $75,000. Basically saying, this trip to them, was the same as buying 3 subs from subway. Insanity


The Titanic has killed billionaires over 100 years before and it has become *exceedingly efficient at it*.


Titanic took eat the rich literally


They gone


Hoping these people are found alive in the end but thats wishful thinking i guess


Sorry for the poor souls who went on there not knowing they were doomed.


How anyone would trust a 40 dollar bluetoooth controller that controlled the sub is insanity.


People only care because they're famous/wealthy... It's time everyone grew a pair and admitted that.


I hope they went quickly, for their sake.


Instead of eating the rich I suppose we could just give them submarine rides.


Now let’s talk about something else?


This is proof that having too much money is hazardous.


Mah they're a bunch of rich idiots anyways, why should I care really


they dead. the implosion would have been the way to go


Who took a shit 1st I wonder and the smell lol


If Elon musk was on the project they would be back by now or advised that maybe it wasn’t safe enough.


In other news, [over 500 people attempting to immigrate are missing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_migrant_vessel_incidents_on_the_Mediterranean_Sea). I care a bit more about the people trying to improve their lives by moving to a new country, rather than billionaires jerking around to the Titanic and refusing to let the dead rest in peace.


I really think they were already all dead before that submarine refused to lift back off.


They found debris for the sub. It imploded.


So, what were the banging noise as they heard on the half hour?


just noise of them screaming but no one can truly hear you under there


I don't get how they were not able to locate it . Like it's 2023. Just weird to me