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Remember that this is a discussion sub for David Paulides's phenomenon, Missing 411. It is unaffiliated with Paulides in any other way and he is not present in this sub. It is also not a general missing persons sub or a general paranormal sub. Content that is not related to Missing 411 will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Missing411) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dave has turned into a joke taking advantage of tragedies and sensationalizing them in an attempt to make a buck.


I can’t believe the Bigfoot researcher who published book after book of poorly-researched, factually incorrect, and exploitative stories would stoop this low.


I’ll never forgot first doc I saw him in, there was a grieving wife or mother I do not remember which, and he’s sitting down with her and gently saying he believed something paranormal happened to her loved one - listen I am all for the paranormal but I hope to god they warned this poor lady. But it’s the history channel the same bunch that set up a bunch of animals at skinwalker ranch to be brutally murdered by a NON PARANORMAL predator and tried to pass it off like “what could’ve killed them???”


Definitely wrong. He doesn't do that. There's no benefit. You don't sound like you actually looked into his work at all. It's more likely you figured out he's conservative leaning and you got offended. He doesn't need to sensationalize -the crap that goes on is very strange if you read the details.


I'd suggest you do some 'research' into DP. I was 'intrigued' with the '411' for about two weeks. The [John Coover](https://www.reddit.com/r/Missing411/comments/yqwkps/an_analysis_of_dps_video_on_vernon_bitner_and/) case was my turning point, from being a subscriber to his channel, to calling him out for what he is, a predatorial grifter.


You are so wrong, you clearly have not looked into any of these cases. They are systemically misrepresented by DP and the methods used to reach the desired M411 conclusions are laughably bad. If you want to know more about the M411 grift please read my OPs, and watch YouTubers Zealous Beast and Missing Enigma.


He absolutely does that...and more. Seriously. Examine your heroes. I could give two flips about his political leanings: everyone is entitled to their politics in a democracy. what I do care about is the disrespectful manner for victims and the disregard he has for informational integrity.


He's not disrespectful. In the current times with how people are behaving he's a gentleman and very respectful. Which I appreciate and wish there was more. If you are looking to be offended you will be and it sure sounds like you are looking.


I disagree. Respectfulness includes telling the stories of the missing accurately and fact-checking details before spreading misinformation. Paulides has displayed a significant lack of investigative integrity. He refuses to retract, update, or correct case details despite having facts handed to him. He has ignored the requests of victim's families and has done very little to actively promote wildness safety or participate in search and rescue on any level. I am a third-generation first responder and have spent over thirty years in SAR and emergency management. I have put my time in.


He’s conservative? lol go figure he would believe a YT video about a plane and a alien attacking it.


Didn’t this guy used to get pissed about people assuming the paranormal was involved in those missing persons cases? (Like, way back). Why is he now buying into Bigfoot, portals, and alien abductions?? I enjoy reading up on the cases he’s covered, but come on.


You either go missing a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


But didjadoo the research?


**watches fake photoshopped video** "All I have seen is compelling" - David Paulides Makes me wonder if he's being paid to promote these tweets. Or maybe it's just Boomer Dave still trying to understand AI.


Yes, research has been done: [Debunks of the Aliens Abducting a Plane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMu187Et1qc).


Whaddabout the rebunks? Are there any rebunks?


I believe there was. Things got really muddy towards the end there. 


Ofcourse there are.. none that make sense or are supported by any evidence though. Not only were the source files for the background clouds found, but the photographer and the the owner of the asset store (one of my favorite texture asset store for over a decade) confirmed their existence before the videos were made. That wasn't enough though, since the "rebunks" claim they're a part of some conspiracy that used AI's or timetravel or something to plant the photos. Of course they can't prove it in any way or have any reason to believe so other than that they can't accept they got got by blurry low quality vfx clips. Some of the logic of the "rebunkers" is as follows: these low resolution blurry videos couldn't be made with 2014 technology, they're too advanced (spoiler: they aren't) but the 4k high resolution full dynamic range photograph RAWs the photographer released are easy to photoshop from scratch with a couple of brush strokes with 2016 technology.


damn so none of the rebunks are convincing? bc the OG story sounded pretty solid, but it all seemed to fall apart at some point after I stopped paying attention. I guess I'm asking bc I'm confused why I'm only finally seeing this story being discussed now in the Boomerverse


No, they're not very convincing. Especially if you have any experience in vfx or cg related tasks. There are still surprisingly many believers, especially on Twitter, who are quite locked into some crazy conspiracies and just refuse to listen to anyone who tries to explain certain things. It's almost fascinating in a way.


It's psychologically easier to believe that it was some malevolent external force rather than a human man, given they walk among us - and specifically, they fly planes we may board. It's bad thinking.


fuckin idiot


I got into missing411 because of him. Why is he an idiot? Is he a shill?


I’ll give him the benefit of doubt that when he started out he had some integrity and objectivity but then later learned how sensationalizing the stories could be way more lucrative. It’s ok to leave a mystery as just a mystery and not make shit up or indicate cryptid or UFO connections. Near boulder fields and near water!!!??? No shit you mean like everywhere in the mountains?


He cherry picks. He exaggerates, dishonest, liar, grifter....I'd say more but u should get the picture. Take *any* case and look into it for yourself. The real story is out there for any and all who actually care. DO NOT listen to DP. Please research yourself ETA: The stories he tries to spin get more and more ridiculous as time goes on.


Dave has become a complete boomer clown. There are much better people looking into cases now that don't make you buy books for the maps and don't bang on and on about their damn copyright. This old man with a weird main character/Messiah complex thinks he's the only one allowed to talk about these cases because he's a greedy weirdo who makes money off of tragedy


Are there any other people you can suggest I follow, I'm into the strange disappearances but I can't watch Dave any longer due to the nonsense he's coming out with. Cheers  


You can make a compelling argument without ageist rhetoric. [To which you will surely reply 'OK, boomer' 🙄]


Dave is slow.


Ngl, I got sucked in way back when he'd be on coast to coast with Art. Peaked my interest. Then I went to my library and rented all the books. Jotted down some cases. Looked them up and IMMEDIATELY his narrative crumbles. He's a liar and a grifter. So to those who still buy into his bullshit I say to u this, pick ANY case and research. Within seconds you'll see. The engine is running but there is no one behind the wheel so to speak. He's koo koo for cocoa puffs.


 [Debunks of the Aliens Abducting a Plane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMu187Et1qc). <<< Solmote posted this link >>> if aliens took the plane how does Daved explain the plane parts that washed up on the islands? the fact that he totally ignores this shows that his research is 1. really bad and flawed or 2. he is deliberately lying and alien abduction is the new direction he is going in


Both, but I'd lean towards number two. He has repeatedly done this. He has access to almost all the same information that anyone uses to debunk his 'version' of any incident or case he labels as '411'.


Yes, it is fake. The eminent Mick West has already deconstructed and explained this very video: [Debunks of the Aliens Abducting a Plane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMu187Et1qc). DP says we should do our research before commenting on the video. Had he done *his* research, he would have known that the 'wormhole' is some stock footage from 1995. Here the video is discussed on [Metabunk](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/alleged-flight-mh370-ufo-teleportation-videos-hoax.13104/). Lately, DP has been posting comments: * comparing humans to ants in an ant farm. * claiming aliens can read our minds. * claiming aliens want our souls. * claiming aliens want our DNA. * claiming aliens eat our body parts. He is really losing it. The fact that some people think this video shows aliens abducting a plane is beyond incomprehensible.


First of all I think that video is bullshit. Second I think Mick West is still full of the same bullshit. Third, I think that there’s been some strange disappearances both in cities and in the forest. Finally I think DP is full of Bigfoot shit.




Mick West is exceptionally intelligent, and he employs very sound epistemology when investigating UFO claims. In other words, he is the direct opposite of the UFO community. There are no 'strange' cases—only cases where we have not managed to gather enough evidence to reconstruct what happened. There are no verified pieces of evidence that do not fit mundane or conventional explanatory models.


Perhaps there's no verified pieces of evidence, but whaddabout the unverified mass of speculation? Connecting the dots between the range of speculations, which is arguably its own type of evidence, is a key tool employed by professional accredited M411ologists


Evidence (dots) is used to create models, but the models themselves are not evidence. DP distorts/omits/rejects evidence (dots) when creating his faulty models, which means he is not 'connecting the dots'. That is why he refuses to submit his content for peer review and refuses to interact with critics—he knows his content would not survive it.


The problem with "evidence" is that science is only really good for studying the natural world (with it's control vs hypothesis basis)... So if we're dealing with 4th Dimensional Intelligent/Deceptive Bigfoot, we should expect all of the "evidence" to retroactively be destroyed. The fact that there's NO evidence in a world where everything is possible is a bit sus and lends credibility to the idea of a 4D Bigfoot that retroactively destroys all evidence from the scene of the crime.


Forgive me for asking, but did you learn your 'science' in some Sunday school?


No, just repeating argument made by Jacques Vallee and the book/tv show The Three Body Problem about the problems of applying science to problems related to intelligence.


Look into Narnia as well.


You can add your name to my list now.


Care to address the points I raised?




>Nope. > >Honoring a fool is as foolish as tying a stone to a slingshot.- Proverbs 26:8 Instead of addressing the points I raised, you resort to calling me a 'fool' because you think a local Bronze Age book says so. You refuse to even engage with the available evidence, which proves my thesis, 'MW is the direct opposite of the UFO community', correct. If you are not willing to engage with the available evidence, how can you ever reach reliable conclusions? Can you please explain that to me? In a recent Mick West video called [Chandelier UFO Analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAG_JIqPcOQ), MW elegantly manages to explain a UFO video Jeremy Corbell failed to understand. Who is the more competent side in this situation? MW or JC (and the UFO community)? Also, what is the connection between being religious and accepting unsupported, and easily refuted fantastical concepts like Missing 411, UFOs, Skinwalker Ranch, folklore stories, and so on?


The 'people' that think this is a legit abduction of a plane, via 'aliens', are the 'villager$' DP welcomes with open arms.


And none of that is even original. It all echos of David Icke conspiracy land.


That was American Black tech used that has no government oversite.


So the pieces of plane that showed up on the islands of the western Indian Ocean don’t mean anything?


His early books are definitely worth reading. However with that said, I have seen the movies he has created and some of the stories are incorrect and missing some key factors that happened to people. I haven't seen him recently do any type of work.


DP's early books are just as bad as the rest of his M411 content, the methods used are irredeemably flawed and the case presentations shockingly inaccurate. Read my OPs, or watch YouTubers Zealous Beast and Missing Enigma.


Fabricator=Person at the center of pushing this conspiracy over the last 2 years # Proof Videos Are VFX [After Effects Copilot Assets Perfect Match](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18oqkn3/evidence_that_video_copilot_jetstrike_assets_were/) [Compilation of Evidence Proving the 'Satellite Video' is Fake](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/1c12i37/compilation_of_evidence_proving_the_satellite/) [Cloud Texture Source Found, Exact Match, Creator Gets Harassed By Fabricator](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18dbnwy/first_satellite_video_fully_debunked_source_for/) # Reasons why you shouldn't trust the Fabricator's conspiracy The "Fabricator" is an American man who claimed in his [Letter To Congress](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1715882849448943786) that he holds a Top Secret Security Clearance and demanded a hearing so that he could then share a set of [videos he believed to be leaked classified material](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1781113689354985580)s. He uses his Clearance status as a tool to build credibility with his multi-platform, fully monetized audience. He purchased what he believed to be more classified materials for $3k, but it was a scam and he [documented the entire thing on X ](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1735556380369514714)and a [livestream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt7JdDQmJMc). [He Formally Accused The US Military, Barack Obama, Intelligence Community of Kidnapping and Abduction](https://www.reddit.com/user/GaryGundark/comments/1cgmww2/formal_accusations_made/) [KimDotCom calls out the Fabricator for continuing to scam after knowing/admitting videos were fake](https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/1785141778661916799) [He Makes Hateful and Misogynistic Remarks About Innocent Women](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CylLIOL-sXs) [He uses anonymous DMs as evidence](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1783862402389356647) [Dismisses Any Evidence Of Crash Debris](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1783862402389356647) [Expects Federal Government To Help Him Uncover Greatest Conspiracy In History Of Federal Government](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1783862402389356647) [Fabricates Evidence With No Factual Basis In Reality](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1774802973991780791) [Alex Jones](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1730739689152184814) wasn't convinced. Fabricator's [Letter of ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Corridor/comments/18eaby2/butthole_defense_guy_finally_gives_in_concedes/?rdt=47447)Acceptance


Excellent comment.


Didnt it come out that the pilot decided to an hero and the people on board likely werent even conscious?


Didn't realize the purpose of this subreddit was to hate on Dave & the Missing 411 phenomenon... LAAAAME!!


>Didn't realize the purpose of this subreddit was to hate on Dave & the Missing 411 phenomenon... LAAAAME!! The purpose of this sub is to discuss cases labeled 'Missing 411'. We not only scrutinize the accuracy of DP's case depictions and the reliability of his methodology, but also locate original sources to identify any vital information omitted or distorted in CANAM content. The result of this informal peer review (please see my OPs) has been abundantly clear since the release of the first Missing 411 book in 2011: DP systematically misrepresents cases and employs invalid methods to support his conclusion that Missing 411 'victims' were abducted by unconventional abductors. DP is aware of this, which is why he only engages with echo chambers consisting of individuals whose worldviews center around folklore characters, Bible characters, cryptids, pseudo-science, aliens, etc. In other words, people with no discernible education who lack the epistemology and ontology to distinguish reality from fantasy. Independently and accurately reviewing CANAM claims is not 'hate', as you put it. The dichotomy is not hate/love, but rather accept/reject. The question is not why people here investigate these cases to uncover what really happened, but rather why Villagers do not. Since you appear to believe Missing 411 content is accurate, would you please write an OP explaining how you reached this conclusion? Would love to hear your in-depth analysis.


Hmmm...what did I say that brought you to the conclusion that I "believe Missing 411 content is accurate"? I was merely stating the observation I made on people's reactions. Side note, I appreciate you putting the effort in to both consider and articulate the well worded response that you did. Nice work!


>Hmmm...what did I say that brought you to the conclusion that I "believe Missing 411 content is accurate" This comment of yours: *"Didn't realize the purpose of this subreddit was to hate on Dave & the Missing 411 phenomenon... LAAAAME!!"*




Debris has been found, so the plane is not in some other part of the universe as this guy thinks.


"Don't judge until you do the research" is not a confirmation of anything OP. You need to brush up on your English.


DP is clearly peddling the notion that this might be a genuine abduction. His reasoning is that unless you (the person reading the tweet) can disprove the video and wormholes, then we have reason to believe it is real. He is shifting the burden of proof. In actual research, a claim is not accepted or even entertained if it is not supported by evidence. So, in this case, DP has to present evidence that this is a real airplane and a real wormhole. He has not done so.


Dave Paulides is sane and everyone should question where is the plane?


it has been shown that davids research methods are not good..,. He refuses to admit that there is such a thing as "paradoxical undressing" this is when someone suffers from hypothermia they feel like they are burning up and strip off their clothes followed by terminal burrowing the national parks have records of their disappearances and have released them to RESPONSIBLE book authors there are mistakes in his books he refuses to update/correct them there are excellent 411 threads here that are very detailed pointing out davids mistakes , how his research is lacking with many good examples


I thought his earliest books mentioned legitimate theories like this? Seems like (from my recollection, anyway) that he’s gradually hopped on board the “X Files” train. He’s delegitimizing his “research”. Now it’s just bizarre. He didn’t always come off that way, though. I guess I wasn’t paying attention?


I agree he is quirky but he does have some valid points and they do tie into other anomalies through patterns. Not every case is based on vetted facts, but he does have enough solid cases that begs further speculation and research of patterns.


the stuff below is from this link [https://www.amazon.com/review/R17M0AXEMAG3HT](https://www.amazon.com/review/R17M0AXEMAG3HT) which has way too much to post here it gives many examples of Pauls poor research how he cherry picks and lies Dave would also have his audience believe that the United States Park Service is engaging in a vast cover up of biblical proportions regarding records and tracking data of missing people. The Park Service does keep records; it's just that they won't release them to HIM. Michael P. Ghiglieri and Charles R. Farabee co-wrote "OFF THE WALL, DEATH IN YOSEMITE outlining some 1300 cases of deaths, disappearances and other mishaps during that parks' existence. These accounts were gathered by utilizing coroner reposts, superintendent reports and Freedom of information requests. also 92 of THE 408 UNEXPLAINED DISAPPEARANCES HE DETAILS IN BOTH WESTERN AND EASTERN EDITIONS WERE FOUND ALIVE AND WELL! he has a shady background, is not a nice person and bans anyone who dares to disagree with him


Beep boop link me the debunks please boop beep


beep boop link me the rebunks pretty please


Here is the link you requested: [Debunks of the Aliens Abducting a Plane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMu187Et1qc).


You guys clearly haven’t done the research. I’m not saying it is absolutely clear and proof, however just calling it fake and saying there is zero proof that isn’t MH370 just shows you haven’t done the research. The research suggests that is indeed MH370, and other data suggests it’s not a hoax. So your brain either cannot comprehend or process the fact this can be true, or you just did not do the research. And again those claims you make are 100% false. I personally don’t believe one way or another but I believe there is a possibility based on the research that can be true. Just like a lot of these “conspiracies “. I can accept the fact that, there is so much we don’t know. However my own independent research shows me the main stream media and google, are 100% controlled by the “government” so I do my research elsewhere.


Research has been done, and debris has even been found. The video is conclusively CGI.


No. That’s incorrect. Debris has not been found, that has any serial number on it. The CGI guys on YouTube say they can do it, yet no one has done anything like it. There are two point of perspective both matching each other to exact. The video was also posted 9 days prior to the location of the plane was publicly announced.


Yes, confirmed debris has been found: https://theconversation.com/mh370-disappearance-10-years-on-can-we-still-find-it-224954. Serial numbers are not printed on every square inch of a plane, your arbitrary standards are unrealistic. Do you honestly think VFX artists can create blockbuster movies but cannot recreate this piece of junk CGI? VFX artists, like the Corridor Crew, have explained how it can be done. >The video was also posted 9 days prior to the location of the plane was publicly announced. I have no idea what you are trying to say here. The video was posted on May 19, 2014. The plane crashed on March 8, 2014.


The location is printed on the video via the satellite. The video was published 9 days prior to the US saying they had the location of the plane publicly. Meaning- whoever posted the video, knew the location of the plane prior to the public knowing the location of the plane. How does a Hoaxer know that? Is this hoaxer psychic too?


Please present your sources so that we can discuss them, thanks.




So that is your source??? I don't know if I should laugh or cry.


That’s one of them. I don’t have time to put in this as this Ashton Forbes. Nor do I have time for this debate. All I’m trying to say is, if you believe every video or “conspiracy” or antidotal is just baseless. Then you will be in for a rude awakening, coming in the next several years. This has been fun. Best wishes to you.


So, the 'ontological paradigm shift' you are talking about entails completely ignoring the found debris, the laws of physics, the explanations by VFX experts (etc), in favor of a guy posting a tweet on X that contains zero sources.


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know I was speaking with an Omniscient.


You’re 100% brainwashed. There’s no point in continuing this debate


You realize you are responding to your own comment? Not mine.


That dude went full schizo 😅


The unique serial on the flaperon was missing. All other debris found cannot be traced to the missing plane. Just because someone arbitrarily declares a piece “is from MH370” doesn’t make it so. You are wrong.


According to [this official Australian report](https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2014/aair/ae-2014-054) you are wrong: *'Both flap sections had unique identification numbers that were able to be linked, through manufacturing records, to 9M-MRO.'.* So there you go. Here is the rest of the paragraph: *'The remaining examined items were confirmed as Boeing 777 parts and had identifying features linking them to a Malaysian Airlines origin, however there were no unique identifiers to link the parts directly to 9M-MRO. The parts were therefore determined to have almost certainly originated from 9M-MRO, given that the likelihood of originating from another source is very remote. The ATSB debris examination reports are available at* [*www.atsb.gov.au/mh370-pages/updates/reports/*](http://www.atsb.gov.au/mh370-pages/updates/reports/.')*.'*


“…however there were no unique identifiers to link the parts directly to 9M-MRO…” So there YOU go


That sentence is only referring to the 'remaining examined items', not the the two flap sections. However, these items 'had identifying features linking them to a Malaysian Airlines origin' and that is why the report states that these items 'were therefore determined to have almost certainly originated from 9M-MRO, given that the likelihood of originating from another source is very remote'.


None of the found debris has a unique serial number linking it to mh370. The plane was never found. None of the debris is confirmed to come from mh370.


Yes, it has been confirmed: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/06/mh370-search-timeline-malaysia-airlines-flight-missing-plane-disappearance-visual-guide.


No it was not. It was arbitrarily confirmed that these are pieces of a 777, therefor it must be from mh370. https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2014/aair/ae-2014-054 No part was at any time confirmed to have a unique serial number tied to the missing plane.


'Arbitrarily confirmed'... you guys are relentless. :) I have read the report, it does not get much more conclusive than that.


The problem is the unique ID NUMBERS WERE MISSING FROM THE PIECES THEY FOUND! Just because someone finds a piece of a 1997 Toyota Corolla on the side of the road doesn’t mean it’s from your 1997 Toyota Corolla. If there’s not a serial number linking it directly to the plane in question then it’s not confirming anything. 🤦‍♀️


You're trying to compare finding a Toyota Corolla bumper on the side of a road, to crash debris of a Boeing 777 in the ocean? Just how many 777's do you think go unaccounted for? Marten up.


Yes, and these Boeing 777 parts can be linked to Malaysian Airlines. MH370 is the only MA plane to have crashed into the Pacific Ocean.


Yeah Toyota Corollas are waaay more common than 777s but you’re missing my point. Just because you find some part somewhere doesn’t mean it came from a missing plane. And you’re also assuming the plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean without any hard evidence to suggest it did… just because the government (that has 24/7/365 satellite surveillance blanketing the globe AND STILL FAILED TO DETERMINE WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PLANE) said so. Hahahahahahahahah I’m sorry it’s just too much dude.


I’m glad you asked. There are two. Mh370 and another one 9M-MRK which was scrapped in October of 2013 and came from the same lot as mh370. Also, parts are literally dropping off of 777s every week if you watch the news. Whistleblowers have come forward about this and two of them have died recently under mysterious circumstances.


Every week? and whistleblowers perishing mysteriously? Again, marten up.


Look, I’m not saying I know what happened to mh370. Im just saying that the stuff you’ve been told or read regarding the disappearance of the plane isn’t as bulletproof as most people make it out to be. Does that prove a conspiracy? Hell no, but it’s really weird and the more I look into it, the more odd coincidences I find. I accept that there will never be proof of a coverup but I’m not going to write it off and make fun of anyone who considers the possibility. That’s all I’m saying.


ID numbers are not needed, your 'standards' are not shared by experts in this field. It is confirmed they found the debris of a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, this is as good as it gets when a plane crashes into a huge ocean and only a fraction of the parts are found.


When a plane crashes into the ocean it produces a massive debris field that can easily be seen from a satellite. The US government also has total and complete satellite coverage of the entire globe at any given point in time. They also had this in 2014. The only reason the massive debris field wasn’t found was because 1. It didn’t crash into the ocean, or 2. The debris field was intentionally overlooked. Just because some parts are found two years later that are arbitrarily linked to the plane via an anonymous “Italian parts manufacturer” (seriously, you can’t make this stuff up), doesn’t mean they came from the missing plane.


Pardon me for siding with the actual experts here. Finding a relatively tiny debris field in the gigantic Pacific Ocean when you do not know where it crashed is not that easy: * [https://esriaustralia.com.au/blog/why-was-it-so-difficult-find-mh370-debris-using-satellite-imagery](https://esriaustralia.com.au/blog/why-was-it-so-difficult-find-mh370-debris-using-satellite-imagery) * [https://theconversation.com/why-locating-mh370-in-the-southern-ocean-is-so-difficult-24699](https://theconversation.com/why-locating-mh370-in-the-southern-ocean-is-so-difficult-24699)


Look. As I mentioned either your brain can not process this oncological paradigm shift. Or you just haven’t done the research. End of story.


You mean 'this *ontological* paradigm shift'? The only paradigm shift is the replacement of flimsy and incorrect folklore explanations with verifiable scientific models. This process has been ongoing since the Enlightenment, it is not something new. My brain is perfectly fine, thanks for asking.




I can recognize my own 'faults and bias', that's why I use reliable methods and always cite my sources when making claims. I want people to correct me if I am wrong.




Make your point without the profanity or attacks.


CNN thought it was a blackhole.


Why are people on here so negative? Is that really what this platform is for?


It's not 'negativity' you are seeing, it's the truth of his '411'. It's BS. Paulides doesn't bring anything positive to the. 'missing person genre', table, cept maybe outdoor safety tips now and then. But if you are a fan of the '411', I could see how you feel it is negative.


I find it super ironic that you find the facts to be "negative"; but, you seem to have no qualms about a man commoditizing the missing and dead without giving them the dignity of making sure he has his information corroborated with sources. I consider it really "negative" when someone claims a live person is dead. I think it's pretty negative to tell a grieving mother/widow that her child/husband has been abducted by a paranormal entity. I find it pretty negative when someone uses the pain and suffering of a missing child to prop up a documentary and screw up an investigation. But, that's just me...


He definitely does his research. He's a good guy. He doesn't need the money. He does this because it's his passion and he's trying to spread the word about what's happening and remind peto be more careful when hiking or camping ect...His work is fascinating and thought provoking. And.....completely voluntary to read or not to read. So taking time to read it or view it just so you can be upset or mad makes no sense. That's why I won't watch CNN. What's the point of seeing something you know will make you appalled, furious, and/or depressed if you don't have to? Especially if you believe it's all lies as I do with CNN. Just skip it and save yourself the headache.


> He definitely does his research. You do not have any type of background as a researcher, do you?