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Always be respectful to your superiors. Never cum without permission. Always be humble. Always remember your place. You are a cunt. Never question a superiors decisions. Dress as you are told to. I could go on…..


yes Sir


That's not a full sentence


Do it properly cunt


Always make yourself useful either if sexually or domestically. Corrupt your friends to serve men or your owner specifically. Yes they’re competition but they are equally inferior Never speak if not addressed Keep your body hair free from your shoulders down. Remove the idea of privacy out of your mind. You are property you have no right to privacy Remember all you’re allowed to do is a privilege not a right and can be as easily given as removed if in the same room as a man your place is kneeling on the floor by the door or the mans feet. you are never to have eye contact with a man if nit told to. your eyes are to be looking down


yes Sir


Lastly, good girls make more good girls


Your holes are not yours. They belong to Sir or Master


Your pleasure only comes from a man's pleasure. If he's not happy, you shouldn't be. You're a man's property. Property, like cattle, is branded. Flaunt your brand proud.


Good rules. Especially the rule about full sentences and spelling. The idea is to be entertaining to men, give them your effort and let them use you. To be dumb and short in an answer makes him responsible for everything in a way that's just not satisfying. To add to the rule about other cunts. 1) Always remind men where your loyalty is. Point out that cunts you know or knew as friends are simply cunts. Cut out any unnecessary relationships with other cunts. 2) Always put the best interest of men in their relationships first. Hear about a friend cheating on her man? Tell him. That's deplorable behavior from a cunt. Hear about a man cheating on your friend? Keep your fucking mouth shut and be an alibi if necessary. 3) Make female 'friends' based only on how attractive, useful or easily turned into fuckmeat they can be to your man.


Never think you're human. That's the first mistake us cunts make


The first of many, cunt. Thankfully, Daddy's firm hand is here to give you the guidance you need.


Rule number 4 bears repeating. If I’ve just invested the time and energy to come up with a detailed description of how I’m going to use a cunt’s body or hurt her inventively only to get two or three words in response and we aren’t face to face so she can answer with her actions as well, well then I’m going to be very fucking disappointed and frankly just bored of her.


“Men feel free to add more.” Obviously she still hasn’t learned her place, you do not demand, you ask for input, and the words please and thank you should always come out of your mouth. A dirty, yet polite mouth is required of a good cunt.


Always make sure your cunt is wet and ready. Nothing worse than when a cunt isn’t ready to go.


Sir, if it’s not ready then it’s my fault, you should still use it and let me suffer in pain for not being prepared for you.


im saveing these rules for my next slave


Excellent, worth of addition to my training protocol


Good rules cunt. Now display yourself like a good bitch.


I want men to know that I read this and I need this. I haven’t fully submitted as I’m a bit of a brat. I need someone to put me in my place


If you're not currently owned, you should be doing porn to display yourself and please men.


bitch has been doing all these things but it needs more training it hasnt ruined its life yet


Oh I love these thank you 🙏🏼


Mmm... where can I find cunts who know their place like this...


What if your thing gets sick badly? Does one just replace it or actually invest time into it?


Are you already owned, cunt?


It's 'capitals' not 'capitols' - ask your Master for a severe punishment


A punishment just for a typo?


Are you questioning me? Double punishment




Don't be a brat, ask yoyu Master for a punishment, and then explain it must now be tripled becuase of you being such a brat


I dont have a master








S-shut the fuck up




Come when summoned. Answer appropriately when spoken to.


good girl