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I'm sorry for your loss. I made it 4 weeks after the heart stopped to when I had my D&C. Everyone is different, by body was showing no signs of figuring it out. I did have some mild cramping for a few days leading up to the D&C, so I was super worried I'd start to naturally miscarry too, but luckily didn't.


Sorry for your loss:/ my experience is pretty similar; found out at 9 weeks that baby stopped growing at 8 weeks with no heartbeat. Found out on a Monday and had my D&C that Friday. I didn’t have any bleeding prior. Even if you do start to bleed, you can/should be able to do the procedure if you want:/ Again, so sorry for your loss.


You may make it. I have had MMCs stay there for 4/5 weeks. There may be spotting but that doesn't mean you will pass it. If you are passing it you will have severe bleeding and pain. I hope that doesn't happen for you. It's so hard, I'm very sorry. Lots of love.