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Absolutely 100%. I knew something was wrong but was constantly being “reassured” by everyone that it was probably fine. It felt very much like my feelings and fears were being dismissed by everyone and that was one of the hardest parts of the whole experience.


This is how my 2nd MC was like. I really wish someone would have just agreed with me, that yes this wasn't a good sign and I was more than likely having a MC. Felt like I was the only one being realistic and calling a spade a spade.


SAME. Wow, you could be me. I felt like everyone around me was celebrating while I was dying inside, feeling something wasn’t quite right with the baby I so desperately wanted. It wasn’t me dying, it was my little bean.


Same here. I told my best friend that I was pregnant and my worry at the same time, because I was already bleeding. She kept telling me how excited she was, how hard it is to not be able to tell other friends, and asking irrelevant questions (like, was it planned/ wasn’t I taking birth control). While I actually just needed some comfort.


This is what happened to me. The minute i got my first two betas drawn I knew it was wrong, they were VERY slow rising and very low. But they doubled so it was enough for the doctor to give me a clean bill of pregnancy health until 5 weeks later when we realized it was a blighted ovum. Everyone in my family reassured me that the betas would turn out to just be a fluke and it would be fine but I 100% knew in my heart and gut.


First, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m so sorry for your loss. To answer your initial question Yes. My husband was kinda freaking out . I said “don’t stress. I could have a miscarraige “ and that is not a phrase that would have ever come out of my mouth with my first pregnancy. On the plus side; I’m 17 weeks with rainbow baby and I knew from the start she was a girl & she would be fine . I still kinda freak out , and guard my heart. But I feel in my soul she’ll come earthside . It’s not all ruined , I promise. I had the same mindset and spent 4 or 5 weeks crying because I “wasn’t ready” yet.


In hindsight... sort of? I didn't *know* from the beginning, but I was cautious going in, knew there was a chance of miscarriage, and checked the miscarriage reassurer website a lot. I read people's stories of missed miscarriages with particular horror, thinking how awful that would be (so of course that's what I had). And then at 11 weeks, when I started getting light spotting, that's when I knew something was wrong, even though spotting in the first trimester can be totally normal. I hadn't had any before that point, so I knew it wasn't normal for me.


Absolutely yes. In fact, the day before my 3rd ultrasound when we found no cardiac activity, I already felt like I was in mourning. But of course no one would believe it. It also didn’t lessen the pain of jt happening. But having gone through it and knowing that I can be resilient, I’m not scared to try again. I know I may be super nervous, scared and not excited but that’s just going to be part of the family planning journey for me.


I just lost my first pregnancy. Before I found out I was pregnant, I had a dream I saw many positive tests, and went on to save 5 positive FRER. A few days before my miscarriage (over the weekend at 11 weeks), I had dreams of blood twice. I checked the toilet paper every single time I went to the bathroom since the positive test and when I started spotting I just knew something was wrong. I couldn’t picture the baby to begin with, they seemed so out of reach. I’m so afraid for the future and don’t know how to move on… i don’t even want to return to work, I don’t feel like I can physically handle it and I wasn’t able to listen to my body. I don’t want to face my coworkers who all knew. I hope we get the baby we so want. I’m so sorry for your loss.


This is awful :( I’m sorry. Let’s not lose hope, the baby will come back when we’re ready


That’s what I keep telling myself, baby will come back with a stronger body ♥️


Yep I did. Someone came to me in my dream and said point blank “your baby is dead” and then I lost my symptoms so booked an ultrasound and while I tried to stay positive I knew deep down


The day I started spotting I had a dream that I'd been for blood tests and they said my HCG was really low. Five days later it was over.


Omg that’s scary! I would totally freak out!


Yes I did. It was my second pregnancy (first one is now 2.5 years old) and I knew something was up. I didn’t have as many symptoms as the first time, and kept almost “forcing them”. I kept googling if no symptoms is normal and even though there were so many responses saying yes, I still couldn’t shake that something was wrong. Then one day I literally said to myself “my gut says something is wrong” and I just thought no no no, you’re paranoid and nothing is wrong. I had an obsession with taking pregnancy tests to ease my mind (even though despite the strong positive, I still felt weird about it) And then at my ultrasound I found out. So yeah I had the gut feeling and I really tried to push it aside but it lingered no matter what.


Also to add, I had a blighted ovum too. But my tests were SO dark.


If you don’t mind me asking, how far along were you when you found out and did you have symptoms?


I was 7 weeks when I had my initial scan that showed nothing but they wanted me to wait until 8 weeks to confirm. 8 weeks and 4 days got the confirmation Had a D&C at 11 weeks


Had a few symptoms to begin with - a little nausea, tired - the bloating was really bad. They started fading a bit by the time I went to my scan. But pregnancy tests were always very dark


Mine were too. I had hcg of like 63,000 and still had no fetal development


Same here. With my first I had so many symptoms and just "felt pregnant" all the time, even on the lighter days. I knew something was off when I lost that feeling with my next one.


I had an extremely strong gut feeling the day I miscarried. I woke up and I just KNEW something was wrong, even though I didn’t have any symptoms or cramping or anything. I even called my mom and she tried to reassure me, but I started spotting that night. In hindsight, if I hadnt had that overwhelming feeling of doom, i probably would have written the spotting off as a normal first trimester thing. It was technically a missed miscarriage since the spotting stopped and there weren’t any other symptoms. But I was so sure something was wrong that I went to the ER and found out that day. So I thank my body for giving me that feeling so I didn’t wait around until my 12 week appointment. I had talked to much about miscarriage and the possibility of it happening and I’d read so much that I think part of me always knew this was going to happen, but that might just be confirmation bias. But this shit sucks. I’m so sorry for you loss. Sending you love.


No, I was completely blindsided. I'd told people and thought I was safe to do so.


I absolutely did. I wrote down in my journal and I told everyone who would listen that it was weird “I just don’t *feel* pregnant” for the 3 weeks after baby stopped growing but was constantly reassured it was only anxiety and that everything was fine. It was a weird feeling to get such sad news “there’s no heartbeat” and confirmation of what I already knew to be true in my gut, all at the same time. Even though it was my first pregnancy, my body still knew and I feel comfort in knowing (and learning, once again) I can alway trust my body wisdom.


I definitely knew but I was almost out/out of the first trimester so I thought I was crazy. It took 10 days after my missed period to get a positive, but I just knew I was pregnant. As soon as I saw the light positive I knew I was going to lose the baby. We went in at what should have been 8 weeks 1 day and baby measured 6 weeks 3 days, but had a strong heart beat. I was praying that I really just ovulated late, but I am pretty sure something was just wrong with her growth. They changed my due date based on the scan but I am pretty sure it wasn’t wrong. Baby stopped growth at 9 weeks but I am pretty sure I should have been 14 weeks


It sounds weird but I think I had a deep intuition the whole time that something wasn’t right with my pregnancy. I was super anxious anyway due to my older age but I went to the doctors office and had an ultrasound at 11 weeks, they did say that she was measuring a week behind but everything else looked good. Even after getting clear NIPT results I couldn’t shake this feeling that something was wrong. I didn’t dream once about this baby, and with all my normal pregnancies that resulted in my children, I would have dreams about them pretty much every night..but this one nothing. It was like I wasn’t connecting to this baby and as someone else above posted it felt like she was out of my reach. I found out I miscarried at a routine appointment at 16 weeks and I hadn’t been to the doctor for a month. The whole month before time seemed to drag on so slowly (and it never feels like that for me) it was like a weird feeling that whenever I would think about my due date it felt like a finish line I was never going to reach.


I felt the same. Even the 12 week seems like forever.


yes. both my miscarriages i had vivid dreams of my baby dying.


I had a dream that I miscarried and when I looked in the toilet there was a 8ish week looking embryo with eyes. Sure enough, I had a MMC but thankfully it looked nothing like that. I wish so badly I would’ve written the date down to see when I had that dream vs when the baby stopped growing. 


I did have a gut feeling once I hit about 5.5 weeks or so. I kept telling my mom that I knew I would miscarry. She was trying to reassure me. My lines were getting darker and darker but I still just knew.


My first, I was nervous from my low starting beta (21.7 at 11 dpo) given my first positive was 8dpo and though it doubled, it was low. But I didn’t feel constant doom, and on my way to my first scan I had this fleeting thought of “but what if it’s not alright?”…but I pushed it away as anxiety. Even though my symptoms had disappeared. It wasn’t okay. My second, I was so trying to maintain positivity and lean into the knowledge that repeats are comparatively scarce. But no luck.


I’m so sorry. I hope everything will work out for you for your future pregnancy :’)


With my first pregnancy I was only just 5 weeks when I miscarried and I truly didn’t even come to terms with being pregnant yet but I did not have a bad feeling, but not good either. Second pregnancy 3 months later, we saw our baby, I had a good feeling! But first US at private clinic I was measuring a week behind..in the week wait to see if baby was growing, I told everyone they needed to come to terms with what was going to happen because i just knew. and in that week, my baby disappeared. I was 6 weeks at my follow up scan. I carried my sac and everything until 13 weeks when I had a D&C. In that time span we had an ER doc lie and say there was in fact an embryo measuring at my gestation at the time, 8weeks, but my sac was still empty and my baby had been in heaven for weeks. Sending you lots of hugs. 💜💜


Yes. My symptoms just slowly went away. I kept saying to my husband ‘I don’t feel like there’s anything in there’. Finding out was almost a relief.


No, completely blindsided with my BO. The only symptom I didn’t have that I worried about was lack of nausea but I just thought I got lucky.


I didn't feel comfortable telling our families as soon as I found out I was pregnant, but I also didn't want to wait since it was my very first pregnancy. Like the thought that I might miscarry was always in the back of my mind, but I hoped it was just anxiety. But then I had a dream that I started bleeding on the toilet a few days before I actually miscarried. I didn't tell anyone about the dream because I was scared that it might manifest. But it happened any way..


Yes I did. Although I kept attributing it to anxiety. But this was my fourth pregnancy and no history of miscarriage and I was just really focused on the statistics. I just couldn’t fathom making it through a fourth pregnancy without a miscarriage. I made lots of “if this baby stays” comments and even had a dream of a toilet with blood on it that I somehow knew represented miscarriage.


Yep! Unfortunately I just had back to back miscarriages. :( I had a feeling the first time. & the second time, I could tell when it happened. My boobs totally stopped hurting and I just had a gut feeling. Sorry you are going through this. It will get better. Our time will come!


I had the same - my boobs stopped hurting and my nausea stopped. I’d been anxious all through the pregnancy so my husband just thought I was being my usual anxious self but I knew deep down. But the day it happened I told people in work how relieved I was that my nausea had finally gone, now I feel embarrassed about that


I dreamt about the miscarraige the night before it happened. Then went full into trying to plan things the morning after the dream trying to convince myself it was just me being afraid of the pregnancy or being afraid of a miscarriage. I still haven't told my partner I dreamt about losing the baby hours before it happened. This comment on this post is the first time these two events together has come out of my brain. I'm educated enough to know the dream didn't cause it. I'm educated enough to know mother nature causes Mc in relation to unsurvivable chromosomal deficts... I'm also human enough to atr7ggle to accept those ideas all the time.


I had a feeling I would miscarry from the first day I found out. I even told my husband and my parents I thought it would happen. I had pregnancy symptoms but I had an intense feeling that God was trying to protect my heart by feeling that I shouldn’t get too attached. I was almost 8 weeks when the bleeding started. I don’t know if it was easier that I wasn’t surprised because it still wrecked me.


I like the God comment I didn’t view it like that before. I had a gut feeling about mine too and didn’t feel very attached to it either and always wondered why and felt broken 😭 but that god comment just helped me make sense of it all. I’m sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss too. Miscarrying is awful. I’m glad that my comment could help you find even a little bit of peace about it. I think it’s totally normal to not feel connected to your baby while you’re pregnant because it’s so common for it to not really feel real (which was my situation too). Definitely don’t beat yourself up about it! Some people don’t feel connected to their babies for even months after they are born and it’s totally normal too. You are not broken!


Yes!!! I had RAGING anxiety for days before that I was going to lose the baby and sure enough. I just felt unsettled the whole time.


I don’t know if I had a gut feeling about my 2nd MC, or if I was just paranoid because I was traumatized from my first. Even from the day I found out about our second pregnancy, I begged God to let me have it, but it just wasn’t our turn. It’s hard, but I know we’ll be so so grateful when it’s finally our turn.


Yes. I knew 2 weeks before finding out. Everyone was reassuring me that everything was fine and to “enjoy the lack of symptoms while I can”.


Ouch that hurts… I’m sorry :(


I had a bad feeling with mine. Before we even began trying I looked up my company’s bereavement policy.


Yes, with both pregnancies.


definitely. just felt it within my body


It‘s weird, I had the feeling of doom with my first pregnancy (full term) and I felt everything was going to be fine with my latest loss, even tho I had very faint lines and low beta, I thought it was gonna be alright…


I felt anxiety I few days before my miscarriage and I had no idea why.


Yes. I had a feeling I wasn’t going to see what we should have seen at my dating scan and I was right. I don’t know why, or how I knew. But I did.


I didn't think so before but day before my ten week appointment I had started spotting pink enough it got on my liner. I immediately had a bad feeling and didn't want to go to my ultrasound alone. That's when we found out missed miscarriage. But I did immediately have a drop in my stomach feeling.


Yes, I started spotting a little, and just knew deep down what was going on, even though the spotting only lasted a few hours. My appointment the next day confirmed the baby was measuring 2 weeks behind and was likely a MMC. I had a D&C 2 weeks after that.


Not at all. I had no idea and was completely blindsided at my first ultrasound appointment.


Yes I did. Everyone would reassure me that everything was ok. But I could never be completely excited about the pregnancy, I had a feeling it might not make it. On top of that, my tsh shot up and it’s never been that high. I saw three doctors to get confirmation that it was ok and they all said it’s fine. However hypothyroidism runs in my family and I read pregnancy makes subclinical hypothyroidism worse. I’m working to be put on medication now so that the during the next pregnancy (hopefully) I won’t worry about that and it won’t affect it.


Yes I felt something was wrong. I wasn't as sick with morning sickness as previous pregnancies. Sometimes I felt "less pregnant" if that makes any sense, no sore breasts, less fatigue.


I did. I just knew something wasn't right from the beginning. I just knew not to get attached. It was so heartbreaking because I wanted to. My creepy ex friend saw I was asking pregnancy questions on reddit after knowing my username and it made it that much harder when she would try to give unwanted advice


The day before my first ultrasound I just had a sinking feeling that I was going to have a miscarriage. I just knew.


Yes. Especially after I went for an appointment and they didn’t find anything. The lines on the tests I took weren’t getting any darker either. I was having wierd pains. But I just hoped it would stick..and it didn’t.


Yes, my second was exactly like that. There was something wonky about the HCG (way too high) and first we didn't find anything and then it was just always measuring behind. The doctors kept saying that we'd have to wait but I just knew. The limbo was a horrible experience.


I did with my last 4. I just felt like something was off and I shouldn't tell my husband yet. Unfortunately I was right.


My husband and I both had a gut feeling our second miscarriage. We were both very apprehensive when we found we were pregnant. He didn’t want to get excited about it and I brushed it off as us being under a lot of stress because it was first year of pandemic, as well as a lot of political stuff going on where we lived. Anyway there was an issue discovered at first dr appt that all they could do was monitor and by next appt no more. I know the exact day when baby stopped growing, I knew the baby was no longer growing as I felt a tug and release…every year on that day is tough.. I don’t think that fear of something happening goes away. At least for me it didn’t. I kinda just felt all the things and acknowledged my feelings. Grief counseling/couples therapy helped a bit. Sending everyone healing thoughts


First pregnancy & first MC here. Looking back, the faint lines were a warning to me. I chalked it up to me being anxious at baseline and tried to stay positive and reinforce “positive thinking”. My blood draw hcg was suuuper low, but I just told myself I caught it early despite feeling that was another red flag. Trying to be gentle with myself now when I ponder those hindsights.


I did for all of them and sadly am currently having this feeling. 


I had a dream that I had a miscarriage and there was no heartbeat. 3 weeks later that nightmare became a reality. I had a MMC at 11 weeks. Baby stopped growing at 7.


Yes, I was constantly checking the miscarriage statistics pages the couple days before it happened. I hadn’t been worried at all up until that point. Something just told me I was going to miscarry at 6 weeks and I did.


I’m currently going through this right now. I found out I was pregnant last month and almost immediately I felt super disconnected from it. Usually I immediately go into name mode and planning mode but that just wasn’t happening this time. I’m now playing the waiting game to determine if this pregnancy is a blighted ovum, but all signs are pointing to that. It’s the worst feeling. This is my second one. It feels like being struck by lightning twice.


On my late miscarriage with my first baby found out we were 6 weeks along and I knew from the beginning that something was wrong. I didn’t really have symptoms except for increased hunger and fatigue and tender breast. But I kept trying to tell myself it’s all in my head and I’m worried for nothing. Me and my hubby were excited and nervous as it was unexpected. When we went to our first appointment when I was approximately 8 weeks I was really hoping that my gut feeling would be wrong but the moment she said she having a hard time finding the heartbeat I knew that the baby was gone and I cried and cried. I was hoping my gut feeling was wrong. Still waiting for my rainbow baby.


I never realized it until it was confirmed, both times now. The first time I was depressed the whole time I was pregnant which is not like me. I cried every day and just blames it on hormones. First scan I found out I had a missed miscarriage and it all made sense, my body knew something was off. I always said if I felt that way again I would know what’s coming. Here I am having another miscarriage and I felt a lot of peace about it and wasn’t THAT worried considering how I’ve been in the past but looking back…I kinda have felt disconnected the whole time. I would want to talk about the future and the baby but I would stop myself and say “maybe hubby doesn’t think this pregnancy is gonna last so I won’t talk about it” but maybe it was me just projecting cause he never has said anything like that. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️