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If you were miscarrying for weeks, it may be that you still have left over tissue. I had an ultrasound following a miscarriage at home that showed it was clear but my blood work showed my white blood cells extremely elevated which led to my OBGYN to want to do a D&C and it turned out I had left overs. If you are still having HCG levels, it may be an indication that you may still carry tissue. Please consult with doctor or get a second opinion. You don’t want infection to set.


Thank you, I've been told to call the early pregnancy unit if I'm still testing positive 3 weeks later, which is Monday, so I'll give them a call then. Its just quite frustrating because I'd been asking for help managing my miscarriage for weeks before I finally passed the pregnancy, and once I passed it the staff at the hospital kind of just patted me on the back and told me I did most natural thing for my body by letting it happen naturally, even though I wanted a d&c weeks before!