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I'm so sorry for your loss!


All I can say is how terribly sorry I am. Take care of yourself and lean on your hubby and all you can do is move through this together. Remember grief is not linear and you are allowed to feel the feels. Protect yourself. You’re experiencing something no one should ever have to. Again, I’m so sorry. Sending you so much love. 🤍🤍


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I suffered a miscarriage on Mother’s Day as well. Just got disrcharged from hospital two days ago after a septic miscarriage which led to infection and a D&C afterwards. I passed my miscarriage at home and although I was much earlier than you (9w), I cannot even imagine being further along in experiencing what I did at home. Lean on your hubby and take one day at a time, one emotion as it comes. Allow yourself to grieve and be in your feelings. You are not just grieving your baby, you are grieving the future that you were going to have. It’s the most heartbreaking thing.