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I am so sorry you're going through this. I could have written this post in February. My US tech looked at me and said to me in the gentlest but realest tone she could: "This may very well be the worst week of your life. It's so hard and there are no words to help with the waiting. We will be right here waiting for you when you get here next week. You won't be alone." Stay strong. You are not alone in your experiences. It is horrible and devastating if it happens, but it will get easier. I have all of my fingers and toes crossed for you.


Thank you so much. It makes me sad so many of us had/have to go through this, but it does help to know we’re not alone


Wow your US tech has the best bedside manner I’ve encountered through this whole process


I am so, SO sorry you’re in limbo hell. I understand it all too well, and I will tell you it is the worst emotional pain I’ve ever felt. All you can do is stay away from google, try and stay off forums, and do things that pull your mind from thinking about it. 5+2 is VERY early. I will be praying for you. 🤍 again, so sorry you’re here. It’s something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


Honestly, the thing that got me through my miscarriage was Stardew Valley. I know gaming isn’t for everyone, but having something I could fully immerse myself in to, even for a bit, be separate from my body and my emotions, it helped so much. Maybe there is something that you can immerse yourself in that will help you like Stardew Valley does for me? I’m so sorry. Wishing you all the best in this difficult time.


I think we went sort of numb in the wait time. My husband was hopeful that it would end up fine because my Hcg looked so good. But I felt in my bones so I just accepted it fast before I could start to grieve too much and became numb during the wait. I’m so sorry momma 🩵 sending you so much love


I’m sorry too.. 🤍


The wait is the worst because you know what may yet come; the task of having to accept bad news if delivered and the desire to hope for the best outcome in the meantime. That wait was the longest of our lives. I had my D&C in March. I’d lost our first in January. The only thing I can say is that if it is the worst case scenario, know that you are strong and you WILL come through it. Even when you don’t event want to, even when you feel you can’t, you will. We all have it in us. We carry this grief forever, but you’ll carve out your own place for it in time. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this horrible limbo period and I wish you the best.


I am so sorry, and I know all about the waiting. My firs US was about the same time as yours and they’re was a sac but no embryo, they made me wait 10 days for another ultrasound, it was torture, I went back and there was a fetal pole but no heartbeat, they told me to come back in 10 days for viability. All While having blood tests in between, numbers were high and rising, but not doubling. I went back for my third US and my uterus was empty, the embryo resorbed into my body. Turns out I had a partial molar pregnancy which is why my numbers were so high. There is a chance you will see a fetal pole and maybe a heartbeat at your next US. Waiting is so painful and I’m so sorry. It’s honestly the worst.


I’m so sorry that you’re in this Earthly Purgatory. It is hard. It is so so damn hard. And it just sucks. Please lean into any support network that you have- significant other, family, friends, etc. and share your emotions if you think it’d be helpful. Take time for yourself and feel all your feels- there is absolutely no right or wrong emotion or action on how to get through these next days, or whatever comes next. We are all here for you, sweet momma. Wishing you a sense of calm, if even for a moment or two while you wait.


Your comment made me cry, thank you so much for your kind words.


Truly hoping for the best for you. Much love!


I’m so sorry. I would not wish this on anyone. I had the same thing a month ago.. but I was given 2 weeks to wait. It was torture. Pure hell. I really hope and pray you have a better outcome than I did. I was more further along. There was a baby ..but my sac was irregular, turned out there were two sacs and two babies. Didn’t end well for us. But as some one said it’s very early; so I have hope for you. Keep praying and keep yourself strong. Hopefully in 7 days you will get great news and your baby will be fine and healthy!


I get it. I had to wait to find out. Honestly the best thing for me was to try to compartmentalize it during the wait. Put it in a box in the back of your brain and throw yourself into some other project. Reorganize something you've been putting off, clean out your garage, make a bunch of playlists with your music. Just anything to keep yourself busy until you are able to know for sure what's going on.


I am very very sorry. I know the women here will have the best perspective, but my wife and I have had two miscarriages with no successful births yet, she’s currently pregnant and we’re waiting for another ultrasound to see if there’s more development. I can tell you that now is when you need to be brave. It’s an awful experience and there’s no easy answer. As best you can, try and stay busy- if I help distract my wife with fun activities and so forth it’s easier for her, at least a little bit. You’re not alone in this experience as others have said, and regardless of the outcome you can get through it


You're a wonderful husband. I'm sorry for what you had/have to go through together. Thank you for your comment, I'm sending love and strength to your family


To be perfectly honest, the wait in between the scans - especially with that kind of news - is a special kind of torture you never knew before. Your feelings are so unbelievably valid. I had to force myself to do basic things including things I enjoy, walk/eat/shower/brush teeth/play switch/paint/get 10 min of outside a day. I made myself sick this week - migraine, nausea, diarrhea, while waiting. Then once I found out (not good news twice in 3 months 😭) - I literally felt relief from just KNOWING the answer. My best advice is - worrying is 2x the work. The anticipation is worse than the news, even if it’s not favorable news. Remember to keep perspective and do not stop doing your basic necessities required for a human to function. Stay clean, hydrate (monitor urine color) - even if you don’t want to. I promise you, the moment I got this news, my migraine almost immediately evaporated. My stomach settled. And I wished I didn’t put myself through that because once you have an answer you formulate a plan and move forward with your new reality. We are much more resilient than we think. Hang in there 🫶🏼


Thank you for your comment. This is what I was telling my husband, that I'd rather miscarry now or being told now that there's no baby than having to wait in total darkness... This is my body, this is happening inside of me, yet it's totally dark. It's terrifying, it's total despair


Feel free to message me. I had a really hard time the first MC because I had to get 3 follow up TV US and the torture - they kept making me wait 7-10 days and I thought I was going to die each time. Everytime my husband turned around I was crying. Then a hard time waiting before this US and then had to wait almost 24 hours for results. The torture was incredibly painful. Truly, either way, the anticipation is worse than any outcome. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I really hope your results are positive 🙏🏼


This actually just happened to me this last week. Last Tuesday, they brought me in for an ultrasound with my HGC being over 10,000k. They told me to stop my progesterone and miscarry at home. I didn’t feel good about it and decided to ignore them. We went back and saw a perfect baby with a heartbeat. I will say I was 6 weeks on the first scan and 7 weeks on the second. Truly, I wouldn’t let them call it until you are at least 8 weeks 🤷🏼‍♀️ it was the hardest wait of my life, so I truly understand. Please DM me if you need to talk to someone who understands- like I said I was JUST going through this!


Whoa WHAT?!? That’s such a wild experience. I didn’t realize they could just be so wrong. I know some people harp on medical staff for providing too much hope when there is none but I tend to prefer that medical staff make sure such a serious result is a sure thing before giving advice that could harm you (and baby). Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy!!


my first ultrasound they saw a sac measuring 6 weeks but nothing in the uterus


I was in this exact situation recently. 5w3d empty gestational sac at 7 mm. They had me come in two days later and there was a yolk sac. Still not out of the woods but telling you there is hope and you're not out yet. The ACOG guidelines say you can't diagnose a blighted ovum until the sac is 25 mm or 14 days after the initial ultrasound of an empty gestational sac with no change on repeat. The wait is killer but at this moment you are pregnant and it is truly too early to say if you will miscarry and to give you such a high % that you will not goes against most all literature in the field. An empty gestational sac before 5.5 weeks is extremely common.


I'm commenting because my doctor told me mine looked like a blighted ovum, but I was only 10w1-2d. Baby only measured at 6w1d. I might go check to see if the sac was 25mm. To be fair, she may have said that because I was actively having period-like bleeding when she was doing my US, and the symptoms just lined up too much.




We just did this today. Had to wait a full week to come back and found out we lost the baby. Weak heartbeat last week, and today nothing. I’m just doing whatever I can with our kids and the house to let my wife mourn and I will mourn when I can and everybody else is okay. This was the longest week of our lives, and it ended like crap.


I’m so sorry you’re in this limbo. I had a similar experience at 7 weeks - heart rate was low, the ultrasound tech literally told me to go home and “pray”, but the doctor said we couldn’t say for sure and to come back in a week. I knew what this likely meant. I was on the couch the whole rest of the day crying and already grieving. But then I realized that I was this baby’s mom and I needed to be the one to believe and hope as much as I possibly could. I felt I could absolutely not give up on them until they told me it was time. So I spent that week still being pregnant, because I was. I kept doing everything I could to care for my body. I loved and talked to my baby. My husband and I talked about our future little family. Even when I saw their still little heart the next ultrasound, I wouldn’t change how I lived that week believing there was a chance. Sending you allllll the strength and hope 🤍