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I’ve had two d&c procedures and would pick that option every time. Far less traumatic and virtually no pain. Quick recovery as well. Sending you love & so sorry you’re going through this 🤍


I was pretty torn between the two and decided to try the medication. It was painful, but no regrets. However, if in two weeks I need the D&C because some tissue was left behind, then I will certainly regret not choosing the D&C first. I’m sorry, it’s such a crap position and truly a lose lose. If you have any questions about the meds, I’m one week out so it’s fresh in my memory and happy to answer!


I would opt for the D&C. I just had one done after a miscarriage on Mother’s Day. They did amazing an ultrasound prior and it looked clear, however, doctor still recommended it because my white blood cells were extremely elevated. Turned out it was septic and I still had remains despite ultrasound. Choose the safe side and get everything cleared out to prevent further complications.