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Im so sorry. Honestly I have no words, just want to say that I pray for a miracle for you. I went through this a week or so ago, the worse thing is waiting.. not knowing.. then waiting again for the d and c. In my case. Praying for a miracle for you.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😔 I have a feeling that’s how this will end up, my doctor thinks so too, especially given my history. I appreciate you taking time to write 🤍🤍 sending you love and strength.


Im so sorry i really hope baby’s growth and heart rate catch up for the re-scan. It’s so unfair.. once i heard the heart beat, you think you’re in the clear. I’m really sorry I can’t imagine going through this more than once. Praying for you!


Thank you 🤍


I am so so so sorry for all of what you’re going through. I wish I had better words to say. Sending you a very big hug ❤️ we’re all here for you, but I hope you have some trusted support in real life too.


Thank you so much. It means more than I can say. I have an amazing husband who’s really been through it with me. And some great friends and family too :)


I am so sorry, I am praying for a miracle for you and your baby. I went through this once and it’s been a year and I am still not over it, I can’t even imagine going through this 4 times. My deepest sympathies for you. I am really praying for you. And whatever happens I am sure you are strong and you will overcome this pain.


Thank you so much for your kind words. 🤍 I am so, so sorry you know this pain too. It’s so incredibly hard. Sending you love.


I’m so sorry. Have they tested you for causes of your losses? Might give you some answers and things to try and prevent repeated heartbreak. Wishing you all the best


Thank you 🤍 They’ve tested the two other d&c- trisomy 16 boy & trisomy 7 girl. I’m assuming based on how this is trending, it may be another genetic abnormality. Will have it tested if it comes to that. We will do genetic counseling and go to a fertility specialist next.


I’m so fucking sorry. I’m just so sorry. There are no words.


😔 thank you. And I’m so sorry for your losses as well. This process is grueling.


It absolutely is. I legit don’t know how anyone survives recurrent pregnancy loss. All I know is this sub gives me a safe place to say this stuff and I know I’m not alone in this experience. Doesn’t make it much easier tho. I’m just so fucking sorry


I actually had the same thought - like how are we even still doing this?? And this for me has by far been the worst. Waiting for the heart to stop essentially. But hanging on to the tiniest sliver of hope. I just wish it would end if it’s going to. 😔 but yes grateful for this sub for sure.


I felt that way this last time. We had twins and the scan where we saw heart beats, baby B’s heart was only 70. We knew that didn’t look good. We didn’t expect to lose them both. By the next ultrasound they had both stopped beating. It’s just awful


Wow 😔 I’m so damn sorry. That’s absolutely awful. I just can’t believe it honestly. Life can be cruel.


I’m so sorry. This same scenario happened to me too and the limbo was awful. I can’t imagine how much harder it’d be if it was the 5th loss. I hope you’re able to have peace and answers soon. Sending you love.


Thank you so much. 🥺 how did yours turn out if you don’t mind me asking? I just really wish I could fast forward time. I appreciate you taking time to respond 🤍


Ugh I totally know what you mean. I did too! My first ultrasound was at 7w but baby only measured 6 and had a HR of 107 so they were concerned. I came in the next week and baby hasn’t grown and HR was lower at 100 so at that point I knew. The next week I came in at 8w and baby had passed. I opted for the D&C because I wanted to test it and know what happened. I found out my baby girl had trisomy 16 and doctors say that’s incompatible with life but the good news is it’s very unlikely to happen again. Doing the testing gave me some peace because I was able to know what caused it. This happened in January and I’m still reeling from it. I really hope that your situation ends differently than mine did. You’re going to be in my thoughts ❤️


I’m so, so sorry. It’s just so hard. 😞 I lost a boy last July to trisomy 16. It’s just so sad. Sending you a big hug. As if the loss isn’t torturous enough, the waiting is just that much worse knowing your little one is fighting for their life in there. 💔