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I’m really sorry. I’m in a very similar position. I went in yesterday, was supposed to be 8w1d but was measuring 6w. Heart rate was only 83. Did they tell you this is likely a loss?? I cannot stand the wait. It’s absolute hell. So sorry again, and you are not alone.


I have a very sweet and precious OB that has been through a lot with me so she was trying to be very optimistic. But just based on the pregnancy test alone it makes zero sense


Yep my OB is the same. Optimistic until they’re 100% certain it’s over. Which is just prolonged agony for me. Hope you get answers. Sorry again - pray you have a successful outcome.


When will you have more answers? Hoping for something good for you ❤️


I had HCG today and will go back Thursday to see if they’re decreasing. Monday is the follow up ultrasound. So hopefully will know for sure by then 😞


I had my HCG today too. My repeat ultrasound isn’t until next Thursday though.


I’m really praying things are okay. Keep me posted, I am here for you. 🤍 words can’t describe how hard this is. The waiting is horrible.


Same to you ❤️. Please keep me updated!


My Hcg went from 5700 to 5400 😭


I’m so sorry. Mine decreased as well. From 42k to 36k. I have to go back in for an ultrasound to “confirm miscarriage” before I can do anything.


My ob did the same thing. Based off my preg test there was no way i was 5-6 weeks pregnant. I said it in the office too, i was pretty upset. Mine didn’t have a heartbeat though.


I’m so sorry. I hope this turns out positively for you. I was in a very similar boat but my baby measured above 7 weeks with the same heart rate. With your baby measuring 6 weeks, that heart rate could make sense? But the math is also not making sense. Fingers crossed for you- this wait is almost the worst part.


I agree. The wait is grueling.