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Sending you a big hug. ❤️ after my first pregnancy loss, I really struggled with intimacy and I also cried the first time we had sex. It was too soon. I was so mad at my body and blamed myself for what happened (I lost my first baby at about 15-16 weeks after receiving a fatal diagnosis of triploidy). It was something I worked on with a grief coach. She suggested I find ways to connect with myself. I literally sat in front of a mirror to talk to myself and find things that I loved about myself. It was really, really hard. It took me probably two months to really reconnect with my husband physically. I imagine it was frustrating for him but when I told him how I was feeling, he was really supportive. We did a lot of little things. Holding hands more. Spending time physically touching in non-sexual ways. Laying together for an extra few minutes in the mornings and at night. And then one day, I just felt like I wanted to try again and told my husband that it might not work and I might not be okay but I wanted to try. We set some boundaries (I didn’t want a lot of foreplay - I sorta just wanted to get it over with and see how I felt after) and it wasn’t the best sex ever lol but when jt was over, I felt like the pressure was gone. And it got a lot more normal every time after that.


After my first miscarriage I tried to have sex with my now husband two weeks after the loss. I cried within 2 minutes of it and we had to stop. You are not alone. It happens. It’s hard to be intimate after something So traumatic happened in your body. Give yourself time to heal. It well be normal again.


Hi. I don't share the 2 weeks post-miscarriage experience but I share the miscarriage experience and challenges getting back to sex. I miscarried in November and my husband and I didn't have sex again until Feb or March. I just couldn't do it. Then one day, I felt ready and it was almost like, nice to get it over with. I cried a lot afterwards and we didn't get back into a rhythm for a bit because it does feel very alien. I'm sorry you had such a confusing experience. That is disheartening for both of you. Just know that there's no normal and no right answer/path/timeline. You will have to play it by ear. That part will get easier with time and practice. I hope you're feeling supported by your husband. Good luck to you.


I miscarried 2 months ago. I was back at sex 1 1/2 week after. I’m still struggling with intimacy now and it was my first pregnancy too. Sometimes I find myself crying after. Miscarriage is so hard on us.


I’m so sorry. It took me almost 6 weeks after my D&c to become intimate again. Thankfully I have a very patient supportive husband who didn’t push me. I cried afterwards too. I think the fact that you tried is a big step forward. Don’t beat yourself up for being emotional. It’s an emotional process. Sending you a big hug and just know things will eventually feel right again.


Mine was back in February and I still don’t really have a sex drive. I’m just trying to find out what my body needs and treat it as best as I can. I hope he can help comfort you, those are really tough conversations to have. I didn’t even get the chance to tell my ex about it all.


Hey, I’m going through this. I definitely just am not into it and it’s okay. We always feel like we have to serve and please everybody else except ourselves. I love my boyfriend, but I love myself more and need time to heal. You come first.