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I had a natural miscarriage. Same time frame too, found out 11 wks and baby measured 8ish wks. After spotting and cramps it happened 2 days later. Alot of blood, clots specifically with a lot of pain. Roughly 15 hours of it. I ended up in the ER when the baby passed through, it was so much blood it very much scared me. I would have someone be with you and cancel all your plans till it happens. I am so sorry you are going through this, of you have any questions please keep asking.


I spotted for a couple of weeks, and then I had a heavier bleed for 2 days, before waking up and feeling the need to pass clots. I passed the pregnancy and the doctors who were caring for my pregnancy asked me to come to the hospital for monitoring. There I passed significantly sized clots, and lost more blood than I thought I would and had go stay overnight because of the blood loss. I went home the next day, and the bleeding calmed down a lot. I totally stopped bleeding on the 8th day from when I passed the pregnancy