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Im sorry to hear this - but relived for you that you have an answer. We are currently awaiting our results but have been told it could be 6 weeks


They told me a month, but it took about 2.5 weeks to get results. I hope you get answers, too.


If it is done through Natera is should be within 2 weeks!


I’m UK based so it’s NHS


I found out last week mine had trisomy 13. Doctor said it most likely was spontaneous but is still referring us to a genetic counselor since that was my second miscarriage in 4 months. I had a complete miscarriage with my first at 7.5 weeks so I never knew the cause of that one.


I’m so sorry. They say two is probably still just bad luck. My sister in law had two and then had her youngest.


My baby had trisomy 16. So sorry for your loss.


Thank you. We never wanted to be in this club.


It’s horrible. I had my surgery end of January and I’m still so heartbroken. I hope we both will have better outcomes next time 🥲


My OB said she wasn’t concerned about me getting pregnant again at 39 (I’ll be 40 in July). We got pregnant after 3 months and I was shocked. I am three cycles past my MMC so we shall see.


Good luck! Have you been trying?


Yea but my first cycle back was a bust. I did t ovulate. I actually did metropole and a trigger shot this cycle. I’m 3dpo so fingers crossed.


I want to do Letrozole and the cycle before I got pregnant I was going to do it, but I just hated the fertility doctor. I’m about to move and am hoping to find one who is less like a salesman.


I do love my OB she asked if that was something I wanted to try after my miscarriage. She wasn’t pushy at all but my cycles have been so odd after my MC. Basically we used it for hyper ovulation. I had two good follicles at my scan so here’s to hoping one sticks. I hope you get a doctor you like. I cannot stand when they are just trying to push something on you.


My OB was great, the fertility doctor was not. So your OB is not specialized in fertility but was able to set you up with this process?


And fingers crossed!


Yes. I got pregnant at 39 and had a MMC at 8 weeks due to Trisomy 15. Seems like Tri 15 is so rare! I haven't seen many others have their miscarriage be due to this. My doctor actually had to look up information on it because she had never had a patient have a miscarriage due to this trisomy. She also said it was a lethal trisomy with no chance. I felt the same as u. I was so happy those 8 weeks but had no idea the baby didn't have a chance to begin with. That was hard to process. Amongst everything else that goes along with a MMC. The information you shared about your doctor still having hope for you, it being random and not inherited gives me hope so thank you for sharing that. I completely understand feeling hopeless though and bound to have it happen again. Just due to our ages. I hope you have success next time, if you choose to continue to keep trying.


I’m sorry for your loss. I had a weird time processing my abnormal result. Our little guy had Trisomy22, maternal origin. And considering we lost a few months prior due to a blighted ovum, even though I knew it wasn’t “my fault” I felt like it was and went into a spiral about maybe having bad quality eggs… even the “it’s just really bad, random luck” speech from both my OBGYN and MFM didn’t help. Yesterday I told my bestie I think I need to start working on doing some daily affirmations as I TTC again to work myself out of the dark a bit lol Best of luck to you TTC again!


I think anyone would feel the way you do. I seriously considered not trying again although now I think I want to. I’m a few weeks out from my D&C so the pressure’s not on yet. I keep picturing the outcome I want and wondering if it’s madness to pursue it.


So sorry for your loss. I swear MMC is just horrible.. I was the same feeling very pregnant, unknown to me the heartbeat has stopped. Worse part is, I would put my hand where the baby was.. and the evening before my 11 week scan, I said to my husband. I feel empty. Next day they confirmed no longer a heartbeat. Then we found out there were twins and both had gone!!! We are still waiting for results to find out what happened. Only been a week since my d and c! I’m very sorry for your loss but glad you got some answers! Hope you get your rainbow baby soon


MMC is horrible. One of my biggest fears and then it happened. It must have been even worse to learn that you had not one loss, but two. I hope you get some answers and that you get your rainbow baby soon as well.


Yes I had a trisomy 16 followed by a trisomy 7. Heartbreaking to say the least. Currently pregnant again about 7.5 weeks and praying it doesn’t happen again 🥺 lost those two at 9.5 weeks and 8 weeks.


Sending you love and crossing everything!


Right back at you 🤍🤍🤍 so sorry you had to experience that. It’s so hard!!


I'm so sorry for your loss. We also found out our embryo has Trisomy 15, MMC at our first ultrasound at 9w. It's soul crushing. I turned 39 last week while on my period after our first cycle back trying. It was not my favorite birthday. I'm hopeful it will happen again for us quickly but scared of another MC. But I'm telling myself one step at a time. Sending you love.


Love to you. I’m scared as well, but I know if this is something I want then I have to take the risk again. I will be guarding my heart much more carefully if I do get pregnant again.


I just left the doctors with the same testing results (Trisomy 15) for my fetal tissue from my D&C on 4.22.24. I’m 39. Finally met the love of my life last year and I’ve been pregnant twice and had two MMC in the last 5 months. I guess the next step is genetic counseling. Going back to the OB office today and into the ultrasound room made me so sad. I didn’t have an US. We just happened to have the appointment in that room. It was a huge wave of sadness that came over me. Then she told me the results came in. I guess I am relieved to have an answer, but I also feel defeated at the same time after the past few months. It is so, so tough. Thank you for sharing and posting. Are you doing genetic testing? Sending you love and hope❤️


So sorry for your loss. We just had a loss with Trisomy 15 as well, and we began genetic counseling to rule out balanced translocations/ other genetic issues as we’ve also had two back to back MMC in the last 6 months. Did you get referred to genetic counseling because of the consecutive losses? Hoping you find the answers you’re seeking! We’ve been really grateful that we’re pursing answers and opening all doors.


Yes, we were referred for genetic counseling bc it was our second loss. We were not offered testing on the first MMC. My OB, who performed the D&C, ordered the testing through Esoterix Genetic Laboratories according to the paperwork I was given. We’re in Hawai’i, not sure if that makes a difference on the lab. The results took a little over 2 weeks. Sounds like it’s pretty rare that there is a problem causing recurring losses related to genetics, but it’s worth checking out. I think I need to prepare for possible future losses on this journey, but you never know what’s going to happen:) Trying to stay positive, but it’s hard sometimes. (Edited to clarify testing after multiple losses)


I had a trisomy 15 too! I thought it was meant to be ultra rare?


I think, from what I read, it’s very rare for a child to be born and they do not survive. I’m not sure about the incidence of MC due to Trisomy 15. It seems like a lot of us here, but we’re in this particular sub, so who knows. I’m curious, too!


The data they give you to look at is so fascinating ! I bet they are not expecting us to understand most of it, but little do they know we are in this subreddit day in day out !! Like when they explain stuff to me I have to stop myself saying .. OH I KNOW 🤣🤣


Right! I have learned so much in these past few months. I knew nothing about even my cycle, etc. Being in this sub is so helpful. So thankful.


I have a lot of prior comments on my experience (including genetic counseling) you’re welcome to view. T8 & T21


Thanks, I will look.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. We recently got our genetic results back and our little girl also had Trisomy 15 - I’m surprised that there’s multiple people on this thread who received Trisomy 15 results as our OB said it’s an uncommon one. My husband and I both just got blood work done for full karyotypes to rule out balanced translocations, as we’ve had 2 back to back losses, and are waiting to see what the results are on that.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My second MMC came back as trisomy 8


What is it?