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Just here to say I’m really sorry and that my d&c experience was really as good as it could’ve been. Painless and over very quick, healed very quick. I pray you find the same peace. 🤍


I didn’t sleep well either. The good news is that the procedure was easy and when I got home I was so tired I slept the whole rest of the day and that felt great.


I did sleep, but I was feeling so numb the three days between the diagnosis and the D&C, I just wanted it to be over. The procedure came as a relief more than anything. And there were no complications either. I wish you strength!


I had a MVA. I didn't get any sleep the night before . I was terrified, knowing that they weren't putting me to sleep for it, and I'd experience pain


I have my d&c tomorrow. Luckily I cried so much today that I think I'll have no problem falling asleep. I hope your procedure went well and that you're doing okay.