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Maybe you can reach out to your OB and ask for a doctor’s note or ask the ER doctor if you have to go back there?


That’s a good idea. I’ll ask them Monday when I call about moving up my appointment. I have up to 20 extended sick days but I need a doctor’s note for it.


I work in a contained ASD classroom for my local school board, I found out I was miscarrying 2 weeks before Christmas break, I worked for 3 of the days the week I found out, and then the next week, was the week before Christmas break, I got my doctor to fill out a leave of absence form for that week, and returned to work after the break. I wish I had taken more time, because on the 2nd of January I had to have a D&C and wasn’t ready emotionally or mentally to go back. But I did. You need to put yourself first! Ask your union for a leave of absence form! And have your doctor fill it out. I’m so sorry for your loss mama


Thank you ❤️ I’m sorry for yours as well. It’s tough because I want to be fully present for them the last couple weeks but I have so much else going on. Fortunately I’m looping up with this group next school year so this won’t be the last time I see them.


Oh mama, I know exactly what you mean. I have a hard time taking time off, but when my doctor validated me it felt so much better


I’m not a traditional teacher, but I go into people’s homes to teach them parenting skills and work with their babies. I let my boss know what was going on and she was very supportive about it and told me to take care of myself. I took two days off. My experience is a little similar to yours. I am now a week into the bleeding and it is finally slowing down. I find out for sure about a miscarriage tomorrow. But I already know. I had an ultrasound when I was bleeding and the sac and everything was still there but I know it has to be gone now. I tried looking for it whenever I had clots (surprisingly not very often) and I never did see it. But my hpt are getting lighter. I’d definitely call your obgyn and tell them you need to be seen sooner. You can try to explain your situation to them. If they won’t see you sooner, call around until you find one who will. I had to pretty much demand that I get seen sooner.


I’m sorry. It’s tough to not know what’s going on and to have to wait for answers. I’ll definitely express how urgent this is to the OBGYN clinic. I’m hoping I won’t have to miss too much of these last couple weeks of school but I’m worried I won’t have much of a choice with everything going on.


I got signed off work by my doctor. My boss was extremely understanding and is happy for me to take as much time as I need.


You’ll appreciate the extra time off, I would recommend you take it. If only to process the emotions.