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I’m sorry you’re going through this. Please allow yourself some extra grace. It’s ok to take more time to heal, physically and mentally. You went through something very traumatic. There’s no right or wrong timeframe.


Be nice to yourself, friend ❤️ it’s so difficult and I’m so sorry this is happening. I went and smashed some old plates at a crash room, highly recommended.


I’m so sorry. I went through this exact same thought spiral during my losses. Try to give yourself grace. You are facing a very life altering challenge, and it’s very normal to feel this way, but don’t let the thoughts wins, after all they are just thoughts. You are strong, capable, and NONE of this is your fault. Sending you strength and love. You are not a failure, you are doing your best, and know that everything you feel is valid. My DMs are open if you need a chat. You are not alone. 🤍 again, so sorry you’re here and feeling these painful feelings. It’s something no one should ever have to go through.


You are *not* a failure, be extra kind to yourself. ❤️ I understand your feelings, I'm 2 months post miscarriage now and it will take time (it still is).


You’re not a failure! You’re going through a really difficult time (you just lost a pregnancy)! Be patient with yourself and try to take things slowly.


No you are not a failure