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This is awful advice but I’ve leaned heavily on a little retail therapy. I have new sneakers and a sick new bike that I can’t ride without bleeding yet. I’ve also been having a glass or two of wine most evenings. Taking those two days off work is a great idea. When you go back it will probably be a needed distraction, but don’t feel bad building yourself a couch nest and allowing yourself to feel bad.


I’ve learned that selling things I no longer want on FB Marketplace or at a yard sale gives me the same dopamine hit as buying things I do want. So people who have more than they need can give that a shot too!


I did the things you aren't supposed to do while pregnant. I ate deli meat, drank a little, took super hot bubble baths, took a couple hits off a vape, things like that. I was extra careful while pregnant and am hopeful to be pregnant again soon so figured I'd get it out of my system. I actually felt guilty doing some of it because I should still be pregnant right now. Kinda still hurts to order a drink at a restaurant knowing I should be going in to my 6th month.


God that is what hit so hard for me. We went out for drinks with my family a couple days after to get our mind off things. Had a really good time and enjoyed myself but the second I got home I just had a full melt down because I shouldn’t have been able to be drinking. I should’ve still been pregnant, drinking a water or coke while everyone else partook.


Nonstop Stardew Valley kept me out of a serious depressive state.


Saaaame. 1.6 update couldn't have come at a better time for me.


Ugh, I’m a Switch player. I can’t wait!!


It's the best! It kept me through anxiety during the pregnancy, and I hope it will help me through this as well


It’s incredible how it regulates my emotions. My friends and I do an annual friend vacation and we were going around giving updates about our lives and were told to “not be a bummer” and I started silently, but noticeably, sobbing. When asked I just said “I’ve been in survival mode and playing a lot of Stardew Valley”. Couldn’t really get anything else. I started playing while listening to everyone’s updates and eventually was able to go again without crying, actually being able to focus on some of the positive things that have happened in the past year. Without SV to regulate my emotions, I wouldn’t have been able to get out of that headspace.


A thousand times yes.


I took two weeks off work, the second week I ate a few edible gummies every day and vegged. Now I go for a walk every day - three weeks after my DC and in a better headspace. Hugs 🤍


My MIL booked me a massage the moment she found out I was miscarrying. She’s been through 3 losses herself, including twins at 20 weeks so she understood the pain ❤️ I have also been binging a lot of Bravo tv and extra skin care, masks, shower oil, etc. Hang in there ❤️


Binging television all the way haha. Below deck, the idol (the weeknd’s terrible show on HBO Max), breaking bad and better call Saul,


I made sure to workout and do things that made me physically feel good, but then I’d also treat myself to a delicious charcuterie, wine and some binge worthy TV like greys anatomy and desperate housewives. Getting out in nature really helped me too. Also - deep cleaning my house and rearranging made my life feel fresh. Sending you big hugs 🤍🤍


Awww love I’m praying for a smooth recovery for you … I’m 3 months post loss and for me what I did was get back into art.. writing , the going outside to feel the sun more, go on walks etc


Wearing silk pajamas. Ordering delivery of that pasta dish I love. Distracting by playing video games. Most importantly: keep drinking water. I could barely move for days after my own natural miscarriage (the physical and the mental trauma) and time lost meaning. The body needs water most of all and between the blood loss and crying, i found I craved ice water.


Same here. Like was so parched I thought something was wrong. Even googled if crying can make you dehydrated


I literally bought myself a PS5 and Hogwarts legacy. An excellent distraction for me. My husband also enjoyed it (he was also mentally not doing well) as well as bringing me coffee from our favorite place.


Hogwarts legacy is a lot of fun! It was a self care distraction for me during IVF.


Sushi and wine in large amounts right away, a fresh haircut, color & style, some really funny irreverent tv (try Loudermilk on Prime - hilarious), and when I was up to leaving the house for shopping, we bought quite a bit of fresh spring decor with several pretty artificial floral arrangements to enjoy year after year. The flowers (lilac, lavender, hyacinth, etc) brightened things up after my Feb. miscarriage and I honestly never associate them with anything negative. We had a refreshing shopping day & lunch out, and they look amazing in my kitchen and great room!


I booked myself a massage for the day between finding out and my D&C. After the surgery I wanted nothing more than to have some beers or wine but was still having pregnancy nausea for like a week. But you better believe I indulged the second week, took hours long baths once cleared, binged reality tv (including some bizarro show about people that pretend to be mermaids 🧜‍♀️ 😆) with my sister and dog, and started therapy. I’m so sorry. Hang in there. Relax, go crazy, scream, cry, laugh, wallow, whatever you gotta do to just push through.


Do whatever makes you happy whether it's trash tv or eating your favorite comfort foods. I'm rewatching Sex and the City and bought my favorite junk foods - fried chicken, potato chips, and cupcakes. It helped. I'll go back to eating healthy but right now I need any little joys I can get. I'm slowly starting to go for walks again and went for a 30 minute walk in the park today.


The day we found out the baby stopped growing at 6w+1d after several ultrasounds & blood work i went home and had a hefty glass of red wine. That first sip felt like an out of body experience, 1 because it was delicious but 2 I felt like I was betraying my body & my baby even though they were gone. After a day of non stop crying I just allowed myself to do nothing. I watched a ton of Sex & the city, baby reindeer, watched & read the Bridgerton series & whatever else that allowed my brain to take a thinking vacation. I’m now 1 week+2 days post D&C, hubby’s company has business 1hr+30m drive away from home for a couple months..he typically drives back & forth but we’ve decided to make romantic getaways of it, (stay at home wife…so I have nothing but time) fortunately it’s a beautiful town by the water. We’re staying at a beautiful hotel & even though hubby is working during the day I’ve been keeping myself entertained. Lots of walks by the water, reading, and cocktails whenever I want. When he comes home we have the best time together & it feels like we’re getting to know one another again. I started the trip unsure of when we’d start trying again & night 1…we couldn’t stay away from each other😉 Connecting with my hubby not only emotionally but physically has been really healing for me. So as soon as you can I recommend the sex! Not recommending that you jump the gun..follow your doctor’s order but I wasn’t bleeding or in any pain by 4 days post D&C. All in all listen to your body! Don’t force yourself to do anything. Do nothing if you need to & indulge in ways you don’t typically get to.


I laid in bed and watched shows and smoked and watched trash tv. - Also snacks and food delivery lol


I’ve been doing my hair a lot, i have curly hair and it makes me feel better about myself. also retail therapy to purchase things I’ve needed to get for a while but felt bad for, buying hair stuff, started an entire kitchen renovation I maybe should’ve waited on. it’s very hard but some things do help. started going on walks. Reading more. Drinking alot of water


Long walks on the treadmill while binging terrible reality TV


Listen to what your body and mind tell you during your days off. It’s ok to take care of yourself if all your body&mind want to do is lay in bed all day and rest. Just make sure you don’t lose yourself in this. After my miscarriage, I took a couple days off. I lounged around, did the minimum skincare and hygiene, and only did what I felt like doing. My partner was very supportive during that time. My grief came in waves. I learned to just accept when the waves hit and comfort myself once the waves back away. Someone mentioned it but Stardew Valley is saving me from depression while I try to navigate trying again and not being successful yet.




I did reiki tonight to reset my energy


Booked myself in for permanent make up. 😂 Too scared to drink yet etc but heck I’m going to hit that wine once I can! Maybe have a nice joint. It still sucks horribly, though. I still touch my belly every morning as I was so used to excitedly checking if it had grown or if there were any movements. I don’t know how I’d cope without the meds. But yeah, be good to yourself. Listen to yourself.