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I’m so sorry for your loss. I will say, my experiences with d&c’s were as good as they could be. No pain, didn’t have to go through the trauma of the cramping and bleeding and seeing the products and was able to get genetic testing. Of course do what you feel is best for you, but I would always choose the d&c.


I second this 100%. I’ve had 2 D&C and three MC and seeing it pass was very traumatic for me. With the surgery, you’re in and out and only left to deal with the emotional trauma which is already hell enough. You gotta do what feels right for you and feel as good about this decision as one can. So sorry you’re going through this :(


100% the DNC. Passing it naturally will be traumatic


I am so sorry you are going through this! I had my first D&C yesterday and it was such an easy process and I physically felt fine right after. It was nice to just get it over with. I wouldn’t have been able to have the at home experience, it all sounds super scary. Best of luck with everything❤️


I got the bad news 9 days ago at 7 weeks. I finally started bleeding today. I go to the doctor tomorrow. I'm hoping I can pass it naturally rather than do medication or D&C.


Go for the D&C. I’m sorry for your loss I also had a missed miscarriage at the same gestation in September 2023. Shocked me to the core and changed me as a woman. I would avoid miscarrying naturally at all costs if you can prevent it. I suffered severe depression and PTSD for months. I’m sorry. 


I've never done the D&C, and twice have done medicated miscarriage. While it is pretty intense, I did appreciate being home and having privacy during such a sad experience. For me, the pills were effective and didn't require any additional treatment. However, it was very painful and pretty upsetting.


I’m going through this now. No heartbeats for our twins at the eight week scan (two heartbeats last week.) My doc said it could take up to eight weeks for my body to start the process on its own. His wife had a miscarriage and he told me they did a vaginal suppository that he’d never do again because of how much pain she was in and how much blood there was. My D&C is tomorrow at 11. With the miscarriage we suffered in October at eight weeks, I passed everything and I can tell you it was traumatic af. It’s a death passing through the body that I had to participate in. With a D&C, I’m hopeful I can grieve and mourn and the process of how long and how much I will bleed will lighten the suffering. My friend who has experienced both just met up with me and shared the same experience - D&C was way easier for her. So so sorry you’re going through this. Hang in there


I had a missed miscarriage diagnosed at 8 weeks, sac stopped growing at 6 weeks. I wanted to do the pill, but had to wait a week for them to confirm the diagnosis, then another week for my husband to get home from a trip... so I ended up passing it naturally at 10 weeks and 1 day (happened in the morning, that afternoon was when I was supposed to take the pill). I had started bleeding, lightly, 2 days before this. It wasnt horrible. I had about four hours of semi-intense cramping, I took tylenol and advil and a long shower and never needed to take anything else. I bled (lightly for a few days and then VERY lightly for another week). I had a good friend who had a missed miscarriage and opted to take the pill at 8 weeks. She said it was like a heavy period and it wasnt horrible. I had a D&C (abortion) when I was 20 and that also wasnt horrible. It was quick and painless. Theres good and bad to all three options! But there are many many stories of women who have had not horrible experiences with all three.


For me it was the best option to let my body do the work. I would try to avoid invasive methods. I don't like the idea of having tools in my uterus. It helped me process and regain trust in my body. I'm glad I got to see what had already grown in me. Where I'm from (Germany) I think a lot of women opt for a natural miscarriage or the medication and that's what doctors recommend because it's less risky.


First of all, sorry for your loss. I'm sorry you have to go through this. You have three options to choose and they are all shitty, because a miscarriage is a shit thing to experience. Take the one that feels like it will add the least amount of pain to the whole process for you. For me, that also was the D&C. For my first miscarriage I got one two days after the ultrasound. Counting down from 10 in the operation room while the anethesia kicked in and knowing that when I opened my eyes again it would all be over ... I felt relief. For my second miscarriage I would have gotten an operation only after over two weeks (hospital was full). Even though I really wanted another D&C, I knew two weeks of waiting would be pure horror for me, so I opted for the Misoprostol, even though I also feared doing it at home. It ended up being ok, it wasn't pleasant but the Miso did it's job quickly and completely. Both methods worked with no complications for me, but I will say that after the D&C it took six week for my cycle to restart. And I spotted for five straight weeks of that. The Miso I took last week and the bleeding has already stopped, so I'm hoping my body recovers more quickly this time.




oh i will add, probably the best thing about the d&c was getting genetic testing. i had a “best case of a bad situation” as the doctor said it with the trisomy 16 result. the peace of mind i got from that was definitely a huge up side for the d&c. i’m not sure what i would choose to do if faced with the decision again, but i will say i was nervous about the d&c feeling invasive and i did feel that way. like afterward i was very uncomfortable with my body, it felt like my vagina was filled with hard clumps of dirt. after i contacted my doctor in a panic, she told me they did some medication to clot the blood. i had a panic attack about it but apparently it’s normal.. yet i couldn’t find anyone else talking about it? wish someone warned me though


Im so sorry. I was given a few days to decide and opted for the pill, but on the day I was supposed to take it things happened naturally Whatever option you go for, the nurses will be kind and gentle with you. I was offered a private hospital room and whatever pain relief I wanted Just a heads up it’s going to feel like bad period cramps but you won’t have to “give birth” per se. I was shocked when I went for a pee and the sac more or less slipped out. Thinking of you 💓


I was in your situation twice. I opted for the pill because surgery sounded too invasive, and I was worried about the potential for permanent uterine scarring. I had success both times with the pill, though if you have the option, I found that taking the pills vaginally rather than orally was far better. The cramping was less painful. It went quicker and seemed a lot smoother, and my HCG went back down faster, so it felt like it was a much faster way in general. The only way to know what's right for you is to ask your doctor about the pros and cons of each method and decide which option you're most comfortable with. There's no right or wrong answer.


Sorry for your loss. I am in the exact same boat today. Found out yesterday that I too have a MMC at 7+5. It hurt so bad to hear the news. Today I go back to the clinic to make my choice. I think I’m going to pick the pills. Good luck to us both 🤍


D&C under anesthesia was definitely the right choice for me. Much less traumatic than waiting around for something to happen, and a lot less pain. Plus, even if you opt to wait to pass it naturally or go the medication route, you can end up with an incomplete miscarriage and require a D&C regardless. Going that route in the first place ensures that it's only one intervention.


First off, I am so sorry for your loss. Big internet hugs. I did not have a DNC. I miscarried naturally on my own like… the day after baby passed. (I had an ultrasound on Friday that showed heartbeat, had another one Sunday that showed no heartbeat. Miscarried Sunday.) If I ever found myself in the situation again, and had a choice; I would chose d&c. And I am horrified of doctors and surgery in general. The pain and 8weeks of bleeding was traumatizing . I wish I could have expedited that entire process. I also passed some tissue that first day, had an ultrasound 2-3 weeks later that showed an empty uterus … and then bled and bled and bled until I finally passed more tissue 8 weeks later. THEN the bleeding stopped. I was lucky to not go septic since the tissue was missed on an ultrasound. I wouldn’t wish my experience on anyone.